
Shades Marathon Training



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    had trouble sleeping last night so having read for an hour from 3.30 I got up at four thirtyand decided to do a gentle four miler which would be the longest mid week run for at least a month.

    I did 4.03 miles in exactly 43mins which was very pleasing. It was great running with no time pressure.

    I need to win the lottery and then retire!

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    well done WD.. was it nice out at that time?
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    Shades - Not hurting naywhere near as much as yesterday today at work and it was noted i am not as lopsided as i was yesterday.
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    Emmy - I would find it hard to advise a race pace as you haven't raced a shorter race.    Maybe you could do a time trial?   But I think you have a good idea what pace to run at on race day, don't you.

    Helen - LOL at your designer touches to your running vestimage

    lottie - you're welcome.   There's quite a few from this thread doing Brighton, perhaps you could all meet up.

    bootsie - yes, run more in the heat!

    WD - my favourite time of the morning.   And I want to win the lottery and retire...so I can train and race moreimage

    Keith - that's good news

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    I can't be the only person who's had one modified, can I? image It's necessary. Can't cope with the concept of a sleeveless vest - I ran in it once and spent the entire way feeling awfully self concious. BUT I don't want to have to be in 2 layers in case it's warm - no point overheating unecessarily. So sleeves.

    And the extra at the hip is as I'm no way as straight up&down as the cut on that thing and it keeps ending up bunched up round the waist. Better comfortable than fretting about something I can fix.

    My excuse & I'm sticking to it! image

    I'm Brightoning, green pen - 6798. If anyone want to try & meet up, I have a list of random numbers already! No guarentees!! I'm also thinking about the expo on the Saturday morning/lunch time, if anyone's about?

    That's very early, WD - but I know what you mean about waking up and just having to get up. I'd like to win the lottery too, but I might ditch the early mornings.

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    helen i'm up for meeting up at some stage image no number has yet though!! should i worryyet!??!
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    Bootsie - that's be cool! I wouldn't fret quite yet - the website says numbers sent from 26th and could take 10 days. I got mine before that, but I'd leave it until maybe the end of the week before fretting! They were very nice on the phone though, so I'm sure they'd be able to tell you if it's on its way.
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    Shades - shins felt fine yesterday so it was worth resting for a week. I was itching to get out there but now I'm glad I didn't. Running home again this evening as I've got an appointment tomorrow after work...don't laugh....about hair extensions! I've got sick of my Halle Berry look and I want to go for the Cindy Crawford look (I wish!!), it would take me 3 years to grow it so I want to cheat image. I've got to see though if my hair's long enough to attach them as they get plaited and sewn in!

    Helen - i'm wondering what to wear for London. If everyone's in fancy dress then I might go as a "normal person"

    WD - Was anyone else about at that time? Must be a great experience though

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    @Molly - i tried my "VLM outfit" out at Fleet and despite itching to wear fancy dress - I'll put up with my neon green tank top and capri's!

    Have you worked out what pen you're in yet? 

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    Emmy - blue start with the wheelchairs & elite ladies, hey hey!image
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    Hi all,

    Shades - Thanks for the plans.  Am going to give one a go before doing a HM hopefully it'll work out for me.

    One thing on it, I haven't done any sort of racing before, other than a 1.5 mile test for the military.  Should I look at doing something to work out pacings or should I stick to what is comfortable or use a pacings calculator??  I did a, just  over, 5k run on sunday but it was at a comfortable pace that I could have easily held a converstion during.

    Anyway, am going to work out the dates backwards so that I can find out when to start the plan and I will use the time between now and then to just get miles under my feet.

    I'm open for suggestions though on if I should cover anything else training wise before the plan starts.  I did some fartlek last night, would throwing a few sessions of this in be of any good??

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    Molly - that's a good one! You could end up in the wheelchair trying to keep up with the elite ladies! image

    I can't see the point of fancy dress - really I can't. At Silverstone there was a chap with a giant pylon construction, aiming to be the tallest costume to complete a marathon. I mean WTF is the point of that?! *bah Humbug!* image

    Having said that, I look like a clown in my green vest - and it'll only look slightly less stylish with its black darts at the side. image

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    Helen - Mr Pylon will have a struggle if there are any bridges!
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    I'm not sure how he made it under the start/finish gantry, actually. It was certainly considerably higher than that. And London's got underpasses and all sorts image Almost worth comming down to be nosy!

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    Molly - blue start is good, doesn't take too long to get underway image
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    That's good to know.

    @Molly -if you're in the blue start as well - i'll try and see if I can spot you in the pen!

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Yep we're a friendly bunch.


    Well done.


    I'm terrible like that also.  My club mates run in techie vests but I'm more comfy in a cotton t-shirt.  Fancy dress is fun but you have to pick carefully.  I did a race in a pink wig and that was very comfortable, however was fine with my last attempt (a sequined bra).  The next one is going to be interesting if I end up making it - a blue & yellow tutu.


    Hi & welcome to the thread.

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    ClagClag ✭✭✭

    Just a quick update - parkrun results have been changed, must have been a glitch in the time keeping. image So in line with my watch (it wasn't me that complained!), my updated time is now a 4th club standard qualifier of 22:15 image Delighted as I really did work hard for it! Now all I need is the 1:49 half  marathon and that's me. I'll hopefully manage that sometime this year, although in true Scotland style there aren't that many to choose from!

    All this marathon talk is very exciting! Bring on the race reports!

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    Helen - you're not the only person I know who won't wear a vest.

    Like you I can't see the point of fancy dress, but each to their own

    molly - LOL at the hair extensions, if you come to Dublin we'll need a photo first as we may not recognise you.   Good luck today with weights and measures

    Alex - run at an easy pace and if you want you could run a little time trial for yourself, say 5 miles and use that as a base figure on here http://mcmillanrunning.com/index.php/site/calculator to calculate your training paces. I would suggest that you do a shorter race before your half marathon, racing is an important part of training and the more race experience the better. Yes a fartlek session is fine to do.

    HM4 - I never run in cotton, once you've done a long run in the rain and cotton doesn't dry on your skin you'll switch to techy fabrics.   Best one I've got is an Under Armour one which is made from recycled drink bottles and it stays cool even running in the heat.  UA have just brought out a new range of black stuff that keeps out all the heat, haven't tried that range

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    Clag - great news, well done.

    Why not venture south, over the border maybe, for your half marathon?

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    Shades - We know someone who doesn't wear a vest and shes in your club.
    I see UA have sports bras as well. i agree their stuff is amazing.

    Clag - That is speedy running. You'll have no trouble beating 1.49 for the half.

    I went to kettlecise class last night. Interesting.
    PT session again this morning. Getting to see results at last image

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    VR -   your club too (2nd claim)!

     I'm thinking of going along to the kettlecise, Steve (formerly Steve's Gym) is doing the classes.   I guess hard work?

    Haven't tried the UA sports bras, but might do.   Tony Pryce sell UA gear.

    What PT results? do tell

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    In kettlecise, it helps if you know what your doing. There's no instruction as such if your a complete beginner, Next time I will go at the front as there was a lot of chatting at the back which I thought was very rude! But it is a big hall so they get away with it.
    It is as hard as you want it to be. There's a set of exercises, we do each for a minute and warm up and stretch at the end (briefly)  The class lasts for 50 mins.I'm going again on Thursday and you can book online.

    I have  PT sessions once a week. I get weighed every week with one of those techy machines that measure everything, fat mass, muscle mass etc.
    I just feel stronger and can do more each time. I look more toned too. Always a bonus!

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    VR - brilliant results with your PT

    I can't do the Kettlecise until my hamstring is 100%, maybe by the end of April.    I'll come with you, you can show me what to do image

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    VR.. i have always thought it would be fun to have one.. very jealous! Was thinking of doing the british military fitness as a cheaper way of doing that!!

     Beautiful sunshine here!!! 

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    Morning everyone,

    I'm another one who has to be careful with what I wear. I overheat in cotton so it's normally tech shirts all of the way.

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    Clag - that's wonderful news about the park run  image You'll do that 1.49 no probs.

    USB - that's a shame, I was hoping for an excuse if I got a duff time!image

    VR - PT sounds brilliant! What's your fat % if you don't mind me asking. If I remember rightly I'm aiming for around 23% by November.

    HM - tutuimage!!

    Emmy - I'm a bit of a sweaty betty so I have to wear tech stuff. I've never tried UA gear and after what Shades said I'll have a look

    Shades - Yessssssssssss 71.3 this morning so 1.4kg since last week so I've nearly lost 5kgs in total. I'm slowly getting there.

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    Well done Molly!! image That's a great result! How are you feeling about your healthy eating plan?

    I'll also have a look at the UA gear... i'm suffering at the moment from a big of chaffing on my under arms

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    molly well done!!!

    Clag... times I can only dream of!!! well done

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