
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    super stuff, alehouse - reward for your application!  and shorts  . . . .    
    4.5 miles for me; DOMS affected legs, but a pleasant enough trot through the parks.
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    with all your French influences around you should have got it :)

    London Fog = grog ;)?

    The wonders of super broadband - all the things you can do that you never wanted to before!

    I have two g'kids staying - they connected 6 devices to my home network within 10 minutes of arriving!!

    I fear she is practicing hard though.........

    Well done on your 11+ miles - I guess you have to get home once you step off the bus!!
    Certainly givers focus on what is to come - including the shopping although I imagine that was done with less enthusiasm.

    that was a very good Parkrun time and grading considering you haven't done very much higher end stuff at all 

    And shorts as well!!!

    4.5 miles on fatigued legs is fine

    I swopped a Sunday run for a Saturday one as aforementioned g'kids were coming to stay.
    Beautiful morning, quite a hard frost overnight but lovely sunshine was warming the streets.

    As I approached the wood that line both sides of the road there was a huge commotion on one side, dogs barking and humans shouting.
    Then a black spaniel came flying out closely pursued by a pair of Russian huskies each with a heavy metal chain link lead dangling from them and back up the path, their owner, a heavily set bloke, shouting for them to stop to no avail.

    The spaniel took a sharp right hand turn and fled up the middle of the road doing the classic spaniel rapidly altering direction to try and throw its pursuers off track. They disappeared over the hill and I eventually caught sight of them about 1/4 mile in front when the spaniel finally did a rapid 360 degree figure of eight and escaped back down the road.
    The two huskies calmly stopped by a frozen puddle and licked some melt off the top.
    I eventually got to them, told them to sit which they promptly did, and then collected up their leads and trotted back to their very red faced and panting owner who said "unbelievable, rescued by an old man" and then thanked me profusely between gasps.

    Carried on my way feeling quite smug to complete 3.5 miles :)

    Wordle in three yesterday, four this morning

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    I can now hear sounds of stirring so I am on pancake duty again :)

    Finished off yesterday with a lot of gardening - trimming lawn edges, raking up fallen branches, putting a first cup on the lawns and ending up with a very stiff back.

    Not helped by watching the rugby.............

    That must be the last game that Young's plays for England - and smith is not the new Messiah, he is just a good young player!!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    excellent roundup of the rampaging hounds,TS - had me chuckling !  (and fine followup with garden work) - hope you got to enjoy some of those pancakes . . . .   
    not a rugby follower, but noticed the Italy triumph (sorry, WP)  :)  
    Foxes appear to be enroute to victory, as I type . . . .  
    N was solo today, so headed to her training location this morn, and plodded 6.5 (with 6 x 180m hill "efforts") as she did her thing.   
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    Oh TS That had me smiling and laughing with the hounds well done you...Old man......really :) 
    Hope you got to sample the pancakes.

    Dave: Well done on your week's training excellent work and nice to see you about posting

    Two rest days as I felt awful not sure what  ,but yesterday out for 3.5 miles and all was coming back to me.

    Today as PT is flaky I decided to run and if I get back on time and there is BC I will go. 4.50 miles over the hills and get back as they finish warm up so to BC.Then walk to village and then S+C for runners and a pilates for runners as well.Strangely my legs are aching :)

    In the mail Friday was a half marathon number from 2019! for 3 weeks time.I can either forfeit the £40 or try to run 10 miles as long run for next 2 weeks and pray I dont die on the course.It will just be a long training run and hope I dont need to walk!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    that was a very good effort indeed after your long run ...and shopping!!
    Hill strides as well - very impressive :)

    eerrhhh - that was a full on morning session indeed!
    Can't think why your legs are aching though ;)

    Pleased my dog round up efforts brought a smile  :)
    Pity someone hadn't been videoing it - I may have become as famous as that dog chase in Windsor Park after the deer!!

    I only just managed a pancake sampler - double rations are no good any more with growing g'kids - it will have to be triple  from now on!

    Spent much of yesterday engaged in more gardening - up ladders pruning trees etc and as a consequence struggled round 2.5 miles despite the beautiful morning - hard frost but brilliant sunshine.
    No dogs!

    Wordle in two this morning :) 
    First go gave me the last two letters in the right place and a third to reposition.  Very limited choices for those combinations
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    That was a decent cross training effort yesterday TS! fancy you did not make enough pancakes!
    Nice running this morning.

    I also seemed to be strangely tired and achy so a recovery run was done 38 minutes and that will be my lot from me today.Chores need to be done!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    I am not surprised that you were tired, WP!

    Enjoyed the dog adventure story, TS!

    Legs and back a little tired here, also: probably the cross training in the garden over the weekend. Managed an hour this morning with my M76 neighbour. Gentle: talked all the way round except when he ran away from me on any little rise. Good job it was largely flat. 

    Wordle in four. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    What a hero, great shaggy dog story, a couple of years from now and after a few tellings, we will hear how you had to wrestle two Irish wolfhounds to the ground to rescue a fair young maiden.

    An easy day would be good.

    Great parkrun, you are setting yourself up for a good summer season.

    Nearly all the snow has gone, first day of spring and the clocks have sprung forward and I am beginning to believe that the cold is over.
    8k done with the boys, followed by eggs Benedict.

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    this gardening business is hard work!
    Still a very good outing from you as well as putting the world to rights.

    recovery was required!

    only one fair maiden :)?

    Good to hear that spring is sprung and eggs Benedict are on the menu :)

    We continue to have frost overnight but lovely clear and sunny skies just now

    Building up my strength for the Hash tonight at another venue local to me :)

    Wordle in four today - only one letter in the middle after two

    Flight of Typhoons just passed fairly low overhead....
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    Mick: Glad spring is spring your way and the cold snow is gone?
    TS: Enjoy the hash tonight.

    I got out early and ran over the hills 50 minute run and can see me getting a little faster thank goodness no slower.

    Off for picnic if Mr P can move a little quicker or it will be teatime!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Mick, that sounds a perfect outing with the boys - its spring here too (for now)
    WP - HM . . .exciting!!  - and 50 mins on the hills- nice work .   Hope the picnic was achieved . . .   
    Nice work too, alehouse & TS, considering garden chores. 
    5 trail miles for me this afternoon - with a mile walk either side, there and back from the starting point.   Tank top under a long sleeved shirt to start with, but the shirt soon came off due to spring warmth;  the long sleeves a good choice though, as they enabled the tying of shirt around waist :)   Shirt back on for the mile walk home !  
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Summer here, Birch (for now): 19 degrees! Warmer than most Augusts. Hope the cold is over for you, Mick.

    Short run and long stretch: Tuesday routine.

    Wordle in four, but a bit of a struggle, as was the run. Had a day's work and often find running difficult post work these days. Working  next two afternoons which must count as cross training although not a great help to running.

    Hope the Hash was a good one, TS!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I am reminded of the line in the classic John Wayne/John Ford movie "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" - Picnicking Mr Coleridge, picnicking? :) - as Wayne' second lieutenant attempts to leave the fort with a young lady for aforesaid picnic in the midst of an Indian uprising. Classic.

    baring skin to the heavens - good long stretch after your earlier endevours as well.

    time on feet never helps running.  I always find running after shopping, particularly accompanied shopping, has me with knackered legs!!

    Hash was very good last evening and which found me in just a long sleeved top  - not brave enough for shorts though.
    3.3 miles of quite speedy running (for me) anyway fortunately quite level.

    Walking home much later and slightly more unsteadily it was a much colder with the freezing mist drifting off the fields opposite my house embalming the outside of the fleece, I had sensibly taken with me for later, with a hoar frost as I wandered home!

    Wordle in four this morning - only one letter in the right place and one to fit after three but I had used most combinations to get there!

    Off to sunny St Helens now for an actual meeting...........
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    ... and now off to the Lakes for three nights - birthday celebration :)

    As a bonus Wordle in two this morning  - inspired guess after two letters in the wrong place in the first go!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Is that happy birthday to you, TS? And well done with the inspired guess: I thought that I did well with an inspired guess to get the answer in three. And a very close shave yesterday. 

    Running: yesterday 40+ minutes including 5 x 30 seconds on a slight incline with a minute jog back; today was a 33 minute recovery run where I ran slowly but the HR was high, as was the effort compared with the pace. Probably lack of sleep plus last night's visit to the alehouse where one of my friends came in for the first time since before the pandemic. A lot to catch up on!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Was with alehouse & TS (virtually), in the alehouse last evening :)   -  but no unsteady walk home  ;)    
    this followed a teatime 6 miler on the road, inc 10 x 180m strideouts.  Took a rest day today 
    Enjoy the Lakes, TS !
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    There are worse places to spend a birthday

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Happy birthday, TS! Could Indeed be worse... just about to go to the dentist!

    Wordle in 5. Run later!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    Around 45 minutes including 2 X 4 minutes off 2. Not as quick as I hoped for and not even as quick as last week's parkrun!

    Forgot to report on the dentist! Relatively painless, apart from the bill: just under £300, and that is the NHS price for a crown plus root canal work. I really don't know how most people would be able to afford that on top of all the other bills that are getting higher and higher.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Happy birthday TS, how does it feel to be sooooo old?

    Dental is not covered here at all, so a visit to the dentist is very painfully. However the service is excellent.

    A plod around the village in +8c for a total of 6.1k. I'm slow but it was an enjoyable run.
    My UK family have decided to visit on mass, so 5 of them coming for a couple of weeks in the summer. An unusual experience for me as I am rarely surround by blood relatives. I've been gone for over 40 years.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    lovely pic, TS !  
    ouch re the bill, alehouse !  Surely the dental work (even if pain-free) affected your run?
    a Mick style slow plod (even though rested yesterday) of 3 miles today. 
    off to alehouse (again) soon.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    moderation at the alehouse, so relatively early 7 mile road trot done. Pretty warm by the time I'd finished. 
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    Happy Birthday TS enjoy the lakes.

    Ale: Eye watering work and bill at Dentist!

    Mick: Wow that is nice to have relatives come for visit!

    Dave: Nice running and I bet no need for layers;-)

    Sorry been MIA rest day Thursday due to tree pollen so I am taking pill at 4am to counter the effects! Friday 4.5 miles and today 5.5 miles.

    I have deferred my half  till 2023!! for a price.

    Tenby B+B sorted I am in a cupboard with sea view well it is end of July.Also my 2 other favorite races are back Carmarthen 5k and Ammanford 10k so that is me sorted out.I better do some sort of training s first race 5k May 2nd.

    Off on Holiday Monday IOW for 6 days-yay and pick upo all the kit I left behind!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Enjoy the IOW, WP!

    64 minutes this morning brought up 46k for the week, highest for 14 months. Will probably have an easier week next week. 

    Wordle in 3 today. Interesting one!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I got wordle in three as well!
    3.5 miler this morning as legs tired and missed the hour less sleep.I shall try to pop in whilst away but wifi is only in lounge so an evening visit if not too tired.

    I plan on a good week's training minimum 35 miles----hopefully.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Enjoy your holiday (and holiday running) , WP 
    good day's (and week's) work, alehouse.  
    Had a day off yesterday; had intended a jaunt, but was out on the course viewing and "encouraging" at Sheffield HM, so about 3 hours on feet, inc some walking. Watched last rites of cricket on my return. So my choice then was the alehouse (one I occasionally visit on Sunday afternoons - relaxed live music & atmosphere), or . . .   a run.  The alehouse won :)    Will go out later.  
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Half expected you to say that you had travelled over the Pennines for the Northern 12 stage, Birch! Get yourself down to the nationals: one of the best days racing/spectating on the calendar, rivalled only by the National cross country. Unfortunately I can't make the nationals as my daughter has decided to get married that day!

    35 minutes easy today...although that did include 6 x 30 seconds hard off one minute. Step five of 16. Then to the osteoporosis clinic, which was early. Then had to wait over an hour for bloods. And several weeks for a dexa scan which has always been done on the day of the appointment before. 

    Has now turned out nice so more cross training in the garden.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Nothing wrong with your decision making.

    Enjoy and relax, you deserve a break.

    Well the cold is back, -20c windchill. The plan is to bundle up, walk the dog and then a 5k row in the mancave. Way too wimpy to try and run in that.

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    evening all :)

    It's amazing how much work piles up when one is gone for a few days !!

    that is a large posse (that could make a good 5 letter word) arriving in the summer.  You will have to hire a mini bus..
    Looks like you have finally got outdoors for good.

    Being this old is better than the alternative :)

    enjoy your holiday - hope the weather is as nice as it was for me B)

    yup - dentists are good at extracting more than just teeth :/

    good distance record for the week - well done.

    I found out whilst away that Wordle streak only continues on the one appliance that one started it on as as I do it on my laptop my streak was broken when I used my phone - curses.

    more good distances recorded but the siren voice of the alehouse can be quite powerful :)
    Hope you made it out today.

    Lovely time away in the Lakes - perfect weather as you can see from the photo I posted of the hotel grounds overlooking Ullswater- and it was like that for every day.

    On Sunday morning I ventured out for a light run and turned off onto  single track road at Patterdale which led steadily uphill onto a track that gave spectacular views of Striding Edge and Helvellyn bathed in the every early morning sunlight.
    I followed the path quite a long way up drawn by the sheer beauty of the surroundings and the complete lack of anyone else about until I abruptly realised that I was not in the condition I was when I ran the summit many years ago!
    So with a sigh I turned back round and descended.
    Going back I came across several groups of walkers who greeted me and looked at me respectfully and I realised they were perhaps thinking I had indeed summited and was on my way back as the combination of sun and steep hill had certainly got me sweating - I didn't dissuade them!!

    Felt it this morning and my legs did not want to move at all so a slight loosener in rain was all I did.

    Wordle in five - one letter after two in the wrong place and then found there were numerous options to complete when I got the last four letters - just guessed the right one!
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