
Northern Ireland Running



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    Thanks SamT - I don't know much about rowing. I'll bear that in mind in future. I intend to keep at the rowing.
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    Hi All

    Training hasn't been great this week. Ran the 5m at Whitehead and was very happy with my time - seeing some improvement, cycled 12.5m on Tue, ran 5m on Thur and plan to ran the 10k in Ballynahinch tomorrow.

    Does anyone have any information about the run in Ballynahinch?

    Good luck Baldy for Sunday - slighty envious I'm not there.
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    CartmanCartman ✭✭✭
    good luck for sunday baldy... I'm more than a little envious I'm not there.. its the best race in the world... (can't wait for next year)..

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    Hi everyone. Great sunny day for a run here. Managed to push my long run out to 20KM... 1:52. Am well chuffed.
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    Good luck for London baldy!!
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    Well done Sean. Good run this morning the weather was good and 13 miles in under 2 hours not sure if I could have done another 13. Last long run before the marathon. Going to put the feet up now and watch the finish of London on the tele to see if I can spot Baldy among all those runners.
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    Thanks Kenny. Wish I was doing Belfast with you guys :(

    I managed to get out with the OH this morning and we did 7.5KM... her training has been a bit sporadic but she has always been naturally athletic. I manged to get her to slow her pace down very slightly and she really enjoyed it much more.

    Was with some friends last night playing poker... three of them are running the Prague marathon in a few weeks... they were out for their last long run yesterday... 20 miles! I can't imagine being able to run that far!
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    HI all at last a sunday with good weather for running.I ran 8 miles this morning legs felt tired.It's always the same just before a marathon you feel tired and question yourself.Cannot wait for next monday watching london on tv put's you in the mood.

    Sean you can run 20 miles and you will.Just keep doing your long runs and you will get there.Who knows you could be running a marathon in no time 'Dublin in october'
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    Baldy is back in bangor!!

    quick note, full report to follow, got home in soggy but reasonable 3.02.08.

    bumped in to greg mclure who had a good run with 3.00.15 and dessie mchenry who beat 3.00hrs again!!!

    bring on belfast.
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    Great time Baldy well done now you have to break 3 hours in Belfast. Dessie is amazing at his age he just keeps going.
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    Great time baldy, well done. Done 6.5 miles on Friday, felt great although was a bit warm. Looking forward to next Monday. Watching the London Marathon really put me in the mood to try a full marathon. Maybe someday.
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    Greetings from Budapest. Managed to get out for a 10KM this evening... absolutely beautiful here... 25C... ran along the river and onto a little island between Buda and Pest... they have a "rubber" path for runners and the place was hiving with people... probably my most enjoyable run yet!

    Keep running :)
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    Baldy - Congratulations on that excellent time. You were flying. I watched a lot of it on TV and it has inspired me to try my best in Belfast.
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    Anyone any idea how long will be left when we reach Ormeau Park on Monday ?

    On the "Fun Day" map it looks at least 1.5 miles, whereas the race map makes it look insignificant.

    Important to know, so we can judge our speed for the last bit down Ravenhill Rd and then into the park
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    The route goes up the Ormeau Road and down the Ravenhill, therefore skirting arround the park before entering the park from the embankment. The part of the route actually inside the park is quite short.
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    Scott Its difficult to judge from the map and but from running the Joe Seeley I don't think it would be that long probably a mile at the most. Hopefully they will have well positioned mile markers this year that you can see.

    Had a look at the weather forecast for Monday says mainly cloudy with a chance of showers in the afternoon 11 degrees sounds not too bad. Chris I don't think Angie would look that far ahead.

    Sean one advantage of your travelling is you get great variety in your training runs.

    LL your training is going well. Hopefully see you at the Bridges the Riada 5 in Ballymoney is on Friday 28 July.
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    Thanks Kenny, really enjoyed Riada last year, will defo be going back this year. If round the bridges goes well for me was considering the derry half. Never run it before but my friend has and she didnt enjoy it all. What's your opinion on the Derry half?
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    Scott - if you click on the fun-day map on the marathon website it shows the marathon route inside the park and gives you a bit of an idea how far you've got to go.....I ran the last part of the route a few weeks ago and didn't realise the Ravenhill Road was quite that long!

    Baldy - brilliant time in London

    Kenny - Angie still not committing herself to a long range forecast - will try again later today

    Sean - I like the idea of a rubber path to run on!

    LL - I enjoyed the Derry half when I ran it for the first time last year - it's a there and back course - six and a half miles out, and six and a half and a bit back with a hill towards the end - but it was good fun.

    Looking forward to Monday despite my taper consisting of sitting on the sofa watching London and also a steady procession of keener Belfast runners going past my house. Must be a record entry this year.
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    LL - I think it will be a new course in Derry this year as the police have refuged to let them use the course for safety reasons. Last year year was a out and back course out the main road. Conditions last year not too bad but the year before you had a stiff head wind all the way home.

    Chris I think you got yout taper right sitting back and watching other do the running. I don't think Angie will commit herself until Monday morning but whatever the weather we will just have to get on with it.
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    Hello Chris, why didnt you go out running on Sunday. Naughty naughty. Think I will try Derry half this year, just hope my calf doesn't play up which it usually does when I up the miles although since I got new orthodics and different trainers so good so far. I havn't received through my letters yet for 4 relay teams from the Belfast marathon and am starting to panick a bit. I believe you need this letter to collect the packs this weekend. Is this the case? Been trying to phone them all day but cant get through. The strange thing is I applied for them all seperately over a period of a month.
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    LL one of the guys who runs with me hadn't recieved his letter at the weekend. He rang and was told there were working their way throught a back log but other entries sent off in the same envelope have recieved their letters. Keep trying to get through.
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    Glad to see you are all hard at it.

    the last bit of the mara from teh ormeau bridge up the road and down the ravenhill is same as the old route works out near 2 miles, but the amount you go up is the same as the amount you go down!!

    quads loosening up nicely, gentle 5M last night and a few 400m intervasl today. a bit more tomorrow or thurs then rest, honest!!

    finally, thanx davy's tout!!! Good job he knows i didnt mean anything bad by knocking rowers. in the true form of spirit,

    rowers may not make great runners but i would not fancy doing a mara on a rowing machine well done mate finishing it in 3.30.
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    Hi folks 3 miles this morning taking it easy another couple of miles on Sunday then the big day. Hows everyone.
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    Another 10K last night in Bucharest... though am SO glad to be back home tonight... great to see the kids! :)
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    Just checked my running log... starting from scratch 16 weeks ago I've now logged over 350KM running... and that with two weeks of zero running through illness... amazing how quickly the KM rack up!! 150KM of those in the last three weeks!!
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    Hey all,

    Sean that's great going. You made me think and i checked my log. Since i started back running roughly at the end of Feb (also including 2 weeks of due to illness and a bad decision to donate blood) i've just gone over 100 miles today!! Looks great ... mind you Baldy there will have done half of that in the space of a week. You must be mad Baldy!!!

    4 days to relay though so taking it easy this week and then will start building up the milage next week for the half.

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    does anyone know for sure if Derry will be a different route? i think they could make it a lot more exciting.

    I live in Derry and ran it last year. i think if they made it a bit more exciting they might up the entrance. after all there are so many more exciting places to run in Derry. they should make it more scenic. if every other county etc and place in the UK can run sucessful road races why cant Derry. I makes me mad.
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    A bit quiet on here... everyone must be laying low in prep for Monday.

    I just did a long run... managed to stretch it out to 21.5KM... 2:04... well pleased.
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    Well done Sean it has been a bit quiet. You are building up the milage its good feeling when you are able to do that bit longer for the first time.
    See you on Monday eilers12 good luck with the relay my number is 1022 give me a shout if you see me I will be wearing a green Macmillan vest.
    Calypso the Derry half is on the callender for Sat 9 September. Not sure what the course will be but the police have refused to issue a permit on safety grounds. 600 runner running down the main road to Coleraine was just too dangerous and cause a backlog of traffic. Last year the marshalling was first class a couple of years ago there were very few marshalls and you had to cross the Caw roundabout dodging between the cars. Will update you if I hear anything about a new course.
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