
Paris Losers



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    yer_maj - are we talking 3 buns or 3 full on cakes here?

    I got a free 'packed lunch' for marshalling at the half today: sandwich, crisps and a twix.  Added it up and it comes to 900 chuffing calories.  Had to go for a 6.5 mile run to undo the damage.

    KO's - did you fly into Leeds?  If so we live about a mile from the airport - I can watch the planes taxi and take off/land from the bedroom window.  Should the mood take me.  I got my degree from the history dept at Leeds - International History & Politics.

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    Radar SalRadar Sal ✭✭✭

    Have had the afternoon napping on the couch and still feel like complete crap.  NOT impressed!  Damn those commuting germ carriers I've been hanging out with and my neighbours for having an all night party with loud music (they turned it down a bit but it sporadically went loud again).  Did manage to make some chicken, corgette and celeric soup though.  Put in Quinoa instead of rice to give it a crunch.  ALL good...but now I think I want pizza...

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    Beef Wellington for lunch = 567 calories image

    I didn't bother totting up the roasties
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    Or the toffee crisp and ice cream
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    Radar SalRadar Sal ✭✭✭

    yeah, but you did a half today.  So it's allllll good! I'm very jealous of everyone that's got out this weekend.  It's awesome weather here and I'd love to get out for a run. image Yes, am feeling very sorry for myself AND I have to work tomorrow!!! image

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    Yes so 1108 calories in credit for thatimage

    No fun not running when the weather is perfect.

    I will be handing in my notice tomorrow as I have a new job to go to.
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    roasties were 600 cals imageimageimage
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    yer majyer maj ✭✭✭

    Aw Sal poor you....that's miserable and it's hanging around a bit.  I prescribe dominos with extra garlic bread.

    DLR we're talking 3 small buns which undoubtedly will have a disporoprtionate number of calories in them.  And Mr Maj is making smoked haddock and cider pie as we speak....image

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    Poor RS -I hope you feel better soon.

    A bad bad day eating here.........my mothers fault, she f***** me off big style. I apparently eat when I am mad so must of been mad an awful lot lately!!! No running  today either - weather is horrendous.image

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    Never mind Kaz - just make tomorrow a good un.

    I had a really nice tea.  Had a basic (but nice) crudité selection as a starter then a southern fried Quorn burger, home made chips done in the actifry and my version of Nandos macho peas.  Champion.

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    Radar SalRadar Sal ✭✭✭

    Thanks all.  I feel crap but it's nice to hear get wells.  Got my pizza but am a little annoyed.  I ordered online and made a few changes to the toppings and crust and the phuckers didn't do them...still all went down and now I'm VERY VERY full.  really don't need to eat for days!

    Kaz - anytime a parent says there's something wrong with you...blame themimage  She bought you up not to express you anger and convert it into food...so it's all her fault really image

    DLR - you're just too good.  Gold star for you!

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    Sal: Give your body what it wants and sleep. You're probably eating less than you think you are. Love your approach to mind phucking with your parents.

    DLR: I'm jealous. What's your calorie limit for each day?

    Downward trend on the scales this morning. Was really hoping to drop below 58kgs after a few good days of really staying in control of calories and avoiding carbs at night. I'm guessing the pear cider and the single scoop of gelato on Saturday and the 4 Lindor balls last night were my undoing, as the scales were stubbornly resolute at 58.85. Sigh. At least it's not 60, as it was last Tuesday.

    I really have a lot less leeway than I think I do, which makes staying in control so much harder.

    I'm at work and trying. desperately. to. not. eat.

    Dunno what it is. When I'm in control it's so much easier to keep being in control. But when the scales don't go to the place I want them to go, I seem to go into self-destruction mode and eat everything in sight. Why? Why? Why?

    Have eaten 2 of the secret stash of protein bars (intended consumption is 1 per day), which is going to put me at least 200 calories out on the count today.

    Went out for a 6km run today with a friend. We were chatting so much I had to walk for a bit. Would have liked to have some data, but my "normal" running gear is STILL in a parcel on its way to Australia from Europe.

    P&ss and b*ll%cks.

    By the way: How do you count calories from exercise? Do you take the total count that your data tells you and then deduct the amount you would have burnt anyway just by existing? Or do you take the exact number from your data? For example: if my watch tells me that I've burnt 300 calories on a run, do I take it that I can then eat 300 calories of extra stuff, or do I take 300 calories less the amount (say 50) that I would have burnt regardless of whether I exercised?

    'Cause I think this would make a bit difference, so I tend not to take exercise calories into account and just try to stay within the limit I would be allowed if I were inactive.


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    Typically I do the same mm and don't use the extra cals burnt in exercise.... On days with long runs though I know I have scope for gluttony and would use the cals as shown on the garmin
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    No change here this weekimage Pigging out the day before weigh in ain't a good idea.

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    Weigh in tomorrow Kaz.  I'll 'publish' on Wednesday so I'll ake weekly weigh ins from any time the previous week, just try and keep your own weigh in on a consistent day when you start.

    Maus - 1280.  That's meant to be a 1000 defecit each day.  I do use any exercise calories though.  I get the exercise calories off a website that takes off background calories - I think!

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    DLR: I did fly into Leeds; it's really lovely, out by the airport. I recall it being very green. But uch, if I also remember correctly, rather hilly.image It's beautiful country, Yorkshire. The tiny town of Haworth is probably in my top 5 places I love most in the world, actually. And what's that website for the calories thing?

    SR: Ooooh! A new job... when will you start?

    MM: Can I ask how tall you are? I recall you being about my height (170cm); I also remember you being quite slim. Can I ask why the number makes so much difference (other than we're all using numbers here to gauge our progress)? It seems from what you said above that there is a correlation between your disappointment when the number doesn't change with emotional eating. You've lost so much weight that now you're probably close to your ideal weight, but maybe the thing to focus more is strengthening and toning rather than a number (and pilates is so good for that, so you're already doing everything right!).

    Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that you may be being overly-critical of how you look, especially since so many people (and maybe even your own subconscious) think that you'll be rail-thin when you've run a marathon (that's what I subconsciously thought when I ran my first, but I actually gained about 7lbs! this time 'round, I did lose weight, but I was far more conscious about what I ate). FWIW, I think you look great. image
    The other thing that I've been meaning to bring up, but I think matters since many of us seem to be on the other side of 30, is that when I lose weight as I get older, is that it's harder for my skin to "shrink." It does shrink, just not as much as it would have when I was younger. As a result, especially on my lower abdomen, is that it's sort of loose, so it creates the impression of fat, even if there is none. It sucks, and it's embarassing, because I'm supposed to be in "such great shape" because I've run a marathon. So I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions about how to deal with it?

    One last thing: height/weight charts. The thing that I'm having trouble sorting is what is an "ideal" height/weight for me. NL height/weight charts say my "ideal" median is 64-65. US charts, 61-62. And UK, 62-63. So my best "range" is 61-65. But even at 61.9 (last week), I know I have excess fat and that I'm soft in places where I could be firmer. So my goal was 57kg, but I fear that's too low... So, any suggestions about how to decide, or are you all being just as arbitrary as I am?image

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    Yes KO's it is fairly hilly here.  Live at about the highest point in he city so if I run from home any run will start with 2 miles downhill and finish with 2 miles up.  There is a 1.5 mile stretch of road 2 miles away that's pretty flat for intervals, but most of my long runs are done along the canal.

    I'll be 43 a couple of weeks after The 'Dam and I don't seem to get obvious loose skin if I lose weight but if I do a plank exercise with no shirt on there seems to be a bundle of loose skin in the abdomen.  I'll grant you it's unlikely anyone is ever going to see that and maybe it looks worse than it is from that angle but it was an unpleasant surprise when I noticed it!

    Not sure what I make of the ideal weight ranges as so much depends on body composition - which is where TD's Omron comment comes into its own.  Someone could be below the range but have high percentage fat levels, or have very little fat but be above the range because of the amount of muscle they carry.

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    Think I am going to get one of that 'omron' things afterall..........

    I am well fed up of the thought that I am overweight!!! Although I know I am carrying extra, there is no way I should be measuring in the overweight catagory. Or maybe I am just trying to convince myself!!! At least if I had that thing and the body compositiion changed I think I may be happier???image

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     Hey KO's: Thank you, your opinion means a lot! Ask away - I'm 168cm. Which puts my BMI at 20.5 (taking it at 58 kgs). When I look in the mirror, I see the girl who weighed 25 kgs more. Objectively, I see that the clothes are smaller, I see that the number is smaller, I feel muscles, I see photos of my face before and think I look like I've just had my wisdom teeth removed. But I still see a fairly overweight (albeit healthy) girl in the mirror.

     And you're bang on: there's a correlation with emotional eating and boredom. What I'm trying to do now is break that cycle and I guess some days I'll be better at it than others.

     This time last year, I was bouncing around between 55 and 57 kgs. I used to feel fairly comfortable bouncing around in that range and I didn't place too much store by the number. But, the day I hopped on the scales and saw 57, I wanted to cry. Once you hit a particular number, it becomes very difficult not to see it again.

     My panic is that every (re-)gained kilo makes me think "is this the slippery slope?" I can have a disgustingly gluttonous day and put on 1 kg (maybe 1.5km), which makes me think: holy crap, that means, at that rate, it would take me less than a month to re-gain all the weight I lost in 6 months.

     In the last 6 months, I've been fairly stable between 57 and 59. I preferred the 55-57 range. I still weigh everyday and, as I said, I've started counting calories again. This, for some reason, gives me some comfort. I like rules. Counting gives me rules. I've toyed with not weighing everyday (I only weighed weekly for the initial weight loss) but found I worried unnecessarily.

     I'm with DLR on the skin. My skin looks a bit loose in a few spots and a bit crepe-paper-y, particularly when I do plank at pilates. Sometimes my shirt droops down and I spot it. I then look away quickly!

     I was horrified when I ran into an old colleague after the weight loss and he said "do you have, you know, really loose skin like the biggest loser people". I know he meant it in the best possible way, but it was depressing to get that insight into how other people perceived me.

    I guess I'm never going to look like Kate Middleton. I need to accept that. I've got curvy bits. In fact, I don't know what I'm really aiming to look like other than fairly nebulous concepts like "smaller" and "not myself"...


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    Kaz: No way on this earth are you overweight...

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    MM - Truly am.

    I am with you on the hangy skin. When I was 'skinny' I  had lose skin on my thighs, arms and stomach which I was really gutted about. Afterall part of the weightloss was about wearing clothes I deemed only 'skinny' people could wear, so the disappointment at still not being able to wear these clothes cos of loose skin was very upsettingimage

    I was obsessed my numbers and rules, - weighing everyday, calorie counting, how many sit ups, reps of this that and the other, walking obsessive miles everyday pushing a double buggy(I was a childminder).......... the list goes on......600 was my favourite number - 600 sit ups,600 leg raises,  600 cals,

    Now I would do anything to regain self control like that, but I suppose there is still the deep rooted fear that I will get obsessed again.

    It must be confessional time againimageimage Sorry

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    Confessional away Kaz.

    I hear you, totally. There seems to be a fine line between vigilance and disordered behaviour. Sometimes this line is clear, most of the time, not.

    So, am I right in guessing that you've undergone a large weight loss? Do you want to share all the gory details? If not, I do understand...


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    wow this forum is getting deep and heavy, man.

    i think you are all beutiful, well educated, caring and thoughtful people on here.


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    I'm going into a more obsessive phase.

    I'll see what the scales say tomorrow but I seem to be heading in the right direction in terms of behavior - weekend before last one meal out/bad day led to two more days off the rails.  Last weekend the meal out/bad day was confined to one day.  Generally though I've been nicely on track and spent an hour yesterday listing 21 different meal/food ideas and am aiming to take 80% of what I consume for main meals from that list.  What I'm looking to do is give myself a range of ideas to draw from so I don't feel tempted to opt for takeaways/ready meals/whatever.  Ditching the bread makes a massive difference too.

    So, from today I'm going to weigh daily and track body fat too.

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    AR: Too bad we don't get paid for all of this introspection. We'd all be rich.

    DLR: I'd love to see that list of 21 different meal/food ideas.

    I think my gym has one of those fancy machines that measures BMI, blahblahblah. I guess I shouldn't be afraid and just go ahead and use it. (I'm still afraid to face the complexity of my new (used) Garmin forerunner. Technology, while incredibly useful, also annoys my brain.)

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    1280 cals seems very very low DLR, and you certainly don't look that old.

    Ditching booze is the big one for me, I won't be skimping on sources of carbs, like bread that is for sure.

    I plan on around 2000 per day and don't typcially bother using the exercise cals, apart from really long runs - then there is a definite reward system thing going on.

    It is interesting the different motivations here around weight reduction/running.  My driving force is to lose weight so I can go faster rather than run to lose weight.

    tomato soup, pile of brown toast and bananas so far today.

    @ KOS - Start new job on 12 June

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    you shouldn't need to measure BMI KO's you can calculate it, viz:


    mass(kg) / (height (m))^2 = BMI


    ^2 - means squared

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    yer majyer maj ✭✭✭

    Well the scales showed a loss today.  Not quite as much as I had hoped for but under the circumstances, not too bad.  Today sees the start of my new regime of running 5 days a week instead of 4...I'll be keeping the mileage around the same as my 4x mileage this week just to allow my recently recovered body to adapt a bit....but it'll help with the weight loss too.

    Like SR I want to lose weight to benefit my speed.  I'm reasonably happy with the way I look - I've gradually lost around 2 stone over ther past 4 years and I'm happy at a size 12.  I'm afraid I love food too much to starve myself down to the socially acceptable size 8-10.  And I love running too much to starve myself too.

    The sugar thing is going well.  I reckon I could lose all the weight I want to simply by cutting out alcohol but I don't think I'm ready for that mental leap just yet.  I cut down so much when I was marathon training and my intake hasn't really increased since.

    Alan - I think the deep stuff is inevitable when you get a bunch of women together in a targeted weight loss situation.  The expectations and pressures around food/weight/body image are intense and frankly, scary.  I'm very glad that I was brought up by a mother who had no food issues or body image issues that I was aware of.  Food was never mentioned in terms of weight or size even though I have always been a much bigger build than the rest of the women in my family (as my Dad is so fond of reminding me!).  I grew up perfectly happy with the way I looked and was really quite old before it ever became an issue.  There are a lot of reasons why I am glad I have a son and not a daughter - this nonsensical pressure our girls feel to look a certain way and be stick thin is most definitely one of them.

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    i also think 1280 cals is very very low DLR. it seems a bit extreme for someone as active as you, and for someone who is already pretty light.

    with such a low cal target it is pretty easy to slip and go over it, feel bad, and beat yourself up.

    +1 for wanting to see your list of food ideas.

    stray runner, my motivation is also to lose weight to run faster.

    oh, and forgot to say earlier, hope you are feeling better RS.

    for those thinking about doing BMI, i am no expert but i have read it is not the best way to motivate yourself. there are plenty of top level sportspeople out there, at the top of their game, who's BMI tells them that they are morbidly obese.

    well, its my weighday today. got on the scales just before lunch, and am now 180.6 lbs. so that makes it just over 2 pound weight loss for this week. call it 2 pounds DLR.

    lunch consisted of 4 linda mccartney veggie sausages and two brown baps.

    1st ever taste of veggie sausage, not too bad.

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    yer maj, congrats on the weight loss this week.image

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