
sub or about 4h30 hopefully



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    Racing, lol I wish. Yea think im going to go for that. Mind you owt could happen, im hoping ive got all my jinxes and niggles out the way in training and the run will be fairly incident free.

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    Good news today, took rugby training after school and joined in about half an hour of touch without my ankle giving me any problems (very gentle but quite a lot of twisting turning)

    Mark, I wouldn't worry too much about ur pace at any given point as it will often lead to you trying to speed up too much too quick if you need to make up time. Better would be to focus on the overall time and compare this to a wrist strap (free at the expo) with mile by mile time targets for certain finish times. Maybe average pace would be good, certainly I'd have that over current pace. Your right about the distance as you will prob be running a little further than the 26.2 over the course so it may just confuse your calculations if u have that displayed.

    Re iPod, I ran with it last time and will do again on Sunday as I find I can turn it off when I chat to other runners or for the band sections. But some parts of the course it was really helpful, ESP certain inspirational or upbeat songs when going gets tough. Having said this, I would like to be brave enough to run without but as it's kept me going on my training runs, it will stay with me. Also the other reason is my iPod is my iPhone and i also use mapmyrun on it, plus I intend to record a few small sections on the course if I can cope with moving it without dropping it!
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    Mark, and previous marathon experiences, im sure your ready for a good experience! I did forget about the paceing bands.

    Andrew that is great news great boost of confidence, although really touch rugby 3 days before the marathon are you looking for injuries image? I didn't even run for a bus today...


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    What time you after Fenn?

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    If No problem with injuries...then 4:15 please. Anything under 4:30 will be very chuffed. Getting round in one piece will be very too.

    Mark what you going for sub 4:30?
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    Hi everyone,

    Have any of you got any experience (or friends/family with experience) of viewing the finish line? I desperately want my family to see me cross the finish, mainly because of the cause I'm running for (lost my mum to ovarian in january) and my family have been on this journy with me so I'd love them to cross the line with me too.

    I've heard many people say that even as far back at 20 miles, I'll beat them to the finish line, so how far in to the race could they watch me before travelling to the finish?

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    Yea owt under that, will be hard BUT  theres a few factors helping me. In training since December ive been on low carb diet so aways tired and not fuelled up, every long run etc too. Plus I run with loads of stuff so heavy bottles, gels, phone, money and belt and of course tights, shorts, then 3 layers on top, so hoping running fully rested, carbed up, no belts or heavy stuff and a light vest and shorts will get a bit more from me.

    I went mad training, 4 weight sesisons a week too, big sessions usually 2 hours a day training when combined with cardio so hoping for a spring in my step.

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    Dan mine are watching me mile 19 canary wharf then getting on jubilee line to Westminster, I run 10 minute miles so hoping that's enough for them to get back.

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    I'm be running the same pace, if not a smidge less, but I'm thinking of telling them to see me a little earlier than that in a quieter area so they don't have to queue too much to get on the train.

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    My parents in the past have seen me at mile 19 and got to birdcage walk in time to see me... They said they just made it though...I think it will be busier than usual this year.
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    Fenn, I'm also hoping for 4.15, but will be pleased to get under 4.30 - are you using RW pacer, or do you have your own plan?
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    I have no plan!!! imageNiggles aside..

    Option 1 (most likely): I think I was planning to run 20miles as a training run (circa 10 min miles) and then push a little every mile from there on if feeling good! that is more like a 4:20 finish time.  I always am a bit conservative and would rather a great day out feeling great all the way round.

    Option 2: Go round with pacing group for 4:15 and push myself a little all the way round.. this will be my best chance of getting 4:15 going with a group... but this depends on what pen they are in?

    I think they are starting in Pen 5 can not remember (Annie/ Denise/ anyone) if you are yet to go to the Expo... its definately worth going to Runners World stand and picking up a pacer card. They will be able to tell you what pen the 4:15 pacing group is starting in. I think it's 5 for blue. If you do this could you please let me know too.. would be appreciated. The pacer looks hot which I think would make it all the more enjoyableimage.



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    Pacer for me then! Was going to do 9.50 for first half and take it from there, but going with a pacer saves looking at watch all the time, but 9.43 could be risking it a bit for later on.... Decisions, decisions!
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    I am looking at my 4:15 pacing band and don't think the times are beyond me at all......decisions decisions!!

    One positive for finding the pacing group is I will be running alongside others with similar targets and that I think would be nice

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    Im going for all out attack!!

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    Mark.! Your training and race plan seems to be spot on.. so go for it! Are you enjoying the carbs having been training without them?


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    Sick of carbs already. Monday night is curry and a bottle of Tattinger.

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    Steak and red wine for me!

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    What is everyone doing in terms of carb loading? I had a thai curry last night! I was looking at the food in the supermarket and literally hadnt a clue what to get image I did buy some wholemeal bagels and I'll be having that for lunch today with some soup and maybe one as a mid-afternoon snck. Problem is, I'm not really hungry. Also, I'm trying to keep up my hydration levels whcih is something I'm not very good at and I'm visiting the ladies so often it's ridiculous

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    Denise I'm not feeling hungry either- only needs a banana on wholemeal and I'm already feeling stuffed - crazy days!
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    Im not going over board. Good point I need to drink more water!

    Spag bol last night. Soup and toast for lunch today. Tonight Prawns and wholemeal rice dish. Tomorrow will have jacket potatoe for lunch and in the evening pasta and sauce dish.

    Will had a bagel tomorrow and popcorn for snack today. nothing OTT avoiding  unhealthy stuff and fizzy drinks.

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    I'm moving towards wrapping up my week in the office, ticking off the last few bits & pieces - isnt it strange to think that the next time we're at our desks we'll have done it!? 

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    yes looking forward to getting my life back image

    Are you travelling to London tomorrow?



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    jenfjenf ✭✭✭
    good luck to you all running this weekend. have a great day X
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    Hi Fenn,

    Setting off at 9 am tomorrow, just about finished packing. Hitting the hay in a mo...think I ave everything!
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    Expo done, great fun. Strapping re done on my ankle. Spending all of tomoz with everything possible crossed that all of our niggles don't get in the way of our times and more importantly our enjoyment of what is one of the best events on the planet image
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    Good luck everyone! I'll be on the course shouting at you! Hopefully I'll get time tomorrow (after a nearly 20 mile run!) to make a big banner - it'll be white with "Lincoln Wellington" written on a background of red white and black stripes.

    And even on my week in Rotterdam I managed two 10k runs and a cross country 4 miler once I got home today! Up this week at 1.30am, 3 x 5.30am, and 4.30am today, so well and truely pooped!

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    Good luck everyone, I'm just leaving for Glasgow airport into gatwick then straight expo.

    Hope everyone has a great run and succeeds beyond their expectations.

    I'll be wearing pink girlie breast cancer care vest with my name( robert) on front if you spot me say hello!

    Well enjoy, take care and keep safe everyone x
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    Hi all, how exciting!

    Good luck to all and enjoy the day, remember all the hard work is done xxxxx

    will be around most of the day as have a relaxing day at home planned. Woke up with a stiff shoulder yesterday so not a great prep...it does feel better this morning already so at least its a distraction image.

    I will have Sarah on my purple great ormond street top, please say hi!
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