
1000 miles in 2023



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    Donnie, one of the parkrun challenges is called a Freyne, named after the first guy to do it, which is 250 different venues. A guy in my club passed that a while ago and is on his way to 300. Freyne himself has done over 500 venues now but the top guy is Paul Fielding who is past 600.
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    Dear all,

    It is with sadness that I share the news of my daughter Sandeep passing on Sunday 17 September - two days after her 42nd birthday..

    You can all read the tributes to her on Valentines Parkrun Facebook page where she made an unforgettable impact with her positiveness.

    Sandeep's funeral is tomorrow. 

    I wish everyone good running.

    I aim to complete the Toronto Waterfront Marathon on 15 October.

    She was planning to run the London with me next year.

    I will return to this group later.

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    That is terribly sad, Harmander. Thoughts are very much with you and yours. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Oh no Harmander that’s so tragic at such a young age.

    Wishing you and your family all the best at this time.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Harmander...No words to express my great sadness on the passing of your daughter.
    Thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.
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    Dear all,

    Thank you all for your kind messages.

    This is our daughter Sandeep Kaur at at her last Valentines parkrun on 26 August 2023.

    We are so proud of what she achieved in her short life but even more so of how many she inspired and made happy with her infectious smile.

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    My condolences to you and your family, Harmander.
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    Sorry for your loss Harmander, condolences and thoughts with you and your family. 
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    Thoughts are with you Harmander. There are no words. 
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    Harmander I am really sorry. That is not something any parent wants to go through. My thoughts are with you and your family. x
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Cal missed your post re Ealing Half- well done 2.12 considering your injury issues is a great effort.

    18 miler today and last long run with the cut back beginning now for the event on 15th.

    YTD 960 miles.

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Harmander... It will be difficult for you and your family to adjust to life without Sandeep.
    Reading the Facebook tributes (Valentine parkrun) helped me to see what a special person she was. Trusting that you will be able to make it to Toronto in good shape!

    MrC...Looks like you've got this one under control!? Hope you taper well!

    Managed a half-marathon distance, easy run, on Monday, and got out yesterday for a slightly quicker 8 miles (10:30/mile pace) . Lovely sunshine today....could be tempted out to do some shorter efforts...?

    YTD: 1211' .
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    Not much from me this week - a bit sub-par. 4 miles Wednesday and 4 today. Today was a bit better. Legs not quite right though. Hopefully just tired from Ealing.

    YTD: 998
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    The Leas (Minster) parkrun today - nice mostly flat double out and back on the prom in lovely conditions. Disappointed to do a lacklustre 29:03 despite feeling like I was going a lot faster. Ugh. But it does get me over the 1000.

    YTD: 1001
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    Well done on the 1000 miles, Cal! Hopefully join you on reaching that target sometime in October. 

    YTD 911
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Well done, Cal; another parkrun and passing 1000'!!!

    Couldn't understand why my efforts this afternoon resulted in one of my slowest 5' runs, for a while. Then it dawned on me that I'd had my Flu jab just six hours earlier. Would that make such a difference? Well, I can play that card once a year.....?!

    YTD: 1216' .
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    Maybe a little, MrM2. I should probably go and get mine but I think I'll wait until after Alton half next month.
    10 miles yesterday, but Garmin had a big wobbly and I had to reboot the watch which resulted in it losing all the data. Little bastard. Working again today (though today was walk/gym - not as critical for my records).

    YTD: 1011
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Cal there was an issue with the Garmin servers yesterday so probably not your watch.

    6 steady miles this morning at 8.20 pace, going to keep the intensity in the last 2 weeks just less volume.

    YTD 966 miles.

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    Well I heard that but it was having trouble the day before (I couldn't upload to my laptop, only the big PC) and then yesterday neither computer could read the watch at all and I got prompts to reformat it so something on it was evidently corrupted. Hard reset seemed to work though.
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Updates from me;

    September ended with 14.1, 5.6 and 3.1 across the final few days. Yesterday was a final effort pre-York marathon (13.1 in 1hr 53). I'm ahead in terms of 'miles run' when comparing preparation for previous marathons but I'm badly lacking in long runs.  Really unsure how things will go in York in 15th Oct but think I'll continue to target 3hr, 59 mins 59secs!!

    YTD: 990.3 (Sept closed on 134.6 and Oct is 13.1)
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Donnie... Closing in on the 1000 miles!
    More importantly...Closing in on York! Your target time looks realistic after that 13.1 !!

    Cal... Sorry about those Garmin issues!

    Just 8 miles today. Seemed tough again.

    YTD: 1224' .
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    Good luck, Donnie. Just stick with the pacer and see how it goes.
    MrM2, I've had a tough block...today my legs seemed to have more bounce again. Not sure why as I had a fairly hard run on Sunday and didn't sleep all that well last night. Bodies are weird.
    But 5 miles today.

    YTD: 1016
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    Another 5 today, but with three warming up and then two miles around the track doing 300m fastish and 100m recovery. Fast being very relative as it really wasn't. Need to remind the legs how to move quickly again.

    YTD: 1021
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    6 miles this morning including 2x15 min threshold with a 3 min float.

    YTD 976 miles
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    5.1 in the evening gloom. The celery soup I'd had at lunch caused me to kick for home, if you get what I mean!! 

    Ytd: 995.4 (oct 18.2)
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Pleased to get out for a 7' run this afternoon. In the Bournemouth area again for a few days, so enjoyed a familiar run. Quite breezy; made me work a bit harder on the return half.

    YTD: 1231.
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    Harmander - my condolences on your loss. Stay strong buddy, I’m sure the running will help, but honestly I can’t imagine how hard this must be. 
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    Been a while, Dubai!
    4 recovery today. Why is it I feel great after 6 hours of sleep but tired and sluggish after 8?

    YTD: 1025
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    Yeah Cal about 8 months, had many false starts after the ankle break last year, taken longer than expected and kinda lost my mojo, did some running in Thailand last month and been running barefoot on the grass at the Polo club, looking forward to cooler temperatures.
    currently sitting the business lounge at Heathrow enroute to Ireland, first time in years haven’t brought my running gear. 
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Great to hear from you again, Dubai!
    Sorry to hear that your running has not been up to 'normal' for a while.
    Hope that things pick up for you.
    Enjoy your time in Ireland.
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