
Shades Marathon Training



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    That's good, Ian.

    Shades, I am like a rotisserie chicken in bed - constantly turning to try and get comfortable. I can lie on my side for a bit and then my shoulder starts hurting, so I turn onto my front but then my neck starts to complain. If I don't fall asleep quickly, it's never ending.

    I wasn't feeling it at all yesterday - what I call a swimming pool day, and no because I went for a swim. It's that feeling you get when you climb out of the pool, having been weightless in the water, and suddenly feel all the gravity weighing you down. So I did nothing yesterday and bumped my long run until today. It meant more traffic and dodging the school run but I have a route that goes on quieter roads and I was able to knock out a half. Felt a lot better aside from a niggling groin, which I hope settles down.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Yes I'm looking forward to getting going again.Took today off as I'm running with OH in morning,and Weds is my day off so didn't think 5 days was a good idea.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Crikey Shades, not good about your sciatica. 2 weeks must seem a long time!

    I did a couple of hours on the bike yesterday and 45mins this morning. Also I went Trotters this evening for a run, for the first time in many months. Just around 6 miles, and I took it nice and easy in the social group, which suits my MAF effort. Had a nice run with what was quite a big group (28). 
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    Cal Jones said:

    Shades, I am like a rotisserie chicken in bed - constantly turning to try and get comfortable. I can lie on my side for a bit and then my shoulder starts hurting, so I turn onto my front but then my neck starts to complain. If I don't fall asleep quickly, it's never ending.

    Cal - rotisserie chicken is a perfect description. 🤣  I can usually fall asleep OK and get a solid 2 hours before I wake for the first time.   It's advised with back/sciatica issues to sleep with a pillow or cushion between the knees to keep the pelvis stable but I've tried several times and doesn't work for me as it's not comfortable and disturbs my sleep even more.

    Good for you doing your long run on a Monday morning.

    Ian - enjoy your early run.

    Big G - 2 weeks is a long time, Dr Google says usually 4-6 weeks but can be longer.    I'm just grateful it's nothing like as debilitating or painful as the last time I had sciatica.   It was many years ago, before I was a runner, but so bad I was prescribed sleeping tablets.

    Do you think you're OK now to do more frequent running?

    Had a reasonable night and less discomfort this morning, slow progress but progress. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Progress is progress at least.
    Run was nice,no rain,heart rate a bit higher than usual when we go together but to be expected after time off.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I haven’t had any twinges really and the run was fine yesterday. Sounds silly but I wonder if it was a strain from coughing too much, which just lingered a long time! Foot still not 100% but I’m planning Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday this week. Probably just 6-7ish although I may do my favourite 10 mile route on Friday, but only if I feel okay. Between Xmas and New Year, if I do the Rapha 500 Zwift event, it’ll only be parkruns for runs. 
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    Ian - after your injury it seems you're appreciating that you can get out for a run, even at 5 a.m.

    Big G - good you're feeling OK and no more symptoms and planning a few more runs. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I think the treadmill has really helped with my motivation,always a bit of a downer in the winter knowing how busy I am and the weather means I struggle to get the runs in,but no excuse this year.
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    Big G - another possibility is costochondritis. A lot of people get this from doing a lot of planks or push-up challenges but it occurred to me that forward posture on the bike when you're Zwifting could cause similar load on the chest and shoulders.

    Today I did a 4 mile recovery run. I don't normally run the day after a long run but there was some sunshine and it would be nice for a shuffle. I quite enjoyed it despite the slow pace and heavy legs. It was also warm enough for a T-shirt.
    I went straight to the gym after for some heavy posterior chain work, during which time the sky went very dark and I found myself walking back across Tooting Common in my T-shirt in a thunderstorm. 
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    Ian - the treadmill was a worthwhile investment for you and your training.

    Cal - I had to look up what costochondritis was.   Probably quite common with those daft challenges that folk do.   ;)

    Bit of a restless night again but not too bad.   I find sleeping on my back is best for my sciatica, just not my natural way to sleep and then I turn onto my side while half asleep and sets off some pain.   But not so bad this morning, tiny progress again.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Went out with a small group of runners from Simon’s group. Winding Paths Brian was there as we ran on the Wray Trail and we basically did the 10k route he is planning there. Coffee and a very nice cake afterwards too :)  
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    Same here, Shades - on my back is most comfortable but feels so unnatural I just can't do it. I think it's the old ancestral fear of sleeping with my face exposed. 
    Rest today - although I did go to the gym for some upper body work. Shoulder hurts.
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    Big G - are you considering doing the Wray Trail  race? 

    Cal - I'm going to try to switch to sleeping on my back, at least for part of the night. 

    What have you done to your shoulder?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, no, I won’t be doing that for a Half or 10K. If it was the full marathon I’d consider it though. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Have you tried building pillows next to you so you can't turn over? When my back was playing up I did that,if I tried going on my side it stopped me.
    11.5 today,wanted to go a little further but my legs were feeling tired so came home.Just need to get them used to running again.
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    Big_G said:
    Shades, no, I won’t be doing that for a Half or 10K. If it was the full marathon I’d consider it though. 
    Big G - once a marathon runner always a marathon runner  :)

    Are you going to join Fizz & OH for their 100th?

    Ian - that's a decent longer run after being injured.

    No, I haven't tried that with the pillows.   Don't think that would work for me as I'd end up wrestling with them.  I don't sleep solidly enough for that to stop me.   I usually wake to change position.  Last night wasn't too bad again and I had less discomfort.   Tiny progress, but progress again.  :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I’m not running their event, but I may go over towards the end to see them in. It depends on what is going on on the day though. 
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    Big G - I'm sure there will be cake if you time it right  :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    The cake after yesterday’s run was superb. We stopped at Cafe 360 and I had a lemon drizzle cake, and a decent coffee too. When I replied to the Facebook post asking if there would be a coffee stop, Simon said ‘of course, it’s the main reason we meet up…’ to which I replied ‘correct answer’ :) They’re going Haldon next Wednesday AM and I’m hoping to go along to that as well, and Killerton parkrun on 23rd, which I’m not sure about yet as I may just do Torbay. 

    Don’t know the ins and outs but he was saying Dawlish Coasters have stopped Forest Flyer, and Haldon Trail Runners (his current club) are taking it on so good it’s surviving. I’ve done it 3 or 4 times, and a blast around a tough 5 mile loop in the forest on a Friday evening in the summer was fantastic (and this is coming from me, who is not a fan of off road). He said Coasters’ Obelisk race in January is really struggling for entries, but they only opened entries 20 Oct for some reason - I’m sure I remember in fairly recent times that would sell out.  
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    Big G - I think you should go along to all the runs, if only for the coffee and cake.  ;)

    I would imagine SB was a key member of Dawlish Coasters and took on a lot of the work, perhaps why they're dropping one of their races.

    Even when I did some off road races, I never did the Obelisk, running up a muddy hill in January never appealed to me.
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    Shades - I have a rotator cuff impingement. Years of heavy bench pressing combined with hunching over a computer all day - not a good combo.

    Did 7 miles today. While I don't feel poorly, I developed a bit of a dry cough last night and felt a bit wheezy on this run, although energy levels were good and legs felt OK aside from groin twinge after mile 4.  Went to the gym after but stuck with light rehab as my joints felt horrible, despite legs feeling quite bouncy on the run. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Had a good Zwift TTT this morning. The course was a bit longer than what is usual, so it ended up being 1hr05mins with regular 1-min pulls on the front for me, so a pretty hard work out today. 
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    Cal - ouch, rotator cuff can be painful.   Not helped by restless sleeping. 

    Big G  - sounds like you're feeling a lot better/fitter now.   No more chest pains?
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    Ugh I think I actually am sick. It seems to have bypassed my head and gone straight for my trachea. Maybe it's covid? I don't feel massively ill but I'm definitely not right.
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    edited December 2023
    Sorry to hear that Cal, maybe worth testing for Covid in a day or so.

    I had a restless night, couldn't get comfortable even lying on my back.  But no worse when I got up and walking around so not a setback.

    Just put a turkey crown in the oven, roast turkey tonight  :)
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    I was restless last night too. Pretty sure what I have is just a cold - I don't feel too bad aside from some catarrh and more aches and pains than usual. I am resting today although I have to go shopping. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Hope you both feel better soon.
    Took yesterday off as I build back up,then just ran 7 this morning with OH.
    We both jave our time off for HCA now,so will look to book it all when I'm off on Sunday.Waiting on the club ballot tomorrow then decide on spring races.
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    Cal - good to hear you're no worse today.

    Ian - good luck for the club draw
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I’ve had no twinges for 3 or 4 days. I was totally fine on the bike yesterday too. GP should be ringing today and I’ll tell her all this, and take it from there. 

    Met up with a mate last night in Exeter and it ended up being quite a late night, and I expect he’ll be nursing a hangover right about now!  Over the last couple of years we’ve met up in Exeter about once a month and try different independent places for food, and it’s been great to try different places - we have our favourites but so far we’ve not repeated any as there are still a lot to try. About to head for a run.  It’ll be at least 6, but may turn into 10 if I’m feeling okay at the point I need to make the decision whether to lengthen the run or not. Don’t want to push it too much, as I’m running tomorrow too for parkrun, so I’ll see how I am feeling when out there. 
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    Cal hope you're feeling better soon, lots of illness around this time of year covid and non- covid, Amsterdam sounds good.

    Shades, saw your comment re Steve's 1000th, I noticed a post on facebook that he included some of his faster ultra times as these helped boost the numbers but wouldn't affect his overage finishing time.  Stevenage in the diary, 3 weeks before WW50 and 4 weeks after CW50 which is perfect timing.

    Keith I used to work with a colleague who had a large collection of lego, rooms full of the stuff.  It's a great thing to collect and doesn't loose much value.

    Rcouture, congrats on Berlin and Manchester is a good decision, you used to be able do defer around feb/ march time for a fee as well.

    Big G good news no issues with the bloods, hope you're feeling 100% now and seems you've not mentioned the foot for a few weeks hope thats behaving too.

    Ian shame you didn't get London, makes it easier when you miss by a chunk, I really enjoyed marshalling at London, it helps knowing the course and my way round the city and transport links but supporting is a great experience.  I had VIP tickets which allowed me to see Elle on the finish straight, although they were packing up and tried telling me that I couldn't.  Hope you enjoy the treadmill, I'm been tempted in the past but don't think I'd use it.

    Hope everyone's illness niggles and worries aren't too bad.  Bit of a silent period for me, started off with a bad knee, burning feeling at the front of my bad leg's knee, I treid to rest and didn't seem to help for a while.  The Elle had covid and I was ill too.  

    I've also had my email hacked, the hackers have gained access to Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin Uber Eats and a couple of other sites.  Somehow managed to make payments out my bank account on Facebook and Uber Eats, and has resulted in my Facebook (and insta which I don't use) being disabled without any way of me being able to review, appeal and not found any way of contacting anyone.

    In terms of running, it's been slow but trying to get out a few times a week and seem to be fairly pain free just not very enjoyable at the moment, but hoping to build on it and get some form of fitness back.
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