
Paris Losers



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    go faster hair cut is a scientific fact... Can't guarantee it will lead to weight loss. Previous performance is no indicator of future investment behaviour, etc.
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    I just want to echo the chorus of thank yous for everyone being so honest about food issues. I've really struggled all my adult life with food/eating while appearing to be healthy and fit, all the while treating my body poorly and hating the way I looked. It's absolutely comforting to know others, (whom I thought had absolutely fabulous figures when meeting you in Paris) have similar issues; at the same time, it's also helping me to feel less self-conscious about my body and the way I look, perhaps because I don't have to keep it all inside.

    Weigh-in this morning: 60.7kg, so  -200g from last week. Not stellar, but these 5-week months always mess about with my cycle...

    MM: Sounds like you're dealt with a horrible, manipulative colleague in the best way you knew how to at the time. It takes a lot of courage to be able to get up every day and having to confront that sort of negativity (and, let's be honest, sociopathy). You should be proud of yourself not only for facing it, but also for getting out of that exceptionally unhealthy situation. You're much, much stronger than you think. image

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    I thought I was the only one. Yep DLR - I hear you. It's all about cakey, biscuity, bready, pancakey, muesli stuff. Lollies - meh. Icecream - not so much. Chocolate sometimes. Dried fruit is also another trigger.

    My only solution is not very practical - I just don't let it near me. Don't buy it. Don't keep it in the house. The first bite is always the beginning of the end. Once I start it HAS to be finished. Even when I know I'm full.

    Awful work week last week. I'm quite proud of myself because I didn't lose control at the weekend - even though the scales weren't down, we had two dinners out and I had to work all weekend. Normally, I'd feel some sense of entitlement to eat some crap.

    And I'm finding it easier to pare back meals. I'm finding if I put out less, I eat less. So often for lunch at work I have salad with tuna and some kidney beans or chickpeas. Now I'm eating the tuna. And then waiting a bit to see if I'm still hungry. If Iam, i eat something else. Stupid I know that I haven't figured this out earlier.

    We'll see what the scales say tomorrow.

    Hope you can share some of your insights. I am grateful for everybody sharing their experiences - I haven't found anybody to talk to about this.
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    Sorry for the double post folks. Don't know why that's happening.
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    Radar SalRadar Sal ✭✭✭

    BIG HUG!  I love this forum...although...that makes me feel like I'm cheating on the main paris forum...meh, it's allll good!

    I get embarassed when I go to one takeaway place more than once a week so found 3 that I can alternate between before I woke up earlier this year and finally told myself that each one, once a week is not takeaways once a week. image

    DLR, MM and everyone else - mmmm bready, salty, potatoie yum.  BUT I am slowly curbing it.  Started first with healthy replacements like when I really wanted to demolish a pack of crisps and a couple of bagels...I swapped it out for the ol humus and MASSES of veggies or HUGE fruit salad...then moved on to planning my food throughout the day/week, factoring in hungry times, as much as I could so when a bad time hit I could look forward to meal out with friends and going crazy then.  Still there were times where the body just wants what it wants but when I did that I noted down in code in my planner, just for me, as a check.  Still do it a bit but have found it's getting easier to resist that special on doritos or the F&C pick-up on the way home.

    On that note...think I'm down a kg from what I started at (all those weeks ago)...but it's a bit of a guestimate.  Am thinking that I might go electronic (I take ages to make decisions).  What's the oromnoo nom nom nom (as orbutt put it which I think is VERY funny) model people are getting?

    MM - I really like to be super happy and nice to shite heads like that!  Stop, say hi, ask WHY she's not running?  Has she got an injury? Has she been ill because she looks quite a bit bigger than when you last saw her?  Then move on to your achievements... image Don't give her a chance to talk and when she does...look at your spiffy running watch etc and say "ops...HR is going down.  Can't stop.  Enjoy your walk".  Takes massive balls and is a wee itty bitty bit evil, but feels oooooohhhhh ssoooooo gooooood.  If she has been genuinely sick the phuck her.  It's karma baby and tell her that.

    umm...yeah...might have come across a few people that didn't constructively add to my life experience.  image

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    Wish I'd thought of that! That's going to make me giggle all day!
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    Apologies if I've missed any results but I think I need Kaz, NGUG and Suzy.

    And their results too......berdum tish.

    Wasn't sectioned yesterday and seemed to go well.  Will give a full report later but need to head off to a meeting now.

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    yer majyer maj ✭✭✭

    A meeting?  What, like a normal person?  image

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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭

    RS - I've ordered the Om nom nom nom image BF511 from the South American River people.

    Prices seem to change daily but I paid £46

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    I can't tell you all how much I appreciate the forum's support. As usual, sage TD has got to the pith in one sentence!

    RS: I went through a stage of massive fruit salads as replacements for other stuff (expecially in summer when stone fruits are in season).

    I don't know about how your body reacts, but for me it didn't seem to matter how much I ate, I just wanted more and more. I found it a bit of a trap for me personally and I'd end up eating a significant number of calories at night just before bed. It showed on the scales too. And even though it is naturally occurring fructose and fibre, it is still carbohydrate. If you can, try and replace some of the higher calorie fruit (grapes, especially) for berries. They're bloody expensive here all year around, but if you can it's worth it. Or even add some protein powder to some yoghurt to have with it. Sorry - I don't mean this as a lecture. Just own observations.

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    Oh, meant to ask: KO's - any future sweat exchanges planned with the mystery runner?

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    Suzy LarkinSuzy Larkin ✭✭✭

    Arghhh, another week of no difference image I blame the birthday, it seemed to last until Sunday...At least with this hot weather, I think I am eating much more healthy food, fruit, loads of water but unfortunately, the icy cold Rose has been my downfall in the evenings.  Feeling a bit disheartened by it all tbh; I feel really bloated and puffy - I've had no "treats" for over a week, no chocolate, no bread, no sweet things, apart from a lovely home-made berry jelly/terrine thing and sorbet on my b'day but nothing seems to be making a difference - admittedly, the wine probably doesn't help but it can't be making that much of a difference, surely.  Have been the grumpiest cow in the world recently, every time I see my reflection I just feel like it's all a waste of time, hopefully it's just a phase - DLR, will be interested to hear how your session went... sounds like it might be the answer here.



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    Oh Suzy, that's an awful place to be in. Anything else going on for you? Female health stuff, or other health stuff, or work pressure or whatever. If so, go easy on yourself. Sometimes we can only do what we can do. If that means the healthy-diet tiara slips a little, so be it. I don't mean always finding an excuse, 'cause heavens knows that's easy enough. Just copping yourself a little slack.

    At risk of sounding ridiculous, what do you honestly, genuinely feel like eating? If you're tippy-toeing around a craving, maybe you might do well to just scratch the itch and see what happens...

    Aside from that, and for what it's worth coming from somebody sitting at a computer 20,000km away: You are a lovely, articulate, funny, intelligent, henchy, delightful person. You're on this forum. Only the loveliest, articulate-ist, funniest, intelligentest, henchiest, delightfulest people are on this forum image

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    MM you make me smile imageimageimage

    Suzy - My kids call me mumzilla -they just don't know who they are getting... this week I put on my old baggy sweat stuff and went to a spin class and that seemed to clear some cobwebs - I don't know why it kick starts thing for me - its like that runners world article this month about the apple shapes - I am a whole barrel!!! But the jolt of 45 min exercise really works for me, that and the positive authentic encouragement of my friend (that's you lot by the way)!!!

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    +1 on the Maus induced smile image

    Suzy - hang in there, likely to be just a tough patch?


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    DLR - I am not weighing until Saturday on the account that I only got new scales on Friday..........and I am hoping for miracles 1 week on!!!! I know I am being dillusional too.

    I am on overdrive this week.......Hardly any normal exercise (bar running and dog walking) but all muscles are aching on the account of lifting 200 cases of fruit and veg and big bags of tatties about daily - does that count as strength training???

    Suzie - Hang in there.........I ken exactly where your at.

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    Ha ha, well it looks like I am the fat git of the thread then image ... scales topped out at 69.1kgs this morning and I haven't been that weight for about 2 years. Good workout at the gym this lunchtime might have helped but I'm just not doing anything like the exercise I did before. Weight will look after itself in the end - the greatest loss is definitely going to be my fitness. Eek.


    Suzie - lift your head up and consider all the things that have made you proud this last year. Those things are a part of who you are, that make you such a worthwhile person. When you look in the mirror, you only see a snapshot of yourself but that is really quite unreal. Everyone relates to you overtime, so learn to see yourself that way too.

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    Radar SalRadar Sal ✭✭✭

    MM - oh my body does NOT like sugar!  I get really REALLY noxious gas. image I'm a huge fan of berries so it was mostly them and maybe dome grapes.  No apples, oranges or mellon.  BUT...this evening has been a complete blow out, 4 beers, battered sausage and chips, THEN a feta cheese salad.  I feel VERY tubby and know I will be even more tomorrow.  Going to pack my gym gear tonight though so there's no excuse not to take it to work tomorrow and go afterwards...although tomorrow is going to be madness at work with back to back intensive meetings for 6 hours.  Fun times image

    Agree with MM that sometimes scratching the itch a little is better than putting off and off until you get to binge stage.

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    Suzy LarkinSuzy Larkin ✭✭✭

    Thank you so much guys; MM, yup, quite alot of other stuff going on - work is stressy, girly stuff etc etc; there's nothing major that I feel like eating - unfortunately I think my body has become accustomed to surviving on very little so whatever I do eat, it draws every last calorie out just incase there is a famine up ahead!  Audrey - I love the mumzilla - that is so me image poor kids don't know whether they are coming are going at the moment (then again, neither do I).  I rely on my gym sessions boosting my mood so much at the moment and suspect that I was looking forward to it a bit too much this weekend which ended up having a negative impact if that makes sense.  I so wanted to be full of endorphins and be in a wonderful mood but as soon as I got home, everything evaporated.  Hopefully it is just a phase. Silly things like seeing skinny/good figure types on my way to work, I tend to look at people get envious but then think - yes, you have a fab figure but have you run a marathon whilst holding down a full time job, 2 kids and a hubby?!  What doesn't help is a patronising boss (who has just called me at 10.45pm demanding a taxi home) and a (lovely) but slightly controlling hub who is 14 yrs my senior and seems to be stuck in a different generation to me!  TD, thank you for the reminder to lift my head up; it's not an easy thing to do and something I refer to as my 'oyster mode' - shut everyone out, clam up and just get on with it without telling a soul... maybe that's where I am going wrong...

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    Suzy: Yep. Sounds like you've got a bit going on. I understand oyster mode. I thought I was being so clever hiding it (mainly because I thought people would laugh if they heard what my actual thoughts were). Turns out (and it has taken thousands of dollars and hours worth of specialist assistance to get to this revelation): it doesn't work. You might actually be better saying your thought process out loud. We're here. Cathart.

    Are you sure you're actually eating enough? I think the formula is something like your weight in pounds multiplied by 10 as your absolute-base-level-body-needs-this-number-to-survive amount (technical term). I get interesting figures here.

    And are you getting enough sleep? My guess is probably not with 2 wee ones?

    I fall prey to the comparisons as well. Endlessly. Every run. Everywhere I go. Every person I work with. It's a curse.

    Sometimes I ask Mr Maus, I am larger, smaller, whatever, than her? He rolls his eyes and snorts derisively. I'm looking for an honest answer, because I don't feel like my brain sees me realistically.

    Then I sometimes I see it with absolute clarity, just as you've described (just without the 2 kids bit).


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    As promised, this was the upshot of my 'session'.

    Seems I turn to food when faced with certain circumstances and I use food (specifically sugary, carby, chocolatey food) to meet some emotional need.  Pretty much as thought.

    Suggested three pronged approach.

    1. Try to find out why food fulfils this role rather than something else e.g. examine role of food in childhood (though I don't think there's a childhood link).
    2. CBT to try and find alternate ways of dealing with trigers
    3. Develop a more mindful approach to eating.

    Go back a week next Wednesday and in the meantime have a sheet to fil in whenever faced with temptation to go off the rails which, I guess, is the start of CBT?



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    DLR: that sounds like a plan, and I think a good place to start.  Remember to count all the stuff you eat standing up - I have had a potion of the tea I cook before I get it on a plate <img src='https://us.v-cdn.net/6027274/uploads/forum/smilies/smile_smiley.gif' />

    TD: you always say the right think, the idea that we are not frozen in the 2 dimentinal image that we see in the mirror but a collection thoughts, deeds and circumstances.  I also like your idea that whatever we fixate about its only for that one moment - and to cut some slack, people build the relationship up over time.  You make so much sense and yes, you make me happy.<img src='https://us.v-cdn.net/6027274/uploads/forum/smilies/smile_smiley.gif' />

    MM: I Know I have only met you the once but your kindness just shines through.  Oh to see yourself as other do - you can't hide it girl, its there for all to see <img src='https://us.v-cdn.net/6027274/uploads/forum/smilies/smile_smiley.gif' />

    Kaz: you hang in there girl!  you keep me going you really do <img src='https://us.v-cdn.net/6027274/uploads/forum/smilies/smile_smiley.gif' />

    Suz: TD is right, head up bum out - or as my dad used to say, give your face a splash and get some lippy on <img src='https://us.v-cdn.net/6027274/uploads/forum/smilies/smile_smiley.gif' />  We are lifes winners, but its not easy I know.

    RS: Knowlege is power I guess, but I hear you over what sugar does to the body ... not nice - but if anyone can turn it around its you - when I think of you, I think of tigger, you ceertainly have some bounce girl <img src='https://us.v-cdn.net/6027274/uploads/forum/smilies/smile_smiley.gif' />

    Right off to work to, NOT eat standing up, keep my head up and .. don't wear lippy but might brush my hair <img src='https://us.v-cdn.net/6027274/uploads/forum/smilies/smile_smiley.gif' />




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    Audrey Brown wrote (see)

     or as my dad used to say, give your face a splash and get some lippy on 



     Is your Dad Robert Smith out of The Cure? image


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    yer majyer maj ✭✭✭

    DLR that sounds like a good start.  Step 1 is kind of the important one otherwise you're just treating symptoms, not the root cause.

    Hmmm I'd love to see myself how others see me.  Or maybe not image

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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭
    Radar Sal wrote (see)

    MM - oh my body does NOT like sugar!  I get really REALLY noxious gas. image

    BUT...this evening has been a complete blow out,


    Mrs O and I went on a WW diet about 14 years ago. We didn't do the classes, just got hold of the literature. One thing we found was that we would occasionally plateau and despite following the diet nothing would shift. We found out by accident that the way to kick start it again was to have a little blow out (not in the RS sense image) .

    It was almost as if the body had got used to the level that we were at and was content to stay there. By introducing a little something for it to play with, then it would realise that it could do a bit more.

    Having said that, when I stopped the dieting i had dropped from 13st 12lb to 11st 2lb - and I then put on another stone, so I setlled at 12st 2ish.

    Since starting running I have dropped back to - funnily enough - 11st 2lb. We'll see if I shed any more this year.

    Marathon Maus wrote (see)

    Sometimes I ask Mr Maus, I am larger, smaller, whatever, than her? He rolls his eyes and snorts derisively. I'm looking for an honest answer, because I don't feel like my brain sees me realistically.

    Maus - from a male point of view we regard this kind of question like a mine field - whichever answer you give could blow up in your face image. There's a reason he's Mr Maus and it's nothing to do with the women that you are looking at - it is all to do with the woman that he is looking at.

    No one is ever totally satisfied with their own body image - that would be just wrong. Even the world's most beautiful women (and I include Mrs O in this image) will tell you something about themselves that they are not happy with - thin calfs, big thumbs, three ears etc - and nothing that you can say to them will convince them differently. In the end we seek perfection and it just doesn't exist. The quest should be happiness.

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    That's true Orbutt.  My third nipple often gets me down.

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    Too true, Orbutt. Too true.

    Now just to get that message from the logical side of my thick skull to the emotional!

    DLR: how are you feeling about the process?

    Audrey: you are a total sweetheart.

    Sal: how did you pull up after the blow out?
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    DLR: you made me nearly snort with laughter. I'm sitting watching 16 year olds debating. This would have been very unladylike.
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    yer majyer maj ✭✭✭
    Dirty Leeds Rob wrote (see)

    That's true Orbutt.  My third nipple often gets me down.

    I thought that was the least of your worries?

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