
Over 60s training.



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    Hi all,

    Pity our Jessica couldn't get top spot but Giggsy won convincingly judging by the number of votes from the viewers.My vote was immaterial.  Maybe...next year !  Enjoyed the show just the same.

    While I was out on my run this afternoon Margaret was with her sister swimming at Ponds Forge. They had the opportunity to see Tom Daley and James Corden(of Gavin and Stacey fame) taking part in a diving scene during the making of a  BBC tv comedy show which will be shown in March.

    Welcome back to thread after your Canaries holiday. We have often stayed in that area where you were and on last couple of times I have enjoyed early morning runs very much in great surroundings and perfect weather.
    Well done on your x-c race so soon after that too !   Certainly a contrast for you in terms of weather.

    What a maze your x-c race turned out ot be.  I am glad to say the 4 race series that our inter-clubs do are relatively straight forward with very little confusion of that sort.

    I congratulate you on obtaining a place in the VLM. I guess you must be very pleased to be in another marathon I would have liked to have joined you on that but on two counts it is no,  not ready nor have I that chance !

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    This catarrh and cough will just not bu&&er off. In fact it's making me go deaf so Margaret keeps telling me.  Not unusual for me,  always happens at end of a cold.
    Felt a bit reluctant to go out and run especially in the miserable damp and chilly atmosphere but now glad that I did.  Not note worthy but it was okay just to keep to a slow jaunt.  Gave me chance to check my gait as I noticed I have tended to slouch just lately.

    Mile laps and Avhr/Maxhr......

    6.1 miles total off road as usual using park and trails.

    One bit of good news.  Got confirmation of 3rd place in mens V40 section of club's Grand Prix.  Lucky really as the nearest contenders failed to run last race otherwise it would have been 5th instead. That makes it  5 successive years of making top three. No pbs this year either.

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    Just thought I'd mention that my VLM fundraising page has now been set up here, http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/aws and that you're all welcome to visit it as often as you like and donate more than you can reasonably afford on each occasion in order to help make it the success it needs to be. I've not done much to it yet, in fact I still have to find out just what I can do on there but one thing I will do, if possible and permitted, is to make Andre George the hero of the piece, given Tracey and Bernard's approval, that is.


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    Hmmmm - I wonder who'll be the first to dig deep and kickstart the thermometer....
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    MickC - I was grateful for the direction to the cleats video as I didn't know what they were. Sounded to me more like a dressmaking term than a running term, - something like cloth in pleats.

    Went out this afternoon with no more definite plan than running for approximately 1 hour; in fact, it turned out to be 57 mins 10 seconds. Was decidedly cold on setting out, but warm to the fingertips by 30 minutes or so. Mind you, was wearing gloves.

    Mum home from hospital, and very glad to be so.

    On getting back from a run I usually feel very lively for 20-30 mins, after which I feel so tired if I sat down somewhere comfortable I would undoubtedly fall asleep. And sometimes do.

    Aws - lovely pic. I like the ivy, silhouetted against the paler background, on the right-hand tree.

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    aws - of course you can use Andre. I will send you all a photo of Andre and his class mates at the Christmas party.

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    Thames Spritsail Barge

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    aws - could you please email me as I have lost your email address some how?
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    Tracey - may be a good idea to check with Andre's classmates' parents first. In the last few years people have become paranoid about having children's photos on display in anything resembling a public place.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good Morning,

    sorry to hear of the residual symptoms of your cold. They seem to go on for ever in the winter don't theyimage. Congrats on your M40 achievement for the 3rd year in a row. That is great news. You a slouch when running, surely not. Your posture to me looked very upright.

    A great charity. I didn't know that if one was related to the person being sponsored that one was unable to gift aid the tax. Did I read that correctly? Strange, I am sure I haven't come across that one before.

    I am happy for your Mum to be home again. I hope all goes well for her. I should hope you were wearing gloves yesterday, I can't manage without mine. If my hands are warm then the rest of me is given a good start to be warm too.

    it will be good to see you on Friday. Which train will you catch? Sounds like you worked hard yesterday.

    My hips feel tired today after all the abductor and adductor work yesterday.

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    Morning all

    Computer probs yesterday.

    Having probs with the site at the moment but see above!

    Had better think about going to work.

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    Good morning

    5.1M; 1:02:15; 12:12/M; hr145 m152
    12:06 146 151
    12:14 146 152
    12:45 145 150
    12:25 145 151
    11:42 145 150

    Target hr145 (circa 75%whr); this was much easier than yesterday partly because of being a bit faster but largely because I was using the Lap HR setting rather than the immediate HR; I found that much easier to maintain. The problem with using the immediate setting is that you don't see every reading and if you happen to see a spike or a low point then you tend to try to compensate right away and you're constantly making probably needless adjustments. With the LapHR setting the smoothing effect enables you to see the trend and adjustments only need to be gradual so you can run at a much more even pace. I still need to push the target a bit higher and the 150 that Ceal suggested could be about right. That would be around 80%whr.


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    MT - thanks very much, you were the first as I'm sure you realise, in fact you almost beat me to itimage. Do you have a website for donations?

    Ceal & Stewart - Thank you both, and also for you constant support and encouragement. I don't know about Gift Aid restrictions, I don't pay enough tax to make it relevant.

    Tracey - you should have email


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    We are very happy to support you. The Gift Aid Restriciton will become relevant when your family members want to donate.

    Has anybody come across this before, maybe I read it incorrectly. But it certainly read that way to me.

    Ran for around 34 mins today, Garmin signal worked for first 6 mins then died. So I finished up with an av HR 123 and av pace 69 mins per mile!!!!!!!!!!! I did a couple of strides.

    When I got home I restarted the watch and it seemed to work just fine then. Now can I depend on it in Friday's race. ooerr. Maybe I will take it with me in the car later and see it it works continually for longer than  6 mins!     

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    good morning

    back from a busy day in sunny Lunnden Town yesterday. Called into the British Library to use their free and reliable WiFi and caught the last 10 minutes of Handel's Messiah performed by the library's choir - very good it was too on my tone deaf ears!!

    not much sign of lingering ailment in your run!
    Congratulations of the V40 placing  - if they don't turn up they can't compete!!

    thanks for the link - it confirms what I have been told. I cannot afford to have that much time off my legs as I never know when I will need to travel on business. I was a bit surprised that  one chap had surgery without having the diagnosis confirmed by pressure tests!!

    Re weights - I never use heavy stuff. Just girly (with apologies to all our iron pumping ladies!) 5kg dumb bars in each hand x 10 reps x 2 or 3 on a series of upper body  and leg exercises. They condition muscle without adding bulk though I feel the cumulative effort.

    The speed of internet humour is illustrated in the below which landed in my box this morning

    It is near the end of the school year. The teacher has turned in her reports
     and there is really nothing for the class to do. All the kids are restless because
     there is nothing to do and it is near the end of the day.

     The teacher says, "Whoever answers the questions I ask first and
     correctly can leave early today." Little Johnny says to himself, "Good, I want to
     get out of here. I'm smart and will answer the question".

     The teacher asked, "Who said 'Four Score and Seven Years Ago'?" Before
     Johnny could open his mouth, Susie said, "Abraham Lincoln". The teacher
     said, "That's right Susie. You can go". Johnny was MAD that Susie answered

     The teacher asked, "Who said, 'I Have a Dream'?" Before Johnny could open
     his mouth, Mary said, "Martin Luther King". The teacher said, "That's
     right Mary. You can go". Johnny was even MADDER than before that Mary had answered first.

     The teacher asked, "Who said 'Ask not, what your country can do for
     you'?" Before Johnny could open his mouth, Nancy said, "John Kennedy". The
     teacher said, "That's right Nancy. You can go". Now Johnny was BOILING MAD that again Nancy answered first.

     When the teacher turned her back, Johnny said, "I wish these bitches
     would keep their mouths shut".

     The teacher demanded, "WHO SAID THAT?!!!!"

     Johnny said, "TIGER WOODS! CAN I GO NOW?"
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    ......................back to workimage
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    aws - If I send a photo to you of me and Andre at the Santa run could you put it on here for me please?

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    nice one. sunny in Lundon yesterday, well it weren't here, just down the road.

    there are now light sow shower forecast for Friday, we may need MickC's cleats!!

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    Ceal - Do you think I should bring Kierrah ice skates?
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    Ceal - I have only entered this race to see you win the championship for a 3rd time. I will be wearing my woolie hat as it says -1c at midday.
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    ceal gorgeous typo! It looks like we are about to be hit by thin mummy pigs. image
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    I'll be there heel feels a bit sore today not put any of the cream on it today going to wait till after my bath before work not sure how i'm going to run on Friday but just going to meet some good friends and a spot of lunch

    TS - love the joke can i pass it on?
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    Sharkie - are you training tonight? You will turn into an ice block if you do image

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    Did 5 miles this morning. It was hard work to keep it under 11 min miling.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    bless you Tracey, I hope I make your journey worth it. Of course the race could always be cancelledimage especially if little mummy pigs are falling from the skyimage

    I find it is always harder to run fast when the weather is very cold, so maybe that was a factor in your run today.

    can you pad the verruka with something to take some of the pain away when you run on it.   

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    Ceal  - I think I still have the XC in my legs.

    Pammie - I fancy doing the Benfleet 15

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    André and his Mum, by request

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