
1000 miles in 2023



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    8 miles today - steady hills (nothing too steep, but similar to what I'll be running up at Ealing). Much fresher out there - really pleasant. Enjoyed that run.

    YTD: 952
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    Harmander: hope it's better news with your daughter. Take care. 

    Since last signing in, it's been a busy Sunday and a rainy Monday. Got out Tuesday (10.6) and Wednesday (5.4). 

    As I approach Yorkshire marathon time, I'm happy with the miles I'm running but worry that I lack the longer ones. Realistically three more weekends to get these done. 

    Ytd: 900.6 (Sept 60.6)
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    Donnie, when I did Manchester in 2022, I had a bad cold right when I should have been hitting peak mileage and I went into the race having not done a 20 miler since early February. I still got around without stopping (and actually a better time than I managed this year when I'd done all the hard training but got shingles three weeks out).
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Donnie... Glad that you are feeling good about Yorkshire! Congrats. on passing 900' !

    Cal...Sounds like a serious session; 8 miles with some steady hills!

    Just 5 miles for me this morning; an easy 2 miles warming-up, then a steady 3' .

    YTD: 1154'.
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Harmander hopefully your daughter is starting to pull through.

    18 miles this morning made up of alternating 2 miles easy pace and 3 miles quicker. 
    Legs were fatigued more than a raised HR, hopefully that’s just accumulated fatigue.

    YTD 904 miles.

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    MrC... Well done on passing 900'!
    Sounds like a well-structured run! Keeping to a plan through 18 miles is some achievement! How much taper time are you allowing? I find that much more than 7-10 days makes me more agitated than rested...
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    Harmander, hope things have improved for your daughter and family. Stay strong.

    I completed a 17.5 mile run yesterday along the promenade from Port Melbourne to Sandringham and back. It was a slow steady pace (2:51) the whole way. A touch slower than my target pace, but I was pretty happy with how it went.

    Hoping to do 20 mile run next weekend, followed by 22 mile the weekend after.

    And that’s it for me in terms of long runs before the Marathon. Given all the niggles, I’d be happy with 4:10-4:20 time. Based on yesterday’s run, I think that it should be achievable.

    A photo below during yesterday’s run which was taken at Brighton with the Melbourne CBD in the distant background.
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    YTD - 732 miles
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    Well done MrC!
    Jack, you sound like you're pretty much ready.

    Yesterday was a trip to Wiltshire to do the new Quakers Walk parkrun. After getting 38 runners on their inaugural last week, 351 showed up this weekend (!!) but they coped well. Personally I'd have left it longer to visit but I'm not one to turn down a lift to a run I wouldn't be able to get to on my own (no train station there and no public transport that arrives in time for the parkrun).
    Today was 10 miles. Not awesome but OK. Think I'll manage Ealing next week just fine.

    YTD: 965
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    Jack: sounds like prep for the marathon is well in hand. Hope the final two long runs go well. Love the photo. I do like a little peep into the lives of regular posters. 

    Cal: Ealing sounds like it's very much on. Good stuff. 

    I run 10.4 on Friday and Saturday park run. Enjoyed both. The 10.4 was hard work after a day doing significant toil in the garden! I'm also hoping for longer runs on the next two weeks as part of my final prep for the Yorkshire marathon. 

    Ytd: 916.7  (Sept 74.1) 
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    Great pic Jack, looks exactly like here in West Wales...but without the hills, rain and puddles.
    Cal, bet the run director needed a stiff cuppa after that parkrun baptism of fire.
    Gave my knee a workout today and it felt fine...no real pain, I did take it easy and walk most of the 2000ft of elevation on Pumpsaint Trail Half...a lovely friendly race with £10 entry & bucket hat for all runners, cake and tea at the finish, all profit to local food bank...managed it in 2:17, happy with that.
    718 miles YTD 
    70,342ft elevation 
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    Great to see good things happening here!

    Hobie... Well done on your trail half! (Sounds like a bargain!)  Well through 700'!

    Cal... Another good parkrun result! (Nightmare numbers for the 2nd wk of parkrun!)

    Jack... nice steady, long run from you, and sounds like you're good to go!

    Donnie... Sounding very relaxed about those final runs...?

    Left yesterday's run a bit late, so it was well after sunset when I finished my 14 miles.
    Pleased that the two 7s were equal times. (Av. pace was 10:38 o'all, giving an Age-grade of 67%)
    Got out before the rain arrived, this afternoon, for a 'recovery'/slow 7 miles.

    YTD: 1175' .
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    Well done everyone. A windy 5 miler today - felt sluggish.

    YTD: 970
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    New shoe day...Brooks Ghost 14...picked up from Sport Fitness for £78.
    Out for a short recovery run working out a 5k route for sister in laws planned Alzheimers Charity Walk....managed to get one that finishes at the village pub.
    722 miles YTD 
    70,813 ft elevation 
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Woke up not feeling great and looking out the window it looks horrible out there so going to can the speed session today.

    YTD 919 miles.
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    Mr MM: I'm not that relaxed about my final long runs but time each day and week seems to be against me. Stamina is good but I'm concerned that I'm lacking time on my feet. You simply can't miss the long runs. 12.1 in an hour 45 last night. Steady on the lungs but legs and feet might let me down. I'm also a big believer in being mental ready to run for 4 hours. Not sure I'm in that place yet. 

    Ytd: 928.8 (Sept 86.2) 
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Just tested positive for Covid- great 😳
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    MrC... So sorry to hear that! And you were 'motoring'... All the best for a swift recovery!

    Donnie... Me too for 'where does the time go?!'  Nice pace for your 12.1'
    Agree about the mental-readiness....but for me, that almost looks after itself if I'm physically prepared. Stay positive!

    Cal... Hoping that there is some better weather for your Half!

    Hobie... Good price!  Fancy you coming up with a charity walk that just happens to end up at the pub!

    A few tough days at home, plus hostile weather, mean that I have had three non-running days. Hope to get out tomorrow.
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    Well it looks a little better than it did at the beginning of the week - I don't think it'll rain now. Fingers crossed. Hope you can get running soon.
    MrC, ugh, sorry. Let's hope it's not a bad bout.
    Donnie, that's quick at least. 
    Hobie, enjoy the new shoes. I've not tried Brooks. I'm intrigued by the stealth fit though.

    4 miles today, starting easy and ending a little quicker. Got a few aches and pains but nothing that'll stop me.

    YTD: 974
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Thanks Cal...
    Got out this afternoon but five minutes too late to avoid a shower!
    Just 7 miles but quite steady. (10:09/mile pace and that gave 68% age-grade.) 
    All the shoes are starting to feel old/worn; need to look for a bargain?????

    Time we heard from Harmander again!

    YTD: 1182'
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    Harmander's got other priorities now with his daughter - I'm sure he'll update us when he is able to do so. (Hope things are getting better).

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    Markshall Estate parkrun in Essex - lovely country park though a bit of a rubbish concrete path underfoot so had to be careful not to trip. I've run on much much worse, though, and the surroundings were very scenic.

    YTD: 977
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Yes...Thoughts are with Harmander!!

    Cal... Another parkrun.(A new one for you?) All the best for Ealing!!

    Lovely running weather today, but Autumnal for sure! Just a steady 8 miles for me.

    YTD: 1190' .
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    Cal: enjoy Ealing tomorrow. Weather looks decent. 

    Two runs to update. Wed night was 5 but rather squeezed in. Wanted to do a long pre marathon run tomorrow but rather fell between two stools. Ended up doing 13.1 with Ipswich parkrun as part of it. 

    Ytd: 947.1 (Sept 104.5)
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    MrM2 - my 150th different location!
    Donnie, sounds decent enough with a bit of speed thrown in.
    Ealing was never going to be speedy after being injured all summer and then rushing my prep, but I also managed to tweak my back getting out of bed so I had to take it quite easy. I spent quite a few miles chatting to one of the very few clubmates I have who isn't faster than me before she sent me on (she was aiming for 2:30) after which I tried but failed to catch the 2:10 pacer, finishing in just under 2:12. I'm OK with it - my body is not really cooperating so it's a miracle I got around at all. Did manage a bit neg split, at least.

    YTD: 990
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    I ran Leamington parkrun this weekend...loved the route, 1 loop with a lovely hill in the middle...all trail and even some horse poop to keep me happy...New shoes worked well.
    741 miles YTD 
    71,391 ft elevation 
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    Hope you didn't step in the horse poop with those new shoes, Hobie!
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Just dropping in to say, 'Congrats.!' to Cal on a successful half-marathon.
    Sounds like a respectable result with all that you've been going through.
    ...and just 10' short of the 1000'!
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    A very very faint line on the lateral flow test earlier this evening so decided to go for an easy 5 miles.
    As expected post virus not as easy as it should be but hopefully no longer lasting effects.

    YTD 924 miles.
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    Cal: well done on Ealing. I sense you enjoyed yourself. It's important we remember to do that. 

    You mention  Saturday was your 150th park run venue. That's great. Interestingly I was at Ipswich parkrun Saturday, I've just read a race report on their FB site, apparently a participant there at the weekend was doing his 217th park run, amazingly they're all at different venues. 

    I'm lacking pre marathon long runs so I've decided to run frequently but hard, driving myself along on tired legs. After 13.3 on Saturday, it was 7.3 on Sunday night 

    Ytd: 954.4 (Sept 111.8)
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