
Too fat to run now



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    Very very quick post or I will belate for work.

    I have just been and entered Blackpool Half marathon. Booked a very cheap hotel. Daughter and her ex husbands wife (don't ask) are coming with me.

    mava it is just round the corner from the Savoy.

    Right must go. Catch you later.
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    morning not posted of late - been lurking, but nowt much to say. Finally atoned for a deeply lazy week with 17 miles yesterday - last mile was far too slow and hard for a man with a mara to do in 3 weeks, but still averaged under 11 m/m - could start a little more gently perhaps. Not much i can do about it now. may do another long one with 2 weeks to go. Then it's blackpool (gulp). well done to all - i can never run in the mornings speedy try as i might - it makes sense in all sorts of ways, but can't seem to manage it!. i didn't eat much last night but that was due to feeling sick from evening run rather than flicking a switch! Jealous of your time in the best county in England Bodj. get yourself on the geordie thread on general (although bit quiet of late)
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    blackpool fun beckons
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    mavamava ✭✭✭
    great stuff speedy! I look forward to meeting you.

    All the Blackpool bods - are you going to the pasta party on the saturday night? or is there a forum gathering?

    Potting Shed - are you driving up or getting the train?

    Welcome back Bodgit.

    Had a torrid time at the dentist. more horrid injections. More yanking and pulling. still sore. And looks like I may still have to go back again next week if it doesn't all settle down. grump grump.

    Ate lots of chocolate today...
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    Just to let you all know that work was okay. Not fab but okay.
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    driving up mava (on sat). planning on going north to kendal to see folks on sunday (work willing) and back on monday. happy to give you a lift if convenient
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    glad to hear it ally
    hang on in there
    PS-looking forward to seeing you
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    mava and PS looking forward to meeting you at Blackpool. Hippo will see you there. Is there a meal or drinks on Sat night. Daughter will be doing her own thing as having lived in Blackpool knows the place well. Might join her later as it is only half that I am doing. Promised I would drive home on the Sunday to let them drink on Sat night.

    Must go as bed beckons. Had a few drinks as work was really bad. Being taken for a formal complaint over incident I mentioned and it has been a s--- day. Hubby is shouting at me for something. Must go.

    Catch you later.

    Look forward to meeting at Blackpool. Need a good weekend away.
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    hm not aranged owt for balckie

    Not doing pasta party

    who fancies fishn chips on the pier?

    feck spedy-it will come to naught i am sure-but its a shame you hve togo through the crap first
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    formal complaint - that sucks speedy.
    last time i was in blackpool was a stag night about 10 years ago - not much help there with venues for before a race. reminds me of going to dublin with mrs p 2 years ago - i had visited at least 5 times before - each time during a rugby international weekend - 'so what is there to see?' 'dunno, some pubs and a stadium' saw some fab stuff in the end
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    should we arrange a pre race meet up
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    bottom of the big dipper 4pm, be sure to have eaten heavily
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    i'm at the hilton, only just - had to have 3 gos before i could find someone willing to give me the cheap marathon rate
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    big dipper--r--no
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    only messin - still 3 weeks to go
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    am going to sleep now
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    Yes I want to meet up on SAt night. Don't really want to go drinking with daughter and would end up very drunk!!!! Can we arrange someat. Hope to be in Bpool around about 12ish. Its a 4hr drive from here. Can't think of anywhere to eat though. Lots of chippy bars but no decent eating places. Daughter moved back to Scotland last May and for all the years she lived in Bpool I never found anywhere decent to eat. Best place was a take away fish & chip bar in Fleetwood.

    Don't have to leave Bpool till about 5pm on Sun so should see all you marathoners finish. Can't face marathon so half will do.

    Work could turn nasty. Nearly walked out at 3pm today. Had to hold back the tears as had trouble with union over an issue as well. Had a big chat with my boss who is backing me all the way as he says I was not in the wrong. Also have to have a meeting with a member of staff on Friday and advise them that I am recommending termination of there employment. No wonder I have had a drink tonight. Glad I am day off tomorrow.

    Mr Speedies birthday on Friday but as we are both day off tomrrow and working Fri and Sat we will go for lunch somewhere tomorrow.

    Suppose I should go to bed as a little bit tipsy.

    Can we arrange to meet in Bpool folks.

    Bodjit won't you come now?
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    PS never been on the Pepsi Max. Who fancies taking me on it on the Sat. Been on quite a lot on the pleasure beach which I wouldn't mind again but never been brave enough for the Pepsi.
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    went on pepsi max after a few guiness and some oysters - only just stayed down - would have been fun with a normal load in my stomach - can go again. i've got a pasta party ticket but happy to go elsewhere
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    have a good day tomorrow speedie
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    Thanks PS. Off to bed now as not to great after several g&t's and some wine.

    Not got a pasta ticket and would love to try Pepsi Max but terrified. Will ask daughter to recommend somewhere to eat. Am I right in thinking you are in Hilton? We will arrange meeting nearer the time. Hippo and hubby are in Hilton also I think. Mava is in the Savoy which I am near.

    Right must go to bed. Will try and fit in 10 mile plod tomorrow but weather forecast is for heavy rain here. Glad I am day off as could not face work if I had to go.

    Night PS and everyone else. Catch you tomorrow.
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    mavamava ✭✭✭
    blimey, you lot get chatty whenever I'm not around!

    Glad work was OK ally. Sorry work was so awful Speedy.

    I might give that Pepsi Max a go! Think it would be great to meet on the saturday.

    PS, thanks for the offer of a lift. I need to look up trains and tickets. I'm staying the sunday night in Blackpool. Looks like I'll be eating alone that night! seems everyone else is going home on sunday.

    My achilles is still sore, and even more worrying, the calf muslce just where the achilles attaches is really sore. Am struggling not to run this week. Bike comes out again to ride to work today, even though rain is forecast. Had chocolate and chips yesterday.

    Right, got to get myself organised. catch you later.
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    spedy-i hope today is better for you
    would be good to meet up on sat night
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    mavamava ✭✭✭
    evening all. everyone's been very quiet today.

    Everyone OK?
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    Evening all

    Speedy, work sounds sh!t. Hugs and more hugs to you. Hang on in there.

    I'm jealous of you lot going to blackpool. I want to come but will be in Brighton waiting for husband to finish his bike ride!
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    Evening folks. Hubby has been working on the computer this evening as it kept freezing on me and then crashing. Seems ok now.

    Weather today has been awful. Day off and what happens it chucks it down all day. We had to go to daughters and sort her computer and then we went for lunch and then went and bought a new tent. and still it didn't stop raining. Sooooo..... no run.

    Eventually got rid of headache mid afternoon.

    Dreading work tomorrow but will brave it and go in. Hate an atmosphere and am worried but as my manager is behind me I hope all will work out. Will let you know. Have to have a meeting with an officer tomorrow regarding incident. This is making me very depressed and very down.

    PS and mava are we going on the Pepsi Max then. Mind you I will be terrified.

    Hippo - I am coming to Blackpool so we can all meet up so yes I want to meet on saturday night and I will be hanging around on the Sunday until you finish.

    Right must go and make some dinner now.
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    I will really look forward to hooking up with you again speedy
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    mavamava ✭✭✭
    Hi Speedy. I'm sure the work thing will sort itself out.

    I'd quite like to have a go on this Pepsi Max thing. Is it the one known as the Big One? someone on the tsunami thread went on that last weekend. sounds interesting!

    I think I can check into my hotel from around 2pm on the saturday so will probably aim to get there around then (unless I take you up on your offer PS - will let you know).

    Just taken the plunge and ordered a wobble board!
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    mavamava ✭✭✭
    evening Hippo. How's things?
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