
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    As an aside, my Googling skills have let me down, but does anyone know if today's Gosport Half is some kind of championship/masters qualifying race?  I have looked on the EA site and also the Gosport site but can't see mention of it.  The club's V60 who did something like 3:02 at London is racing at Gosport today hoping to break the club's Half record, but also was also talking about working towards an England vest, but I can't find the details of that.

    I did see this but it doesn't mention Gosport, so maybe I misunderstood what my mate was saying in relation to the England vest.
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    Zwift would definitely be drier! I did put on a jacket but it's shower proof rather than waterproof, so I still got wet through. Hair's still wet now. Bleh.
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    Cal I love a run in the rain , but then with short hair it’s not too much of a problem, only running short today hopefully to can get out again over the next couple of days? 

    Big G good week building nicely, main thing is the foot is okay! 

    Shades is the real reason you didn’t run because the rain 😉 

    I must have missed the rain although there were puddles about.  10 slow miles with a couple of Ware Joggers, calf a little tight but no major issues.

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    Cal - not nice getting caught in that rain when you're not expecting it.  
    I don't think they bother updating the forecast over the weekend, I've noticed it remains unchanged at weekends.

    We've got heavy rain and gale force winds tomorrow morning, but I'll dress for it.

    Big G - good progress especially as the foot is behaving too.

    I saw on Fetch that someone had started a new thread on Gosport half, maybe info there? 

    Robert - no, we didn't have rain, or frost, first thing this morning.   Conditions were good, we've just had a shower and the sun is out now.   The rain doesn't bother me, the cold does though.

    Well done on double figure run today.
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    Just looked at the Fetch thread and it was started to say they have changed the course due to a burst water main earlier in the week.  Course has been remeasured so that may mean there is a championship of some sort there today.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Gosport isnt a qualifier. But it's a big race with decent prize money (i got £50 for 1st in AG back in 2013 or 2014). First time I havnt done it in a while as i have had a bit of a virus (again) and am saving my beans for Goodwood in a couple of weeks. Been to the seafront with the doggy this morning and its a rare bright day with light winds so should have been a quick day. Big race with getting on for 2000 runners in the past.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Looks like my club mate has knocked about 1min off the club V60 record with 1:26:47 (to be confirmed).
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I seen we had rain on and off throughout today,managed to pick a good window as I only got wet the last mile or so of the 16.
    First decent length run since Chicago and it went surprisingly well, I put my Invincible's on as I find them a bit quicker than the Structure's I've been wearing just to give myself a bit more confidence as I was struggling with how slow I've been this week,all went well and consistent paces,taking in to account the hills.
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    Ian - Nice long run. There are some big sales at Nike at the minute. 

    I went out for 11 nice slow miles along the Thames earlier. Did 6 yesterday to bring up 44 for the week. 

    Not thought much about goals lately aside from just getting the slow MAF miles back up to norm but looking ahead to Barcelona in March I guess no change to what I’ve done before would make sense? I’m not sure between new job coming up and OH treatment that I’ll be able to fit in any more miles than I’ve done before but hopefully just the benefit of another training block should bring me along a bit?
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    TR - sorry to hear you've had another virus.   Hope you recover quickly to have a decent run at Goodwood.

    Many years ago I did the marathon at Gosport, was a good race I went with a few Trotters and one set a new world record for her age group.

    Big G - that's an impressive run by your fellow Trotter today.

    Ian - that's a great long run today.

    Rcouture - I don't think you need to do anything different or more mileage for now.  Every marathon you run stronger than the last.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-I agree with Shades,you will still improve a lot with another block and more experience.
    Shades-It was strange today,it was my first run over 14 since Chicago but I felt really strong and could have kept going,after the last couple of weeks I wasn't expecting that.
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    Ian - maybe as you were doing a long run you were less conscious of pace and settled into the run and it just all came together.

    Good news for me too today.  Not a twinge from my left knee, ran 5 miles.   I was so pleased to be back running again that I didn't mind the heavy rain and the gale force winds  :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Good news, Shades. 

    Great run from you as well Ian. 

    Rcouture, I agree that whatever you’ve been doing up until now has been working, so no need to change anything I reckon. 

    Up early to get a run done and the forecast was correct that it was raining heavily with also a strong wind, but I got it done and did enjoy it once I was out there.  I ran easy but I was keen to keep running as opposed to walking too much in the rain so HR was a bit high at time but it went okay and just under 6 miles to start the week.  

    The club’s handicap race went okay yesterday. 26 ran it in the end, which isn’t too bad, and there was a good crowd back at HQ for the meal afterwards. Rain held off as well. 
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    Big G - I expect Tigg wasn't too keen to go out in today's weather.  ;)

    I went out earlier too as I knew it was only going to get worse weather wise so the less traffic in these conditions the better.  Not cold, so not so bad.

    That's encouraging numbers for the club's handicap race and get together afterwards.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, OH tried to take Tigg out whilst I was out for my run.  She was all dressed in her wet weather gear, but she said she was literally dragging him down the road, so she gave up and turned around after 100m, and then it was him dragging her back home.  He is such a wimp!
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    Big G - poor Tigg.   He looks as if wind/rain/mud wouldn't bother him. 

    I didn't see a single dog walker this morning, that's unusual.
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    6 miles today, short heavy showers every five minutes, light winds.   Had a good run, tendon a bit sore last mile.

    Big G - lots of dog walkers out this morning but I expect it's a bit windier where you are so may not be to Tigg's liking  ;)

    Gym later.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, it’s funny really as he goes in the sea, even when the temperature outside is really cold, and he loves it. But a bit of rain and he doesn’t want to go out!  I had to kick him out first thing before his walk as it was raining. 
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    Good stuff, Shades and Ian. Hope the tendon isn't bad, Shades.
    Big G, I always found it funny that dogs will happily jump into freezing, muddy water, yet try to give them a warm bath and they won't have any of it.

    6 miles today. Not feeling tip top still - cold has gone but still getting a bit of vertigo. I wonder if it's an ear thing? I wasn't very congested with the cold (more of a nasal drip). I actually feel best when I'm out running.
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    Our cat is a psychopath in that he enjoys going out in the rain. I’d never seen that in a cat before. 

    8 miles earlier. Crisp out. Still shorts weather for me mind. Yoga tonight which I dread as usual but know it’s good for me and the running. 
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    Big G - we've got another lot of wind and rain coming in early tomorrow, so you might have to kick Tigg out again.

      Although I saw plenty of dogs this morning only a golden retriever looked happy, despite the heavy rain was trotting along with his head up and wagging his tail.

    Cal - tendon is OK now, I meant to tape it but had put body lotion on my feet before I remembered.  

    Good you're starting to feel better, is it this weekend your next half marathon?

    Rcouture - I've never seen a cat happy to go out in the rain either.

    Sometimes when I get home from a run the neighbour's cat will race over to me to be made a fuss of, even if it's raining, but I think he only does that hoping I'll go into his house and feed him.

    Enjoy your yoga 🤣
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I feel like I could run more than I am currently but I’m trying to reign it in still so took the planned rest day from running today. I did jump on the bike for a short ride and I’m planning a run for tomorrow. Probably 6-7ish again. 
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    Big G - are you still going to the gym?

    I would stick to your run plan for now, it's working so maybe not worth the risk for an extra run or two.
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    Big G - yes.

    Some cats don't mind water. My mum told me about a cat she once had called Fudge who would come and sit on her lap when she was in the bath.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I’m not as ‘on it’ as I was but as I’m running a bit more and Zwifting still, it’s a bit harder fitting it in. I’m trying to go twice a week though, and I am still doing my stretch routine at home regularly. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-It's always shorts weather for me,happy to wear layers on top.
    Big G-Good news you're feeling better about running more,patience is a virtue.
    I went out for 10 today,felt decent enough after the 16 on Sunday.

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    Big G - twice a week at the gym is a good balance, and I think the recommended quota for runners.   I only asked as you hadn't mentioned the gym lately.   Good that your stretch routine has become an at home habit too.

    Ian - looks like you've ditched that post viral fatigue.   Full on training mode now.   :)

    Rest day for me today.   
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, can’t say I enjoy the gym that much though. I much prefer running and zwifting!  When I came back from that week in Cornwall I didn’t go at all, and then I got that chest infection so didn’t go, and last week I had to kind of force myself back. Hopefully it’ll become a habit again, but it is the thing that slips very easily!  The gym did send an email asking why I hadn’t been for a while…!  But I went last week and I’m planning to go this week. 

    The last few days our boiler hasn’t been working as the wireless thermostat wasn’t communicating properly, which is typical now it’s getting colder. Getting hold of a gas engineer with availability wasn’t easy, but one came around yesterday and serviced it, and basically removed the thermostat receiver. So we have to turn the heating on/off at the boiler for now, whilst we get a replacement receiver, but at least it’s working. I think I may take the opportunity to go Alexa-based, as it’s been something I’ve been thinking about and there are some Black Friday deals around. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    6 miles this morning and as the forecast gave rain I had a jacket wrapped around my waist, but didn’t need it which was good. I felt pretty good but struggled to keep the HR down today for some reason so hopefully I’m not coming down with something again. I feel fine though so hopefully just one of those vagaries of HR training!  Gym later, and Zwift race tomorrow AM. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I feel better in myself but still got a bit of a cough and my HR was a fee beats higher than usual yesterday,but just trying to get on with it now I have 15 week left before Tokyo.
    Big G-We got the hive when we moved to this house,main advantage is when the lad is off I can check he hasn't got the heating on all day 🤣
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