
Experian Robin Hood Marathon



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    I got my pack on Saturday.   Maelca I will run with you - I'm orange - I did last year's Edinburgh in 4.59 so every minute I am under 5 will please me. Hope it isn't as hot as Edinburgh and they don't run out of water.  Looking at last years results there were quite a few runners over 5 hours and even some half marathon runners took 5 hours and more - God I love these people.   

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    o brilliant that makes me feel better! I am worried about the impending doom of the pick up bus! some small showers would be nice - no sun!
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    Still no pack for me and I really can`t remember what time I predicted. image
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    No pack for me either still, but I did order the race t-shirt so I reckon those ones will be posted last.
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    I got my pack yesterday.  Can anyone whose done the marathon before tell me if the lucozade is in bottles at the drinks stations or cups?

    not long now....image

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    guessing it'll be bottles if its lucazade TR
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    trendyrunner wrote (see)

    I got my pack yesterday.  Can anyone whose done the marathon before tell me if the lucozade is in bottles at the drinks stations or cups?

    not long now....image

    Bottles all the way, water normaly in bottles as well.
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    this race has not been on me radar before and not sure why, after reading nothing but positive things about it
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    what is lucozade TR? (sorry!)
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    It’s slightly pricey compared to some but a big field and normally very well run by the organiser’s, would have to say it’s one of the best in the country for a in city road race.
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    Cake wrote (see)
    It’s slightly pricey compared to some but a big field and normally very well run by the organiser’s, would have to say it’s one of the best in the country for a in city road race.
    TBH I think it was actually Cake that convinced me that this would be a good pick for my first mara; hope he`s right! image
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    XBXB ✭✭✭
    maelca wrote (see)
    what is lucozade TR? (sorry!)

    TR = Trendyrunner.

    HTA was answering TR's question

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    the egyptian toe wrote (see)
    Cake wrote (see)
    It’s slightly pricey compared to some but a big field and normally very well run by the organiser’s, would have to say it’s one of the best in the country for a in city road race.
    TBH I think it was actually Cake that convinced me that this would be a good pick for my first mara; hope he`s right! image
    image Always right, well sometimes. For a first one this would be at the top of list mate because it's local for you and a good one. In a perfect world would say London for a first timer for the support but getting in is such a problem these days onless you want to raise a ton of cash.
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    Steady 7+ with the dog. Calfs making its presence felt againimage  Might be a result of 'the spire'? Reckon a couple of days taking it very easy again and settle into the taper
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    Hi all,

    Hope you're all well.  Well done at the Spires ET and Garry and hope your calves settle with a bit of rest Garry.  Glad to hear your physio went well Alison.

    Sorry to hear that you've had to pull out Another Hill, but it's better to do the sensible thing than risk causing more serious problems.  Glad that you were able to defer too.

    How did you get on with the BBC Jules?

    I got my race pack yesterday - blue 11083.  Going for a final 12 tomorrow and then it'll be mainly cycling and swimming next week with a couple of short runs thrown in.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the taper.

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    It's off! the Big Blue Cast is no more! Well its sat on the computer shelf as it still has the 'Fish' autograph on it!
    So good news, removed.
    Bad news, still a bit sore! And my skin has fell off in a truly wonderful style!
    Got a 'splint' thingy which I'm wearing from time to time during the day.

    Had a great run at the start of the week - 8 miles at 7:23 av - (ker,what? Not sure what was going on.) Then did a 7.5 at 7:30 av, (again with the 'Ker,whats?!') But then got niggles from the left shin, which I put down to the cast throwing me off balance (it had a go at the lower back as well!)
    So rest day then tomorrow I'm off out for another 8.5 before a weekend Long of around 14 I reckon then SERIOUS taper - I promise!

    Knew it wouldn't be long till the thread veered towards the 'bottle' issue after Stratford! LMAO!
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    Good news Jules.image

    Race pack still not here, so I compensated by printing out a pace band...image

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    Gary, Had this email from S/Shop


    No need to worry. This would have been sent on Tuesday so will be with you any day. Do let us know if you haven’t received anything by Wednesday.

    Best regards

    Tim Reynolds
    Sweatshop Running Events
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    hi there Cake!!!

    i've just signed up at the last moment, are you do this marathon?

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    Great news Jules about the BBC!!   

    KP - my number is very similar Blue 11088!! 

    Garry - did my pace band today - very ambitiously went for the 4hr band - she who dares wins!!!!

    Greetings Steve - glad you've joined the gang!

    Checked the 10 day forecast - says about 16-18deg, dry & quite calm - that would do nicely!!  Its been gorgeous over here all week, summer returned as soon as the kids went back to school!  Going to head out for 10 to 12 tomorrow, then a couple of easy short runs next week & thats me done & dusted!

    Have a good weekend guys!

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    whereabouts are you getting your pace bands from guys? Can someone put a few links up please as I guess theres a whole host of others needing/ wanting them?

    Thank you!

    The remnants of the shin splint niggles from the BBC are still with me so i stayed abed this morning. Think the same may happen tomorrow then Long run on Sunday when I have the time to give up for 15 odd miles. So bit grouchy not running...!

    Still! Onward and, well, downwards into the depths of Taper Despair!

    Anyone else get all fed up and depressed tapering down?

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    Search on RW , Jules!

    jules_perox wrote (see)

    Still! Onward and, well, downwards into the depths of Taper Despair!

    Anyone else get all fed up and depressed tapering down?


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    oh my god feel sick with nerves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    first marathon in case you not guessed!

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    1st Mara nerves here too.

    'cos the tapers here and intensities gone down it feels like you should be doing more? Started looking at things like sports massages etc. Don't 'need' one, just feel like I ought to be doing something more.

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    10629 and Blue 

    Arrived with my lincoln green tech shirt 


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    Got mine today too Garry, What time did we predict to get in the blue then? I'm not far off your number.
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    If you check the leaflet, blue is sub 4hrs for the full. Mixed in with similar paced 1/2 maras

    I put down an expected time of 3:59:50 on the entry...image

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    Will see how tomorrows marathon goes before worrying about next week.
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    Hi Gary,

    Mine and Debs' packs came today. I'm in blue, Debs in Green. Not happy about it so sent them an e-mail. Are the family going down to watch?


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