
Nice Little Runs in Sutton Park



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    Hi all

     Its been a while since i came on here looks like everybody is doing ok. Is anybody doing the lung run sunday it will be my 1st race of the year was supposed to do the race 2 weeks ago but ended up in work all weekend image I have entered the robin hood marathon this year it will be my 1st attempt at a maraton. Did enter the wolverhampton one but was put off when told it was 2 laps. So I just have to get my legs ready now but have pleanty of time.

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    Hi Daz,

    Im doing the lung run on Sunday....I'll be the one at the back with the sweepers not far behind!

     Just went training with the beanies yesterday in sutton park to practice the route. A bit up and down.....did I say down, I meant up and up image

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    so you are running with the professionals not quite at that level yet image im looking forward to run one it is local so dont have to drive far with sore legs plus there are some nice hills
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    Nice to meet you on Sunday DH. Good luck for Sunday, hope you enjoy the race. And don't worry, you'll do fine. But don't wear the HRM will you?

    Nice to see everyone yesterday. Whisper it really quietly but......shhhhhh......I quite enjoyed it image RC said it was going to be "all on tarmac" but I managed to keep that to a minimum image Thoroughly enjoyed putting in a few efforts, initially on my own but then spurred on by Coach Juicer on her bike. Thanks for that Coach. And it made a change to be "running" somewhere instead of walking up vertical slopes then tearing down the other side.

    Do you know, I *might* try it again sometime.

    Well done on running so far Prue, took lots of motivation to continue when we were all going back to the car AND when there was an ice-cream van in the car park image

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    What O Folks,

    Anybody know anything about a marathon called the Cheltenham Circular Challenge. Its on the 22nd June and the course record is 4:15, sounds like a monster.

    trying to find a marathon for June, There is the Malvern Marathon on the same weekend but I don't think that one counts as an official Marathon because it's a little short.

    If you Know of any others in June Please let me know.


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    Why does it matter if it's official Batman?  Are you looking to be in the 100 club?  If so, the Dovedale Dipper in August counts - there were loads from the 100 club there last year - and that was a nice little meander.  Don't know anything about the Cheltenham Circular Challenge.
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    Hmm, guess I better apply for that FLM thing as well. Can't be left out.

    Thanks all for yesterday. Really enjoyed the run.

    AA - good news. And the running might help you forget the football... 

    Good luck to all those doing Stratford (half or full) on Sunday.

    DH - You will be fine on Sunday. I hope to get there to cheer you on as well. I hope your family will be there supporting you!

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    PruePrue ✭✭✭

    Cobra batman - Come and join me at Cork City marathon.  Its on the Irish Bank Holiday Monday I think the 2nd of June image   Will be good fun!  Bring the family too flights were 0p + tax and the school holidays are the week before.  You could stay on and run the marathon while the others fly back for school, then you could holiday and run in one image

    Oh I can feel another NLRISP happening - when can we arrange the next one....? 

    I'm marathoning next weekend and away at a hen weekend the next - Could do a Tuesday night inbetween though??

    Otherwise - I'm doing a long run either Sat or Sun 10th or 11th of May depending on little P's bday party..

    Long run - Sat 10th or Sun 11th of May - About 20 miles



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    PruePrue ✭✭✭

    P.S - Forgot to say..............  ........   OI!   you lot have you seen the social thread on club house....?

    Lurker is sorting it all out  for 13th of June....   I hopefully by then will be celebrating having ran a marathon.  Any of you lot fancy a night out???

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    Juicer - glad to see that you are not being tempted back to the "dark side" re: FLM!!

    Did a 20 miler on Sunday, mix of road and trail (more of the latter, so reckon that adds another mile onto the run doesn't it?) around Hopwas woods and along the Heart of England path.   Hardly saw a soul in the 3.5 hours that I was out (it was a long, slow run), but did see a jay, loads of skylarks, a couple of buzzards, horses, sheep, lambs etc etc, and came back knackered, but happy!!   Only 4 more weeks to Windermere, so looking forward to tapering!!

    Good luck with the Lung Run - I remember the finish of that race very wellimage!!

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    Jucier - 100 club is a long term aim but to be honest i'm not that bothered. It's just if there are 2 runs and one is an offical marathon then i'd probably take that one. Dovedale dipper sounds good though.

    Prue - How do you get flights for £0, must be a catch somewhere?

    Stratford Marathon this weekend for me, hopefully a descent time.

     Good luck with all your runs Folks image

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    Prue's 'free' flights to Cork cost about £60   image
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    BTW Batman.  I can't deny that I know where you're coming on.  Not after me and Caz did an event last year that measured around 25.9 miles, so we ran through the finish line and up and and down the street a bit until the Garmin said 26.2.  I sort of count them too:

    4 official measured road marathons

    I ultra distance mountain marathon

    2 LDWA events covering marathon distance or more.

    I've done quite a few 25 milers too (and 2 more coming up) but I can't bloody count them!! 

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    Oh, is that how it works? Does this mean that the person who isn't interested in the least in "marathons" has actually done, I think, 4 to count towards the 100 club?image

    Let's think;

    OCT - 37 miles

    Dovedale - 28 miles

    Manx - 31 miles

    Calderdale - 37 miles

    Soon to do OCT again. That'll be 5.

    Might book up a few road marathons this year to increase my total image

    (yeah, right!) 

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    Yeah right!!!

    Wonder if you can count up the extra miles to make extra marathons.  So far you've done an extra 29 miles on top of the marathons there.  That's ONE extra!!!

    And does a 'double marathon' (i.e. 52.4 miles) count as 2 marathons?

    And could we club all our marathons together, and have a BEANIE entry in the 100 club image 

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    p'man: do not mention the football image
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    Meant to say, great reports on FLM by RC and Juicer.

    All the best to DH and Stratford Marathoners for Sunday.

    I must admit, I'd love to get to 100 marathons, but I'm never likely to 'cos I race every race I enter image

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    UM - ER always says that he can't see the point of just doing 100 marathons, all an hour over what you're capable of.  Say if your best is 3.20ish (who?? image ), then the challenge would be to run 100 marathons all under 3.30.  There you go........................., a challenge! ;-)

    You must have a good few under your belt UM.  How many?

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    100 marathons are gonna take years for me,

    I've done 20 in 4 years, so I should be able to do the 100th with the help of a Bus pass and a walking stick.image

    My marathons have been between 3.38 and 3.58 the last couple of years so you don't have to slow done that much.

    Mind you would be nice to do a fast one soon.

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    You better had Batman!! I've got 100 fetchpoints resting on you for Sunday!! image
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    PruePrue ✭✭✭

    Blimey 20 batman, thats a far few.  Whats your hopes for Sunday....?

    Well my hopes for Sunday are looking very unlikely.  After really sore calfs on Sunday, I've managed to pull my left hamstring yesterday after it being really tight (stupidly doing some running sprints) and after an attempt on the tredmill today I came off half a mile later nearly in tears image  Not good!

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    prue:  Hope you are ok for Sunday - sorry to hear about your hamstring image
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    Somebody else has bet on me too, strange feeling of pressure to perform nowimage.

     I'm trying for 3.29.59  not sure if thats on though?

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    CB - I've bet now too image

    All this talk of 100 marathons ...... I'll be chuffed to reach double figures image

    Juicer - I remember that extra run after the finish very well ....... I include it in my list when I talk to non-runners but I tend not to when I talk to fellow runners .... wierd that!?!? Have you decided upon your Autumn mara yet? and have you made it down the club this week? Hows the leg?

    Managed to get down the club last night and did a toughish 8M over clent and surrounds. Really enjoyed and put in some efforts but felt it in my legs on tonights run. Just did 7M on the trails, was pleased to be out running but was a little lathargic. Out again tomorrow .... ooh 4 days in a row image

    Have defo decided on the half this Sunday ... don't know what I was thinking of on Sun when I wanted to do the full. Funny how your thoughts change from immediately after the marathon to one week later. Was well up for another all last week, even right up til Sunday ....... but by last night I was thinking along the lines of "no way!!" image

    Looking forward to supporting CB, MH for the full and WATCHING a marathon image

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    Good Luck Sunday CB. Go get that 3:29:59 image

    Gosh Prue, hope your hamstring is OK. I know only too well about Hamstring pulls and tears image

     I had a look at my list of long events that I have ran and here thye are:

    10 official measured road marathons

    7 ultra distance mountain marathon

    2 LDWA events covering marathon distance or more.

    and like Juicer I've done quite a few 25 milers (LDWA type thingeys)

    I like your 100 marathon challenge idea Juicer. I've ran 9 official road marathons at sub 3:30, that means only 91 to go image

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    You're well on the way.  And Batman is too!! image

    Caz, not decided on Autumn marathon yet - but still looking likely to be Loch Ness or Dublin.  Sort of went to club last night, not to run, but to watch lots of others dashing up and down the Wrekin at the Wrekin Streak Fell Race.  Pub after, and Helen won the F50 trophy overall for the Winter Fell Series image

    My leg is on the mend.  I ran a mile on Prue's treadmill yesterday and it's been fine.  I'll try a little bit further on Saturday, and do the 25 mile Black Mountains Roundabout.  I always think it best to come back from injury gradually and sensibly! image 

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    Mornin' just thought I would log an entry in case you thought I'd died. image As ever, lots of running these days and complete commitment to my training........

    DH - I might gatecrash the Lung Run and run with you if you want company. Let me know where you will be standing before/at the start. 

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    But will he buy a number this time image
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    Prue - Sorry to hear about your hamstring - Chin up.

    Tumps - Hi, how you doing??  I dont mind company at all. I'll be near the back mate, im number 1102, im being realistic plus race etiquette tells me dont get in front of faster runners at the start. My intention is to start at the back so i can pick off slow runners like me!!! image....dont know if it will work though!!! image  Peaceman may come along to watch aswell...he should get his kit on a gatecrash as well, I'll have 2 lovely blokes to run with then!!! What more could a girl ask!

    Im a bit worried about the change in temperature...all winter Ive trained in cold weather which I prefer for running and now it looks like its going to be quite warm!! I was hoping it would have been like last Sunday's practice run, that was perfect weather for me, nice, cool, fresh and drizzley. Might carry some water with me just in case, Ive got one of those nathan waist pack thingys which can hold a bottle.

    Good luck on the half ths weekend Caz, I'll be thinking of you flying, you'll probably finish quicker than me on my 10K. image

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    TM: of course I won't pay, it's £12  image

    DH: I will look out for you...I thought the weather forecast was cloudy/showery and 16C

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