
Shades Marathon Training



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    Feeling tired today and the slightest niggle at the back of my knee so taking a rest day.

    Think I will reschedule my week's training from next week and move my rest day to Saturday.   
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Hopefully that doesn't run it to anything.
    Went and did 1 of my running routes today but waked it,6.5m.I tried to walk it faster than usual to at least get the HR up a bit,but occasionally found I was just walking normal,lately I've been running about 8.45pm,and today was 15.45pm so quite a bit slower,but sure once I get used to walking faster I can improve that,will see what the physio says to me tomorrow.
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    Ian - well that was a fair distance to walk, a decent morning's exercise. 

    Hope the physio has good news tomorrow about your recovery. 

    I see there's a fairly busy transfer list for DD which is good to see.    Some locals still waiting for places, perhaps they were a bit blasé about entering early this year, thinking there was no need to rush.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I noticed there was a few transfers going through a few weeks ago when I was considering a late entry.
    Been googling about walking HR etc and it's tough to work out,but looks like as long as I'm above 50% MRH then I'm getting some aerobic benefit.Depending what the physio says tomorrow I'm hoping to start going the gym and do elliptical or cycling,the council have 1 about 10 min walk from work.
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    Perhaps you could find a hillier route to walk and then push the HR on the uphills, as long as the downhills don't hurt your shoulder.     Would be good for leg strength too.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Todays was 1 of my hillier routes,it had 440ft for the 6.5m.I think I'll do the hilly loop part in reverse next time though as the downhill was a little steep and felt the collarbone a little,whereas the uphill was more of a gradual increase.
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    Robert OHaraRobert OHara ✭✭✭
    SHADES said:
    Big G  - that's near Robert's patch isn't it.    Hope he's OK.
    Yup, just round the corner, from me,  out 35 miles away.
    Big_G said:
    Ian, well, if he wasn’t wearing a watch, it’s not on strava so it doesn’t count…. ;) 
    He’ll need to ask Kate Carter for a template to upload 😝 

    Big_G said:

    Anyone heard from Robert?  If you’re reading Robert, I hope things are okay.


    Cal congrats on the 250 parkruns, with so many of them at different ones that’s a lot of planning and grafting that goes into it all. Brighton 

    Keith, that’s a lot of books you get through a year.  I’d be lucky if I get through 10, I just don’t put the time aside and watch trashy TV!  Am I right in thinking marathon 100 is round the corner? 

    Shades how are the Aldi socks going? Good to see you’re running again, hopefully you’re closer to a start line than at Christmas.  Defo agree better having the longer course than short course at Newport. 

    Big G looked like a good trips to Madeira and Tokyo and congrats on the win in Feb, does make it harder to race with different start times, think it should be 2nd over the fine from the original fun time.

    Ian sorry to see you didn’t have the race you wanted at Seville but a good performance at Manchester, shame about the final two miles but didn’t cost you your a goal.  

    The news of Kiptum was devastating, a real loss to the sport, it seemed a bit surreal at the time, wonder if we’d have been celebrating the first sub 2! 

    Iain, a very honest post back to the group, hope you’re getting better and you can return to running for the intrinsic rewards.

    Whilst reading through the messages I noticed Rcoutures absence, very sad news indeed.  
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    Robert OHaraRobert OHara ✭✭✭
    I only missed 1400 posts since I was last on here.  A combination of Covid (although cleared early Jan), bad asthma and a real case of cba, lost mojo and a few niggles.

    113 miles for the year, I’m probably around 500 miles for the last 12 months, have a look tomorrow.  As expected a fair bit of weight gain.

    positives are that I’m still wanting to get back into it.  It’s going to be tough but baby steps required, there have been progress without realising it.  In Feb did Westmill parkrun 32:12 which felt tough, this weekend 29:18.  New asthma pump which I only need to take one puff daily (told the doc I was a nightmare at remembering twice daily).  Had a good couple of weeks food wise so all moving in the right direction.

    Currently have four races entered, 3 of them are within 4 weeks of each other! 

    June 23rd ATW endurance weekend
    July 6th ATW St Neots 12 hour event
    July 21st FVC 
    Oct 20th Stevenage marathon 

    I’m possibly only going to do the 1st of the first 3 events as the st Neots would be too close and FVC is the same weekend as the diamond games, not that I’m competing will be a busy day spectating the day before.
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    Welcome back (((Robert))), you've been missed

    Most impressive that you've waded through 1400 odd posts and managed to pick up the salient points.

    Sorry to hear you've had a catalogue of negatives re your running, Covid, asthma etc.   But already 3 mins off your parkrun time is very good progress so you're back on track.

    I was thinking about you yesterday and I even checked Halstead marathon results to see if you there.   I so want to get back to do that race again.

    I've noted your 4 events.   As soon as I read it I thought (with my marathon brain), I'll do Stevenage too, then remembered I've entered Langdale the day before.   It's 20 years since I ran Stevenage.

    What is ATW Endurance Weekend?

    5+ miles this morning.  Niggle at back of knee wore off yesterday as the day went on.   But when I got up this morning, slight twinge there.   However, by the time I'd made a coffee it had gone and I didn't feel it during my run.   No shades today, rain on the way, mild and humid though.

    I've cancelled Pilates in favour of a run today, different instructor today anyway.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    That’s a massive catch-up there, Robert. Good to have you back and great to see you have some events in mind. Did you get your Facebook issue sorted out in the end?
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Good to hear from you Rob.
    Bad news from Physio,8 weeks no running is the minimum I can expect,potentially longer.
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    Ian - oh that is bad news.   Perhaps your workplace physio will be more optimistic. 

    I suppose the ligaments take a long time to heal.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Not holding my breath,he is sending me for another scan as I have way more bruising than normal for this injury.He asked did I fall on rocks.
    Bit despondent about it all tonight tbh,I understand there are bigger problems in life but I wasn't expecting that.
    Signed up to visit the gym on Friday for an induction and see what I can do in the meantime.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Rob, good to have you back.
    Ian, that's not good but at least you have ballpark figure. I still have no idea when my damned hip is going to stop hurting.
    I did limp around a parkrun on Saturday (it was a nice one) but that's the extent of my running. Yesterday I just did rehab and the spin bike and my hip was horrible all night. At this point I think I'll probably have to DNS Amsterdam. It seems like a good way off but I have no base and I'm still in pain.

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    Ian - hope you get the scan quickly and the unexpected bruising isn't an indication of a slower recovery.

    Good news about the gym although you'll be fairly limited for now what you can do.   But it will get you out the house and a bit of socialising too.

    5+ undulating miles today.   Very strong headwind in places, I was too cold running into it and too hot when the wind was behind me.

    Gym later, legs/glutes today.
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    xpost Cal - Hope you don't have to bin Amsterdam, still plenty time.   At least wait for a diagnosis before deciding.

    Do you think the rehab is aggravating the hip?   If it is arthritis it might be different rehab required? 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-The gym won't be amazing,but I can do the bike,maybe step machine and will see what other bits I can do,he did say I can do lower leg exercises so this may be my chance to do work on them that I've never done.
    Got HCA end of September which is looking doubtful at minute,but I'll be happy to run around if I can get in to ok shape.
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    Ian - No excuses now not to do some leg strength work  ;) and when you're ready to do rehab exercises on the shoulder the gym will be really helpful. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, it’s gutting, and I think normal to feel despondent. I still am very despondent and it’s been going on two years for me now. I’m afraid I do have thoughts along the lines of thinking my best times are behind me now. I mean, if the PF vanished overnight I still need to lose a bit of weight, start building a base pretty much from scratch, increasing the mileage. And then have a go at a fast time, but all that will probably take a year or two to get back where I was in terms of fitness.  So that will be 3-4yrs that have passed, and that’s if it literally vanishes tonight. Sometimes it doesn’t feel possible, but I’m clinging on to some hope. We shall see. 

    Still don’t know what to do about Riga. It’s odd as if I was going on my own, I’d probably just do it, get around it, tick the box and not worry about the finish time. But I’m going with a mate and I don’t want to be hobbling around Sunday and Monday with a bad foot as that would impact his break as well. I’ll take my stuff and see how the foot is after a couple of sight seeing days I think.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Podiatry today went well. He upped the intensity again and it made me wince a bit, but to be expected. 

    I’m apologetically mumbled something about Riga, expecting him to say ‘don’t be an idiot’.  But he said ‘well, you won’t make it any worse, you’ll just be sore for a day or two’….. In a way it would have been easier if he had just said ‘don’t do it!’  
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    edited May 14
    What a bunch of crocks we are 

    Yesterday I had a really good run and back was fine throughout the day.    Then I had a restless night,  back niggling and a terrible run today.   No energy in the gym either, I'm not particularly tired.

    Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever run a marathon again. 😭

    Big G  - glad your treatment went well today.   And that you're being honest with him re potentially running a marathon this weekend.   At least you know it won't make it worse if you do decide to run, but you might suffer a while.   Don't feel pressurised to run just because you've paid the entry fee.   Run if you want to. 

    Has he done the inspection of your shoes?   Any useful advice come from that?

    Did you see Davey had to DNF his Windermere 10 in 10, pulled up on Day 3 injured.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I didn't realise the PF had been that long for you.I do feel a bit pathetic for moaning about it,when I know things could be a lot worse and I have a great life,1st world problems and all that,but it means a lot to me as I know running makes me a better person overall.
    Anyway I will see what I can do at the gym,hopefully get some guidance and go from there.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    You’ve every right to moan Ian. If you can’t moan here, where can you!!  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, no hadn’t seen that about Davey. That’s a shame for him. I’ll go have a look now. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Not sure you're strava premium or not,if not you can use for for a free 90 day trial,if you are it will add on to your current subscription 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks Ian. Yes I’m a subscriber and the code worked. 
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    Robert OHaraRobert OHara ✭✭✭
    Shades ATW endurance weekend is a weekend of camping, swimming, cycling and running.  I’m only planning on the one event but various distances across the disciplines but no tri.  You’ll have to pencil in Stevenage marathon for 2034, I know the feeling recently about wondering if I’ll run a marathon, hopefully it’s just around the corner.

    Big G nothing from Facebook, tried several email address but nothing.  Been a challenging few years, snooker injury and pf!  Heard mixed reviews with shockwave, it didn’t work for me but worked for a friend.  Although not ideal have you considered another injection? Means you can have some pain free time and target a marathon.

    Ian take the opportunity to do the s&c in the time out, totally get the frustrations and no guilt should be felt about moaning.  We all like to identify as runners and not being able to do so is like losing an arm.

    Cal still got a bit of time before Amsterdam, is there any benefit committing to a DNS for any refunds? 

    Planned to run yesterday and had a silly busy day at work.  6 miles tonight which effectively is a long run at the moment, hope to built that up to double figures by the end of the month. 

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    Ian - Ta for code it worked for me too so my Strava premium now expires in September
    Rob - Er Windermere on saturday will be number 89 so no not that close to 100 yet. 90 will be London Ultra 55k i think as i dont think i'll fit another in between.
    Shades - Er i am semi crock too cos i picked up a large blister on both feet doing 3 half marathons over the weekend
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    Robert - I just looked at ATW, they certainly have a lot of events.   So I guess, you'll plan to do the marathon.

    Stevenage 2034, that's hopeful I'll still be running marathons then.   If so most likely the oldest entrant at Stevenage  🤣

    Have you lost your Facebook account, been hacked?

    Keith - how did you manage that, change of shoes?    Better get that taped up for Saturday.

    SHADES said:

    Has he done the inspection of your shoes?   Any useful advice come from that?

    Big G - just wondering if any helpful advice came of that.

    Had another restless night, but not due to my back, just poor sleep.    My RHR is raised this morning so taking a rest day just in case I'm coming down with something and I had a poor run and lack lustre gym yesterday.
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    No idea not a change of shoes and doubtful cos they are on 450 mile either bein it's rare i get blisters. Potentially as the first two days are more trail albeit nothing super weird and i had the same week before running around RAF Spadeadam and nothing. Maybe cos it warm/hot and extra sweat? Maybe camber who knows.
    They'll get a test tomorrow for a 5 mile race at a gin distellery. I'll still spend more Friday as off to Trafford Centre and will be calling in to the Lego shop ;)
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