
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    ............rewarded now with fresh lemon drizzle cake  :)
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Just noticed Damien’s Yorkshire joke. Very good if requiring subtitles for a southerner.
    Daley Thompson by coincidence cropped up in a conversation I had yesterday with an old friend. He used to be a graphic designer and did some T shirts for Daley at the time of the 1980 Olympics. Apparently DT was a very good lad and great company. My mate’s work also brought him into the orbit of Roger Black about whom he was less complimentary.
    The other old pal we were with goes to the same gym ast Sally Gunnell and she’s very nice. That’s a relief.
    Apologies for name dropping by proxy.!
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    name dropper indeed :)

    did I ever tell you about the time I used to run with Steve Cram, Charlie Spedding and Kevin Forster..................

    It was Daley I think who came up with immortal line -
     "when all my challengers are at home having Xmas dinner I am doing my second training session of the day"  :)

    I wasn't wrong about the weather today - it has been raining heavily since I got back from my run until now.  We need Mick to have snow...............
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Hope you got the job done, WP . . .    
    more impressive sub 10 miles, TS - do you deny yourself the cake if you should slip over 10:00   ;)
    ok, I'll join the name-dropping - here's yours truly with the gentleman that is Ron Hill, the day before Reims marathon 1995.  Ron was part of our club's trip. (Not sure what we were thinking with the shorts)    :#  

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    p.s.  took a rest day today, after the 6 yesterday.   
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    .... chafed thighs :)??
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Not the greatest picture, Birch...but one to treasure! I have quite a few of Ron and I. The one below is when I arranged for Ron to meet up with Steve Way after Steve had broken Ron's Over 40's marathon age best, set at the Glasgow Commonwealth's.

    I also have a mug that was awarded to all finishers at Ron's 77th birthday race: it features a photo, including me, taken on the day that he celebrated his 50th years of his streak. He had phoned a few people, including myself, and asked us to join him that day. Special, and not to go in the dishwasher! 

    Edit: one mug...


    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    alehouse - indeed one to treasure.  I did think, given your location and background, that you would probably know Ron.   

    great pic of yours (love the mug, too) -

    re the record, I'm also fortunate enough to have both volumes of Ron's autobiography, the second of which he kindly signed for me thus; 
    "good luck in your marathon, David - please don't break my UK Vets record of 2:16:46"  :)

    I only just missed it (with a 34 min handicap, that is) - my Reims time was 2:50:45 . . .   
    I remind my self, now and again, when I reflect on being a "slow old git"  ;)   that the running hobby has provided great people, memories and stories to look back on. The Reims weekend is certainly one of those :) 
    what's the immediate plan for you alehouse, in view of procedure? 
    I'm in kit, so heading out shortly (sporting sensible shorts - chafed thighs not one of the fond memories, TS )  . . . .
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    Lovely photo's and memories Dave and those shorts :)

    Ale Lovely photo's:-)

    Yesterday 4.3 miles walking in torrential rain then clearing dinning room, washing tiles and laying new rug almost fits the room bring furniture back .So that leaves all the junk to sort through! Move treadmill to other corner and my desk .

    Needless to say today was just a 2 mile walk ,hoping I can run at weekend.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WP: running sounds easier than all the furniture moving etc!

    : the plan is to just do a couple of km a day until I have more fully recovered from the procedure. Results will be about three weeks. The main issue at present is not my hip but the insertion that the guy made in my lower abdomen to get to my hip! Sorry, too much detail. Anyway in true Dr Hill style my present streak continues. 
    I first met Ron in 1968 when he set his one hour record in Leicester: prior to the main event there was a one hour event for our club and he happily cheered us on during his warm up. I then met him again for in 1972 when I came to Manchester. I wasn't aware that he had a strong connection with the university cross country club, so it was through that that I came to know him. We have a major dinner every five years and Ron has always attended...except for the 95th this year. Have been trying to establish via his son Steven how things are. Not good I suspect. And enjoy your run!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I am getting close to a 77th birthday :/  - if not a 50 year streak!

    I do believe some of that connection between top class athletes and others has been lost over the years what with training camps, high altitude training, warm weather stuff etc.  No doubt we can all remember turning up for low key races in the past and finding several recognisable names in the starters and having a chat at the end after I hadn't beat them!!

    hope it's better for you than for me.............  see below.
    You came close............... :)

    that sounds exhausting!!

    Went out this morning - weather reminded me of an LP by Joni Mitchell - The Hissing of Summer Lawns - as the rain indeed hissed down and the air was fully saturated with mist as well - lovely not!

    4 miles done and yes, lemon drizzle cake reward status was achieved, with 38:54 (9:47m/m) and avHR 131 and a max of 145

    9:57  125  133
    9:26  129  138
    9:33  132  139
    9:57  138  145

    relaxed a bit too much on the last mile thinking the cake was in the bag :)

    Rugby watching day tomorrow - I may have to bring the dry month to a premature close..............
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    thanks for the backstory, alehouse 👍   good luck with the streak (don't doubt it will continue)   :)
    W.Poppy -  agree with the chaps;  the exercise was the easy bit of your day!  Happy "junk sorting" !  
    TS - nicely earned - and I think after your recent form, you can deem today as month-end, and enjoy a reward whilst rugby viewing :)  
    very mild here (short sleeved T-shirt to accompany the sensible shorts) - trundled around for a 5 miler;  quite busy on the trail and in the parks (half term), so some zigzaging necessary, but accomplished without fuss (knee reaction is pretty minimal now, but aware the issue still lurks, so mustn't let my guard down).  Rained heavily just as I reached home, so did the intended bicep curls and "flys" under cover, rather than outside.
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    "trundle" is a good word, but  5 miles is better. Pleased you delayed and got the drier weather. 
    My shorts, socks and tee shirt went straight in the wash and they didn't need water!!
    Haven't done bicep curls for quite a while.

    Mmmmm .. on the permission to break fast.  On the one hand I would feel a bit miffed to cut it short by a day but on the other hand - pork pies always taste better with beer!!

    It has been a satisfactory week so far and pleased to have found some extra energy/strength from somewhere to maintain a slightly higher level of performance
    I have just been for some more bloodwork and will await the outcomes with interest!
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I may not know any legends but I do remember wearing those shorts and around here that could get a bit chilly.

    You should get a pair of alehouse's waterproof socks. It looks like you are in for record rainfall.

    you are still running well for an old wrinklie.
    Can't help with the weather we are expecting mid teens temps next week.

    Enjoyable run today 6.8k in sun but a little cool, -1c. I am still exploring the area but Strava declared me a local legend on one of their segments.
    That is better than Garmin who declared my run unproductive!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Mick - good to hear of a run - and I like the sound of the Strava declaration; as for Garmin - I've come to realise (if I didn't already) that any run is productive in some  way!
    TS - I hadn't known that all three games are tomorrow - surely such a marathon viewing session will require the full range of refreshments . . . . .    
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    I think I have mentioned before that I quite like some of the low or zero alcohol ales at present, TS: Doom Bar Zero went down well yesterday, and on offer in the supermarket beginning with T. 

    Short run this morning: wet and windy. Brought up 183 km for the month; although down on the last few months I am quite happy with it due to cutting back before my biopsy and cutting back even more this week. No doubt Garmin would say that I have been unproductive lately, but as Birch  said to Mick, all runs are productive in some way.

    Cricket, rugby, football on the agenda later. Have been wanting to do a few odds and ends in the garden but it does not look very appealing at present. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    same as alehouse today - short, wet, windy - 2.5 miles . .   74 for the month . .  
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    132 miles for October considering everything not too bad really.

    I walked 6.5 miles yesterday in torrential rain and wind!

    I am going to see if ankle up to a run when it gets light if not come back and change to go walking.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    local legend sounds good - not so much the unproductive bit - stick with Strava :)#

    yup the wrinklies are coming............

    good month's work there in that new fangled metric stuff :)
    @fraid we don't have a T here - the only post code area not to have one!  We do have a Waitrose however ;)

    considering most days you have appeared to be reporting some aliment or other that is a very satisfactory month's total!!

    yup - a rugby super Saturday as it used to be in the good ol days.
    Disappointed in England's performance but France are looking to be on an upward curve with lots of young talent coming through.
    Resisted the temptation to break my dry month just to prove that I could.........

    ...........started the RSS day off with cleaning all the windows inside the house which involved multiple climbs up and and step ladders and whose effect were felt when I went out this morning into the teeth of a blustery gale with alternate lashing rain and sunshine.

    I could scarcely move my legs in the first mile and struggled throughout to move freely doing 5.15 miles in 54:31 ( 10:36m/m) with avHR 123 and a max of only 135 -  I guess Garmin may classify that as unproductive!!

    Then spent an hour raking up wet leaves so I am now officially b*ggered for the day!!!
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    Torque:I would swap you a Tesco we have  about 5 in a 15 mile radius for Waitrose we don't have one and nearest is a 100+ mile journey.You must have some high windows for step ladder!!

    My own Garmin had me down after a 3.40 mile run as detraining fitness and load has gone down! please ankles help up for run it was slow and I walked there and back as do not want to run downhill with knee.Average HR was 150!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - yes, good month, what with your travails.  Testament to your attitude !!   :)   I'm with you also on the downhill "gingerness" re knees !  
    TS - not surprised your legs were feeling the strain;  good work to bag 5+ miles in those circs (and wind too) . .  kudos also deserved for disproving Mr Wilde, and resisting temptation ! 
    no "gingerness" for me , as I headed to the lakes for a flat excursion - 3 laps & 9 miles secured, and legs felt slightly stronger than on last Sunday's 8.  I'll try to remember "sensible hat", and cut back next week on "long" run - I'm still aiming to make it 12 by Christmas.
    Windy here too - though mainly just on one side of the route - actually felt over-dressed in long sleeves and gilet in the latter stages.  Dizzy heights of a 25.5 mile week !  
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    they are just to high for me to be able to reach - old house, high ceilings and the windows have small panes in the top third which means a lot of standing to clean them!!!
    Your HR has jumped again - that seems weird?

    lakeside sounds good for a flatter profile and 9 miles is good going indeed.
    You are on target for the Xmas milestone so far.
    Well another lockdown may reduce numbers out there - as may the weather if this continues!!

    Forgot to say - 98.3 miles in October or 158 Km in foreign money.  It was all about rebuilding the base after the hip problem but I don't hunk I will be targetting 12 miles as a Xmas present!

    Continued the sporting weekend by watching the N'cle game at my son's house  as it is likely to be the last time we see the family for a while.  Quite a reasonable display for a change .............

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Very encouraging mileage from you, well done.

    Definitely can relate to up and down ladders. Your mileage is still good, you will not lose much if you can hang on to 100 miles a month.

    A run with the boys for me today in miserable English type weather.

    10:13 AM Sunday, November 01, 2020
    Run Summary
     Comments -                         CP, felt strong.
     Weather data Carleton Place , Conditions - light rain
      Mean Temp =   8c,  Min Temp =   8c,  Max Temp =  10c  Humidity = 92%
      Mean Wind Speed = 1.79 kph,  Mean Wind Direction = 17
      Run Duration = 35:59,   Run Length = 5.69 Kms or 3.54 Miles
     Average  Run Pace = 06:19 per Km or 10:10 per Mile, Age grade =  59.5 %
     Average WHR = 77.1 %,  Max WHR = 91.8 %
     Moving  Run Duration = 35:32 (* Laps include non-moving time)
     Average Moving Pace = 06:14 per Km or 10:02 per Mile, Age grade =  60.3 %

    Run Gait Analysis
     Average  Run Cadence = 83.8, Average stride length = 0.94 m
     Avg Vert Osc = 6.2 cms, Avg Vert Ratio =  6.3%, Avg GCT = 307 ms
     Avg GCT % = 42.8%, Avg GCT Balance = L51.5% / R48.5%
     GCT Balance in good range as a % of the total trackpoints = 9.2%

    Hill Climb Summary using corrected elevation
     Number of hills found longer than 50m and > 2.0 % gradient =  5
     Total  Run Climb Elevation = 42.0 m, Max Elevation Difference = 15.4 m
     Longest Climb Gradient = 2.7 %, Climb Length = 253.4 m, Distance From Start = 2.8 kms
     Steepest Climb Gradient = 2.7 %, Climb Length = 94.9 m, Distance From Start = 0.0 kms

    Lap Detail
      Lap  Duration   Kms      Miles    Per Km    Per Mile    AWHR     MWHR  Cadence  Slength(m)
    * 01     06:55     1.0        0.6      06:55      11:08      64.2%     72.4%      84.0       0.86
    #02     06:25     1.0        0.6      06:25      10:19      71.6%     74.6%      84.0       0.93
    #03     06:07     1.0        0.6      06:07      09:50      76.1%     84.3%      84.0       0.97
    #04     06:06     1.0        0.6      06:06      09:50      80.6%     88.1%      83.0       0.99
    #05     06:13     1.0        0.6      06:13      10:01      85.1%     89.6%      84.0       0.96
    #06     04:12     0.7        0.4      06:04      09:45      88.8%     91.8%      84.0       0.98

    HR jumped a bit at the end not sure why. Ground contact balance was off as legs were a bit beat up from too much ladder climbing.

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    yup - ladder climbing has an effect!
    You only had light rain - it has been tipping down here all last night and this morning/today

    I neatly beat Mick's tired ladder climbing legs with a poor 3.25 miles in 34:34 (10:45m/m) with avHR120 and a max of 130 as I tried and failed to convince my legs to function  :/
    Nothing to see there.................
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    well, you ventured out, TS.   Couple of miles walked this morn;  (planned rest day).  
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    HR was using optical yesterday as unsure I would be able to run.

    Torque: You got out and did what your body allowed also you have been up and down ladders doing non running things!

    Dave: Sensible hat being warm well done :)

    Today I wore HRM and same run 133 average HR 3.70 miles.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    I have just seen photos of the posted Hash trail - parts of it beside the river Nidd are 4' underwater as the river floods over its banks!!

    I may not be running it tomorrow - swimming yes!
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    I think I would be giving that Hash a miss, TS!

    Not a lot to report here: just another short run. Being careful. Avoiding rain. At least I ventured out, as Birch  might observe!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    how was the route choice, TS?   
    WP - nicely bagged 3.7, and, I presume, encouraged by the HR?  
    no rain here - bright and breezy - 5 steady miles with a pal. All "ok"  :)  
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    nice morning for a 5 miler after yesterday!

    not for me however - felt pretty carp and didn't even bother going to the trail as water levels were still too high.

    Had a 2.25 miles shamble even slower than yesterday - nil, zilch, nada energy levels.
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