
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I find it’s a good personal yardstick Bus, obviously not comparable with others. I seem to recall Jools using it.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Reeg - wouldn't have liked to see my beats per minute on the 220 feet woods climb 9.20 mile that started my afternoon run yesterday.
    Although I did get a "he can run and talk" exclamation from some oldie when I "magnanimously" changed route to not go down a narrow path towards them and said to not worry I'd take the other route.... (or actually had taken the wrong path anyway ;) )
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    I do indeed use beats/mile Reg/Bus. It's the first comment in my description of each run BpM. I've only ever been under a 1000 when in around 19min 5K shape. Last Summer I was up around 1300 for my easy runs vs about 1080 when on top form. Currently back around 1110-50 for a flattish run & under 1200 for a hilly 10 miler. My LR on Saturday was over 1300 but that's cause it was so slow for the first 2 miles while we climbed the mountain!
    8M easy yesterday after 2x6M easy commute on the bike.
    Another 6M in to work this morning then straight out for a repeat of Thursday's 6x2K off 1K float session but along the canal & a road loop this time so more tarmac but less shade. It was 10am when I started the session - the 2K wu was interrupted after just 1.5K by a 2 minute pause to allow a couple of boats through the swing bridge. I dropped my water & top off just before starting the 1st 2K effort into the breeze. Was pleasantly surprised to find myself running comfortably quicker than the target pace & although I eased back this came out as 8:04. I was on the road loop by now & after a slightly too quick float (4:28) the 2nd effort was slow (8:19) but slightly uphill & into a stiff breeze again. The rest of the session went /4:32/8:11/4:33/8:25/4:42/8:19/5:07/8:40 I was slowing in the 2nd K of the 4th effort (slightly uphill & a headwind) & eased off a bit for the penultimate float but still couldn't quite hit the pace in the 5th. By now I was cooked from the relentless sun so took a shade breather before the final effort after a jogged recovery (5:07). I was going to sack it off completely but ended up doing a progressive effort (8:40) with the final 500m inside target pace. Overall the workout was <1s/K slower than last time but the wu & cd were faster so 13.1M@7:05 overall. Beats per mile was 1077 vs 1104 last week B) The 6M bike commute home was hard work :D

    Edit: just compared the 2 sessions & last week my HR was dropping noticeably during the 1K float sections but this week it was a much smaller difference - no wonder it became such a struggle. Best get out a lot earlier tomorrow.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Bloody hot for all that effort Jools!

    I can see the BpM now on Strava. Where does it come from as I can't find it as a metric?
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    It’s not a metric on Strava Bus, you just have to work it out yourself.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    What's the benefit of beats per min over just HR Jools?

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Course ended at 3 again today. Bargain! Might be me done now after 7 of them. Will no doubt go over bits though.

    6&4 same as yesterday.

    The 4 i did pretty much the reverse of yesterdays route which meant a flat road mile to start then a 220feet road hill before flattening into some woods and then the steep down through the woods.

    Thought this would be quicker than yesterday which started with trudging up the woods 9.20 ish.
    But i was obvs overlooking that any gain up a road hill was lost in the woody down versus nice smooth road down.
    Though perhaps hotter tonight
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Nice wor Jools

    Steve  Way works in bpm too, you can use it to gauge and track your fitness.

    Wooden legged 7m for me this morning, payback for pushing it a bit in my 15 last night.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    Stevie G said: What's the benefit of beats per min over just HR Jools?
    1. It's beats per MILE not beats per min - that's the HR data from your HRM
    2. It allows me to track aerobic fitness levels by making runs easier to compare. I find that although my pace (& hence HR) may vary from day-day on a particular route the beats/mile is pretty consistent & with sustained training drops gradually. However if you're overtraining it may start to rise.
      Obviously if you run the same routes religiously to a particular HR then you can just compare paces.
    Bus: the BpM calculation is very straightforward Ave pace x Ave HR = Beats per Mile
    Fetch do the calculation for you from the Garmin data
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Sloppy there from me, obvs had meant mile not min :)

    Fair does - you serious lads love to drill into the data, some of us just go out running casual like ;)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Nearly spat my cup of tea out then.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    At least not seconds though!

    Cheers Jools - this time of night I was giving myself a headache trying to work it out!

    Much quicker on those road descents SG, but it's all about intensity anyway...

    Glad to see you are human TR - I'd be worried if your lgs weren't feeling it :smile:

    So, chose the double tonight as a bit of a tester. First one since pre-lockdown, and mebbe not ideal to choose the hottest day of the year so far! At least I did it so the last big climb was in the shade and not the sun I suppose! All went OK, but unsurprisingly was pretty hard work! 6.7&5.3 for a nice round 12M for the day :smile:

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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭

    Never even once measured my heart rate. Can't be arsed really. Monster session Jools, decent run out there SG. TR - Been waiting for the return of the VitC and Zinc fizzies for about 2 months now. Finally back in stock...

    No major issues from the fall yesterday legs wise..although my hand was killing me overnight, really worried that I'd done something serious to it - but a couple of Anadin extra this morning and it's ok now. My mate had his wrist in a cast thing for about 3 years when he fell off a Segway in Madrid when we were on his stag do. Hilariously we were all dressed as waiters. Crazy guys eh ;)

    So little 3 miler this morning and over the track for 10 x 400's at 5 ish, not quite eyeballs out as it's hot and wanted to test everything was working OK. The hammy was great and got them down from 74 to 67.5 for the last one. Might do some TT's up through the distances to see where I am.

    We may well be 5k stablemates for a while Reg - I'm 48 next week, so going to be very hard to keep racking up sub/near 16's. That's running for you, people change and early 40's can be a purple patch for many too. Most likely my 1500-3000 will be the distances that 'hold up' for the longest.

    Wool -  I do love a good comparison with other runners, always good to have mitigation when they beat you. So I don't mind competing against fellow vets who have just started running...but if they used to be really good as a kid, then well they should really be beating me anyway! Generally, vets who suddenly arrive on the scene have a decent pedigree - there's not that many who just take it up and suddenly rip it up - although it does happen.

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    Simon - as mentioned on Strava, decent effort in the 5km. It is tough when you're not really feeling it. Glad it seems you haven't done any serious damage from the fall. Seems like you were going along nicely yesterday - be interested to see what times you log in the coming weeks.

    Reg - monster work on the bike at the weekend mate. Think I did actually see you briefly by the Volcano but you were slightly ahead of me. Huge numbers for that length of time - really impressive!

    Jools - sounds like a pretty brutal session that. Top stuff.

    Another 5km TT for me this morning. Decided not to mention it this time and try and go in with lower expectations.

    As usual, felt like an absolute slug in the warm up. Was off the back of a hard bike session Monday morning + another hour PM, and then two 1 hour bikes yesterday and a 45 minute run. Never really head into these things fresh!

    Opened things up last time with a 3:20, so with the heavy legs in mind, a 3:14 first KM probably wasn't the smartest move! Committed to the cause now, going to have to get my head down. Settled into a rhythm and knocked out two 3:21's to get to 3km with some time in the bag.

    Pleasingly, this middle part felt slightly more in control than a few weeks ago, and I knew it was just a case of hanging on now and not throwing the hard work down the toilet. Classic 4th KM fade, but not as bad as last time with a 3:26 on the watch.

    Knew I was in PB territory now, rinsing myself down the home straight willing the suffering to stop. Brought it back to 3:21 for a 16:47 and another 8 seconds off the all-time PB! Will take that.
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Good to see you pretty much back to normal Bus

    Excellent session Jools, especially in the heat. Doing that distance at pace is very impressive

    Another top 5k and pb then Joe; you must be very pleased with that one as even early in the day the temperature must have been pretty high. You must be close to best ever running shape so just need some races and parkruns now :)

    Was the next session of my Mike Trees 10k plan today and the first one not to go to plan. Back to Ascot racecourse this morning for a 6k and 2k sesh at 10 mile pace off 3 mins. Thought I'd set target pace at 4-4'10 as we'd been told it should not be 'only' 85-90% of max HR. Knew from the start it was not a going day as 1st k (downhill) was only 3'57 and next (uphill) a rubbish 4'20 despite putting harder effort in than planned. My HR was already too high (though take with a bit of a pinch of salt on my Garmin, as it is often all over the place!). Next 3k were pretty much the same pattern and got to 5k in 20'50, so right on the upper end of target, but quit it there as form was rubbish and felt cooked in the heat. 

    Managed to do the other 2k after the recovery and that was a bit better with a 7'56 total; a 3'42-4'14 split (albeit again a 2% downhill followed by a 2% uphill) told the story.

    Think the accumulation of hard sessions was catching up, as well as it feeling crazy hot in the fully exposed terrain (even though only about 8:30am!). May have to drop some of the midweek sessions I think, or reduce speed on them further. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Heck of a turnout Joe. You need racing to come back quicker than anyone i reckon to properly get this level on the account. Very sharp indeed especially solo (presumably!) but either way not in a race.
    Do you think your HM pace has gone up too ? When i did my 7541 i probably didn't have proper cracks at 5k...the 1653 i did was an absolutely lunacidal first half mile that I'm only glad not to have the splits or graph for 😂. A more sensibly distributed effort may have seen better but who knows.

    Joe aside it's certainly not a day for heroics Pete. It's been warm but today properly stepped up into hot by most people's standards so don't fret too much. Sometimes seeing a sesh through as best you can or slightly altering it is smart.

    I got over to Marlow for 9.30 knowing itd be hot already but avoiding the midday sun lunacy. Drank a whole bottle of water beforehand which i never do.

    2-3 weeks ago id done a straight 10 steady either direction on this 70% offroader with a few hills, steps, gates, grass, cows etc.
    6.41 one way 6.46 the other.

    Today i aimed to get a solid mileage in but give myself license to split into two with some fartlek reps later.

    Heat was really boiling up 5-6miles in, so i thought id get to 7miles and then stop and do some quicker than steady efforts.

    Well timed as after one of these the next field had cows literally right on the only gate. Tiptoed through with a cow and her youngun bout half a metre away and wondered how the heck people with dogs and buggies were going to get through!

    Anyway 6.49 for the 7 showing the effect of the heat today and then anything from 6 down to 530 or so for the fairly random length little efforts.

    Sat in the boot for about 5mins after utterly melting then straight home for a little bit of mowing😂
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭

    Cheers Joe and another great TT there. Pacing similar to mine apart from the 3.34 last k! Definitely need the 3-5k to step up to the plate really..Good effort Pete, yes not a great day for running, but at least it's only a small heatwave. Sensible altering the effort today SG...don't want to get too hot.

    Did the usual 9.1 to Wing and back today, forgot the Garmin but felt ok, really happy with the hammy again. I think the leg raises and the front plank leg raises for the hip flexors have really helped. Also the stretch (classic stood up touch your toes style) with the offending leg behind the other one has worked well too. Pushing the hip outwards too.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Good news on the hamstring Simon. maybe you can get off your backside and put some effort in now :lol:

    Pete - good session bearing in mind not only hot, but still humid!

    6:49 with all that cow and buggy dodging is still sharp enough in this heat SG!

    Joe - very impressive soloTT!!!

    I was intending 8 tonight, but pulled it back a bit and did 6.5M. I like running in the heat, but with no chance to acclimatise it was bloody hard work on those exposed climbs!!!  Little bit of pain in the foot at 5 ish miles, but not unduly worried about it at this point - see what tomorrow brings. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Good news on your leg Simon, hopefully thats the end of that now.

    Joe - top bombing there joe, must be a chunk more to come off in a proper race.

    Bus - looks like you are on the mend too.

    10m inc strides for me today.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Out past 11 just to "soak up" the heat and funnily enough it felt plenty doing 9 at 7.26.

    Probs about as hot as i gets in England bar that freak day last year at 40degrees was it?
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    SG - didnt have you down as someone who wanted to run im the peak of the heat. Good for fitness though. Nice. Keep it going with some layers in the winter.

    12m here in the p and d 20%/10% style with 6 av 8:0X and 6 av 7:02.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    I've been running late afternoon through to midday most of this 3month furlough period TR. Sundays i've tried to keep early, the occasional session or pre-course days, but generally it's wake 8.30, and takes me until 1030-11 to force myself out :)

    May well be why you particularly think i'm weak on the heat, or mention it a lot - because it is actually hot by then :D 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Its good for fitness it will be doing you good.
    I remember you saying it was warm on race day before. So this block of training in the warmest part of the day is a good thing.
    To be fair though whilst ive raced 10m and 1/2 in 30ish degrees in August, its not ideal and i wouldnt want to do a marathon in it. I can run a 1/2 or below on no fluid, but a hot day mara would need drinks and water on the head and neck etc.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    Solid work TR
    I don't understand why you don't get up earlier when the weather is this hot SG.
    I did plenty of warm runs earlier in lockdown often leaving at 4pm after work but I've been up early the last 3 days although I didn't get running til 10am on Monday but that motivated me to start sooner. I got up at 5:30am today & out the door just after 6am. Drove to the mountains again & repeated Saturday's route with a slight bit extra climb as I parked further down so 17.2M & 2,250ft in 2h32. Cooling breeze on top but copious sweating. Seriously cooked by the end as I was in full sun for the whole thing. Temp was 19 degrees when I set off!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Jools - that sounds like a cracking run (with a view).
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    You certainly learn what suits you and what doesn't.

    I definitely favour smooth road, flat and cool conditions. 
    I've been mixing in quite a few hills, chunks of offroad - some at effort,m and in warm to hot conditions, but I'll always favour those races where you can go all in.

    I wouldn't dare go long in summer again - Wycombe HM in 2015 showed me how that can be a world of pain! Back in the early to mid 2000s I ran it a number of times, all on scorchers, but I dare say the expectation was "get round" versus a time - that's a huge difference.

    Endure 24 is summer of course, but totally different. Only 5mile chunks, and you're more at tempo effort. And the legs are so drawn out that it might be 3.30-4hours in between legs meaning even if it's a hot day the temp can change a lot from one to another.

    But generally i think there's a reason there's so many short races in the summer!
    Miles to 5ks I think are doable whatever the temp. Bring that distance up a bit though, or add MT/Hills etc, and they can quickly become a strain

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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    Certainly was a great view. I ran along the left hand ridge then round onto this one & dropped down it into the valley before 3M of tarmac to finish which is when my HR went through the roof. Guess the temperature was significantly higher here with baked tarmac & high hedges blocking the breeze but not the sun. This is the view if I was running backwards btw - I wasn't :DThe Cat39s Back - Herefordshire  Herefordshire Cornish
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    This one shows my view as I descended. B)
    Walk ideas Exploring four quirky hills in the Black
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wow, how far away from you is that, how long to drive there?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Typically madcap there Jools. 17m in the heat and hills! That's got to rival a mere late morning 9😂

    Getting up early for non quality or long runs is a step too far for me. I spend all year getting up early so there has to be a benefit to all this time off.

    I got to Marlow for 9.30 Weds but even that was a tasty one.

    Not sure on tomorrow's plan yet. May just seek out a random area and have a few monsters at various segs.
    Would go earlier for that.
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