
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I remember when my SiL did London. At the time I was travelling a lot for work and had a load of hotel points for Holiday Inn so I got her a room, and Claire and I stayed in another room. We checked in, dropped our bags off at our room, and about 10mins later went to Steph’s room and the place looked like a bomb site already. Pretty sure she hadn’t had a shower, but there was a towel scrunched up on the floor, running stuff everywhere, clothes all over the place, hair straighteners and other stuff chucked about. Massive suitcase (for 2 nights….) almost empty, but just stuff everywhere. Unbelievable!  I mentioned it and she looked around and just said ‘Yeah, sorry Grade!’, and laughed :) 

    Don’t know how she did it but she blagged an entry via lucozade I think it was, and had to run in their kit, which was very smart. 
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    Big G  - that's a good description of some of the runner's rooms I've seen.   Imagine sharing a small room with someone like that 😳 

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    Abingdon, first male 2:19, first female 2:56

    Definitely a fast course.   Better conditions today, last year first few miles in heavy rain. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I got a message from Chairman yesterday via email and he’s at Abingdon for his 199th. Cornish is his 200th. Think he won his place at Abingdon via that Every Run Counts thing, which I have to say I don’t fully understand (I did win something a few weeks ago - a mapping app - but I get a bit bored of the site). 
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    edited October 2023
    Big G  - I can remember Chair doing his first sub 3 at Abingdon. 

    I don't understand the Every Run Counts website either.   I asked for it to be explained to me and was given a link and I still didn't understand its purpose.    It had a good race diary on there but I can't be bothered with a website that you have to log on to just to browse a race diary. 
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    Fantastic job, Rob! I get chub rub when I wear shorts long distance so I sympathise.
    Big G, so long as it's not one of those coffin hotels...one of the ones I stayed in in Japan was a business hotel with very small rooms but it was fine.

    Cooler and brighter today. Did 13 and included some hills as Alton Towers ain't flat. Quite a few niggles going but worst thing was gripey guts - stomach and intestinal. I suspect the large bowl of popcorn I had last night might've been the culprit - either that or suddenly my stomach has taken against dairy (I do eat quite a lot of yoghurt, as well as cheese). I hope it's not the latter though. I don't want to be lactose intolerant as well as gluten intolerant.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, no, it’s not one of those, although I did see them!
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    edited October 2023
    Cal - good run from you today.   

    Is Alton Towers next weekend?

    I think popcorn is very high in fibre.   You'd need to check.   If so easily responsible for today's gut issues. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rob-Great job and report.
    Big G-You are in a great place,if I'm right you are pretty much opposite 1 metro that's takes you to lots of places,the fare structure is very weird there though so look in to that to see what lines you'll be using etc.
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    Big G, I’d expect Tokyo hotels to be smaller, as long as it’s functional and a good location that’s the main thing. The pf issues, Are your parkruns faster than mp? Could be a pace thing, also seems to be after standing around and walking rather than running? 

    Cal well done on the 13 miles, you know not to eat pop corn before a race now 😊 

    made it out the door for a recovery walk/plod.  Very slow, quads trashed.

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    Shades, no, it's in three weeks. And yes it is - I pop it myself so it's a lot rougher than the packets you get in the supermarket.
    And Rob, yeah, I ban myself from fibre before a race these days. I didn't have trots today, just discomfort.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Rob, parkrun was about 27mins, so around Chicago MP give or take, and it didn’t feel particularly difficult. A number of weeks ago I was doing 21-22mins I think. I am forever looking for reasons for it flaring up and I am not sure if there is any direct correlation, but I was wondering if the unsure footing triggered something. It was fine at the parkrun before Chicago marathon, which was on decent paths, plus I did a lot of walking that weekend. I think also just standing at Exeter football didn’t help matters. Beginning to wonder if it’s just something I’m going to have to live with now, and try and manage it and hope it doesn’t flare up before a big race. It’s not conducive to fast marathons though!

    Took Tigg to the beach and bumped into that V60 I mentioned. Says he thinks he went off too quickly at Chester and is adamant he is going to go off more sensibly at Valencia.  He’s very dedicated, although low mileage, so fingers crossed for him. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    7 miles today,took it nice and easy as I'm hoping to run 6 times next week.Brought up 45 for the week which was my target.
    Big G-That's how I am with my achilles now,just manage it the best I can.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Very misty this morning,both of our legs were tired so it made for an even slower than normal run,but a nice start to the week.
    I seen Titus Ekiru has been banned for 10 years for doping and getting a doctor to lie for him.6th fastest marathoner ever.

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    edited October 2023
    Robert - well done getting out for a recovery run.   Not surprised the quads are trashed with those hills and steps.

    Big G - I guess this weekend's race, although good terrain, will test the uneven ground theory re your PF.

    Ian - sounds like you're getting used to the early morning runs.

    I saw that last week about Titus Ekiru, a well deserved 10 year ban.

    Ankle felt OK this morning, just a tiny bit of swelling.   Slapped on a bit of tape to support it.   But when I was stretching up before my run, my quad didn't feel right, like a minor strain/DOMS type ache.   I remembered then that when I stopped myself falling flat on my face on Saturday I did have an ouch moment with the quad at the same time.   Never felt a twinge in it yesterday.  So I decided today just to do brisk walk for 4 miles, quad was about 2 to 3/10 and ankle pain free.  Quad sore on post run stretch.
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    Robert - have you entered any more 2023 races? 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Still not overly keen on getting up as early but feels nice running with OH,wasn't keen on her going herself so early.
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    Ian - you were worried for OH's safety or was OH worried about her own safety?

    Important to feel safe when out running, not enjoyable otherwise.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Just me really,she was generally OK,I bought her an attack alarm so she felt a bit safer,and she texts me when she gets home if I'm working so I know,but it's a lot better if we run together.
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    shades 5:48:33 whenever you’re updating the sheet, no more marathons this year.  I could do another next month as that would be 12 in 12 months or could do another this year to take it to double figures but not feeling any need to it.

    Big G will be interesting to see if this weekends race has any different effects compared to Chicago.  Could be a subconscious way how you land on non-road surfaces, it would be great if it’s something you can discover what causes it and can avoid rather than something that you need to manage as it may not help fast times.  

    Ian must be horrible not to feel safe when out running, it’s sad that people have to think they are safer with panic alarms. 

    Annual leave recovery day today and tomorrow (cats vet visit) right knee been a bit wobbly and left hip is a bit sore.  Official race photos and I have flying feet over the finish line and a pained expression over the Seven Sisters (I thought I was smiling) - yes shades they are the same white compression socks that have taken a battering 😆 

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    Robert  - I expect your next will be the early January one again, to kick start the new year. 

    Great photos and impressive finish with both feet off the ground after ascending the Sisters. 

    The socks have done you well, I think I like them better now they look a little grey 😉 

    Post race twinges, that's not bad after Beachy. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Nice pics Robert, well done again. 

    I did about 1hr45 on the bike yesterday. I know it sounds silly, but I’m only just getting back to normal after Chicago. These flights knock me about. Some I think get back to normal really quickly, some take a month. Probably I’m in the middle. Feeling more like myself now though. 

    As Chicago didn’t have a rucksack, I bought a 100MC one which arrived today and I like it. 

    Just looking at Riga for next May. Flights from Gatwick are okay and plenty of hotels at a good price. I don’t think I can squeeze anything in before Tokyo, which is a shame in one way, but Tokyo is the priority in terms of securing a finishing time. But Riga is afterwards, so I’m tempted. A non-running mate mentioned it to me a while ago too as he’s keen as well. I’ll give it some more thought. 

    Things have moved about DD - I’m now a definite ‘no’ for next year, but not because of any running reason.  I managed to secure a couple of tickets for a favourite band of mine - Smashing Pumkins - so we’re going to see them instead on the DD weekend. It’s a band I’ve never seen and always wanted to see, so I’m happy. Also got tickets for Manics and Suede who are doing a double-headliner down at Eden Project. 
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    edited October 2023
    Big G  - Riga looked a good place to visit when I watched the Road Running Championships on telly.    They used part of the marathon course for the event. 

    Ha, ha, that's a sorry excuse for skipping DD.  I just looked up the tour dates and you could have seen them at Cardiff the following week  ;)

    Rest day for me, quad injury/niggle has turned into a dull ache, and a bit more sore when walking.   Annoying as can't do gym either. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, was there some trail the last time you did Abingdon?  I saw some chat that there was quite a lot of trail paths this year, and together with the running track, probably over the 2.6K to be deemed a road marathon?  I don’t remember any trail when I did it.  It’s still classed as a road marathon as it got the necessary paperwork, but I was just wondering especially as I know you don’t like trail!
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    Big G  - There's a little trail, but it's very little.  There's a fair amount on footpaths/cycle path which is tarmac but I did see that after the recent weather there was more leaves/tree debris on the route than usual.  So may have made it appear to be trail when it wasn't. 

    Not sure they count the running track as 'off road ' , do they?   After all track is considered faster going than road.

    Trust me if there'd been trail I would have moaned about it 😉
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    edited October 2023
    This is a pic of the path, last year's photo I think, but it narrows in places and you could see how tree debris and leaves could easily cover it.

    I suppose it might have been like Plym Trail course is at certain times of the year or after a storm. 

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    This is what I'm going to miss this weekend.    Has to be the best marathon finish IMHO. 

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    I'll have to do this one, Shades. I'm sure I could get Colin to come along and we can hit a theme park or fair at the same time.
    5 miles today. Lot of twinges yesterday and hammy was achy but otherwise it was OK. Made myself run along the bit of Streatham High Rd where I'd had the panic attack a few weeks back and I was OK. Slightly apprehensive but alright in the end. I'm not going to let this thing win.
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    Cal - well done for conquering Streatham High Road, it would be so easy to just avoid it.

    Frankfurt would be a good choice of race for a GFA attempt, flat and fast and not overcrowded.    When I ran it I was able to follow the blue line painted on the road for the whole race.  Hotels are reasonable to with a few minutes walk to start/finish/Expo.  Always last weekend in October. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-It is a great finish,pity they take you away from it with about 4 or 5m to go though.Just checked and I clocked 26.34m for it so must have been able to run close to the line also.
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