
Tracey Morris



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    I think the best bet is to get Bruce Tulloh to look at your thread, I'll try to get him to be active on it.
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    Sorry - just said it before you did!
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    Hilly, sorry for not answering sooner but I missed it first time round, no I don't currently do tri but I am thinking about it for next year. I've only just started back swimming having not done any since I was a very little chap. Managed to tear a muscle in my back not long after my resubmergance so have been restricted to almost exclusively breaststroke. Once that is sorted I will convert to more front crawl (is it still called that?).
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Shades, not for a long while!

    Dodge, it's still called front crawl. When I was a little lass we called it overarm!:o)

    Mike, I've had an email from Sean thanking me for the picture so I know he got it ok.

    I'm due to start marathon training next Monday, but I've missed a couple of weeks of pre training due to injury. Is 18 weeks enough time to basically double the amount of training I usually do?
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    It could be depending on your previous running history, and yours is very strong. But as with all training increases you need to monitor it carefully, and the difficult bit, step back from it if you're showing signs of over training and fatigue. Hopefully this is what we will be able to do with the training thread we're setting up. I'm out Wed. & Thur. but I hope we can have things set up on Friday.....I'm aware of time passing by very quickly while we deliberate.
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    ceal, have forwarded a link to this thread to Bruce Tulloh so he can see your request - he will be the best person for the over 60's training as he has done plenty of research with his book. I hope he takes the plunge.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Thanks Mike, we look forward to a visit from Bruce T.
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    It's so nice to have the wisdom of runners who've achieved so much-thanks!

    Looking forward to the unknown!:o)

    This week I'm easing back into full training and finishing the week with a 1/2 marathon.
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Where is everyone gone?

    Thought I'd boing this thread from page 4!

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    I think everyone's waiting to see what Mike and RW have come up with.
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    We're very close - my fault have been on the road finishing a piece for the mag. on UK's top 10 cities. Have agreed the format with Sean now he's waiting form me to put the text in...will be done tomorrow at latest, sorry folks.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Mike We had no visit from Bruce T. Does he need a nudge or do you think he is not nterested/not got time.
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    He's probably too busy watching BigBrother*.

    *at least that will be the rumour that gets spread if he doesn't join you soon ceal, I'm sure ;)
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    I don't know - I'll give him a call. He's lucky in that he isn't tied to a computer that regualarly tells him that someone has replied to his question on rw.co.uk!

    He may be in big Brother, his son is a TV producer so can't be sure - I don't watch it, honest....turn it over after Friends.
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    er, Mike
    i dont know how to tell you this

    but friends has finished
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    Friends will go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and.....I think you get the drift.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Thanks Mike,

    guess this is another message on your computer telling you that you have had a reply to your answer!!!!!!!!
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    I know - didn't think much of the last one, a bit predictable - but, I've got teenage children, so I get to watch repreats several times a day on various cable channels and can pretend that I'm above it all.
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    heck ceal...just got back to my inbox and there was another message - it could go on forever.
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Mike a question on running hills in races. I did a half marathon on Sunday and it was hilly. Now I'm not afraid of hills as I live surrounded by them and think of myself as being able to run them reasonably well. However, in races I notice that loads of people go past me going up, while going down I pass many. Do you think running hills daily on normal training makes one a slow hill racer?

    It's too my advantage if the race finishes with a downhill section, but if like on Sunday it finishes with an uphill I lost quite a few places.

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    Tom.Tom. ✭✭✭
    Mike - any news on the Bruce Tulloh front, can you expedite this or do I need to send a couple of the guys over from the over 60s thread to give you a pythonesque going over with the soft cushion and easy chair!

    No-one expects the ..............
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    Hi Hilly, there's 3 ways to look at hill training, one is to develop leg power and would help you attack a hill say in a shorter cross country race - this would be your traditional 10 reps of 1 mins on a steepish hill.

    Secondly is what Keith Anderson calls Kenyan Hills, this would be a hill circuit of say 800m where you surge on the up hill and stride out on the down part, thus maintaining an even speed for maybe 10 loops, or a set time - 30 mins. This is the type of hill running I think you need. The slope up and down should not be too steep.

    Thirdly is running hilly routes in regular training runs, which are great for conditioning and general endurance building, but won't necessarily make you great at running hills.

    In many ways running down hill is more a skill than running up, requiring relaxation around the hips - so if you can improve your up hill running so you can at least hold your own, you can use your down hill skill to pull away when the others try to recover off the top.

    Developing more leg power may help you a bit on up hill finishes and will improve your flat sprint speed at the end of any race - but in the end you may gain just a few seconds with a better sprint finish, but can gain minutes by being able to maintain an even pace throughout the race.
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    Where's that Bruce Tulloh....does he know the trouble he's getting me in?
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    Tom.Tom. ✭✭✭
    .............Spanish Inquisition
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    ...didn't expect that.
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    That's really helpful Mike. It seems the one session for hills you suggest might be of benefit to me is the one I've never done. I've done short hill reps and most of my normal training is over hilly routes, but as you say it doesn't make a fast hill runner.

    I love downhill running especailly in off road races as I find I can beat people who normally beat me on the road!:o)
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭

    How can I develop more leg power without building bulk?
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    Hilly, Have you done an fell running? Good down hill runners usually make the best ones as they can fly past people who tip toe down.

    You won't bulk up by doing power training unless you take some illegal substances, the distance work will keep you trim. Seb Coe did large amonts of heavy lifting but didn't get big like a sprinter.
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    Mike, is leg power important for marathon and 1/2 M performance?
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