
New Mature Runners Thread



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    This is my sprint finish at yesterday's parkrun. That's not my name at the top, but the chap who took the photo.
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    I ran 6 52 miles on roads this morning with the Monday Group. I'm just 15 miles away from 1,200, so should make it. 
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    Just the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning. 

    I thought that I had posted a photo of me sprinting to the finish of Saturday's parkrun, but it seems not. I'll try again. 

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    Just the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning. 

    I thought that I had posted a photo of me sprinting to the finish of Saturday's parkrun, but it seems not. I'll try again. 

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    Just the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning. 

    Here is a photo of me sprinting to the finish of Saturday's parkrun. 
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    Just the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning. 
    Here's a picture of me sprinting to the finish of Saturday's parkrun. 
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    Just the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning. 
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    Just the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning. 
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    HS That does sound a rather testing parkrun course, which would account for your WAVA. I often think it would be nice if there was a version of WAVA which took account of the terrain. It doesn't seem fair that a flat course is assessed the same as a hilly off-road course.
    Well done for your high mileage this year, I'm sure you'll hit your target.
    I agree about treadmills, I'm not much of a fan either but since moving here we've found there have been long spells each winter when high winds, snow or ice make running dangerous. By missing a week or so at a time fitness inevitably suffers, so treadmill running was a "better than nothing" option, which is why we bought one a couple of months ago. I don't think it will get used a lot, but at least we will be able to keep up our running right through winter.  

    Great photo of your sprint finish on Saturday (which you did manage to post at the time too). 

    A hilly seven mile run for me yesterday, including a hill of a mile and a half with an elevation of 170m, it certainly feels good to get to the top of that and start on a gentle downward section. Tomorrow Steve and I are planning to do a run together, probably 4 or 5 miles. We're out all day Thursday (dentist, physio, hairdresser) and have the grandsons on Friday, then Saturday will be parkrun and collecting our order for the turkey etc. The days seem to be flying by....
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    I don't know what's going on with this thread, but suddenly there are lots of duplicates of HS's posts. 
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    Aquarius, I don't know what's going on either. I posted using my phone, and attaching the photo, and each time I pressed post comment, the post disappeared. I tried several times, hence the duplications. I'm typing now on my laptop. You may remember some time ago that the page on my phone was constantly scrolling downwards. To overcome this, I have been responding to all your emails and this worked. It didn't today, hence the muddle.

    I only posted really to say that I just did the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning.

    I agree about the WAVAS being able to adjust to the terrain. The 100% times are all set on specified running tracks, so there is no chance of getting anywhere near on parkruns, or any off track races. I've about 15 miles to go for the 1,200 miles.

    I'm glad that you liked the photo.

    Well done for yesterdays hilly 7 mile run with a steep hill. I hope that you and Steve have good runs tomorrow. I've never known a year to have gone so quickly. It must be truewhen they say the time goes quicker as you age☹
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Evening everyone,

    Aquarius - I hadn't thought about the current phones not fitting in anything 'dressy' these days. Well done re that tough hilly parkrun. Well done re the hilly 7ml run - good luck with your plans for the rest of this week.

    HS - Margaret doesn't miss her car since giving up driving. Most of the time I'm available to drive her places .. but she tries to be self-sufficient and get buses when she can. I see you also did a tough, muddy parkrun and well done for being first in your AG. Great photo - you definitely have your 'race face' on. Well done re the two runs you've done since the weekend .. I'm sure you'll hit your 1200ml target.

    I managed to order my new mobile from Amazon (it went out of stock - but then came back into stock the following day). The case I ordered has already arrived but as the design of the phone has changed, I can't use it for the current phone. The new mobile won't arrive until January unless Amazon change their mind about the delivery date. I ordered some more of those door springs - they're supposed to arrive the end of the week.

    I'm off to see my Mum again on Thu. My sister tells me she is looking better and the other good news is I can visit earlier (from 12pm) so won't get caught up in the rush-hour traffic on the way to the hotel and it may still be daylight (I struggle driving in the dark these days).

    I walked into town yesterday to pay some money into the bank because I haven't managed to get out for any early walks for a few days.

    Yesterday was also book group and as it's 3 years since the group started, we celebrated with cake supplied by me and mulled wine courtesy of Monica who was hosting us. We've decided it's nicer to celebrate the group's anniversary in December rather than November so that's what we'll do in future. I took some photos to send in to the lady who does the u3a magazine .. I'll try posting the best photo on here once I've posted this update ..
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Hopefully, here's the photo I mentioned of us dressed up to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of book circle 5 (l-r  Me, Rose, Alan, Chris, Monica, Val) ... 

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    Afternoon all, 

    WtnMel, I don't think that I would miss my car that much. I've got an OAP  bus pass, and Sarah drives me to the parkruns. 

    Thanks, I was pleased with the photo as it showed that I was pushing hard.

    It's a shame that your new phone won't arrive until after Christmas. I remember a few years ago that I bought a holder for my phone so that I could wear it on my arm when I was running. You've guessed it, the phone didn't fit in it!

    I'm glad to hear that your mum is looking better and that you can see her earlier, missing the rush hour traffic. I don't like driving in the dark either, these days. 

    That's a lovely photo at the third anniversary of the book circle. 

    This morning, I ran a very slow 10k in the forest with Mike; the other Wednesday Group members were otherwise engaged 🤣 We ran it at an easy pace, as I had a slight ache in my left arm. I think I must have strained it whilst reaching to the top of the bathroom window to wipe away the condensation. 

    I've run 100k this month, and need another 10 miles for 1,200.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Evening all,

    HS - I'm not bothered about the wait for the new phone because it was a bargain and the ones I found that would arrive quicker were more expensive! I have one of those phone holders for running but as you point out, 'modern' mobiles probably wouldn't fit in it now. You've reminded me I also have a holder for my ipod (the 'classic' ipod from a few years back) which I've not used for a while. I find it dangerous when driving in the dark - on unlit country roads, I sometimes 'lose' where the side of the road when someone approaches with bright headlights and have to brake until they've passed me. Glad you liked the photo of the book circle meetup. I assume the other Wed group runners were busy with xmas preparations and couldn't join you and Mike? Sorry to hear you may have strained something wiping away condensation on the window .. the simplest things eh? Good luck with running the last 10 miles. I seem to recall a thread on Fetcheveryone where the people who reached their target had to take a selfie and post it on there.

    I don't know if you remember me mentioning I'm gradually reviewing the files and clearing unwanted or surplus rubbish off my laptop? My latest discovery is some backups from my old desktop pc (the machine I used before my old laptop which in turn has been superseded by the current laptop!). Needless to say the files are quite a few years old. I'm reviewing the files as quick as I can in case there are any I haven't got copied to the new laptop. But with a few exceptions, needless to say, most files are already there. The desktop pc backup is 98Gb in total!! So well worth reviewing and then deleting! :)
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Ha .. wouldn't you know it.  As soon as I write in my post that the new mobile isn't due until January, Amazon email me to say they're delivering it tomorrow! :) 
    Oh .. and the door springs due on Friday actually arrived yesterday. 
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    That's good news 👍 
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    WtnMel brave decision on the car- it will be interesting to see how it goes. We have 2 but only need 1. The problem is that neither is ideal for our needs so we'd probably need to get rid of both and buy a new medium sized car. Both have run well since new and are now 5-6 years old, so just waiting until for the right time when mechanical issue start creeping in. 
    Very lucky with the new phone hope you manage the transition without issues.
    Hillstrider I was amused by your multiple posts 🤭. Hope the pain in your arm is nothing serious.

    Are you using your treadmill to avoid the wind too Aquarius? I'm planning to do the Christmas paarlaufs at the club tonight (mixed relays as a festive fun activity), but it's looking very windy.
    Are you all planning any bonus parkruns on Christmas and New Year's day? I'm going for the full suite, which will give me a record annual parkrun total off 55 this year. My wife will also reach 200 parkruns on Christmas day so that should be a bit of a celebration on top of the normal Christmas day fun. 
    Not sure if I'll get a chance to post in the next few days. So here's wishing you all the best Christmas and thanks for letting me join the group 🙏
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    Just popped in to tell Mel that my barbershop has recruited 2 ladies!

    I'll post properly tomorrow 😁
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Evening everyone,

    I'm at the 'Purple Palace' in Tring (aka. the local Premier Inn). Saw my Mum this afternoon (she was looking much better than last time) and staying overnight then heading home tomorrow morning.

    OO54 - my partner Margaret had lost her confidence when driving and as most of what she wants to do can either be done via buses or is done with me, so it wasn't that difficult a decision in the end to sell the car. There are some occasions where I give her a lift to where she wants to go - but that was part of the 'deal' we agreed at the time. I upgraded from my 12 year old Fiesta to a 2 year old one soon after which she was pleased about and which I'm really happy with. Lots more features and it made me realise how I had gradually got used to how much the old one rattled and creaked! The new phone is the same make and model (Samsung Galaxy) but a bit newer than the current one (an A14 rather than an A12). So I don't envisage many (any?) problems transferring to it. The thing which will take time will be installing all the apps I use. Enjoy your parkrun-related celebrations alongside the usual festive fun.

    HS - re your barbershop recruiting 2 ladies .. I'll just say "Down boy!" :):)  

    I've spent an hour or so this evening going through some of those surplus backup files I mentioned. As I suspected, the vast majority of files are already on the laptop. So lots of space freed up on the external disk drive - and there's plenty more to come. I just decided after an hour of staring at the laptop and comparing files I'd had enough and was going goggle-eyed!!  :)   
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    WtnMel there is a feature on your Samsung for transferring all your apps to a new phone. The tricky but is remembering all the passwords when you open them up on the new phone 🙄

    I think I might need a haircut for Xmas.....
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Afternoon everyone,

    OO54 - thanks for the tip. I thought there might be something that Samsung would have created .. to aid customers they had persuaded to buy a sparkly new Samsung phone ;) Seriously though, I hadn't looked yet at how to move across to the new phone but will bear that in mind. I've only just got back from Tring so I have unpacked the Amazon package (to ensure they've sent me what I've ordered) and am currently charging up the new phone. Over breakfast this morning, I was mulling over the best way to approach getting everything transferred across - not just the list of apps I use but the data as well (photos, documents, plus for example text and whatsapp messages etc.). It will give me something to do when I have a few spare days :)  I cheat slightly re passwords - I have a password-protected 'master' file tucked away on my computer which contains the list of passwords for various other websites/apps.  

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    Good morning everyone, sorry for lack of posts, but difficult at the moment to find the time. 

    00, thanks, the arm is ok now, it was an ache, rather than a pain. 

    Good luck for you and your wife reaching your parkrun targets over the Christmas. 🎄 A merry Christmas to you both 🎅

    WtnMel, I'm glad to hear that your mum is looking better. 

    Good luck with transferring data between phones, and working your way through surplus back up files. You must have a lot of patience. 

    I'm looking forward to my next haircut as it will be free, having had the necessary 6, and hopefully with one of the new ladies. 

    I haven't got much too report. My daughter was successful in Thursdays interview for an assistant carer. It will be more money, and less stressful. She is awaiting an official start date, but has already done a few shifts. 

    I did the Brockenhurst parkrun in Wilverley Inclosure yesterday, and a windy 6k on roads this morning. I'm doing the Southampton parkrun Christmas Day, and then going to my sister's with one of my nieces, her two daughters and my nieces boyfriend. 

    I probably won't have a chance to post on here tomorrow, so I'll wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year 🎅🎄🎉
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    I'll try to attach a photo of me with some club mates after Saturday's parkrun. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Hello everyone,

    HS - no need to apologise for the lack of posts. I think we've all probably been enjoying xmas and posting on forums naturally takes a back seat for a few days. A nice photo of you and your clubmates - I recognise a few of them from previous photos you have posted. Good news re your daughter's new job which I note she has not yet 'officially' started though she's done a few shifts. I trust you had an enjoyable time at your sisters.

    Margaret and I had a nice quiet time on xmas day as it was just the two of us. And I must say how impressed we were with the 'Cook' ready-prepared xmas meal for two we bought. It was very easy for me to follow the copious instructions and timings they gave you. And as everything was pre-prepared, there was no waste or hours spent getting things ready. It took just 90 minutes from starting to cook the dinner to serving it up. We'll definitely order it again next year.

    We've been out to Croome today. Needless to say, with it being Boxing Day and fine weather, the place was 'rammed' and we were on the additional parking, even though we were there reasonably early. There were a lo0t of people out walking their dogs - or large groups of people out and about (obviously escaped 'en masse' from the xmas festivities). 

    I'm glad to say, the transfer to the new phone is done & dusted. I used the 'smart switch' app which OO54 mentioned and apart from taking longer than expected, it copied across everything perfectly. Well, a bit too perfectly if I'm honest. Because I had my sd storage card in the old phone, the software dutifully copied across all the photos and documents from it. Then when I put the sd card into the new phone after the transfer, I found I had duplicates of them! :) Not a problem though - I attached the phone to my laptop and looked for the folder in the internal storage where it had copied the files to and deleted all the duplicates.

    I'm still working my way through the surplus backups on my laptop - it does take time but given the laptop is speeding up the more I remove, it's worth spending the time doing.
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    Good afternoon everyone,

    WtnMel, thanks, I think that posting is taking a back seat for everyone at present. I thought that you might recognise some of the runners.

    My daughter is eagerly awaiting leaving her existing job, and starting the new one.

    I had a lovely time at my sister's thank you. I arrived with my niece, her "boy" friend and two daughters aged 10 and 8. It's amazing how quickly they grow up these days. My niece took full responsibility for cooking the dinner, with a little help from me. She had printed off from Utube a complete guide to a salmon meal with all the ingredients, cooking times etc. It was a 100% success, so she was very pleased. 

    Your meal sounds similar with full instructions on how to prepare and cook.

    I hope you enjoyed your trip to Croome yesterday. I'm not surprised that it was very busy, being that the weather was good.

    Good that the transfer to the new phone has been achieved successfully, and that the removal of surplus backups is going well.

    There was just Mike and I running this morning, probably the high speed winds putting the others off. We ran 7.18 miles in the forest, including 5 easy paced loops round the 1k gravel track, with 100.05 metres sprints at the end of each loop. The sprints were into the teeth of the headwind, so not particularly quick.

    I received a dodgy email this morning, apparently from the tax office. I used the trick of hovering the cursor over the email address, and it was obviously bogus. I have blocked that address, but no doubt they will try again with an alternative address.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Glad you got sorted Wtnmel. Thanks to my techie daughters rather than me. It's a wonderful feature though for a phone change. 
    Glad you enjoyed your windy run hillstrider. I also went out in heavy rain today and found very few others about. With the right clothing I don't mind rain especially if temps are mild as today.

    We have had a quiet Christmas with all three daughters home. One recently got engaged. That in itself was great news until we also heard news of a baby next July. This would be our first grandchild, so naturally we are thrilled. Hush hush for now of course.....

    In other news we have done every parkrun available over Christmas. The last was in Blyth on Christmas day and I was pleased with my time considering the festive outfit. We are now in Keswick and planning another parkrun blast on Saturday, my 55th this year. That's a massive personal record and thanks to our bonus bank holiday one in Amsterdam. This opens the possibility of reaching 500 parkruns next Christmas.
    Another record this year is for annual mileage. Already in new territory with about 30 more to come by New Year's eve.

    Here's wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and of course a splendid New Year 🙏
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    The Christmas day parkrun outfits 
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    Good afternoon everyone, 

    00, thanks. Rain doesn't bother me either, in fact some of my PB's set way back in the day, were in rainy and windy conditions. 

    I'm glad that you enjoyed Christmas with your family, and that one daughter had recently got engaged. How lovely to discover that you will have a grandchild in July. 

    Well done fitting in the parkruns over Christmas, and congratulations in advance for Saturday's 55th of the year. Have you been "collecting" an alphabet of parkruns. I've only got 8, as I don't like driving too far away for parkruns. Well done for your record annual mileage, with more to come. 

    That's a great picture of you all in your Christmas Day parkrun outfits  🎄🎅
    Happy New Year 😃

    I can't remember whether I mentioned my Christmas Day parkrun. My local run wasn't being held that day, so with two running friends, we ran the Southampton parkrun. There were 959 runners and I came 537th and 2nd AG.

    I ran a solo 4.53 miles this morning on roads and in the forest. It was very windy, especially in the forest. 

    Happy New Year to you all🎉
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    Good afternoon everyone,

    No running today, just the usual Friday Farmer's Walk.
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