
Shades Marathon Training



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    Good evening all from the Algarve!image

    Hi Mick! *waves at GNR madman*image How are you doing then? 10 in 10 eh? You bloody nutter!

    Still having a fantastic time here. Been in a water park all day and am currently sitting in my favourite bar after eating the hottest curry the world has ever seen! Naturally washed down with beer! image I think I might have lost weight though because I am not eating anything like as much as I usually do and if I see any more fresh fish I shall think I am a shark....image

    Only popped in to see if LMH had left and I want to wish her the very best of luck. Shame about the organisation though....

    JPenno wrote (see)
    I assume LB is not back from her hols yet as the Warrington Half thread has gone very quiet

    Cheeky bugger! I get back on Tuesday afternoon.image

    JPenno wrote (see)
    Sparkly Bridget wrote (see)
    JP - how about coming to Florence with me at the end of November.  Apparently it is downhill for 3 miles and then flat image

    As nice as that sounds I am not sure Mrs JP would be too happy image.

    Come to Dublin with me you big girl. I'll look after you and keep you out of the bar!

    Achilles pretty troublesome. Much worse NOT running. I shall see a terrorist when I get back, but I will have to get in the queue because Mr LB's knee has flared up too and I think we might have quite a bill.....

    I cannot face another DNS this year. Don't know what to do...image

    By the way Elspeth- we won the quiz because I knew where Cape Wrath was because of your marathon! The champagne was lovely!

    It´s mummys birthday this weekend too so make sure you all spoil her while I am away! I know shes away too, so have a party in her absence!image

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    Keith - nice one and well done on doing a very decent 10K when you've done so much long distance lately.  image

    LMH - thank goodness the bike is OK.  You take care too.  image

    Mick the Mackem - congratulations on deciding to do scarey 10 in 10 and wishing you all the best.  Didn't read your posting properly last night.  imageimage

    Shades - you're going to be very busy tomorrow, so will say 'bye bye' now, safe travels, Happy Birthday image for the 9th and have lots of fun.  imageimageimageimage

    HY4 - hope you get the hip/back sorted with yoga when you get an opportunity.  image

    Liverbird - lovely to hear from you and really glad you're having a lot of fun.  I love waterparks!!!  Sounds like my sort of holiday - I don't do restful.  image  Enjoy the champers - love the stuff.  See you Tuesday.  image

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    Shades, in case I miss you have a great holiday and a lovely Birthday image

    Sluggie, sorry to hear about you Mum, hope everything is ok.

    LMH, what an idiot stepping on your bike image Once again, good luck image

    LB, oooh you lucky thing. Curry and beer in the Algarve, brillimage

    Mick, good news on the 10 in 10 place.

    Confirmed what I already knew that housework is dangerous which is why I usually leave it to MrMac. Off he went on night-shift having spent hours in the garden cutting down trees etc so I thought I'd fly round with the hoover and Flash wipes. Was doing a sort of skating routine with the wipes on my feet to clean the floor when I skidded into the corner of the table with my bare foot, OUCH. I have a very painful lump on the top of my foot image Hopefully its just bruised but I had to have a medicinal G&T for pain reliefimage

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    LB - At least doing Cape Wrath was worth while then!image Good memories of it despite all the rain. Glad you're having a good time.

    Shades - Have a great holiday and great running.image

    Sluggie - Sorry to hear about your mum, hope she progresses well.

    Bit lazy tonight and still another day's work before the weekend. Just done JS tonight plus the run to and from there but nice easy run with the group.

    Got my elbow banged by a passing car while out running the other day, think it was some tourists from abroad driving far to close to the verge. A bit of a fright but luckily only a bruise to show for it.

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    Mrs Mac - Stay away from the dangerous houseworkimage
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    Mrs Mac - agree that housework is dangerous and it's one of those unforgiving jobs that has to be done.  Hope the medicinal G&T worked on the foot.  image

    Elspeth - crikey, that must have hurt.  Hope you're OK.  Well done for getting out there tonight.  You still got our sunshine?   image

    Cross trained in the gym today as got timing wrong and it's been absolutely pouring with rain down here.  Met another runner, who was in exactly the same dilemma - had a nice chin wag on the bikes.  Two running machines available and it was like a sauna in there - no thank you.  Did some weights and had prawn curry for tea and strawberry yoghurt for puddie.  Bath now and off to bed.  image

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    Thats terrible that they were driving so close Elspeth. Must've given you a fright?
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    Morning all.   A busy and tiring day ahead of me, off to Tesco's in half an hour to get my Mum's shopping.  Then work, one hour normal work then the rest of the day packing up and moving offices.  Home at 5pm and pack and load the car, then drive to Knutsford (235 miles) to my Travelodge, hopefully I should be there just after midnight.   Then onto Liverpool Sat morning for the ferry to the IOM.

    Thanks for all your good wishes re my birthday on Sunday, first time I've run a marathon on my birthdayimage

    MrsMac - hope the foot is OK, an interesting way to do the housework

    Elspeth - that's scary, I always run facing the traffic and well out from the hedge/verge then have that space to move into if a car comes too close.   I'm expert at the rude hand gestures too if a car comes too close.

    LB - good to hear you're having a great holiday, bad news on the achilles though

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    Shades, I'm tired just thinking about that image It'll be worth it when you get there, enjoy image

    Flossie, sounds like good fun at the gym. It goes quicker when you've got someone to chat to.

    My foot is very sore this morning, no bruising as yet. To clarify my technique, I had Birkenstocks on top of the Flash wipes. Felt I could get a better clean than weilding a mop and cross-train at the same timeimage Off to work, yay its Friday image

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    (((Elspeth))) ,

    Ouch.  Glad it's only a bruise.

    Mrs Mac

    Fingers crossed with the foot.


    Hope I can get some yoga sorted out soon.  At the mo it's looking like it will be a yoga dvd, because of the problems attending classes and my work hours.

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    Shades - LOL at rude hand gestures.  I've got a few of those off pat too.  image  Hope your day goes smoothly.  image

    Mrs Mac - wishing your poor sore foot a quick recovery.  It was a nice change at the gym last night, but am much happier on the open road and then a weights workout at home.  image

    HY4 - yoga DVD sounds like a fabulous idea, then you can timetable it when you're ready.  image

    Lovely day today after horrendous weather yesterday evening.  Have to work at home until 1.00 pm (being disciplined), then the afternoon's mine unless I get carried away again like yesterday.  Hoping to get out for a run today.  image

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    Morning all-Hope you're doing canny.

    Shades-Many thanks for the advice,its much appreciated.All the very best this Sunday and have a wonderful birthday.imageimageimage

    Liverbird-Hope you're having a great holiday.Good to see you again.image

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    Thanks for the calf pull info Shades - hope you have a lovely holiday.
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    Mr BumpMr Bump ✭✭✭

    Little Miss - Thank goodness the bike was ok.

    Elspeth - Hope you're ok.  That must have been painful.

    Mrs Mac - Hope your foot gets better soon.

    Shades - Have a lovely birthday.

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    Happy holidays and happy birthday Shades - hope you have a lovely time.

    Have registered today - expo was non-existent and they're now asking for volunteers to man the aid stations - scary. Thankfully I'm pretty self-contained and have Mark for back-up but it doesn't bode well really. Sorry I don't have much time to read back and comment - will look forward to catching up with you all properly on my return. 

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Mr Bump - hope you've had a good week.  image

    LMH - thank goodness Mark is there with you.  Keep positive.  image

    On that note, am out for a run.  Yay!!!  image

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    Phew..exhausting day, sorting and loading boxes of paperwork into the car then off to new premises and carrying all the stuff up three flights of stairs to new office.   But it's all done, and had a nice powerful reviving cup of tea with the MD (nicked the teabags from the absent chairman's office).   Asked if I could go home early so here I am, just having another cup of tea and I can get on with the packing.

    Just had a text from my friend, she's just arrived in IOM, weather is good there.

    LMH - I'm sure it will all be OK tomorrow, perhaps they're just a bit laid back in Prague

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    Have a lovely time Shades on the IOM and have a  lovely Birthday image image
    When do you get back?

    We have been to the beach today and swam in the sea, Brrrrrrrrrrrr and that's with a 3/4 wet suit on.

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    Shades - have a great time on IOM.  Happy Birthday and we shall miss you.  image

    VR - think you are very brave going in the sea - it's flippin' freezing.  image

    Just done first 60 min rehab run covering 4.4 miles - 65% HRM - 13.38 mm.  A bit slow, but it doesn't hurt and that's what matters.  Probably a bit hot at 21oC to go running, but happy with that for the time being.  image

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    Mr BumpMr Bump ✭✭✭

    Flossie - I've worked hard all week taking no more than 30 mins each day for lunch, and I'm justabout maaging to keep my head above water at work.  However, I've not run this week, and the only exercise since last Sunday has been a hockey game on Tuesday night.  I feel a right fat b*****d now.

    Little Miss - I know you don't need me to tell you this, but just focus on what YOU have got to do.  No more.  Mark will look after you if need help.  Have a great race tomorrow.  Look forward to hearing all about it.

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    VR - Wimp!!image Having said that I'm not too keen on swimming in the sea here unless it's very warm.

    Shades - Have a great trip, run and birthday.

    LMH - Hopefully you will be ok especially if you have your own support team (of one). Thomas (my son did a tri in Rhodes 2 years ago and apparently the organisation was poor - not just for the tri but for the whole event - but they got on OK. Thinking of you tomorrow.imageimage

    Another long long day at work - from 7 until just now, hope I get some energy back to run tomorrow, feeling tired at the minute.

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    Mr Bump - don't be so hard on yourself.  Needs must and then it's out to play and hey, it's the weekend.  image

    Elspeth - that's a long day.  Sounds to me like a nice cuppa and one of your lovely cakes will perk you up again.  image

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    It's so good having you guys here to keep me calm and sane(ish) - thank you all so much for your support. About to get dinner and an early night. Will report in when able and in the meantime hopefully Mark will update Elspeth and she'll pass it on. Start is 0830hrs your time (in fact it's 0836 for me cos of the wave system). All positive vibes and spare energy appreciated!
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LMH - loads and loads of positive energy and good vibes winging their way to you in Prague.  Have a good meal and a good night's sleep.  image
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    Good luck LMH...will be thinking of you.

    Right, I'm packed and off in 5 mins, back home on Sunday week, might not have access to a PC when I'm away.

     Be goodimage

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Hope you have a good birthday & race.


    Nice one.


    I know it may be a bit late for this, however good luck.

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    Mr Bump - Sounds like a pretty rotten week at work even if you've managed to clear your desk. Hope you get time to get out on your bike or run at the weekend.

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    Right - I loaded LMH with her bike onto the coach this morning at 7am.  Just off to catch the shuttle bus to watch the event, it starts at 9:30am.  Transition closes at 8am, so they have 1.5 hours to kill and get stressed before the event starts (weird)...

    I will be helping to man a GB age grouper aid station on the run, where we'll be giving out flat coke to the athlete's, should be fun!!

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    Mark - goodness me, 1.5 hours to kill is a long time.  However, going to the loo and faffing around (which I'm extremely good at) can take some time out of that window.  It's amazing that she's probably already 2 hours in and probably more than quarter way to the end of the event.  Flat coke - eugh!  image  Is that Parsley the Lion in your avatar?  Give her a big hug when she's finished and really looking forward to hearing how she did.  Will be in and out today working.  image
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    That's a long time before the off.  Can't wait to find out how she got on.

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