
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    ... and get mugged and robbed :/

    I will be surprised if I see a worse refereeing decision than that this season which denied a penalty as the Chelsea defender just about stripped Murphy's top off him

    big bananas :)
    hard day yesterday - not surprised yo were fatigued today
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Excellent refereeing decision, including VAR at Stockley...if you are a fan of any of the other relegation threatened teams. And if it had been a game of rugby Chelsea would have been down to ten early on for the elbow to the face and not taking due care of an opponent. At least The Foxes deserve to lose unless they do something special in the last 15.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I am not sure whether that would be categorised as irony or sarcasm - but it fits :)

    Dan Burn is 6'4" so one has to get an elbow pretty high to hit him on the temple when he is jumping!!
    And you are quite right in rugby it would be reckless endangerment of an opponent and off.
    Which brings the whole question of VAR into comparison with rugby where the video assessment is carried out in plain view of everyone and the refs are very happy to accept better views etc before making their decisions.

    that was Wale's cunning plan - rinse and repeat  their very limited game plan as what they were doing to stifle France was working - almost!

    Return to bright and chilly conditions this morning although spring is showing all around as I had a brief walk 

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    ...forgot - Wordle in four.
    Had the first, third and last letter in one - not so easy peasy to fill in the remainder!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Amazingly got Wordle in two today! Complete fluke! 

    Wales should have  beaten France but far too many mistakes. I agree with you re VAR, TS, although I would prefer a system like in cricket or tennis where each team has a couple of reviews: I think that we would see much better outcomes as teams would only use them when confident of a positive outcome. 

    Running! Just over an hour on a pleasant sunny morning, around seven degrees. Most of it largely off road with my M76 neighbour; I added on an extra km or so. Will just be a short run tomorrow and a long stretch. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    4 miles for me this morning -1and 2 faster miles the first two a pace not seen  since before covid! then a 2.7 mile walk for lavabread where I had to carry coat as far too warm.

    I thought I had done Wordle today but appears not so i have that joy to look forward too.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    Sunny and 7c would suit me fine and wordle in 2, you're on a roll. What was your first word. I only managed 4.

    I seemed to have irritated my achilles on the rower so an unscheduled rest day for me.
    Long conversations with Bell Canada this morning but the result was I will be getting fibre to the home connection on Thursday. This gives me 500 mb/s download and unlimited use.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    another 3 yesterday to complete week one of my proposed 6 day regime.  24 miles (a pair each of 3, 4, 5) for the week.  Rest day today. Same again I hope, but need a longer run in there.   
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    lavabread - long time since I had that :)
    Not sure I would walk 2.7 miles for it though!

    Good going on your 4 miles

    60min+ is a good outing especially in nice conditions.

    I think the level of incompetence in football referees has reached a new low in England so they could do with some proper assistance.
    Difficulty with having "referrals" is that some teams would use it to game the system when they wanted a break!!

    achilles injury on the rower - you must have been pushing hard!

    I had a similar conversation with BT.  I know there is a fibre optic cable in the chamber just outside my home with 72 spare connections because I saw it installed and a lead taken into next door (the owners actually paid for the infrastructure) but BT refuse to believe me and say I cant have a wholly fibre connection!

    Saving myself for the Hash tonight although that may just mean sitting in the pub waiting for them to come back.  However the venue is one of the closest to my house so getting home may not be a problem - or maybe it will!!

    Wordle in three today - four letters in one but all in the wrong place. Nearly made it in two, just one out!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    Mickmy Wordle yesterday went
    IMAGE, with the M in the correct place, and E in the wrong place.
    Then wildly guessed at
    SMELT as I wanted to see if S or T were in the word. Didn't expect it to be the answer!

    Three today. 

    ShHort run d&d, stretching session shortly. Would probably prefer the Hash!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    Thanks, got it in two today.

    Hard to hear a bad word about BT as I owe them a great deal. They took a rough 16 year old council house kid and turned him into a professional/chartered engineer. This gave me a wonderful career where I got travel the world.

    4c so outside finally, 5.3k done at a slow plod. No complaints from the achilles.

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    it was really Openreach as opposed to BT - they were split up for monopolies reasons which always seemed very strange to me.
    Anyway Openreach had no knowledge of the fibre cable, which they had laid, to within 2' of my boundary but they are sending out an engineer to investigate!

    Good going on Wordle

    pleased to hear you were able to get outside and the achilles didn't grumble

    hope the stretching  went well :)

    Hash went surprising well - I was persuaded to go out on the basis that it was a short one - should have known better - and given where we were on my home territory I should have also known it was going to be hilly - it was!!

    Look it very easy and survived the 4+ miles on a mild evening - quite the warmest it has been at 10C - and managed to find some liquid sustenance at the end of the run :)

    Didn't risk a run this morning but a gentle walk in still and warm conditions.  Spotted some posters on lamp posts about a missing black and white cat. We have had one visit our garden quite often  recently and when I got home it was there again so I took some photos of it to send onto the contact numbers.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Stretching was good, TS! Unlike wordle, which was a disaster today, despite having 4 letters in the correct place after 3!

    Hash sounded good, and hope the cat detective work pans out well!

    7.5k including 3 X 3 minutes pushing it hard off 2 minutes easy, today, with hard being the operative word, and the recovery certainly wasn't easy.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    wrong cat unfortunately.  The current squatter in our garden seems to have taken a liking to the garden seat when it's sunny and the pond where he tries to catch the frogs.

    Sounds a tough session and introduction to some harder intervals.  Trouble is they never get any easier - just faster!

    Wordle in four this morning - three letters after two only one in the right place but then four in the right place and only the first to get which was guessed in one. :)
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    Resident stray

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    Nice looking cat it seems to have adopted you TS.Lavabread is delicious full of iron.I had to get more today.

    Busy few days but 40 minute run yesterday which was over the hills and a faster run fastest over the course this year.

    Today 70 minutes and the last 2 miles were a slog but got it done and stopped to sit on a bench after a steep hill.Feeling wiped out so easy day for me today.
    All week the first 2 miles if I run cycle track starts with a 10 feels like a long time coming but starting to see some sort of form coming back at me that has been missing in 2+ years.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Cats don't last long outside here. If they go missing then they were probably dinner for some predator.
    I walk every day no matter what and I find it really helps in keeping the old age aches and pains under control. The dog always bugs me if I am reluctant to go out when it is colder than the deep freeze.

    Got to admire your persistence.

    A long walk today followed by a snooker game with a neighbour. It's a tough life being retired.
    Wordle was a struggle but got there in the end with my last try.
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    it's a hard world out there!

    We do have a number of foxes around here who will try and take off a small cat.
    The last cat we had however was both large and very aggressive - he lived to over 18 years and feared nothing - the dog next door was terrified of him!!

    What was tougher - the walk or bending over or playing snooker :)?

    70 mins is a very good time on your feet running - but don't force it!!

    Our previous cat certainly adopted me - and I didn't want it!!
    But as I was the first human he saw in the morning, and fed him, and the last to leave him at night he obviously decided I was his meal ticket and would park himself on my lap at night and woe betide me if I tried to move!

    he did bring me treats on occasion - a tasty vole would be left in my running shoes as a thank you :)

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    Lovely morning out there - bright sunshine, light frost but warming up as the sun strengthened.

    My knee complained at first but I told it to back off and it remained in quiet grumble mode for the remainder of my 3.25 miles of slow, stately progress.

    Even the old lady (well she was probably younger than me!) I passed in the park on her wheely zimmer frame thought she was in with a chance of keeping up but I managed to burn her off :)
    Getting very windy now....

    Wordle in five this morning - real struggle at first to find any letters other than one vowel in the wrong place!
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    TS:That sounds like a good run from the knee,well done for leaving old lady in your dust.

    Enforced rest day as still feeling fatigued so a 40 minute walk instead for me today.

    Wordle a complete failure today!

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Yes, was a little nippy this morning! 
    Just over 6k in the bank. Then dentist to cement the temporary crown back in place. Neurologist later! 

    Wordle in a pleasing three!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    another beautiful morning here - but I was stuck in waiting for a plumber to look at a leak that appeared in the kitchen ceiling.

    A plastic heating pipe had split - "never seen that before gov" was the response to opening up the ceiling  and surveying the problem.
    It will need a full drain down to do a job that will take all of 5 minutes and then a plaster patching :/

    Just what I needed after the abysmal match last evening  :/:/

    Wordle in four today thanks to me starting with an odd word which just has to come up sometime but which didn't help at all today!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Decent day here for once...but the legs didn't respond. Nor the head.
    Talking of which saw my neurologist friend yesterday to discuss the head MRI and MRA scan results. All clear, which is obviously good. However, the medical profession remain mystified by the headache that o have had for many months. He really isn't sure what to recommend next. Might be back to the physio to try to massage it better. And the optician is booked.

    Wordle was tricky today, but sorted in four. Had the last three letters all present and correct after two.

    Quite a bit of cross training in the garden and hopefully plenty more over the weekend.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    ... in fact I could argue that the answer today wasn't spelt correctly!!
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     bit of x posting!

    Relatively good news then insofar as you are a medical mystery!

    I am looking at the garden and thinking I need to put the first cut on the grass/moss particularly as the first garden waste collection is on Monday and I want to get my money's worth this year :)
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    I agree with your view on today's spelling, TS, and tried something else first. 

    Hopefully I will now the lawns tomorrow or Sunday. Re-arranging veg patch first. (Actually watching cricket first! Mustn't do too much too soon in terms of cross training!)
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I did Wordle this morning and can not think what the word was..... :) Got it in 4.

    Watch out for the cross training injuries!

    No run yesterday and not today I felt awful  both days and went back to bed so hoping i am good to go tomorrow.
    Lovely day today;-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I found wordle's word mispelt and fail even after I got 3 letters in 2.

    Do you ever wonder where medical science would be without all the machines that engineers have created.

    Joined you in the walk today as I'm running with the boys tomorrow. We walked down to our favourite coffee shop for a London Fog and lunch, then walked the dog for a total of 7k.

    I spent most of yesterday reprogramming the house for our new super fast internet. Everything from garage door openers, outside lights to back up cloud storage units. We now have so much choice it's confusing.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Hi folks - bit of a hiatus from posting this week (I'll try to do better) :)   
    WP - great outing of 70 mins there, and heartening you feel form returning - fingers x'd your rest days refresh you for a jaunt tomorrow.   
    TS - nicely done putting knee & old lady in their place - bad luck with leak, and with the 90+8 Goodison concession  . . . .  
    alehouse - good news re scans; shame you not feeling the running love today.   
    couple of 3 milers (Tues & Thur) here, but resolve triumphed (for once) :) today, and took advantage of a gloriously sunny day. Bus out to edge of Peak District, and a pretty undulating run back - tarmac all the way, but mainly on quiet rural roads.  11.5 all told - could have made it a round dozen, but this would have meant the last bit through busy lunchtime shopping parade; in any case, my legs had had enough, so walked the last half mile to home. Indulged myself with a carvery at local pub then (after shower, of course)  :)
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    parkrun report! Last minute decision to run. 2k or so warm up then started quite well back so hit quite a lot of traffic in a big field, probably 500+. Quick course but a little breezy but bright sunshine and around 10 degrees. Running in shorts still a shock! Long sleeves plus gloves! 
    First km 5:04, then progressive: 4:57, 4:52,4:45, 4:44 for 24:13 unofficially. Have to be pleased with that as wasn't flat out. Consistent training seems to be helping! Had only gone to parkrun as wanted to discuss the organisation of the Sale Sizzler 5k series with someone! Which I did, including warming down with him.

    Cross training in the garden shortly!

    Edit: Wordle in four

    Further edit: official time 24:13, WAVA 71.23, 2nd in age group behind one of my friends who was nearly three minutes ahead. 520 finishers!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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