
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    I have a few of those courses, TS; not good to look back at the old paces! But at least you were able to post a current long run! Wish that I could!

    Well done on the parkrun, NZD! Heading in the right direction as, I think, is your training! 

    Football: I am not sure about Wednesday! Still time for it to go horribly wrong! And I hope that I am wrong. Goal difference is the concern. 


    Wordle in three. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS: Well done on cracking the 5 mile mark despite the weather.  Indeed topped my 8.3 km Sunday (fine weather) total 👍.
    WP:  Hope the bug disappeared in time for your race.  Would have been a challenge for you if it didn't.  Sounded a little on the nasty side.  Hope it was/is not covid ...
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    time for a report please!

    like you I have several routes graded in my mind as easy, medium, hard  depending upon hills encountered. Needless to say this came from the easy category!

    How is the leg today - settling down or are you aggravating it with gardening etc?

    yes - but you were home and showered whilst I was still out there, admittedly getting showered in the rain :)

    3.1 miles this morning in 37 min (12:04m/m) with HR 122/137

    A sub 30 min 5K looks a long way away....

    Wordle in three
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    oh yes and VO2 max remains stubbornly low at 39 which doesn't help.

    How are you doing over there - out of the snow yet?
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    It's good to see that you are all out there battling on despite injuries, bad weather etc.
    My full remission is continuing and I'm feeling normal, anyway normal for a 77 year old.
    I'm off all drugs apart from my allergy medication. I'm allergic to trees and yes I live in a forest.
    My return to running is on hold due to my toe. It appears that I have a pressure ulcer that needs to heal. I have to wear a medical boot and only stay on my feet for short periods.
    I'm busy gardening and moving large amounts of soil around so hope to start walk running in a few weeks.
    Spring weather here now with wild temperature swings but no snow. The grass is growing so I have brought myself a new ride on tractor.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Eyup, Mick!  
    NZD - nice parkrunning - must be a decent AG?   
    TS - good work with the 5+ miler - thanks too for making it a perfect Sheffield double footy wise!   
    First faster running for a month on Sat, with the longer road efforts completed, albeit fairly circumspectly.  Made it a 33.5 mile week, which I'll take after a total of 20 miles in the preceding 3 weeks including my holiday.  6.5 miles this morning (12mm pace for me too). Cool, but quite bright - no gloves!  
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    good to hear from a much younger member of the thread and generally good news apart for the ulcer which is definitely not what you want!

    I recall a photo you posted of a pine tree setting off its pollen and can quite understand how you get overwhelmed by it.

    We too have wild temperature swings - cold and colder for this time of year although we are promised some warmth coming later this week

    pleased to help out on the footie :)

    wot - me running at the same pace as you :)?

    I did exactly half your weekly mileage (well 16.65 miles) as well last week as you pushed up into the very good category after your holiday.

    Shorts and tee short for me too today - pleasant in the sun, freezing out of it!!

    Think someone had written this just for me!!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
     I got back today and I am exhausted.
     I was ideal situated  at hotel and logistics were perfect. I left at 8.25 soaked up the occasion. But need a wee at 8.40 so back to hotel and back down before 8.50 by this time lift was full of runners So next year leave at 8.48👍
    A bit of a nightmare with pens but after walking what seemed like a mile we are in right pen purple for me.which I thought was just half marathon runners but no marathon runners as well.

    I had no one with me for support but the support on the course is amazing from marshalls,water stations and people of Newport who really are amazing so friendly.

    My plan as six years since last one and in training I did 2.44 was

    A goal sub 2.30 I am not greedy and virus not gone away.
    B goal sub 2.40
    C goal just bloody finish.

    Garmin predicted 2.14 and as much as I would like that did not believe it.

    Nutrition in training a banana pre run and mini clif bar at half way but on last run tested a gel and no issues.
    So my plan 7 miles half a gel and then another half at 10 miles.

    This all worked well for me.

    I really looked at race as a well controlled pace I can maintain for race.This is my race and not anyone else's.

    We started at 4 degrees but it soon warmed up and I regretted no shades or cap instead of hat.

    Soon we are away although takes a while to cross line.

    I never looked at watch at all just ran to feel and the miles clipped by soon time for half a gel and spotted Llamas in a field and cows.
    At 6.5 miles we turned one way and marathon runners went straight on so the road got quiet. But by mile 8 they rejoined us and just ran at speed .It was a little demoralising as lots passed me but I stuck to my plan.
    It did make me feel was I slowing right down. By mile 10 everything is hurting left hip, hamstring right knee but Achilles remained strong and silent.
    So just got through each mile and the crowd really were amazing calling your names at at a loud pitch🤣they really lifted you.
    A chap at 11 miles said I looked strong but knee was sore so I just kept going enjoy the race and smiling lots I was channelling my inner kipchoge🤣

    All too soon it is last mile but I picked knees up and over took a few runners.There was the finish line it is over and I was happy.

    Stopped Garmin as you do and find I was sub 2.30 around 2.29 and some seconds.
    It seems I know my body better than garmin.

    I think a PW by 4 minutes but who cares I enjoyed the race and Achilles behaved.

    Walking was slow post race and nasty stairs I was going up another on way and runner on way  down we just smiled our bodies experiencing similar pain😊

    People of Newport you did yourself proud I will be back next year-I have time to beat and I bloody well loved it.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    WP: Great effort on hitting and even slightly exceeding Plan A 👍. Fantastic, detailed report with nice positive vibes re Newport. Good news re Achilles too.

    Sounds an ideal venue, alas somewhat too far away for me 😏
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Good to hear from you,  Mick. Looking forward to hearing of some run/walks!

    And well done WP. A couple of easy weeks and then think of another target, perhaps a 10k during the summer. 

    Working today so no stretches as yet. About 7000 steps in the classroom.  Leg doesn't seem too bad moving gently,  as long as there is nothing sudden,  particularly bending down.  Will have a tentative swim in the next few days. Concerned about weight: have put on ten pounds in just under ten weeks!

    Wordle in three.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited April 29
    Good to hear that full remission is continuing, Mick.  Gardening and moving soil around is a tough ask but should get the blood pumping and speed up healing of the pressure ulcer.
    Similarly alehouse - positive that you are coping well moving around the classroom.  Yes weight gain is a bummer.  A lot harder to shed weight than put it on.
    Looks an interesting article TS. Only skimmed over it so far but will read through more fully when time permits.
    Good to see you back in full swing Dave.  Parkrun AG was 77.49% so still a way to go to hit 80% target (dreams being free :))!

    Moderate-hard progression run this morning:  Comfortable 8.08 km @ 5:58 (HR 127/138), 5.06 km @ 5:20 (143/155), last bit 'recovery' (6:37 m/k).  All up 13.4 km @ 5:45 ave.  Probably need a bit more discipline to keep HR ave around 122 over the first part but pace this morning felt comfortable enough.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    NZD: The only down side was  the pens not well organised at all no system in place but we managed .
    Time was 2.29.29.
    Ale: That is the plan there is a local 10k in July so will target that -it is hilly but I am sure I can beat last years time.I would like an Autumn half marathon but none near to me so may have to wait till Newport next year.

    Mick good to hear from you and really pleased to hear you are in full remission.

    PT session today and it is going to hurt .
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    well done - and a well judged effort against target time :)

    Good to hear about a race unfolding over time - and well done to the folk of Newport giving support, it can help over those last couple of miles!

    that is a lot of steps!!
    Are you doing supply teaching on demand?
    Watch that swimming - it can extend muscles without any noticeable warning of a problem

    You are catching me up in the weight division :)

    excellent meat in the sandwich session  - could perhaps have done with a bit more recovery run at the end to help dispel lactate after a tough middle bit?

    It was quite a good general article but a bit superficial - enough to get my knee responding adversely so only a light trip out this morning to sample the sunshine - nice B)

    Wordle in five after getting the first three letters in two - and there were  only three words to choose from!

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Excellent work, WP!  Congrats on dipping inside your "A" goal.  Nice report, too. "Enjoy" the PT today !   
    You're clearly not a sedentary lecturer, alehouse!  Well done the Foxes, btw - please beat Blackburn on Saturday . . . .   
    NZD - good progression run.  Splendid AG - my recent 10k yielded 71.5%. 
    Hash tonight, TS
    15c at 11am - a session of mowing rather long grass delayed start.  Still long sleeves though.  5 miles trundled sedately.  Just 65 for the holiday-impacted month.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Thank you let us just say I  was nervous but G decided to stay with the same routinue and change next week.First round I am hurting especially squats but by round two I feel almost back to normal a little stiffer than normal  but in a much better place  than when I arrived.

    The support was off the wall I have never seen it like this apart from London.Signs ,posters people all shouting your name,bands playing a lone piper which I found moving.Especially in the last few miles when you really needed the support to lift you to finish line.They even put medal over your head.

    I think with more long runs it will put me in a better place for next time and a 16 week training plan not 8 weeks :)

    The first 6 miles was in the 10's and second half in 11's I used the optical HRM as my strap seem to be faulty and need a new one.

    Dave Nice mowing and miles;)

    TS I echo Dave hash tonight?

    I finish the month on 133 miles.

    Ale: It is surprising how quick it goes on and slow to get off!

    Saying that I let myself eat what I wanted at weekend but back on straight and narrow again.
    Do you know what I fancied post race Orange juice and ready salted crisps.!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    the joys of holidays - catching up with lawns :)

    It has got warm quite nicely - still long sleeves - or was that for mowing?

    Cor - beat you last month 66.64 miles for me :)

    I hope you admired the architecture on the way round :)

    Tough session after a HM
    16 weeks is a much better build up as one can get mor elonger runs and high end aerobic development in.

    No Hash last night as Mrs TS had an evening pre-op assessment -  very efficient indeed, waiting for us, and everything checked out by friendly staff 

    This morning Garmin said 57 min at 13m/m - which I cannot do unless I am on my uppers - so 57:30 for 4.70 miles @ 12:15m/m with HR 124/135

    Got a Gramin message that to see improvement in my VO2 max  I need to introduce more high aerobic activities - which was what I ws just saying a couple of days ago - hmmm - who is listening in :)?
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    good diet - orange juice to replace fluids and vitamins and crisps for salt and carbs :)
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    I hope Mrs TS op goes well.
    Nice run  this morning well done decent time building nicely.That is scary watch out garmin is listening to your every word.

    I did admire it as i was running-they really have tried to improve things.I took some photos the following day.Did you know Newport has there own Rocky a statue of him by the river.

    I entered last night so it is official-I am back in and a £10 discount :) I think it will pay dividends with more long runs and as you say more high end aerobic development.I am going to keep the long run and hopefully  it will be even better when 16 weeks kicks in I imagine 1st December!

    Strange how the body knows what it needs :)

    Today i need to wrangle with surgery to get Mr WP an appointment we have been trying for 6 weeks finally and had to get him to surgery in 15 minutes.Job done because he does not move much and in wheelchair his feet and legs don't get much circulation but he has cream to help them.
    So run  was later than I like but three miles easy- with five minutes fast as a test for the next block of training.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    it is a an issue how one has to badger organisations to get the care that should be provided as standard :/

    Mrs TS not operated on until 20 May - and that was the result of keeping onto the consultant who had promised the op asap!

    Forgot - Wordle in four today
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Back to my speed group today. A shock to the system - felt very tough.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    My issue with medical services is not getting to see people but how many people I have to see.
    Since my diagnosis I have seen the following
    Numerous technologists for assorted tests
    Plastic surgeon
    The latest, Nurse every 3 days for a new dressing.

    I dread to think how much all this costs our health service.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    That's a lot of -ists, Mick!  You missed urologist,  audiologist and physiotherapist! I see the latter tomorrow. 

    I am not surprised that the speedy stuff was a shock to the system,  Birch. You will soon be back in the routine today. 

    Yes, in my retirement am working on supply. TS, but just at one school; the year pre lockdown I worked in 21!

    Wordle in six both yesterday and today. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    " we can rebuild him..."
    only missed out on the "..make him stronger" :)

    There are an awful lot of specialists out there - thank goodness at times!

    quite a shock! Nice to see the group hadn't slackened off during your absence :)

    one of the hashers was a supply teacher and would clock up similar school numbers - she was always pointing out village schools that she had taught in during a Hash - and of course there are huge numbers of villages  around here!

    Hope the physio visit goes well

    Didn't fell like it this morning but ventured out -  a struggle and then after 1.5 miles had to briefly stop at a road junction and couldn't get my knee to work again - locked solid - and also felt pretty carp.

    Hobbled home and had a vague dizzy spell when in the shower.  Very strange and then remembered that I had a Covid jab yesterday, along with Mrs TS, as a prelude to her hospitalisation as a precaution.

    It was the Moderna vaccine and I have heard of others having some side effects so I will give it a day or so.

    Wordle in three - so that wasn't affected!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Productive physio visit, alehouse?

    Hope the vaccine effects have worn off, TS - and that your knee is now unlocked.
    No run today - errands this morning, then lads' lunch (first Thursday of the month)!
    Chip butty and two pints of ale went down rather nicely, followed by a stroll home (around 1.5 miles) in the sun . . . .    
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Dave That sounds a lovely day and chip butty sounds perfect.Sun?? what is that :)

    TS: I hope you are feeling okay? how are the knees and dizziness?

    Today I managed a cold and drizzly 6.5 miles .Quads still feel ouchy over inclines but getting there.

    Looking at diary to plan my next Half and  it is a toss up between Conwy in November or Shrewsbury 29th September.I would love Conwy as we run up the great Orme but my sensible head will more than likely choose Shrewsbury.

    I am entered for Newport 2025 and booking a week in Tenby in February for training.I was to be going late October but race cancelled and no one else took it on.So seemed a bit much for OH to manage for no good reason.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wordle in five. 

    Another day on supply! And a very warm and sunny one: 23 outside and 33 in the classroom. Supposed to be watching a little cricket tomorrow but the forecast is 13 and rain!

    Physio is happy with progress which means more exercises and he is keen that I swim quite frequently, but only a little each time. 

    WP, from the little I remember Shrewsbury is not without some steep hills!

    A different -ist tomorrow when I go for a bone density scan. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Mick: As others mentioned, that is a lot of -ist's.  But the payoff is worth it.
    Good news from the physio, alehouse.
    WP: Sounds like you caught the (HM) bug!
    Dave: You will be back in full swing in a couple of weeks.
    TS: 'pretty carp' is understandable.  Knee locked solid a bit more of a concern :(.  Hopefully a temporary aberration.

    Slower loop around estuary this morning targeting ave HR of, or not over 122 (with pace hopefully ~6:20 ave); result 8.3 km @ 6:27 (10:23 m/m :(), HR 121/132.  Them there hills don't make it easy (excuses, excuses)!  Not certain how beneficial the slower pace actually was.  Suunto not impressed.  PL down a notch from 50 recently, to 49.  In future I should probably target ~6:20 pace for slower runs, rather than HR.  Still the hills though!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    I ran up the Great Orme once WP, whilst spending a weekend in Llandudno.  
    That is a warm classroom, alehouse! Don't envy your swimming - I'm a poor swimmer.
    Hilly run for me too, NZD. 10 miles in a "follow my nose" type of way. Didn't fancy any of my  usual routes, so took a few detours, including a pleasant couple of laps of parkland.
    Pleased that I judged things well, and arrived back with 10.1 on the watch. (As the last 0.75 miles is uphill, I didn't want to have to add on near home)!  First double digit since March 25th, so I'm happy with that.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭

    choices  :)
    Don't think I would fancy the Great Orme in a HM - but I have done stranger things!!

    the trouble with short swimming intervals is all the bother of going/changing/ showering/changing for a few minutes swim.

    Now if there were a swim up bar........

    So the school hadn't changed the thermostats!

    Hills are a problem when trying to run to HR as one can end up walking to keep the HR down.  I tend to make an instinctive allowance for drift on the basis that thee will be some downhill somewhere to compensate.

    sounded a nice outing and good to run on a non-prescribed route and it frees up the soul from too many glances at the watch as the usual checkpoints aren't there.
    10 miles is very good outing.

    Fell somewhat better today than yesterday - first time I have had a reaction to a Covid jab, if that is what it was.
    Knee is till a bit stiff and unyielding but not too unusual...

    Wordle in four 
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    I am still pondering it -the easiest option is Cardiff but it is full but they sometime release places to WA members.I may just not bother;-)

    Dave I have also run up the great Orme when on holiday -it was breath taking as in taking my breath away....LOL

    Ale 33 degrees in  classroom! and swimming!

    TS Hope knee free's up a little for the weekend.

    3 .5 miles this morning for me in the rain.

    Wordle also in four.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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