
Over 60s training.



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    JJ - I did enjoy XC and now I want proper shoes and a faster pace.
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    JJ--Ran the silliest xc today it was a figure of 8 course to start with on a field which you run two laps and then go round the rest of the course.Troulbe was we did 3 laps to start with and in the middle of figure of 8 the faster runners were clashing with slower runners still on there lap so it was choas.On the actual course was a bit like yours today several laps so i dont know how the marshalls coped in fact a club mate run three laps instead of two so a lot people were to happy about this new course.Any way it was our club party last night so self inflicted punishment  today am afraid
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    Ray - Sounds like a good party; maybe it made up for the chaotic xc course?
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    Ryan Bl**dy Giggs!!!!!!

    what a complete fraud.............................................

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    Welcome back - if not to xcountryimage!

    inflammation of the bursa (any bursa!!) is not good so your Ms Dead Sensible act will need to be continued for a while

    Christmas is ocming and a Garmin would make such a lovely present - that would sort out all your distance and time problems!!#

    whoops - you could have sent them all round for another lap if they were enjoying it too much
    The new clothing is strictly for posing.................................

    looks like thee marshall did what he could to enhance your enjoyment after the club partyimage

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    TS - There are a lot of disappointed people tonight about Ryan Giggs getting.
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    TS, how could you !!  image

    20 years at the top, 11 Championships, goals in every Premier season and a role model for every sportsperson

    Not that Sharkie and I are a little biased.

    Mind you have to say when Jess was 3rd and Button second I couldn't think who would win.

    Jess's time will come in 2012, she has the personality to really build on this year and transcend the boundaries between different sports. Young Tom might have something to say I suppose.

    Mike T 

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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    COLUMBA---Your right great party horrendous xc

    TS--What has happened you seemed such a good natured person when i met you? 

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    that's what no running does to a good natured chap like me

    for one dreadful moment I thought it was going to be Andy Murrayimage
    I agree Giggs could have won it in any one of the previous 20 years - but there were better candidates around then!! (excepting Zara Phillips!!!!!)
    Absolute fix by the BBC to get back in ol' red nose's good books

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Oh, forgot to mention when I logged my swim on the Fetch site I was greated by the message

    "You have set yourself a target of 1750 miles (running- MT) in 2009. You are behind your target by 369.62 miles. To catch up, you need to be aiming for 177.3 miles per week."

    Now there's a target image

    Mike T

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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    EMPTY--Seems quite easy as long as you can drive a car 
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    tee hee to your last post!

    Guilt got the better of me, and to make sure that Jessica would come 2nd or 3rd we voted for her. When Jenson came 2nd, I wished I had voted for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ran 10 miles last weekend and the previous weekend 9.3 miles. But those 3 weeks were more than in the past for a long time.

    yes shallow that's me.image But I did try to put it right only to let a footballer inimage  

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    MT - That's what comes of setting yourself targets!

    JJ - re coming out of hospital as soon as the patient can walk - that's just what my mother couldn't do, and even now finds it a great struggle to get across the corridor to the loo, with a wheeled frame, and she's supposed to have a nurse in attendance.

    Ceal - Purple toenail due to running downhill makes good sense; but I'm always running up and down hills, they're unavoidable round here, so why the purple toenail only now?

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good Morning,

    I can't answer that one!!! Maybe your hills were different hills, a slightly steeper one downhill, warmer feet, which means slightly larger feet. Shoes too tight one day. anyone of those ideas I throw into the pot of thoughts.

    I went dizzy trying to visualise your x-country course, so I gave up!!

    sounds like you had similar problems marshaling a similar course. 

    Re your remarks to sharkie, I'm not sure that I experience re-energised legs after I have finished my training session nor do I indeed feel lively. Well maybe I do for about an hour then when the adrenaline affect recedes I then will feel tired and my legs start to feel tired.   

    Maybe others could comment on how they feel after training. I am not talking recovery runs or bog standard runs here, but would include tempo and speed intervals sessions and long runs. Maybe I am doing something wrong here.   

    More comments about last night. It would appear that black was the fashion colour of the evening. With the odd red thrown in here and there. I love the way Phillips Idowu  looked. He is so tall.----------. I think that the training that Mark Cavendish does probably tops the endurance pain list that athletes have to endure. I could go on but I won't!

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    That's interesting ceal - Mr.S and I both commented how good we thought Phillips Idowu looked! He wears a suit very well. Unlike some!
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    great minds and all that-------------

    yes, I agree I mustn't forget my gloves on Friday, nor any of my other winter warmers.

    The forecast at the moment is 2c, that's okish, sunny, that's definitly ok. BUT 17mph winds that is NOT ok at all. That will carry an unbearable chill factorimage 

    will you be joining us girlie's for lunch? Although I can see it icould be a bit cold for standing around. I owe you a sandwich, but I guess it can wait until the new year when you are running again. How is the leg? any improvement over the weekend, I saw that you walked the doodle with no problems felt.

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    Good morning

    5.09M; 1:04:20; 12:39/M; hr138 m147
    12:43 139 144
    12:45 139 144
    13:01 138 143
    12:47 138 143
    12:06 138 147

    Nothing in me wanted to run when I first got up this morning so I went back to bed. Then about 20 minutes later I came to the conclusion that was no way to carry on so I got up again and prepared to go out.
    Target hr140 (about 70%whr); this was hard, not the running but the discipline of keeping to the target HR. It was too easy to exceed it and difficult to keep it even. I think using the current HR setting doesn't help and will try it with lap setting. When running to a pace target I find it's easier using the lap setting, and maybe it'll be so with HR also. I intend to try an experiment with running with varying HR targets, gradually increasing them through the week, so tomorrow I'll probably give 145 a try.


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    Too good to miss...
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    River Shuttle, Bexley Woods (2)

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Good morning,
    More snow here so it will be cleats for todays run.

    I like the foreground background contrast, nicely done.
    If you look at the unsmoothed hr data you will find that it varies around + or - 2 beats so I suspect it would you should be able to use the immediate values. I have found that there is a significant delay between effort and hr reading, so if you drop the pace the response is not instant so that will throw you a bit. If you use lap it will be even worse.

    After a hard workout my legs usually feel good but it quickly passes and if I am not moving around will quickly start to feel tired and heavy. By bedtime they are totally cooked.

     A wild otter is a good spot not something you see around here. I will trade you a couple of beavers and maybe a fisher.

    Enjoyed your story as I had forgotten your swimming background. Have you considered a tri?

    I managed a 10.8k with one k at a HM pace. It felt a little rusty as I was running on snow but my heel behaved with only a little stiffness the following morning. Will do the same today but we have had more snow so I suspect I will be in cleats.


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Cleats for the first time this season, I guess they take a couple of runs to get completely used to. Good to hear that the heel is nearly behaving itself. Your description of a hard workout describes mine identically!!!

    that was a very steady run, av HR hardly moving at all. Why don't you just set a HR that you don't want to exceed, like 150 or some such figure. I am not surprised that you didn't want to go our today, it was not at all inviting, as much less so when you turn out of the door. So a big well done to taking control and getting out and getting the run done and out of the way for the day.  

    As said above, not pleasant today outside, dark, dull with a  damp cold feeling.  I think describes it well.

    I ran 20 mins to the Gym did my weight machines. This time reaching the maximum reps required. So(6 x 20) X 4. That is a lot of reps for each machine, 120 to be exact. Then I ran 22 min home. 4.5 miles in total. Then I did my arms with the resistance bands and stretches etc. That took care of most of the morning.

    I shall not do much more before Friday now, just 2 or 3 miles tomorrow then nothing Weds and Thurs. Off for pain massage this afternoon. Lunch now calls.  

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    That is a lot of reps, I guess you must have the weights fairly low as I know I could not do that at my current settings. I try to keep the weights low and up the reps but not to that level. What is the purpose of so many reps?

    here is a video on my cleats to give you some idea what they are like. They slow you down a bit as it is harder work but this type work really well on packed snow but not well on ice despite what she said. I have different ones for ice.

    Cleats for packed snow YakTraks

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    Ceal - you will be needing long tight on Friday. I might have to wear my wollie hat.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    You are very brave!! I met some new neighbours yesterday who have just arrived from Canada and she was describing the yak tracks. Not that she runs, she walks.

    Yes my weights are fairly low. The purpose of the number of reps I am not sure about, they were prescribed to help get rid of my nerve issue that I had ongoing from June time. It seems to be helping but not without other muscles getting tights, but I was told by my masseur today not to worry about the tight IT band,  piriformis and even the edge of my Gluteus Max as they can be fixed and eventually a change wil take place and the muscles will get stronger and take control. I await that day with patience!!! I now go back to 8 reps and up the weights. I hope some of that makes sense. 

    yes you are right about the long tights, but I don't think I will wear a hat that takes away some of my awarness.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    My experience with weights is a long way out of date. Back you know when I had two approaches to reps. The first was for building muscle  mass. Low reps usually 3 sets where you increase the weight on each set and at the last set you  should have exhausted the muscle group, in other words you fail on the last rep.
    I would usually need a spotter when using free weights. This is what you see the big guys doing with lots of grunting and sweating.
    The second is for toning or what I think they now call sculpting. This is where you use light weights up to 12 reps per set or until muscle burn. You use the same weight throughtout the set and it should be smooth with a small pause at the load point. If you can't do a set of 3 then the weight is too heavy. The first set are usually very easy and the last starts to burn in the early reps.
    From what you've said it would appear that you are trying to tone the muscle and get it more active. If the weights are too low even if you do lots of reps I am not sure you will trigger adaption. I have watched mainly older women in the gym who are doing some thing similar with lot of reps with very little or no weight,.
    Maybe this is the new science, I wonder if TS or JJ  have any insight?

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I wouldn't say my weights are too low!  Certainly from what my masseur as said adaption is taking place. Hence the tightness in the areas I mentioned. But in the process my muslces are firing. I most certainly feel tired afterwards.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    It sounds like you have it right. My test is on the last set do I feel the burn and could I do another if I had to. You should not fail on the last set or your weights are too heavy or you are doing too many reps too soon.

    I am active on the US RW site and came across this thread that you may find interesting as it is a group of people talking about their experience with CSS



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    MT, I can see you will be busy for the next couple of weeks!! We stayed up the hill behing Los Cristianos/Las Americas - about 15 minutes walk to either. We were up by the golf course if you know where that is.

    ceal, I feel a lift of mood after hard training, but legs tend to feel very weary. I hardly ever get DOMS any more though, and find I recover pretty well.

    Sounds like the organisers of your x-country need to think again, Ray, or employ JJ to marshall! Ours was a single lap, so no problems of that kind. It also involved a 'secret santa' (not too secret in red suit, beard and sunglasses - more anonymous). The person who finished closest to him got some sort of prize. There was also a santa's grotto with fiary lights in the woods, and jelly babies.

    800m reps on the schedule tonight, and Christmas lunch at work tomorrow - may earn it in advance!

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    I didn't seem to be on the last page when I posted, so missed aws' lovely picture, and Mick's appearance.

    I was always guided towards more reps and lower weights, in order to tone and strengthen muscle,rather than bulk it.

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