
Shades Marathon Training



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    Shades the mile markers are accurate, just the gps that’s squiffy

    Ian if it works with bourbon whisky I’ll give it a go.

    Only seem to see Berlin on Flo track.  I know in the past it’s been quite late to be announced on Eurosport also they have done a live stream before too.

    6 miles this evening, still feeling chesty/asthma  after covid, really hoping it doesn’t stick around long term  

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    Ian - that's interesting.   What was your average HR for the whole of the Antwerp marathon?

    Big G - I often see runners pressing the lap button at the mile markers during a race, I guess they must be using that Garmin app or similar then.

    Robert - sorry to hear you're still a bit wheezy after Covid.

    Rest day for me today.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I remember one of the fast ladies on here recommended it. Literatin, I think?  A few over on Fetch use it as well. You have to remember to have autolap turned off I think. It’s probably something to test in advance prior to race day to make sure the fields and other items are setup as required in advance. I’ve not used it myself though so have no personal experience of it. I’m guessing you can configure it for km or miles, so it’s probably best to try and find out if the race does km and/or mile markers. After all these events I still can’t get my head around kms for halfs or marathons for my pace, although I think in terms of kms for 5K and 10k for pace. 
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    Big G - I don't know Literatin.   

    Not sure I'd want to go through the faff of pressing button for every mile, would probably miss one or two and also would be concerned that I might accidentally hit stop button instead!

    I never use km for pace in any distance, but then I rarely run short distances and record all my stats in miles.   Even though other European countries have switched to km for cars/road signs etc I don't think I've ever done a marathon that doesn't use mile markers.
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    List with October races added.  Any errors or omissions let me know.  :)

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    Damn Shades, that's a lot of marathons close together. I don't know how you deal with that, that'd destroy me.
    Took another rest yesterday as I was feeling ropey again (I wasn't planning on running anyway, but I did skip the gym). Still not 100% but OK for a very slow, 6 mile plod this morning. Heavy taper legs...yuck.
    Bracing myself for what is sure to be an expensive trip to the dentist later. I've worn a hole through my crown (the one that keeps falling off) so it'll need replacing.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Munich only had km markers when I did it, but it wasn’t an issue as I just used my watch. There was a sign that said ‘5km to go’ and of course I immediately thought ‘ah, that’s just a parkrun’ and I got a big PB that day. :) 
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    Cal - ouch to the crown and the forthcoming payment too.   :'(

    I have another 2 marathons the first 2 weeks in November, so that will be 5 in 5 weeks  :)

    Big G - I know there are some marathons that only use km markers.    I think some marathons received complaints especially from the Americans and started putting up mile marker signs.   

    Nothing annoys me more than a marshal saying "only a parkrun to go"  ;)  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I ended up averaging 156,gradually increased to 162 for the last few miles.
    I can only work out splits in KM,its all I've ever done,I tried miles once and it just confused me.As it is 3:10=4.30/km so nice and easy even when tired.
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    Ian - that's on the lowish side of %MHR for a marathon, bodes well for pushing up LT in the future.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    We had a nice day today, walking around Rock on the dunes there, and then catching the short ferry over to Padstow for fish and chips and another walk, and ferry back to Rock. Beautiful weather. Foot not great but hopefully it’ll be ok tomorrow for a run/walk. 

    I haven’t got my email yet and it’s not in my Boston account, but I’ve seen mention on their social media that all Boston applicants got into the race. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Congrats on getting in,hopefully it's the same for London.
    Shades-Take it that means threshold runs? Is your 89% your average for the race?
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    Ian - if your average was 156 for the whole race that's 85% MHR so room to play with.

    The race I mentioned average MHR was 88%, which is fairly typical for me if running well.   If I'm not as fit I'm unable to maintain pace at higher HR as cardiac drift kicks in.

    Big G - don't overdo the walking, look after that foot.
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    Big G - Good news on Boston

    Excited to be on the race list. Autumn marathon season feels like Christmas. 

    10 miles this evening. Quite chilly out. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-Have you downloaded the app yet? Excited to see our numbers.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Ian - I have now! I was also on the lookout for the kit which they say is already in the Nike app but I can’t find it. Wouldn’t tempt fate by buying anything now but I fancied a rummage around. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    If you go to the Nike US site there's a couple of bits there but not much,if everything goes right I might head to the expo Thursday so hopefully lots to choose from.
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    Rcouture - I like putting the races on the list, just need to get Big G back on the list too.

    Hope you can treat yourself to some nice race memorabilia kit when you get to Chicago. 

    6 miles today, chilly morning but no wind so not unpleasant.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I’ve got a slight theory that the foot is better whilst running compared with walking (I’m more of a mid/forefoot striker when running, but obviously heel striker when walking). Maybe I should just run everywhere :D 

    Just been out for my 6x90/120 and enjoyed it again today. Tigg and OH joined me this time. 
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    You might well be right, Big G. I maintain that the worst achilles tendinopathy I ever had came when I had that cyst on my foot and stopped running for a while. I wore very flat shoes to keep the weight back more on the heel and my achilles threw a wobbly. Even had a lump on it for a time.

    Coolish morning here too. I did an 8 mile run with miles 5-7 at a faster pace (was around 9:20ish, so slower than my Yorkshire MP but faster than I expect I'll be able to run at Chester). 
    Even got a Strava crown on one obscure segment, though it doesn't really make up for the fact I need a new crown on my tooth which is likely to cost me best part of a grand. Ugh.
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    Big G - plantar fascitis is as common an injury to walkers as it is to runners.  As runners we often think walking won't affect a running injury.
     I think you need to keep the walking, such as you did yesterday, to an absolute minimum.

     I'm seeing a pattern here, you go away in the van and all the extra walking you do, and possibly the driving too, seems to set back your recovery from PF  😩

    Cal - that's a lot of money for the crown, 😢. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thing is Shades, I can’t sit around all day. I just can’t do it for many reasons, when on holiday or at home. We were supposed to be going back to The Lakes this week but we decided it wasn’t worth it as I can’t do the walking I’d like to do, so we settled on Cornwall. It’s only 2hrs away and minimal driving whilst here and nothing particularly strenuous planned .  Yesterday was a long day though, in terms of time on feet, but today has been much easier (Port Isaac). 
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    Big G - of course you can't sit around all day, especially as the Vuelta is finished now 😉

    But it definitely seems this time you're finally on the recovery route, at last.

    Good news about Boston BTW 🙂
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    6 miles this morning.   Misty and murky and 97% humidity. 😰
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Booked flights for Boston last night…. We’ve booked flexible tickets but hoping to go to NYC for a few days too, and then catch the train to Boston. Not totally happy with my accommodation but I really can’t justify £400pn minimum close to the finish. 

    Went out for a run/walk today. The plan called for 2x(90/90 + 180/180), which I did, and I added in another 180secs of running towards the end. Foot felt good today. We are moving on from this site today, heading more towards Truro for 3 nights. 
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    Big G - good news OH will be going with you to Boston and you'll be taking in NYC too.   Ouch that's a lot of money per night to be near the finish, hope you can find something you are happier with and not quite so expensive that gets you nearer the finish.

    More good progress with the foot too  :)
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I got the train after the race,what I would say is it gets very expensive closer to the time,I got a decent deal but a few days before it was over £200 each,both stations are right in the city centres though so ideally placed.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, yeah, I noticed that. A few days ago I ‘tested’ it to see how much it would be if we were travelling in a few days, and also how much it would be in April and we decided we’d book it in advance as it was a lot cheaper. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Lovely day again today. Went to Perranporth and walked up and down the approx 2-mile long beach. We walked up to the end as the tide was out…

    …and it came in quickly meaning we had to walk partly back on the coast path.

    Tigg enjoyed it too. 

    We’ve arrived at the next site, and just figuring out logistics for parkrun tomorrow :) 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Great pics,hope Parkrun goes OK for the foot.
    10m after work,all good and on track for my target this week,I was going to run yesterday instead but it was torrential rain,reminded me of how days might be when I'm training in the winter.
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