
Shades Marathon Training



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    Cas - we have 2 waterbutts full here and OH is considering taking the diverter off the downpip for now to stop them overflowing onto the slabs
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    LMH - Still no e mail from you, don't know what happened to it.

    Cas - Sorry you've had a bad day.

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    Elspeth - have forwarded it to Peter's address, see if that comes through.

    Cas - sounds like a bit of a nightmare, hope tomorrow is better.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    ClagClag ✭✭✭

    Managed a 10 miler today. Aimed to do it at half marathon pace and averaged 8:10 per mile overall - this was due to the first mile being far too fast and the last mile being uphill and nearly killing me! Have really tight calves now. Feel a bit better for managing that though - gives some hope for next weekend.

    Elspeth - can understand your 10k friend having to leave before you finish, but with your half friend surely you'll not be that much behind as you'll have a good run I'm sure. image

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    Clag - that's good running without a number on.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LMH - e mail received and will post the book on on Monday, thanks.

    Clag - They have to get back to Scrabster for a 7pm ferry so have to be there by 6.15 so timing pretty tight. Originally only I was going to go so it's fine to have company on Sat anyhow and I would feel too pressured to get done in time if I was going back with them. Chance for a bit of shopping in Inverness too on Monday thought not got long.

    Sounds like a speedy 10 miler for you, I'm sure you would have done a good half if you had gone for that but will do an even speedier 10k.image Your book is now off south again on Mon before it heads back your way. Thanks for sharing.

    Hope LB is OK.

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    I think LB is out partying at DL...well according to Facebook anyway!

    Still feeling wiped out so going to try and sleep in tomorrow and see how I feel

    Been cooking tonight though - opened a bottle of wine to drown my sorrows and it was rubbish, opened another and it was nasty too, so decided to cook with them rather than pour them away, so there is beef and red wine casserole bubbling in the oven and red onion and red wine soup cooling on the stove. Nomnomnom

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    That was very industrious and thrifty Cas! Hope you slept well and feel better today.

    Glad the mail made it through Elspeth.

    Sluggie - I hope that things are settled now and you're enjoying being home.

    Could have slept in myself this morning but we have a ride arranged with Mr B today so it's up and at 'em.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Red onion and wine soup sounds good.

    Can you post the recipe?

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    Slept for 10 hoursimage Guess I needed that! Still undecided about a run today but goint to have a lazy morning and see how I feel after lunch.

    Red onion and red wine soup......

    Put a bottle of red wine in a pan and bring to the boil and reduce by half, then stir in a litre of stock, a couple of tablespoons of balsamic vineagar and two teaspoons of tomato puree.

    Chop up 5-8 red onions (recipe said 8 but I only had 5) and four cloves of garlic. In large hot plan heat 4 table spoons of olive oil and 50g of butter and then fry the garlic and onions over a medium heat for 20-30mins until the onions are tender but not caremelised.

    Pour in the wine/stock mixture and simmer for another 15 mins et voila!

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭



    If you slept for that one sounds like a good idea to have a lazy day.

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    *limps in and hangs head in shame*imageimageimage

    I think I had a cauldron full of that soup last night, but I forgot to put the onions, vinegar, puree and garlic inimage

    Woke up hyperventilating and unable to stand. Hangover from HELL.image This is my first for nearly twenty years so it hit me like a train! The problem was, people kept getting rounds in without asking and the price of wine in David Lloyd is so mental I felt compelled to drink it, which is stupid.

    I am a complete idiot. I've ruined my running plans for the day now and although I've rehydrated and come back into the land of the living, I really don't feel up to plodding at all.

    Worse still, I had to go to CHURCH at 9am and lead the service today! image Everybody laughed - I'm clearly not the first person who's had a thick head in there! I was half expecting the Vicar to recoil in horror, but he didn't. image

    I thought it was me who mentioned the PF! I have some pain in the heel of my foot when I'm not putting any pressure on it. I thought the article was very informative and interesting too - I was particularly interested in the bit that said PF is sometimes caused by tight achilles tendons.....image but less impressed when it said "commonest in women over 40!" image I am nowhere NEAR 40!

    So, new lesson learned. Don't drink. Ever...... It's bad for you.image

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    I hate to tell you this but the vicars I've know can drink!  They can't put the communion wine back in the bottle (for reasons unknown to me) so they have to finish it off which may have something to do with it.

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    I watched him do that this morning after the early service communion HY4! image

    The wine is consecrated and cannot be thrown away, so must be consumed. You wouldn't chuck the blood of Jesus down the sink now would you?image They have to munch the bread too. They used to do seeded rolls at our church, but I scare them half to death with my nut allergy and now we have good old normal bread. I used to like those rice paper thingies that stuck to the roof of your mouth.....image

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    How's the pain now by the way? No more pain killers needed I hope?image
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    Hope mummy's doing OK in Wulva amptun....image
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    LB - are you after the Mothly posters lead?.

    I am going for a fifteen miler later if you fancy joining me image, Better get some training done for warrington half and possibly leicester marathon the week after, will not being doing Leicester unless I go sub 1:40 at Warrington

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    It's much easier however I'm not taxing it.  I usually take some time off after this race running wise because it's usually the last race of the year so during the non running time think it will be plently of yoga.

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    OK then LB, trainers on and out with JPimage. So you've been being naughty while mummy's awayimage, how much not to tell?
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    Abandoning 3 hr plod today as piriformis and glutes straps in left hip are swollen again.  image  Quite frankly, overdid it on Friday and if the limit at the moment is 5 miles x 3 per week, then that's great and so it must be until that injury is totally recovered from.  NF Half looks like another DNS at the moment, but there are other races.  Going out to cheer myself up and won't be back on today.

    Hope Shades and SiJ have a good one.  image

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    I think you're doing the right thing.

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    Flossie - I feel for you. It's very frustrating isn't.
    All you can do is give it more time.
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    GET THIS EVERYODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Shades has done a stonking PB by 9 minutes at Wolves. Her time was 4.37 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    She said it was the Spinach soup. LOL! 


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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Huge well done.

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    Woweeee well done Shades!
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     Well done Shades...fantastic time!imageimage

    I delivered a big fat wobbly PW this morning. I ran Henfield Half marathon and here is my race report: Started off feeling confident as I have done loads of good training recently and I felt strong. I went off too fast. When I got to the 2 mile marker my watch said 16 minutes! I never run that fast even when I try! I ran the 3rd mile quite fast as well and then got an awful stitch. I promised myself that if I made it to the water station at 4 miles, I would ask them to give me a lift back to the leisure centre. At the water station I changed my mind and decided to struggle on a bit further.

     I just couldn’t settle into a rhythm or pace and I kept feeling anxious about the possibility (or not) of finishing.At about 5 miles I got myself into such a state that I think I had a panic attack. My already racing heart started racing faster and I was hyperventilating. I felt very wobbly and faint. I slowed down drastically and ate some jelly babies. I struggled on, still not managing to get into a rhythm. In most races I get into a comfortable pace and zone out for a while but not today.

     At about 6 miles I started to develop painful blisters on both feet. I think it is because the ground was so uneven. There was only about half a mile of tarmac in the whole race, the rest was across uneven fields and tracks and through long grass and over about 10 stiles. At the 10 mile marker, a marshall told me that my times was 1 hour 33 mins. I had to walk up some hills in the last 3 miles.

     I have never been so happy to see the finish line! Every muscle in my body hurt and I felt much worse than when I finished a marathon! Finishing time…2.04 . My best half marathon time is 1.55 Lesson learnt….don’t go off too fast.
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    Your PW is still two minutes faster than my PB SiJ! image Some days things just don't go right for you and you'll learn from it for next time! I'm still thinking "well done" as you managed to finish even though you were in pain!

    Shades - that is one HECK of a quick time for a marathon! Looks like you'll be getting the Guinness in then, while I'm still limping around in Dublin! image

    Fantastically well done!

    JP - I will NOT be joining you today! Mr LB has just come in from a 10 miler and I'm WAY too tired to go and plod and my heart rate is all over the place. Just been for my first wee of the day too (it hadn't occurred to me I'd not been all day till then) and it wasn't looking great in the hydration department. image

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    Wow - That's some PB Shadesimageimage. Well done. Can I claim some credit for the soup recipe?image

    SiJ You still did it and think how long it takes to get over all those stiles. It sounds like a tough one, I say well done despite the time.image Think how fast you would have been on a fast road HM. I have only ever done short Cross country races. Hope you feel better now.

    VR - How are you doing? Is the injury any better now?

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Echo what Elspeth has said.

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    Go Shades!

    SiJ - I'm sorry but I had to laugh at your report, you poor thing, from all I've heard Henfield is not a course for a PB and when you talk about it being x-country and climbing styles I can see why - you'd have to have made a fantastic improvement to PB on a course like that. I'm telling you that run will be worth many miles in the bank both from a mental strength point of view and the muscles you'll have been using. Well done!

    (((Flossie))) - I feel for you, I really do.

    Well, Mr B delivered the required three hilly hours on the bike - and I made it round and still managed to get out of the car when I got home so that's progress indeed with the back. Don't think it will be good enough to run or swim for a few days yet though.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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