
Lyke Wake Race 42



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    50 miles! you really should be renamed superultrahippo - what event is that? (you can see I'm spending a lot of time at the computer - tapering has a lot to answer for!)
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    havet done it yet

    my excuse for walking this
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    Got back from France last night with same number of kids we set out with, all in one piece - whew. News on mystery foot injury not so good - the stiffness has spread up the tendon and a new lump has appeared. I'll get a physio appointment ASAP and see what the verdict is. Very annoying.
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    good luck for blackpool guys

    Liz-hope you are sorted soon
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    Hippo, u can share my maps as have got a set and will also be walking :)
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    Provisional start time 07:30. Not likely to change unless something drastic occurs.

    Suggest 07:00 start. Let me know before Thursday.

    Get the injury sorted. Too late to make excuses now.

    Start times will be finalised on Thursday evening. Start details will be sent out after checking. Probably the weekend. If anyone has not heard by 3rd July let me know.

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    JFRMJFRM ✭✭✭
    Thanks Bryan

    Survived Blackpool more or less unscathed. Bring on the Lyke Wake! I never thought the day would come when I would regard a marathon as a mere training run.

    How have the other marathoners From Potts and Blackpool fared?
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    Bryan - 7 is good- better safe than sorry
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    Hi NMP - looked out for you at Blackpool but since there were so many rainjackets on it was hard to spot people at the start - survived and happy with ny performance as a first timer (4.49) but I cannot say I am unscathed (legs battered by all that concrete). See Hippos race report on Potts thread - well done her!
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    JFRMJFRM ✭✭✭
    Hi Sluggie, Congratulatons on your 1st marathon - a PB! Have you caught the bug now or are you saying never again.

    When I say unscathed I mean relatively speaking. In the past I have not been able to walk downstairs and struggled to get out of bed the day after a marathon!

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    no, worryingly I'm not saying never again. 42 miles is a long way though :)
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    Congratulations to all who completed the Blackpool training run at the weekend; especially Sluggie on a first. Hope you all as successful on LWR.


    Start time adjusted. Estimate now 9hours start 07:00.
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    erm . . . don't suppose anyone's driving from London that might want to give me a lift? If you are, cld you drop me a mail?
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    I am driving up from London on the friday night after work and was planning to sleep in the car or tent it when I get there.
    (guestimated TOA about 11.40-12)

    I start at 7.

    The prob is the next day. I have a lift (I hope) squeezed in the back of Tim Rainey magical tour bus to Osmotherley and amstaying in the YHA on the Saturday night.

    Sunday -I am either going off to do a little scrambling (75%) or may see some family so can cant guarantee a lift back at this stage.

    I dnt know if any of this helps but if so then send us a mail
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    Caspar, if DDP isn't around there will be more room for you in our bus and perhaps for our hidden friend too.
    We've got our pitch booked at the campsite for Friday and Saturday night.
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    Hi Tim

    do you have any details for the campsite?
    wesite? email? phonenumber?

    i am staying in the YHA on the Saturday.

    hope all is well
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    Here you are Caspar:

    Cote Ghyll Caravan & Camping Park
    North Yorkshire
    DL6 3AH
    Telephone/Fax: 01609 883425
    E-Mail: hills@coteghyll.com

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    Casper, tried to mail you but it got sent back.

    Lift up on Friday sounds great, please keep me in mind. I have some friends relatively near who I may be able to stay with on Saturday (though whether they would necessarily want to drive to Ravenscar i doubt!). I guess then it might be an idea to take a bivvy bag or something for Friday - you'll forgive me not being overly keen to sleep in a car with a guy i've never met!

    Hmmm, must actually try to sort this out, otherwise I'm going to end up not coming because of logistics which is a stupid reason not to do something!
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    Fat Buddha said he got mail sent back but it is my real email address.

    He had to try a couple of times but got through in the end

    I am going to spend the friday night (ssuming it is not full) in the camp site Tim mentions above.

    I am waiting to hear back from them - I sent an email this morning.

    I can definatly drive up on the friday, and plans for the rest of the weekend will emerge. I am booked in the YHA for Saturday

    Tim says - in above post - that there may be room in the magic bus back to Os. He is staying in the Os campsite firday and sat

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    As I said to Hippo, there's actually an extra space in the girls half of our tent-wife and daughter in that side when there's me and two sons in the other. And a big space in between the two halfs if you want to hide there with your bivvy bag!
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    Tim, that would be great, only prob is that it sounds like we may not be getting there till very late, and i'm starting at 4am, which could all be a bit disruptive?

    That said, though, it would be really good to be able to leave some excess stuff somewhere, not really wanting to carry sleeping bag etc across the route . ..
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    It certainly could be disruptive!
    We won't be there much before 9 I wouldn't have thought. I'm starting at 7:30, we'll just take it as it comes I suppose.
    If you bivvy under the middle bit of our tent you'll have a bit more shelter and be out of site, I'll just have to make sure you know which is our tent!!!!!
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    IN hiding -
    you can have your stuff transported to the end point if that is any help.

    We will be leaving London 6.30 - 7 - should be there about 11 or so I reckon assuming we dont get too lost.

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    This needs a seriously big boing.
    All together now.....
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    Thank you! Any advice from old hands about what to take to eat on this sort of jaunt (I like jelly babies for long runs but the numbers required for 42 miles are ridiculous!). I know there is food (rice and fruit I think someone said) at the Lion but those of us who take 6 hours to get there need a snack or three before that!
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    Find a favourite energy bar and take some of those and try a carbohydrate drink. I like to have a few apples as well, but not too many cos that might have unfortunate side-effects!!
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    now then
    My parents want to come and pick me up at the end

    may not need place in magic bus

    i would recommend nuts--theywere fab on trailwalker

    and youll fancy a ckicken sarnie at some point

    WHY have i given up crisps!
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    where is DDP
    where are my boots?
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    I know what energy snacks I like to take, but would you recommend something salty as well to stop cramps?
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