
Shades Marathon Training



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    Shades - Half the people I know are ill at the moment with what sounds like the same non-Covid bug

    5 miles earlier. Didn’t go out yesterday as having moaned about not having enough to do, I randomly ended up being too busy. Got soaked but was still a lovely run. The lack of miles means that the legs feel fresh and poppy in spite of the crap fitness. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Well I caught the bug that's been going around,knocked me right out yesterday and very rough today,hoping this is the worst and I'm better in a day or so.
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    Rcouture - not working doesn't mean having loads of free time, life seems to expand, it's most enjoyable though.

    Ian - sorry to hear that, hope you recover quickly, as I expect you'd planned to commence your Tokyo training very soon.

    I'm feeling a bit better today, still very tired.
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    Ian - Commentator’s curse there sorry 

    Anyone know if NY is being shown anywhere tomorrow?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Eurosport RCouture. 1:30pm. 
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    Big G - Thanks!
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Interesting as the NYC site says its flosports in the UK,hope you're right.
    Shades-Yes I was planning this week and next to hover around mid 40's then start the plan.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, I noticed that myself on the race website. But the race is there in the Eurosport schedule for me. 

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    I felt really sluggish and lead-legged on Thursday, Shades, though couldn't really find a reason for it. 
    Hope you and Ian are feeling a bit better.
    I did rest yesterday (though for me, rest is a 3 mile walk followed by a light gym session - I very rarely have a day with no exercise at all) and felt better for parkrun today. It was another adventure with Tunde and his car. We were going to do Guildford until I thought to check the parkrun cancellations and found it was indeed cancelled (fireworks) so had to find a last minute sub. We opted for another one in Surrey, Frimley Lodge, which we only just made with 5 minutes to spare thanks to traffic - a trail two lapper which was rather nice even though it drizzled the whole time. A bit slippy in places - I bet it'd be a super parkrun in summer but I took it quite cautiously so came in just under 29 minutes. As I'm racing next weekend, I wasn't about to risk a tumble.
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    Cal - I take it you've got over that sluggish feeling now.   Alton Towers next weekend?

    Another rest day for me today, RHR down but only by one bpm!   I feel OK, but still lethargic.

    I see it's going to be a warm one for New York today.   They've often had frosty weather for the marathon, that would put me off going again, but today 17-23.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Seen the weather,it was nice for running for me in 2019.We are hoping to do it in 2024 as it was the race that OH decided she wanted to do a marathon after watching me there and it will be her 50th.
    Improving here but still nowhere near right,lots of coughing and spluttering in the night so still no running.
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    Shades, I wish! It was back with a vengeance this morning - I did 8 miles but just couldn't seem to get going. I often have two or three slow miles at the start and then liven up a bit, but that didn't happen today. It better be gone by next weekend (I'm doing Alton Towers half).
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    Ian - will be a great way to celebrate OH's 50th.

    Sounds like you need a few more days non running to recover.

    Cal - best have an easy week to get that bounce back into your legs.
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    Half an eye on the race while I mind the girls and it’s pretty good. The Brazilian chap is really going for it albeit with an unfortunate toilet break. Eurosport also happen to have decent commentators for a change compared to the usual lot who are just there to shout out their mates. 

    7 miles in the rain earlier. Starting to really miss our >30c summer runs 😬
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Enjoyed the racing, but shame for the male Brazilian to basically collapse!  

    It annoys me though as the ticker at the top showed the kms, but it wasn’t updating correctly. IE, on screen you could see they went through half way as they went past the marker, but the ticker at the top still said 19km. For the wheelchairs, it showed 40km or so, but Hug only had 400m to go in reality.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    That was crazy seeing what happened to him,not seen that before with an elite.
    Big G-I think the ticker showed the last timing split on the tracker,bit silly as they could have done it properly for the leaders.
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    Great finish in the ladies too. Races without pacers are a better watch for me. Also loved that the 4th place lady is older than I am. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Looks like the second half was rough for a lot of people,a clubmate is about a 3:15 runner and he took 3:38 with a 2 hour 2nd half.The cloud must have cleared out which wouldn't have made it fun.
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    Just reading about the results of the NYC.   The Brazilian has collapsed and DNF'd before, at the Tokyo Olympics.

    Rcouture - much better without the pacers, that's why I enjoy watching the championship marathons.

    Ian - I guess it was warmer than many runners expected, especially in the latter stages.  

    Another rest day for me, RHR still raised.   I did sleep better and don't feel quite so tired this morning.
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    Two runners i know from Facebook said they had very tough days at the office. I don't envy anyone running in that warmth and humidity.
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    Cal - I don't think the humidity was high yesterday in NY, but definitely unseasonable temperatures.

    New York (United States of America) last 24 hours weather - Met Office
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    Shades - Hopefully you’re well on the way to recovery 

    5 super slow miles through a muddy common earlier. HR improved which is nice. 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    We were meant to have done Southampton half in 2020,but ot got cancelled,then 2021 they let people defer so we did to this year,then I had Boston so we said can we defer again,and they kindly let us,this year its the same day as London so I said I'm not asking to defer to 24,but they've just changed the date to April 2nd so it's actually 3 weeks before London now and 4 after Tokyo so all good.We were only doing it to do with daughter and her partner all those years ago but might actually get to do it now.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I need to get back into a routine. I’ve done sod all the last month or so and I’m feeling it!
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    Rcouture - thanks, I am starting to feel better.  Not going to try a run until Wednesday morning as we have rain and 50mph winds coming tonight and into Tuesday.

    Good to hear your HR is coming back to where you want it to be.

    Ian - that's a bit of luck that Southampton have changed their date, sensible decision IMHO.   They've usually opted for the same day as London but I don't think it's really done them any favours doing so.   There is a marathon too , just in case you fancy it.  😉

    Big G - you have snuck a marathon in!

    Have you been doing any running since?

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    That's a long way for you Ian.

    Ominous date change that, Brighton is supposed to be Apr 2nd (just along the coast).............
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    TR - well Southampton may well be suitable for you if Brighton doesn't go ahead.

    Great Welsh is also on 2nd April, my choice now Taunton has been cancelled.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    TR-Our daughter is a doctor down there so we combine it with a weekend with them.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, no I’ve not done any running since Nice. I jumped on the bike today and yesterday, and need to get back to the gym as well. 

    Been to podiatrist today and they’re putting me on a course of 3 shockwave therapy sessions, but not sure when as yet. They need to be consecutive weeks but I’m going away over Xmas so need to avoid that. 
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    Big G - I haven't been to the gym for ages either. 😢

    That's good you're going to get the shockwave treatment.   

    Did the ultrasound show you still have some inflammation?
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