
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    X-Post Shades, that’s good you feel able to do some hillier stuff, with a plan to slowly extend the Sunday runs. Great news. I know you were down for Newport, but I saw on Fetch that someone doing Boston today commenting that whilst sitting in his car today, it’s the worst weather he’s ever had before a race, typically saying that yesterday was okay, and tomorrow looks okay too. Glad I’m not there - for me starting a race wet is one of the worst things. 
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    Big G - for me the cold is worse than the wet.    Last time I did Loch Ness, despite having layers of throwaway clothes on pre start, I got so chilled that I had a very miserable race for the first few miles.

    When I did Abingdon in 2022 we had scary torrential rain in the morning, bad enough to make the drive there very difficult, then sitting in the car watching the rain and dreading the walk to race HQ.   Heavy rain for the start too, I even wore a plastic poncho for the first few miles.  But it wasn't cold and the rain eased and I still managed my 2nd GFA time that year.

    I think it's dry in Newport and the forecast has warmed up enough that if I was running, I wouldn't be worrying (much) about the weather.  ;)
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    I have also entered Windermere but so unlikely I'll be fit enough to run.   Haven't cancelled the hotel room yet though.  ;)

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    I'm enjoying the Newport tracker. First 8 men in the marathon running sub 5:30 min/miles at 6.9 miles.
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    Big G  - I was just drying my hair and discovered I can easily do that exercise going from seated to standing on one leg if I use the bed 🤣

    I then tried Cal's method using the bath, harder but I can do it.   Not so comfy going from standing to seated though. 

    So looks like our chairs are too low 😉
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Someone posted a video of the curly wurly at Somerdale Pavilion and how chaotic it looks. (The course is actually easy to follow as it's mowed into the grass). If you look carefully you can spot me as I'm in red tartan leggings, heh. https://www.facebook.com/100064403123500/videos/pcb.838411568315606/964028954860933
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    Cal - I looked at the video using my phone last night and it just looked like a mass of multi coloured ants running in circles  ;)    Slightly improved using my PC this morning, I couldn't spot you though.

    Running rest day for me today, Pilates class followed by Stretch class this morning.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, someone took a video of your trip. It’s not great quality but the running starts around 3min30, if you can spot yourself. 
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Shades - Good work on the weight, the running will come back.
    Cal - Nice parkrunning!
    Big G - I'll have to try that exercise later at home!

    Did almost 16 miles on Saturday that felt tougher than it should, then 11 miles on Sunday which felt super easy!, for a 50 mile week.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Yes I've seen it already. I'm there at the RD briefing (he was funny) for a sec and then briefly on the Curly Wurly. 

    Sunny morning so went out and ran 6 miles (well, 10K). Hip wasn't that thrilled about it but I'm done with pandering to it now. It can shut up.

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    edited April 29
    Steve - thanks.  I'm happy I'm making progress so that will do for now.   I am actually back to my GFA weight this morning and booked onto the body analyser for Thursday morning so hoping for another small improvement on fat/muscle %'s.

    You've recovered well from your half marathon. 

    Cal - good to hear you got out for a run today. 

    Pilates & Stretch classes done.   I am slowly improving. 

    I think I mentioned before that there's a guy in my pilates class,  he's also suffering from sciatica, as bad as mine and for several months.  Every week we have a little whinge together about our sciatica
     He's already wasted money on chiropractic appointments that had no effect whatsoever.    So he waited 2 months for his NHS physio appointment which was last week.  Today I asked him how that went... "bloody useless " was his reply and told to carry on doing what he's doing.   

    840k ballot applications for 2025 London marathon.    You guys had better get working on those GFA times. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I took the Brighton back-up option, seeing as I missed Brighton this year anyway. 
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    Cal - that's a good option for you.   Good luck for the ballot.

    With London and Manchester on the 27th April next year which is Newport's usual weekend, Newport have already announced their date as 13th April.   They aren't usually so quick to confirm their date but it's good they have.   I have a deferred entry to Connemara so I need to wait until they confirm their 2025 date before entering Newport.

    6 miles today, much milder but a very strong headwind.   After 2 miles I was fed up of battling the wind so turned off to a rural village which meant a planned flat/undulating run turned into an undulating/hilly run instead.   Knee niggling today, for no obvious reason.
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    edited April 30
    No reply from EA yet as to whether Brighton or indeed London marathon had permits this year.   A simple 'yes/no' answer would suffice.    Not even an auto reply, they are useless.

    But I can now call up a list of all marathons in the country, so that's progress.    I still can't specify distance from a selected place more than a 100 miles away but that's not an issue for me now.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    2nd session with physio today had me swearing!  Ouch!
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    Big G - is that the shockwave treatment?   No pain, no gain  ;)

    7 miles today, foggy and a bit chilly.   Saw my collie friend, Digger.   I have to stop now when he sees me as he gallops up to me then sits on my feet and swipes me with a big muddy paw until I make a fuss of him.

    Wildlife, one very fat, very dead rat on the pavement near the river.  Haven't seen my kingfisher for a few weeks, hopefully just off nesting.

    Gym later, legs/glutes today.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yes, it is. When I had it before on NHS they only did it for 1-min I think, but this guy is doing it for 3-mins. Thing is, he also tries to have a conversation with me, which is basically impossible.  I know I am desperately trying to look for changes but I do think it is getting a bit better. He still seems confident it’ll help, and I’m doing things at home to hopefully address any imbalance over time, so we shall see. Started my 3rd week of Fit Focus today as well, and I’ll jump on the bike a bit later. 
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    Big G - that's promising.    I can imagine the NHS treatment might err on the cautious side, you're past that now and want/need as much as you can take.   :'(

    You're doing well on the Fit Focus too.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Well 2 rest days turned in to 4 due to work,ended up doing 23 hours in the last 2 days so unsurprisingly no running.
    Got out for just under 10 day,we are also down in London this weekend so no running then either, due a rest week anyway.
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    Ian - that's long working days, short staffed I guess?
    Enjoy your weekend in London.

    5 miles today in torrential rain and strong wind in places, serious jacket weather.   I got so wet, managed to keep my feet dry for the first mile then just too much surface flooding.   On the way home I only had about half a mile to go and my feet were at that wet but not cold stage, and then a huge flood ankle deep that I had to run through put an end to that.    Had to take my socks off too before coming into my flat.

    Shorter run today as I have an early gym appointment
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Enjoy London, Ian. We’re going up in a few weeks too. 

    Away this weekend, in the van, so hopefully not going to be a washout!  OH has a conference at Whipsnade Zoo tomorrow and we’ve got a site near to that. To be honest, if it wasn’t for that, I’d be tempted to cancel due to the weather, although Saturday AM looks like it be okay. Wouldn’t think it was May, though. Hoping to get around Wendover Woods parkrun on Saturday as our site is very close to that. Haven’t ran a parkrun since Japan. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Are we living in the same country?
    21° and full sunshine for my lovely run around the park.
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    Big G  - is this your first trip this year in the van?

    Ian - 12 degrees (feels like 10) down here in Devon,  sunny though.   Not going to warm up here until end of next week. 😎
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    Lovely morning, hedgerows in full bloom and bluebells smell divine.    Had planned a hilly run today, different route and it turned out to be too hilly, particularly the downhills, niggled my back so walked a lot of it.   4 miles done.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades. Yes, first trip this year. We had things pencilled in locally earlier in the year, but the weather put paid to it, although we did use it regularly for day trips. We do have quite a busy June planned in it too, so looking forward to that. I’ve dropped OH off at the zoo (about 10 miles away) and Tigg and I are back at the site now. It’s raining now, but I have a book, a cuppa, Tigg is curled up on his bed, so it’s all fine. The site has a huge field next door which is fine to let dogs off on, through which we access Wendover Woods, and it’s a 20min walk to the parkrun start. There are about 20-30 small, green tents in the field, and it seems that each tent has a kid in it. Something to do with Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
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    Big G  - that's near Robert's patch isn't it.    Hope he's OK. 

    It's not raining here, dry and sunny. 

    If those kids are doing their DOE awards they should be well behaved, otherwise they'll fail  🤣
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Hi Shadies, Rcouture and I have exchanged a couple of messages on Strava.  Very sadly, he lost his wife about a month ago, so is dealing with lots of things, trying to make sure the kids are okay, etc. He is still running (describing it as non-negotiable and better than therapy), and he said he’d hope to be back on here when things have settled down a bit. He said it was okay for me to post something here. 

    He actually mentioned WAY to me, and some of you may remember I ran for them back in London 2017 when I got a ballot place, so it’s good he’s come across them.  
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    Big G  - very sad for Rcouture and his  family.   I had suspected that was the reason for his absence.   Good he is still managing to run when he can and finds it helpful. 

    Good too that he's found WAY, I know they really made a difference for you though such a difficult period. 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    That's horrific news especially for such a young couple.
    I had seen him running occasionally and was thinking about messaging him but didn't for some reason,probably because I suspected something had happened.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Managed to squeeze 7 in tonight,bit slower than usual but got it done.
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