
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Yesterday I woke up feeling a bit groggy so didn’t go for a run in the morning.  Went to Exeter during the day for a look around the xmas markets and having nice food, and then went to club in the evening for the first time in a long time. I went into the social run which was just under 6 miles and had a reasonable run out, but I still don’t like running with a head torch, so some things never change!

    I’ll be going on Zwift for a ride a bit later 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    My Nikes arrived yesterday so will give them a try out today.
    I see Kenya could be banned from athletics,similar to Russia due to the amount of doping bans they have.I have read a couple of different articles saying with 45 or 55 have been banned this year alone.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, 1689 have recorded a time, so it’s not very good odds….
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    Big G - I hate running with a head torch too.   Haven't used mine for a few years now.

    1689... that's not so bad, better odds than many ballots.  Good luck.

    Ian - I read that about Kenya too.   Perhaps the threat of a ban might halt the epidemic of doping.  Maybe the big marathons should also threaten to not allow them to run in their races too.  Athletes can't switch countries so quickly now, takes a couple of years at least.

    That's only 45 or 55 that have been caught, how many haven't? 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Shades, a lot of runners last night in my group had a chest torch which was snug to the body, with a red light in the back too. Not sure where they got them from or when they got so popular, but the majority had them on last night and I think they’re USB chargeable. But for me it’s still that I’m uncomfortable running and worried about tripping, even though I’ve got a decent head torch. 
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    8 chilly miles earlier. Nothing to report really. A few tinges of the weird hammy but no big deal and had a nice chilled run at a low HR in part thanks to the cold. Have booked physio for next week with a new lady that I have high hopes for as comes recommended and is an actual runner. Yoga tonight 😢
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    Big G - I think Decathlon sell the chest torch, I put my name down as interested some years ago when they were out of stock but never bought one in the end.

    Meanwhile I had tried out one of my head torches as a chest torch but still didn't like it.

    For me using a torch is like running in a bubble and not enjoyable at all.
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    Xpost Rcouture - good your physio appointment is with a runner, it really makes a difference as she should understand your concerns as to whether it could affect your racing.

    Enjoy the yoga 🤣
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Presuming omly 10% get caught(guess number? That's a hell of a lot.
    Big G-OH uses a chest torch,she like it a lot more than a head torch,I have 1 also but very rarely use it.
    Rcouture-Good luck with the physio and yoga,definitely more dedicated than I am.
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    Big G - I have a chest torch from Decathalon250 lumens seems to do the trick, much prefer it to the head torch.

    Ian enjoys the Nikes

    Rcouture good luck with the physio 

    Shades only heard good things about Halstead, I visit the website regular hoping entries will open.

    Rest day today, new tv arrived so will set that up for the football later although not overly fussed by it.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    That didn't go too well,this calf niggle is annoying,fine when I ran 18m on Sunday and completely stopping me running today,hopped back on the bike for a bit so will do that each non running day so at least I get some cardio.
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    Ian, have fun.
    Well I reordered some Vaporflys from Sportsshoes (as Nike didn't have any left...the replacement Invincibles have arrived, however) but of course they also use bloody Evri and, surprise, they missed the delivery slot again. I've sent an email to sportsshoes explaining the issue so we'll see what happens. I know some people's local Evri courier is OK but mine is either incompetent or a thief.

    Still not feeling good today. I've read about people getting vertigo/dizziness following vaccines (particularly Pfizer, which is the last one I had) so I'm wondering if that's why. Honestly, I'm starting to think the covid vaccines are what is behind my whole malaise. Aside from injury, I was pretty much fine until the first one and that's when everything started to head south. I'm not anti-vax or I wouldn't have had all four shots, but my running's gone to hell and I can't remember the last time I actually felt good. (I don't buy in to conspiracy theories and so forth but there seems to have been quite a lot of people who are experiencing similar or worse issues).
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    Robert - I keep checking Halstead website too  :)

    Ian - that calf niggle again, must be so annoying.   Check back on what you were doing last time and see if you can find the trigger.   Distance, shoes maybe, what you did the following day after long run etc.  Are you still doing that little strength routine?

    Cal - sounds like your Evri man is having a meltdown.   Next time you could ask Sportsshoes to send via Royal Mail, they used to do that for me.   I avoid ordering anything around Black Friday as more chance of it being delayed or going missing.

    It must be so frustrating, I don't know re the Covid vaccines, but I would doubt very much if it's that's the cause.   You have had a cold and that often has long aftereffects re dizziness.   Usually, a drop in form can be found by careful and detailed analysis of the training diary.   Didn't you have a long injury spell with the hamstring injury when you would easily have lost all your base fitness and then all the stress/concern about your heart.  IMHO those are far more likely to have contributed to a loss in pace/form.   Also, we're not machines and there will be spells, sometimes of years when we just don't run so well.  
    Maybe a chat to your GP if you're concerned and get a blood test to check all is OK, rule out anaemia etc.

    Rest day for me today
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-There doesn't seem to be any obvious pattern,I had a week off the other week when I was ill and it came straight back,it I'd OK after work so might be when the blood gets moving as it was a day off yesterday,next option is to cycle a bit before I attempt to run and see if that moves it better.
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    Ian - well that dismisses any irritation caused by your shoes, which is good.

    You might have to start doing recovery runs the day after your long run.  😉

    Are you still doing your little strength routine?

    My foot tendon seems to start to niggle after a rest day or when I have a few days off as I did post Dublin.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Anyone heard from MF recently?  If you’re reading MF, I hope things are improving a bit. 

    Strange one Ian. Hopefully the bike ride will help ease things. 

    Sorry to hear of your woes, Cal. 

    Robert, sounds like a big TV you’ve got there! I hope enjoyed the football. 

    RCouture, hopefully the physio will help you get to the bottom of things with the niggle. 

    I had a busy morning at Dad’s so didn’t get out until lunchtime, but I went out for a very hilly 8 miler. Strava tells me the last time I did this exact route was July 2021 and it is a toughy with some DD-esque hills thrown in. I think it’s the hilliest 8 miler I can do from my house, with not a lot of flat, but I did enjoy it today. 
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    Shades - I have had my long run precede my weekly rest day to avoid injury risk. You think a recovery run before a rest day is better? Why, if one is resting anyway? 

    8 miles earlier. Faint hammy twinges but nothing major and settled by second half. 
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    Glad you enjoyed your run, Big G - how is the foot?

    Shades are you walking around in bare feet at home or wearing some sort of shoes that might cause the foot to niggle? (I say that as I walk around in bare feet all the time when I'm indoors, with no ill effects. But some people have problems doing that).

    Re: the vaccine thing, I myself am unsure. Reason I brought it up is because the guy in my club who is suffering crippling fatigue has a blog and has had all the tests and no one can find an explanation, but it is one of the possible things given he is presenting with something like long covid, but, like me, has not had covid to his knowledge. He has much more debilitating symptoms than me but we do share a few, so it made me think. I was certainly in good shape before I had the vaccines...and yes I was injured but I've been injured before and always bounce back within a couple of months. Not sure you remember but I missed most of Autumn 2017 with the TFL issue but recovered in time to run a marathon PB the following spring. In this case, I've actually got slower and worse since coming back from the ham tendon problem at the beginning of last year. It's not the same.

    I did do 4 miles today, trying to keep HR below 140, which isn't easy. After a bit of a rest and breakfast, I did some hip and core stuff at the gym. I am still suffering the vertigo/light headed thing, whatever it is, though energy levels are better than yesterday at least.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, it was basically fine for 7 miles, with the last mile a bit of discomfort, but there was a lot of walking today due to the hills (average pace over 11min/miles), which does help it. I’ve stretched it out and will do again later tonight and also tomorrow AM and it should be ok. I’ve got the first shockwave therapy session booked for between Xmas and New Year, so we’ll see if that helps clear it up. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-No,I stopped a few weeks before Antwerp and never started again,I'll add it back in as I do think it helped.
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    Big G - no, not heard from MF.   I think the last time she posted was to say that unlikely she'd be able to run again.   I hope that prognosis was very, very wrong.  

    Good you're back doing hilly runs again.   I see still quite a few places left for DD.  😉

    That's ideal timing to start your shockwave therapy, in between your holidays 😉

    Rcouture - I would favour a rest day before the long run and a recovery run the day after, exactly as I would a race.

    Cal - I don't wear shoes at home, socks usually.   But that doesn't annoy the tendon as it's not achilles or soleus but on the outside of my foot.

    Re the vaccines, lots of folk blame the vaccines as they're looking for a reason.   Post viral syndrome is (and always has been pre pandemic) very common in endurance athletes especially those that train hard such as IM. Plus chronic fatigue and ME affect a lot of athletes.

    When you had the ham tendon injury you were only able to do minimal training for a long time so it's possible you lost your aerobic base and never built it up again.   Plus the uncertainty and angst of your heart issue on top of that, you've had that worry/stress for a long time.

    Most distance runners only get so far on their usual training regime, there comes a time when it stops being as effective and they change their training to try something different. For many that works.   It might be that you need to find a completely different plan and see if that works for you.

    Ian - I think that might be a good idea to resume your strength routine.
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    Shades, I have considered running less and doing more cross training. I know that's not what works for you but perhaps more strength is what I need at this point, especially as I'm getting older. 

    In other news, the shoes finally arrived. The sportshoes customer service lady said she'd messaged Evri so it seems to have done the trick. (The shoes are nice, too...I saw that they were reported to be snug so I went half a size up and am pleased I did. I will wear them for Manchester next year).
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    Cal - I think that's a really good idea.   

    Of course, to improve training should be sports specific but right now you're not feeling great and there's no point going into your next bout of marathon training until you feel 100% again and are raring to go.   You have time to spend a few weeks just training as much or as little as you feel is right for you.

    I remember you saying not too long ago that you'd sometimes done a long run and been wiped out after it, you want to make sure that never happens again.  I'm sure that run would have had a very negative affect on your training and fitness.   So no more long runs for the sake of doing long runs.

    That's good news on the shoes. 

    I always found the Sportsshoes customer service staff really helpful....they should be considering how much I spend with them  ;)

    6 miles today, nice morning, bit chilly but no wind and no rain and despite being dark the birds are singing.

    My neighbour has put up his external Xmas decorations again, that bloody inflatable snowman again with all the flashing lights.   :#
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    Shades - Our neighbours are aggressive with the Xmas decorations too which puts pressure on us to follow when the girls see them up. We’ve only succumbed to a tree and advent calendars so far. 

    10 miles earlier along the Thames and around the wetland centre in Barnes. Muddy but nice run.
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    Cal - I've always found sportshoes customer services useful, hope it's not a singing snowman!!!!

    Shades - it's a shame that we are losing races, some of them are gems.

    Big G - good luck with the shockwave, have they mentioned if you can run during it?  I was told just to do some light weights during treatment.

    Visited the gym for the 2nd time in 30 months, not very exciting seems no new kit, did 5 miles before getting train back.

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    I am somewhat fortunate that I can't see any decorations from my flat. I enjoy seeing them on my runs and walks, though. They were putting big tree up in Furzedown as I went past on today's run (Furzedown is the "village" that sits between Tooting and Streatham. I did 8 miles which took me from there through Lonesome (another area...not sure how it got its name) to Figges Marsh and back home via the common. 
    Looking at my stats, my cadence is pretty bad now - it was always in the 170s for training runs and higher for races but has now dropped into the 160s. I think this is actually a knock on effect of trying to run ultra slowly on my recoveries to keep HR down.  (HR was not low on this run, mind you). 
    I think I need to work a lot more on my running form and try to make myself stronger and more efficient.
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    Rcouture - Elle likes to do her bit with decorating, I'm looking after my sisters dogs next week, so I'll leave her to it.
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    Cal - I'm fortunate too that I can't see the dancing inflatable, brightly lit snowman from my flat.  They leave the lights on 24/7 and it's always a shock to me as I step onto the street to start my run.

    I can only see from my flat a couple of small discreet trees lit up in windows.

    Robert - many gyms are closing so maybe expecting new equipment might be a bit much.   A lot of the machines are old in my gym, we did have a questionnaire recently asking what new equipment we would like to have.   So they must have some budget to spend which bodes well for the future of the gym.
    Due to energy costs they are now limiting the times for the steam/sauna room.  Doesn't seem to be used much anyway.  
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