
sub 4 hour group,if anyone wants to get together



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    Yes, i'm meeting up with all the rest of the Whizz-Kidz runners. I'll look out for your yellow vest.
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    Hello Fellow Fruitcakes,

    did a quick 5 miler this morning - real hilly tough job and knocked 40 secs of my pb 39.18. So pleased with that. I know this sounds thick but this training lark really does work!! Never felt as fit and agile and also not felt as thin for 5 years.

    Bring it on, come on you red starts.


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    Higo - Know wre you're coming from, I have been feeling great recently - a wee bit tired and have lost quite a bit of weight.

    Did 5 miles last night, knees are a bit tired this morning.
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    JuddermanJudderman ✭✭✭
    Hi Michael & Higo
    I did a PB on my 5.4 mile route on Monday 40:53 - but like you Michael sore knees next day - seem to have cleared up today though.
    Another "brisk" 5 tonight, maybe 6 on Sunday then 3 on Tuesday then that's it for me. Fantastic!!

    Where are all the Blues??
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    a blue here.....

    not run since my quick 18 miler on Monday evening but am going to have a relaxed 8 miler run home tonight....., 11/12 miles on Saturday and then some short ones next week.........sports massage on Wednesday to get the legs unkotted and prepped.......and very little thereafter....maybe a couple of 5k's at easy pace
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    Met with running club last night and did some uphill sprints - never felt so fast! Yes - the taper is working - fell fresh as a daisy. Will do 10 miler tonight, 5 mile paced race sunday then a couple of quick ones next week.

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    Oh dear - 5 miles to work this am - 3 min
    slower than usual and it felt like effort!!

    Sports massage this am and my calves were
    tighter than . . . well the lid on a larg e
    jar of pickles . . .

    Still do not feel 100% - more like 90

    I will be better by the 17th
    I can do sub 4
    I will be better by the 17th
    I can do sub 4
    I will be better by the 17th
    I can do sub 4
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    Hi Natnif - have you still got a cold?

    Have been stressing out recently. Stupid hours at work have meant my taper has not been so much a gradual reduction in effort as a complete cessation of running completely. I've not run at all since last Thursday :-(

    (or had much time to idle away my afternoons following the postings on the thread!)

    Trying to convince myself though that all the hard work has been done and that nothing I do in the last couple of weeks is going to help; but this is not the way I originally planned to go into the big day.

    Are you still planning on doing your incredible hulk impression on the day? ;-)



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    Fat Budda,

    amazing how we all now seem to saying "a quick 8 miles" but I know what you mean.

    I'm thinking of having a sports massage BUT I feel fine and in my marathon paranoid mind am thinking is it better to let sleeping dogs lie in my legs?? I'm sure you can all relate to this strange mind set.


    you have inspired me on this forum, keep going mate you will break sub 4 on the day.

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    Higo - you may find a sports massage very beneficial as you are tapering as it gets rid of all the little knots in your muscles and eases the tendons..........your muscles will then be fully relaxed and as you aren't doing the long miles they will be in fine shape come the FLM...........

    if you do have one - don't leave it later than Thursday as it takes a couple of days for the muscles to recover from the work done on them.......Wednesday would be better...

    and I should warn you - it hurts but is meant to......
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    I was originally planning a massage for nextThursday but was thinking like you are Higo.

    Not sure what to do...the girl I would use only does Monday & Thursday nights at our gym.
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    Thursday is still OK I would say - but maybe ask her not to do it as fiercely as normal!
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    I ran the club handycap on tuesday (6.5mile) and my calf seased up afterwoods - a got within 4secs of a PB

    but may not be doing much more runnning b4 FLM

    I am going to see sports theropist 2morrow tho
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    I am trying to find out about the BBCi coverage of the FLM without success at the moment but will keep trying.
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    The weather on the south coast today is terrible so i will put off an 8 miler until tomorrow.


    A quick and cheap way to massage those aching calfs is to sit on top of the washing machine whilst on a spin cycle. This is not only cheap, it also gets your smalls washed and spun at the same time.

    I dont think you need to drink too much at the start of the race because of the availability of so many drink stations,i will have just one 500ml of Lucozade just before the start, and maybe a large glass of fruit juice at breakfast.

    Hey all you BLUE runners, how about meeting at the end of the race, we can wait and cheer the RED runners as they come in behind us?
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    Keep looking for info Howard....my pregnant partner will appreciate seeing me staggering across the finish line from the comfort of the sofa.

    If they're not doing it....they should be!
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    I've been reading this thread for weeks and it's been really good to keep me motivated! As the days pass, I'm seemingly getting more and more obsessed about next sunday. It's my first FLM, I've done the training so bring it on!

    Reds all the way!
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    I bloody well hope they don't cut off the BBC coverage before I cross the line............as they did in 2003.........sods........
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    Oh I forgot....

    Blues all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    i was told if you've had sports massage before thurs before flm is optimal time (that's when i'm going) but if you've not had one before i wouldn't risk it that late on

    come on you
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    Higo x, You need help man, get some rest, drink cocoa or jack daniels which ever works best, are you working this morning?

    I've just finished my shift, just about to go to bed, drinking hot chocolate as i write this, seems to do the trick nicely. Just joined the URWFRC group, quite a few of us seem to have joined, sounds good. Talk to everyone later, have good day everyone. Bye bye.
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    Only up from 1.30 until 2.30, it's when I wake in the middle of the night and my obsessed marathon mind starts racing. Just got up and feel fine thanks Superman.

    What's the URWFRC group?

    Yes work this morning.
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    higo...read a book, that will take your mind off things, works for me every time
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    sign up at www.urwfrc.org..........it's the Unofficial Runners World Forum Running Club.........we have kit as well..........there is a UWRFRC meeting point at all starts...
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    I have just joned the URWFRC and already have a support crew identified for mile 17!

    They are a hardy group and will be shouting encouragement come rain or shine!

    They were drenched last year ;¬)
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    JuddermanJudderman ✭✭✭
    Hey Cubby
    what support crew have you been allocated? Group 1 are my supporters! I think what they are doing is great. I will have some family on the course - don't know where yet - but i think the more "personalised" parts of the course you have to aim for the better.

    Fat Buddha - how does your URWFRC match up with meerkat's support group? do i need to email my support group my eta at Mile 17? sorry for being a thicko!!!

    Anyone heard any weather news yet?

    Come on you Blues!!!
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    J - they are essentially the same but more peeps use the forum than urwfrc.org....

    would be useful to mail your support group your ETA so they can keep an eye out for you.......when you get there, shout your name out as they won't know who you are unless you are already a known face......

    I was supporting last year and got very wet and cold so please thank your crew for doing a great job - it's nice to see some friendly faces........
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    JuddermanJudderman ✭✭✭
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