
Moraghan Coaching - kaysdee



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    I'm the same about distances - I like everything from 5K to HM! Jack-of-all-trades etc...., that's meimage

    I seem to have reached a plateau at 10k (probably my best distance) and need to change something soon I think. No, my last parkrun was New Years Day (hangs head in shame). Always a reason not to and, if I'm honest, a fear of failure as my target is to get under 20 mins and I worry about not being able to. Silly really, as I know I can (just!) and should have the bottle to get out there and try...

    Good luck with your training - it seems to be going really well for you now.
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    10K is probably my worst distance!

    It might interest you that they have paced events every month now at parkrun. I think there is one this weekend, sub 20, 25, 30, 35 and if you ask extra nicely, sometimes they'll do something specific for you, like if you had a sub 19 target.

    Maybe you won't find it psychologically as bad if you just have to stay with someone rather than going for it yourself?

    I think I'm in sub 20 shape at the moment and I'm keen to put it to the test!

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    I enjoyed my run tonight, but must confess I forgot about the "very easy" request until I was half way through. Luckily, as mentioned earlier, I had already decided to run the easy miles a touch slower, but I probably should have done it around 9.10. It felt fine though, no ill effects from the 10K.

    6.01m, avg 8.52

    Split Summary
    1)  - 1m - 8:51(8:51/m) - 95cal
    2)  - 1m - 8:52(8:52/m) - 98cal
    3)  - 1m - 8:37(8:37/m) - 97cal (my club were coming out to do their session and I got dragged along talking to someone for this mile)
    4)  - 1m - 8:57(8:57/m) - 96cal
    5)  - 1m - 8:58(8:58/m) - 96cal
    6)  - 1m - 8:59(8:59/m) - 96cal
    7)  - 0.01m - 7(8:47/m) - 1cal 

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    Thanks Kelly. Yes, I'd heard about the pacing. Great idea. I'm away this Saturday (in any case I've done a 10k and 10m race in the last week) but will definitely have a go at the 5k soon. 10k is probably my best distance at the minute but as they say stamina lasts longer than speed as one ages, then longer distances may suit me better in the future. Not tempted by a marathon just yet though....
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    V quick post as it's past my bedtime. Just answering Mrs D before I forget - Abingdon and target is a PB of any description.
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    CC2 - I thought of you when I saw that a double bill of Iron Maiden and Ozzy Osbourne tribute bands were due to play Rock City!

    Kelly - I'm toying with the idea of suggesting a 5k race between now and the HM.  I just need a little push!

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    That's a good idea, I'm glad you came up with it, I would have never thought that.

    How about a little sharpener, say... 2 weeks before? I suppose I could drag myself out of bed on a Saturday morning one week. If I must.

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    If you'd never considered it it's probably a bad idea then isn't it.  So perhaps we should just forget it.
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    Touche image.

    Be careful otherwise I might just go out one morning and come back with a race report image.

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    Pained expression in the finishing straight when I realised I was going to miss out on sub 42 by seconds


    I should stick to fun runs. I even let her beat me image -

    fun run

    Very enjoyable run this morning, effort levels low, even though it was blowing a gale. Maybe that was just down to the euphoria of waving each of the kids off.

    I'm sitting in silence and finished my 10miler nearly an hour ago. I love school image. My luck held out and I didn't need to pause once for traffic - not often I get a continuous run.

    10.44m, avg 8.55

    Split Summary
    1)  - 1m - 8:53(8:53/m) - 95cal
    2)  - 1m - 8:57(8:57/m) - 96cal
    3)  - 1m - 8:56(8:56/m) - 96cal
    4)  - 1m - 8:55(8:55/m) - 97cal
    5)  - 1m - 8:55(8:55/m) - 98cal
    6)  - 1m - 8:53(8:53/m) - 98cal
    7)  - 1m - 8:53(8:53/m) - 97cal
    8)  - 1m - 8:56(8:56/m) - 96cal
    9)  - 1m - 8:56(8:56/m) - 98cal
    10)  - 1m - 8:54(8:54/m) - 97cal
    11)  - 0.44m - 3:57(8:55/m) - 43cal
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    And the little one. Oh the shame when hubby lined up wearing a jacket image.


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    Mr VMr V ✭✭✭

    Kelly - I like the matching outfits image. All my pics look like I'm in serious pain as well. I guess that's what happens when you go out at pretty much 5k pace in a 10k! I think you'll have a lot of improvement to filter through from the high mileage you've been hitting.

    Graham - Fellow Claremonter here. I'll leave you guessing who image

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    Yes, she was insistent in getting the same colour as me. She really wants to join the juniors, but has 2 more years to wait. I'm sure I can keep her occupied with fun runs in the meantime.

    Nothing like a series of  race pictures to prove you aren't the finely tuned athlete that you envision image. Still a serious heel strike and still crossing my arms over my body, no matter how much I think I've improved it - obviously not!

    I took a chance on those mens Bostons and they arrived today. The fit feels fine, but they are slightly different in the physical design. The heel feels lower and the tread is different - how bizarre - but they feel good, are lighter than the female version and more importantly were £30 cheaper! If they work out when it comes to running in them, at least I'll know for the future. Mens shoes are often cheaper and have much better colours.

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    Kelly - those are fab pictures of the kids at the run.  No one ever really gets a flattering pic at a race, although you and your hubby are looking pretty composed with the kids. image
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    Wow look at you mrs lean, mean running machine image
    Great photos, didnt notice the heel striking!!! image
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    You'd have to scroll back to the undesirable ones where my arms and legs are all over image.

    Subtle, but I think there is a change from last year in terms of body shape.


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    Mr Viper wrote (see)

    Graham - Fellow Claremonter here. I'll leave you guessing who image

    Runs over 50 miles a week, sub-18m 5K, been injured this year? I can have an educated guess!

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    Moraghan - tribute bands? Really? I think not!

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    Kelly - I also love your matching outfits. Ben and hubby need to try harder on that front though.

    You certainly are looking leaner and fitter, that diet clearly works! That and increased mileage of course. Speaking of which, I'm on targed for my first ever 70 mile week this week. I'll be catching you up soon.

    Well, I won't. Because I only have 2.5 weeks until taper, one of which is a cut back for the GNR. And post marathon I'll be having a nice rest for a while.

    Except for the random 10k I entered on a whim cos it sounds like fun. The Spooky Sprint. Run in the dark with headtorches. Fancy dress encouraged.
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    That sounds like fun image.

    3m easy last night and a yogalates class. Body balance is no more image.

    Tough session this morning. 3m easy to steady | 7m progressive from MP to tempo | cd image

    I was really dreading it and thought today would be the day that the 10K caught up with me, but it was actually quite manageable in the end. Warm up miles felt tiring and I had visions of it being a simple MP run, if that. I started off on the slower end of MP and had no particular paces in mind to aim for, simply that the next mile would be faster than the last. The first couple of miles felt laboured and then I got into the zone, breathing eased off and it was ok after that. I was working at the end, but not flat out and it didn't feel like 10K pace, so I think the effort was right.

    Still a bit of a slog though as it is STILL windy and it was mildly undulating all the way.

    Despite complaing in the past that I hate a long cool down after a session - I think now that is just after hill sessions - I didn't feel like I could just stop so suddenly (cd was to be around 0.5m looking at the mileage target), so just continued on for a couple of easy miles. I had some time to kill anyway before pilates.

    I just did pilates nice and easy - I wasn't capable of anything difficult anyway image. A nice stretch to loosen off some tight muscles. 

    So, a productive morning indeed.

    12.01m, avg 7.56

    Split Summary
    1)  - 1m - 8:51(8:51/m) - 94cal
    2)  - 1m - 8:46(8:46/m) - 96cal
    3)  - 1m - 8:15(8:15/m) - 97cal
    4)  - 1m - 7:53(7:53/m) - 98cal
    5)  - 1m - 7:46(7:46/m) - 98cal
    6)  - 1m - 7:33(7:33/m) - 99cal
    7)  - 1m - 7:26(7:26/m) - 97cal
    8)  - 1m - 7:18(7:18/m) - 97cal
    9)  - 1m - 7:11(7:11/m) - 96cal
    10)  - 1m - 6:57(6:57/m) - 97cal

    11)  - 1m - 8:30(8:30/m) - 95cal
    12)  - 1m - 8:50(8:50/m) - 95cal
    13)  - 0.01m - 7(8:20/m) - 1cal 
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    Another 3m easy tonight and I figured I deserved a treat so paused half way through to buy a Curly Wurly, which I've just eaten image. It wasn't a soggy mess by the time I got home as I also had to buy a card for tomorrow... last minute image.

    Moraghan - if this potential 5K race is on the cards, there is an alternative date. YD is coming to parkrun on the 17th and has offered (or did I request? image) pacing services. Just something to think about...

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    Mr KMr K ✭✭✭

    I didn`t know you could still buy `Curly Wurly` - amazing what you can learn image

    That 12 miler looked very interesting.

    Great picts btw.

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    Hi Kelly

    Park run next Saturday is good timing - even better if you get a personal windbreak.  Hopefully YD can take a stick with him.

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    Well, not sure about the windbreak unless I ask him to run faster as hopefully I'll be far enough ahead of him if he runs at scraping sub 20 pace!

    Fantastic weekend away image. OH surprised me with first class train travel on the journey there, a posh hotel, tickets to Les Mis (Matt Lucas' final performance) and a flight home. Knew there was a reason I married him image.

    Tons of walking on Friday, worked out it was over 7 miles. Totally didn't expect that just shopping.

    I was going to do Hampstead Heath parkrun on Saturday, but had planned on running there/back and figured I would get lost, so decided to do the very glamorous Wormwood Scrubs parkrun as it was just one (LONG) straight road from the hotel.

    All went to plan until the 5.7m Google reckoned turned out to be 6.5m. A very easy win (in 26.xx!) and then run back made it 16m rather than the 14 scheduled. This is the longest I've ever run straight out of bed and no breakfast (well, ok, I had a giant cookie), but I felt absolutely fine all the way and really enjoyed doing a real long run.

    This morning....how much of a maze is Hyde Park?? I was already completely confused as I thought I was doing 3 / 5 today, but it was supposed to be 6 w/ strides and 3 - I didn't realise about the distance and strides until I checked the spreadsheet when I got home. I set off on the 3, but the getting lost part took it to 5. Happened across the Adidas Womens 5K run and had to laugh when there were still people on the course with 1.22.xx on the clock.

    3m tonight - apart from that short run in Greenwich last month, it has been a long time since I've ran in the dark. Weird.

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    Wormwood scrubs? Eeek. Sounds charming. Congrats on the win though!
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    Ha ha I've run that one...a dreadful xc course, so lumpy and windy image

    I just do outer laps of HP as its much easier.

    Glad you enjoyed the weekend image

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    It was delightful - I didn't notice the prison, but there was one chap out running barefoot and had no t-shirt on... maybe he belonged inside image.Yes, entirely on grass, a nice reminder for the XC season coming up. I just did the smile and nod thing when they were really trying to encourage me across the line and I'm thinking "um, this is just my LSR" image.

    I've done 3 parkrun courses now and been #1 at each of them, but if you look up the particular events, it's not very impressive. That makes 48 in total, so 2 to go.

    In hindsight, I should have stuck to the outer road at HP. It didn't help that I thought I had started towards the Marble Arch corner, yet it was actually the opposite corner at Bayswater, so when I saw the jelly baby statue (as I called it), I couldn't work out why it was taking forever to get back to the pond. I used the Back to Start feature on my Garmin for the first time and it did get me back image.

    Very, very windy 5 miles this morning before pilates. This had better not hang around until Saturday otherwise I've got no chance!

    Ben is now staying at school until 1pm (2pm next week, then full time), so I even have enough time to get my double in by lunch time - I'm liking this! 

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    It had better be gone by the weekend. I don't fancy the GNR in this. I've just been out for 10 miles and it was horrendous. I'm knackered now.
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    Ah, with GNR being point to point though, it could be good news... if it is behind you!

    School run fail this afternoon. He finished at 1.30, not 1, although better that I was half an hour early than late. Run ended up being closer to 4m by the time I ran back home and then back there again.

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    Far too windy to attempt a HMP session so I just did 8m easy (switched from tomorrow) and will do the HMP tomorrow - regardless of the conditions, but hopefully better!

    Mon - 5m easy am / 3m easy pm

    Tue - 8m easy am / 3m easy pm

    Wed - 3m easy to steady | 1m MP | strides | 3 x (1.75m HMP / 0.25m steady) | cd am / 3m easy pm
    (I think I can see where this is going. I have enough time to progress to 3 x 2m and 2 x 3m before my HM image)

    Thu - OFF

    Fri - 5m easy w/ strides am / 3m easy pm

    Sat - parkrun race am / 3m easy pm

    Sun - 14m LSR

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