
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    The Russian army would not last long in the artic, just a bit nippy. I have enough problems with my snowblower let alone a tank.
    Still trying to pluck up the courage to start the thing up and it's only -14c.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    well, I did intend a run yesterday (if only to avoid censure from alehouse;)  but a friend suggested a walk, so 6.5 miles on fairly uneven, stony terrain achieved - but a zero in the diary runwise !  
    back to usual with a 4.7 mile jaunt this lovely sunny morning - don't know if walk was therapeutic for legs, but they felt fairly decent !   
    off to Owls v Addicks now  . . . .     
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    I think that I would find six plus miles walking harder than running, Birch, so no censure!  Enjoy the match!

    Just over 5k for me this morning. Tired legs and breezy. Hard work on my own; I would have been better doing it in company at a parkrun.

    Watching the Spurs game: there will be a few happy Spurs fans on this forum!

    Rugby coming up shortly! Times two.

    Wordle in 3: a speculative guess did the trick.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I ran post boot camp Thursday just 2 miles.We had leg day OMG I am still feeling it glutes and quads.
    No run yesterday I watched the news and it upset me so much I could not see the point of a run.But perked myself up and ran 3.5 miles this morning legs still aching big time.

    Tomorrow I have Boot Camp and  a run and going to run in Ukraine colours if I can pull it together.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Canada has a very large Ukrainian population so lots of support here. I'm sure we will be seeing lots of relatives arriving.

    Still too cold out there so 5k row done. Watched the game but I think it was just a bit too easy, no real test.

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    a good outing walking backed up by a decent run - and a win for the Owls :)

    a good day to have tired legs - more excuse to sit in watching rugby!

    having said that it was a bit of grim experience watching England v Wales after the Scotland v France game although it was buoyed up by the Toon result :)

    Like any game rugby can be ruined by a bad referee but the one in the England game was exceptional - bad in every possible way - but at least he was consistently bad to both sides!!

    that Boot camp is giving you a good workout :)
    Nice idea to run in yellow and blue.

    Your winter has come late and hard!!

    There has been something very moving about the reports of the Ukrainians mobilising to help the defence against Russia - a real national identity and determination not to leave anything undone.

    Beautiful morning here s I shambled round 3.2 miles - sun felt warm on my back.

    Wordle in four yesterday and three today after a blank first line and then four letters in the second, all in the wrong place, but with very limited fit options so quite easy to finish off.
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    ... and now we have Putin putting Russia's nuclear forces on "high alert"!!!

    WTF is this bloke playing at?  I thought this stuff had finally disappeared from any sensible discourse between nations but it appears that he is totally mad.

    Back to the 60' s and mutually assured destruction...
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    What TS said...
    And now we have FIFA allowing Russia to compete under a different name...
    Poland in particular unhappy. Quite rightly.

    A decent weekend of sport... probably because The Foxes don't play until Tuesday.

    Another 45 minutes or so to bring up the highest week since January 2021. Sun was almost out but a bitterly cold wind.

    Wordle in 3. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    and that name change went really well in the Winter Olympics didn't it?

    Good progress and well done on the mileage

    When do you get the additional scans and results?

    I gave myself an industrial injury yesterday afternoon - clearing out old papers to take to the tip I rather overfilled a very large plastic storage box- went to pick it up whilst turning at the same time and it was very heavy indeed - my back did not like that at all.

    So only a gentle walk around the mean streets this morning in light rain and chill air.

    Wordle in four on my return - only one letter after three, the last one as well, but again there were very little options for a fit with the others so scrambled in.

    Russian humour:

    There is a very long slowly-moving queue at at ATM machine in Moscow. One man gets very frustrated and shouts "This war is all Putin's fault! I am going to the Kremlin to kill him!" 

    He comes back to the queue at the ATM machine an hour later.

     "So what happened?" he's asked.

    "The queue there is even longer!" he states dejectedly.

    Wish it were true :)

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    Hope the back issue goes more quickly than it arrived, TS! Enjoyed the Russian humour! And Wordle in 5 today. Had three letters in the correct place after 2 but struggled to finish it off!

    MRI and MRA head scans on Thursday morning, then results two weeks later. 

    Very wet this morning, so much so that my Monday running partner, M76, cried off, so I set off on my own in heavy rain, probably wearing too much (tights plus waterproof trousers, three tops, rain jacket, gloves, hat, waterproof socks etc etc). Stopped raining after ten minutes or so. And the wind picked up. Found it a real slog today, especially as I added a couple of loops on to take me over 100 miles for the month: 
    February: 163.85k/101.81miles. 28 days run. 

    Easy day tomorrow is needed, probably, although will have a long stretch! Plus have an emergency dental appointment as I seem must have consumed one of my crowns on Friday!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    TS: I hope your back is okay after your paper incident.Loved the Russian humour.An Ukrainian lady on Twitter posted a joke a group of hens in a hen house and the Cockeral announced we have a peace keeping addition....FOX

    Ale Hope all goes well with scans.

    I also managed over 100 miles this month 109 miles for me beatinf last february which was just 65 miles!
    Boot camp yesterday then 3.5 mile run legs still aching but glutes back to normal.
    Today finally legs back to normal and 6.1 miles done in torrential rain and I left my waterproof jacket on IOW so just a shower resistant jacket on!!I was 3 minutes faster than any 6 miler this year.But that is only as they have been super slow runs.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    very brave wearing all those clothes - you won't be able to swim!
    great mileage for the month.

    ditto on the month's mileage - and Boot camp!
    Shower resistant jackets aren't!!

    another gentle stroll in lovely frosty weather this morning has set me up for the Hash  this evening. It's in Ripon which is nice and flat!!

    Some good news for later life exercisers :)

    Wordle in five - interesting word choice!!

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wordle in 3: another speculative guess as I couldn't think of anything else!

    Not good news at the dentist: thought I was just having a crown replaced but am now booked in in two weeks for an hour's fun called root canal treatment. 

    Dentist was followed by a short run in glorious sunshine but well wrapped up against the cold. Being Tuesday it will be a long stretch later. 

    Enjoy the Hash, TS! Will read the link later. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    TS: I so know it about shower resistant not being any use in heavy rain.
    Hope Hash goes well tonight.

    Ale: Root canal for an hour ! they would have to knock me out! I have a very wobbly bottom tooth and have to be so careful eating foods!

    Rest day today I am  not sleeping well and just not feeling the love today.So TBP and a walk for me.Also Welsh cake making as it is Saint David's Day.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    No to the root canal, good luck.

    Happy St David's

    This winter has been one of the worst I have experienced, not much snow but cold and more cold. Yesterday was -17c and I really did not want another treadmill run as the roads were too snow covered and it was too cold. I bundled up, put on my heated mitts and went for a 5k fast walk. At least I got some fresh air.
    Today we have a snow storm and only -11c but I will take on the treadmill later for a 5k.
    Roll on spring.
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    I had one of those some time back - enjoy :/!
    Foxes helping the Toon nicely last night

    a rest day is no bad thing after your camp exertions and running distances 

    .. and it seems to be later in the year for you as well?
    You would not have been warmed by Spurs display last evening either.  I only saw the last 40 minutes or so but they looked out of it against a spirited but limited Boro side

    Hash went  well - 3.4 miles on a cold and clear evening finished off with a pancake race around the car park!! I was unfairly beaten as I tossed my pancake (a cold one) on its cardboard pan repeatedly but was overtaken by someone less scrupulous in the tossing!!

    By contrast 2.7 miles this morning in damp, and dank, misty conditions but pleased to do some sort of back up, albeit slow, run

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    nice work getting out, Mick . .  though -17c  . . .  brrr !
    TS - coincidentally, I'd just done some bicep curls, flys and squats before seeing your link!   
    good monthly miles, alehouse, WP, and I like the sound of Welsh cake :) 
    ran 3 miles yesterday, after a 2 day hiatus  :/   (Mum's flat cleared Monday, so completion of sale will happen soon - funds will be required for care fees)
    I'll make myself accountable here, and say I'm going running later :)   
    things looking up still footy-wise (from an admittedly low base), but a 5-2 triumph last evening was another step in the gradual turnaround of the team's mentality. 2-0 became 2-2, but the Owls "went again" rather than crumbling. This follows November's first comeback from behind to win a game since 2019, and, a couple of weeks ago, the first comeback from behind to win an away game since Feb 2016 !!   
    David (a nod to WP)   ;)
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    The Foxes did themselves a favour, TS, never mind anyone else! I was not impressed with Spurs but the Owls result did not go unnoticed!

    The Hash sounds decent, apart from the unfair beating!

    Looking forward to today's run report, Birch!

    Pretty grim this morning: cold wind and icy rain, but managed to include 4 x 30 seconds as a nod to something quicker. Need to do this consistently and progressively! Speed was poor and couldn't get the HR up. Lacking leg strength. Probably need to do some digging as per the article! Should be grateful to be running, though: last February and March were spent using a walking stick and barely being able to walk around the block.  

    This won't be my first root canal work, TS: the last one I have just about recovered from and it was pre-pandemic!

    Wordle in 3.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    apologies - I hadn't gone all the way down the footie results - but a very good one indeed :)
    Should encourage your running today...

    Sad business clearing homes - possessions can have a lot of memories attached :/

    Wordle in five again - trying to fit one letter in
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    -3c, no wind and brilliant sunshine for my rest day. Started off by walking the dog, then an hour to replace the sliders on the snow blower, fingers now numb. Off to the shops to get a deicer spray to try and stop the snow blower from icing up. Also needed food supplies as Mrs Mick is on grandma duties in Toronto.
    Then an hour or so shovelling and blowing snow. My repair and deicing seem to work. Ok now I'm knackered.
    Forecast is for more snow and -20c, lovely.
    I suspect it will be another 5k treadmill session tomorrow.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    I'm tired after reading Mick's exploits!

    finally got out for another 3 uneventful  miles yesterday.  Not sure about today - plumber here currently, Mum visit to come, followed by lads lunch . . . .
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    I am sure spring will come - eventually!
    In the meantime console yourself with the thought that you are getting your money's worth out of the blower :)

    you got out, routine maintained :)
    You have a plumber?!  Quick, lock him in, they are rarer than hen's teeth round here!

    In the first 100m I had to stop three times as my knee was so bad.  Last time I had determined to turn back if it went again - it didn't and I plodded on for 3.26 miles helped by being joined by a runner I normally see going in the opposite direction and who stuck with me for half a mile or so before she turned off - I couldn't stop whilst she was there could I :)?

    Wordle in five again today - struggled with USA spelling and then found that it wasn't needed!!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    Too cold, Mick!

    Glad that you got going again, TS

    Hope your day is good, Birch

    Went for my scan: uneventful apart from I do not like staying still in a tube for close to 40 minutes! Followed by stretches then 32 minutes run on tarmac, so a little quicker than usual. Actually put the foot down for a couple of "fast" sections, not that they  were. 

    Edit: Wordle in four. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I like your "uneventful" scan report so far. 
    Fast sections as well :)

    Last time I had a whole body scan I fell asleep and had to be woken up by the radiographer!

    alehouse weather here this morning - tipping down but at  least it was warm rain.
    Plodged round 2 miles and my knee had enough...

    Wordle in four 
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    any comment upon Ukraine is almost superfluous given the level of destruction and upheaval and devastation amongst the population.

    It is going to be an awful long time before Ukrainians are going to forget this....

    As Napoleon once remarked about the war in Spain - " it was the Spanish ulcer that ruined me"  so I suspect it will be the Ukrainian ulcer that will ultimately finish both Putin and Russia  but it will be a long time coming  :/
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    I think it will be a long time indeed before history forgets about Putin...although it will much depend on which history books one reads. A couple of months before the start of the Covid pandemic I met a couple of young Ukranians in the alehouse. They were a couple and a couple of lawyers, over here to retrain in British law. We got on to talking about history: they struggled to believe that the UK was involved in the First World War: their history books made no mention! I do wonder what became of them and for their sake I do hope that they remained here. 

    I digress...

    No rain here but about 4 degrees, so a fair few layers. tropical by Mick's recent standards. Just over 9k well within myself, I would like to think, although was fairly tired by the end. 

    Wordle in 5. Found it tricky today. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    lads lunch went well, thanks, alehouse - but current events proved beyond even our powers of "putting the world to rights" . . . .    good news re "uneventful" scan, and good k's today
    pleased your knee at least enabled some running, TS - and held up  whilst in company !  
    3 miles again this morn.
    just occasionally, a "breaking news" item will truly shock, and must say I felt thus just now, with the Shane Warne news.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    Yes, I was saddened to hear of Shane Warne's passing. I met him a couple of times and have fond memories of those meetings, one of which was a long evening in an alehouse when he was opening it just before a test match. Probably wouldn't be allowed now. The other was some years later at a Cheshire v Hampshire match where he was the away captain...played in heavy rain. He came into the beer tent to talk to the punters whilst we were sheltering. Sad news. 

    Glad you got out, Birch! 
    Long may it continue!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    ...both Marsh and Warne within a day - the Aussies are building a great team elsewhere  :/

    I am afraid events are now beyond even the ability of all the ol' gits to fix!

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Hope all are doing well! 

    Long stretch in the fitness suite then short run brought up just under 42km for the week, which is fine. Pushed a little quicker than usual a couple of times during the week and legs are now tired. Hope that they are ok for an hour tomorrow with my M76 neighbour. 

    The Foxes were totally outplayed by Leeds; not sure how we got three points! Good win for The Toon. Not such good news for The Owls. 

    Wordle in two yesterday; three today!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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