
Shades Marathon Training



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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    @HM4 - Good luck on the run and the race - i'm very jealous that you're doing the olympic park run!

    @Helen - thanks for the advice - i'm really tempted to move up to Level 2 after my first.

    @Claire - take it easy and make sure that you're recovered.

    @Shades - just heard from Wilkie that it's mostly off road through dusty tracks. I guess my main pre-requisite is a marathon later on in the year but not in October! image

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    Another run at 5 o'clock 4.53 miles this morning in 50mins.

    Again it was beautifully quiet- just the odd car and i could hear the sea lapping as I ran along the sea-front.  It was also pleasantly cool.

    If I didn't need more sleep I would love to be out every day at this time.

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Don't be.  There's no changing facilities, only porta loos and we've found out that the route may be changing and with the way the email reads it may not even be 5 miles image!



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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    @WD - That sounds heavenly!

    @HM4 - they've changed the route? At such a last minute that sounds a little strange! Did they give a reason?

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    Helen - that's fine to juggle to 2 plans.

    You are so going to miss your marathon training, especially in the good weather, that's why autumn marathons are so popular!

    Emmy - so the Medoc route is through the actual vineyards, if you don't mind off road you'll enjoy it.

    I haven't finalised my September races yet, definitely doing Dingle on 1st  and Loch Ness on 30th.   Probably Great Langdale on the 23rd, which is the amazing scenery, tough course though.

    HM4 - you won't need changing facilities for a short race.  Would be very annoying if the distance is shortened though

    WD - I go to bed at 9am so I can get up at that time and train.

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    Shades - Poor Elephant! All because she didnt want to take a shower. They shouldn't be in circuses should they.

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    9am!!!!! Dirty stop out!!!!
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    shades that made me giggle so much though! i mean blackpool costa coffee!!! what a choice of locations
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    VR - LOL at my typo.   I go to bed at 9pm and get up at the time I used to come home (in my partying days) at 4.30 am.image

    Are you packed?   I'll be thinking of you at the weekend, have a Guinness or two for meimage.  

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    bootsie - I think maybe at this stage you'd be better to run your marathon with the temp orthotics, depends how quickly you could get used to the new ones.

    VR - agree, elephants shouldn't be in circuses.

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    There's still building work going on which they are having to take into account so I hope they don't muck around with it too much.


    I prefer to get out of my running clothes asap.  Still I should be able to change in a portaloo.  I hope they don't as it's one of my favourite distances.

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    Claire - I've still got no idea so I can turn into J-Lo as I went to the hairdresser's (he's English btw) and it was heaving so he asked me to go back next Tues eve to see if he can manage to do a mini plait to sew my new tresses on. Apparently you only need 3 "hairpieces" rather than sticking 250 separate strands on.

    Shades - Nope. never done that one (Livorno). None of my running buddies have either. Why not go for Venice next year, 14 killer bridges at the end image

    Just signed up for a trail mara (never done on before) up a mountain.......on May 6th, it should be a good training run for my 100km at the end of May. I'm absolutely pooping my pants as I'm not at all ready so it's going be a real struggle.

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    I'm sure you're going to be fine.


    4.95 miles done which included a kid on a bike crashing into me within the last 1/2 mile.  I'm just hoping there's going to be no after effects from it

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    2.5 miles done.. aching body for some reason!

    working late so catching up on some adminy bits !

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    HM4 - you're a brave woman if you change your clothes in a portaloo after a raceimage

    molly - these hair extensions seem quite complicatedimage

    We're looking for a marathon this year, are there any others you could recommend?

    The trail marathon will be good training for your 100k, that's also trail isn't it?

    bootsie - hope you've not been overdoing the training

    Chilly morning again.

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    Morning, still full of the cold,  feeling really sorry for myself.  I'll totally take the advice on board and see how I feel Sunday, another 20 mile may be a bit daft considering I've still got this cold 5 days on! 

     Hope everyone has a good day!

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    Claire - you've already done a cracking 20 mile training run.   Better to not run at all until you have got rid of that cold, a chest infection or chesty cough would set you back a few weeks.   So a bit of pampering for you now I think.
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    morning peeps...making the most of the weather before Autumn arrives I hope? image
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    I think I'd rather strip off in the car park than a portaloo! image I usually opt for putting a layer on, to keep warm.

    Claire - having had a cold and been trying to get runs in, I can say it doesn't work. Shades is right, rest up and get yourself better, then get the miles in - trying to run when not 100% just gave me the cold back again. It's really hard to do, but it's the right thing to do.

    I have a sore calf. Although it's right on the outside of the leg, up near the knee, rather than actually in the calf. OK to walk, but is tender to the touch and it hurts to run. image I'm assuming rest is prescribed...

    But, to finish on a high, it is Friday image

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    dont think so shades.. hope not anyway.. legs are prob tired because of wearing in the new orthotics
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    Morning PSC - stop wishing the year away!

    Helen - that could be a touch of ITB, find some stretches to do (do them on both legs), very common injury when training for your first marathon, usually caused by increase in mileage or running on a camber.   I had this injury training for my first marathon, I still do the stretches now and the only time I get a twinge now is driving long distances after a race

    bootsie - yes, testing different muscles, that would explain it.

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    It can be done!  Especially if I've seen a guy changing with towel wrapped round him in a carpark.

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    I frequently sit on the edge of the boot to change.  I stop at crop top and knickers though image

    Last long run done image

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    well back is freaking out from the weights session i did so trying to figure out if i shall do my 12 mile tomorrow or sunday.. ho hummm

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    @HM4 - How are you feeling now after the kid ran into you?

    @Helen - how is your calf holding up?

    @Bootsie - How are getting on with the orthotics?

    I'm another one that changes in the car/behind trees.

    I went out for my first 20 miler today and I really felt it! It hurt from about mile 16 but was a little strange that I managed to just keep plodding along through it (it definitely wasn't as bad as the previous 18 miler). Don't get me wrong - i'm glad i've done it but I'm wondering where the next 6 miles is going to come from on the day?

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    My hip is a bit sore & there's a tiny bruise coming out on my shin.  Toe feels completely fine.  Simple answer to that one!  Adrenline is where it will come from and the training you've put in.

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    @HM4 - It's good to hear that you're not too badly injured. I sometimes find that Children can be dangerous weapon to run into! My 5 year old niece has floored me once or twice and it hurt more than being hit by a car!

    Now that i've had a couple of hours rest on the couch am feeling surprisingly good. A little sore but not as bad as the last 18 miler. Am going to have a nice easy night on the couch as a treat!

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    HM4 - Changing in a portaloo, they stink and are usually in a disgusting state after a race.   That's what I meant!

    I usually change in the car, or behind trees/walls. 

    Bridget - have you got an earlier marathon, I thought you were doing MK, or just having a long taper?

    Emmy - well done on your 20 miler.   20 miles is a significant distance, only 10k to goimage

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    Having gone shopping around midnight last night i have a car with enough petrol in it to actually reach todays race and get home again so i had better get up.

    Hmm changing post race, erm depends on how far away it is from home and what sorta state i am in. Any local race i dont bother and just go home as is, sometimes via the pub before evening leaving the race image For races a longer way away i am perfectly happy changing either beside or in the car. Have changed everything before in a multi storey car park in Glasgow before going to the pub for food post race before. If i am staying down somewhere i change when i get back to the room.

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