
Over 60s training.



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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Wished I could ring my door keys as I lose them in the house. We have to carry them around with us as we have to lock doors to stop Andre leaving the house.
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    Alsoran2Alsoran2 ✭✭✭

    Tracey and Ceal
    It's always nice when ladies express regret....Thank you, ladiesimage. It doesn't happen often to me, and simply never when they actually meet meimage  Not so nice if it's men thoughimage!

    I just thought I might get a wee bit addicted, starting to check every single day and all that stuff, also I waffle a lot, just talk too much. I'm very aware of this and I hate myself doing this. Now Clint Eastwood could never be accused of that, And just look at how he's admired .image Just want to become the strong ,silent overtaker who passes on swiftly and never looks back...LOL!

    Ceal talks about waking up in the middle of the night. I've done that many a time after any social event or just being among people anywhere, always worrying and angry with myself...., "I should never have said that. Oh, if only I'd shut my mouth...." Regrets, regrets...Then I can't get to sleep for ages afterwards. To be honest, my life is calmest  and I sleep best when I live like a hermitimage So my commandment  to myself is: Do not waffle!
    ,But yes, I will post sometimes, if I feel I have something interesting to sayimage

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    I'm doing the same with my keys lol

    I read a bit of advice recently that if you place your keys down say aloud where you put them like table or sideboard or wherever seems to work for me so far

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Also_ran - you waffle as much as you like on here image We talk about all sorts of things. Am on too many forum lol
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    I waffle too so waffle way i you so choose

     Back from a sunny 3.09 miles hills included

    0:43 (9:06 pace)


    cycle to work later

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    A-R - Don't you go clearing off like that. I don't run half as much as these others but I do read up most days, just so I know what's going on. I'm not like Tracey subscribing to half the threads on RW, this is the only thread I check anything like regularly and it's the only one I've actually contributed to for yonks, but I don't feel I must post something at each visit. I only started running 9years ago at the age of **, so I'm older than you. However, young as they might be, I am the oldest on here, so I'm entitled to give any of 'em an earwigging if needed, although the occasion has never yet arisen as they've all been so helpful and encouraging, advising me, urging me on, writing training schedules, in fact everything bar giving me their winner's medals. Discussions on here are so diverse you can learn pretty much everything you need to know about 'most anything, including running. I've rarely come across a finer bunch of folks, I've met and run with half of them over the years, including Mick6 in Canada, and some from the wilder parts of 'oop narth' and other far flung places, and I value their judgement on everything concerning running, although that doesn't mean I agree with everything, but I've learnt most of what I know about running from them.

    I'm not being paid to write this (sighimage), I'm merely pointing out what you will be missing if you leave off for half a year, so much it'll take you six months to read back to catch up. You're not a lot younger than I am so if you run fast enough you'll overtake me.

    Don't say I didn't warn you, there's gold in these parts, although Ceal has most of it. image

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    if you are doing 10 mile runs then you are in a pretty good place to start with!!
    I am catching you up age wise - at 66, a nice round number which resembles my current body shape, it's still nice to surprise younger runners from time to time.
    Oh and my age grading may have improved a bit - I will have to try it out soon!!

    good buy!! I too have always tried to buy British lamb and it is too early in the season for it just now. But a bit of hogget would do fine!!
    I never lose my Blackberry so imagine my consternation
    Thanks - I only have only to reduce this mornings run by 4 minutes and av 8bpm to be back into average territory for that route - only trouble is I cannot run any further at the moment either and this used to be my shortest and easiest routeimage

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    Alsoran2Alsoran2 ✭✭✭
    Oh well, I'll keep waffling from time to time!
    But I keep thinking of  theClint Eastwood types who give you a long, unblinking, quizzical stare, then slowly say "Hi"... almost under their breath, as they stand motionless, and wiith hardly a flicker of a smile...and women fall at their feet!
    Now I wonder what he'd have written on this forumimage 
    And I'm also wondering if it's too late to reinvent myself? Definitely too late to become prime minister....haha!
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    Hi Also_ran, I'm from the other side of the world, but enjoy this forum, because it really keeps you motivated to get out and run.

    I'm 61, and have a friend who runs 6 days a week and he is 75. He is not running Rotorua marathon this year, but I'd put money on it that he'll run Auckland marathon, which is in October. He encourages all new runners, a great gentleman.

    Torque Steer - I'm not a phone person, and definitely not a mobile phone one, but have one for emergencies, though don't know how to use it properly! My husband said to me yesterday - "Is this your phone? It looks like it has a message on it". Somehow I managed to see the message, didn't know who it was, so deleted it, then saw another message, and then realized it wasn't my phone at all! It was my grand daughters!

    Ceal - I remember seeing NZ lamb in the freezers in the supermarket in London many years ago, and seeing it with freezer burn, and thinking omg - we send our best off and it looks like this! Hope it is in better condition these days.

    We have changed our daylight savings time, so I am really up in the middle of the night! I must go back to bed for another hour or two.
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    Aws - I love how you said that Ceal had all the gold!!
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Also_ran - that's sorted your staying image You are allowed annual leave thouimage
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    Well done on your Half, Tracey. Now take it easy until Brighton!

    Also_ran, I am also a relative youngster with no real right to post on this thread, as I won't be 60 for a bit over 2 years, but I've got such encouragement and good advice here, that I wouldn't want to leave!

    Paperwork is progressing for my retirement. The package isn't brilliant, as it's based on my reduced hours, but it makes no sense to work for the next 2 years or so and be no better off financially. I can hardly believe it's happening, but am starting to get excited.

    Managed just over 16 miles on Saturday. I was encouraged that although I took it pretty slowly (around 11:30 minute miling) I was able to keep running except when I walked a few steps to drink, and it wasn't too painful. I haven't done what I should have, but I should probably get round ok.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    NZC - lovely to have you back.  Your posts weren't there when I posted my last one, - I wasn't ignoring you, honest! You sound very well and positive; long may it continue.

    Ceal / Aws - I frequently feel like Alice in Wonderland image.

    Welsh lamb... I ran past several of those yesterday. 

    Tracey - Lee the cheat? Is this something I should know about? 

    Snail? You? Whaddya mean?

    TS - well done for getting your local footpaths unblocked. Several of the ones round here are blocked, one of them by barbed wire and a thick hedge, though there's still a footpath sign pointing straight into the hedge. Your success with the local council encourages me to try the same thing. In fact, we had somebody round very recently, canvassing for votes as he's standing in the forthcoming council elections, - I could contact both him and his opponent and see which of them sounds more enthusiastic about getting the footpaths reopened.

    Never mind keys and Blackberries; it's losing my glasses I worry about, as being short-sighted I can't then see to find them.  I rarely take them off except at night, but have been known to come in all hot and sweaty from a run, whip them off, put them down somewhere... and after I've washed off the sweat, can't remember where I put them.   

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Also_Ran -

    "I just thought I might get a wee bit addicted, starting to check every single day and all that stuff, also I waffle a lot, just talk too much."

    Well, join the club. I check nearly every day, run or no run. As for waffle, see above.  

    Those men you run past, with little dogs or sticks or arthritic shuffles...  I expect they're thinking "There goes another of them young fellows". 

    Aws - what nice things you say about us. Are you sure you're not getting paid? 

    I was hit by a very uncharacteristic attack of house-pride today, and cleaned the bathroom from ceiling to floor (in that order). Got rid of a lot of out-of-date stuff from the medicine cupboard as well. 

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    Alsoran2Alsoran2 ✭✭✭

    You certainly are all very friendly, as AWS and Christine say!

    I was once on a' forum for those who write music and some people there were very, very different - hypersensitive some of them, or full of self-importance, others seemingly motivated by petty rivalry or jealousy of the work of others or of  the public performances of others' pieces.  Touchy in the extreme about their professionalism, some of them were and any challenge to it such as any criticism of their work.
    Sometimes pretty hostile to newbies or interlopers on their forum (even although it was public), or those they thought their inferiors as composers or musicians. Huge egos some of them.... used the  'ignore' list a lot..... 
    To be fair, there were some very nice people on there, but nevertheless things could get quite nasty at times... flame wars arose sometimes....wow! The insults would be flying and the air would be hot! Those involved in all this were always men. Men rivalling each other in important areas of their life is not always a pretty sight......!

    So yes, it is nice to find  a forum with such friendly and sociable people as you all are!image

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    glad to hear you are going to pop in. I only visit a couple of forums, this one and another RW in the States.
    The culture is very different and the persona I have on each is very different. I have been on them both for a number of years so have got to know the people quite well.
    I like this one because not only are the people interesting  but I feel a bit of a connection to my home land which is not family. I really enjoy my visits where I get to meet some of the members in Hyde Park for the LFOTM 5k.
    I am a youngster at 65 and have a lot to learn from the older runs especially with the aging process.

    Good to see you can make them wheels turn over still.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    A speed session for me today

    13:29 Monday, April 02, 2012
    Gym10.4k, 8c, sun, v windy, Pickups 4 x short and 2 x long, felt smoother
    Run tagged as Fartlek
    Total Run Duration = 60:56,  Run Length = 10.4 Kms or 6.5 Miles

    Lap Detail
    Lap  Duration  Kms   Miles   Per Km   Per Mile   AWHR  MWHR  Cadence  Slength(m)
     07     01:40     0.4        0.2      04:20      06:59        78.9        87.8       95.0        1.21
     09     01:41     0.4        0.2      04:26      07:08        76.2        89.1       93.0        1.21
     11     01:41     0.4        0.2      04:15      06:50        76.9        90.5       96.0        1.22
     13     01:42     0.4        0.2      04:23      07:04        76.9        90.5       96.0        1.19
     17     03:24     0.7        0.5      04:41      07:32        86.4        89.8       91.0        1.17
     19     04:36     1.0        0.6      04:38      07:27        87.1        91.2       89.0        1.21

    Totals and averages for selected Laps
    Lap  Duration   Kms      Miles    Per Km    Per Mile    AWHR     MWHR  Cadence  Slength(m)
     06     14:46        3.3        2.0         04:31        07:16        82.2         90.1       92.3            1.20

    Definitely begining to feel more comfortable at pace.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Columba - Lee the cheat is a man in my club with learning problem, but he is not that stupid. The last couple of years he has been training hardly at all. He miss out and back bits and loops out of races. Then when he couldn't cheat at Silverstone it took him 3:15 to finish instead of 1:40 & 1:55 in half marathons his cheated in. Last year we see him miss a whole lap of 7.5 miles. The think is his 81 year old dad started to panic at Silverstone as he doesn't believe that he cheats. Sunday it took him 57mins to do a 5 mile race.

    Everyone know he cheats, so if we know it a club championship race he doesn't get the points. Club panicked last year as it was a Essex Championship race and he could have got us 3rd place by cheating.

    It's one of those things as you get older you can't wing running without training. He was a good runner when he was younger and still could be if he trained.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    JJ - a man from you club pulled out of Paddock Wood on Sunday in the first mile. I hope he was alright.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Also_ran - is there a local running club near you?
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    Alsoran2Alsoran2 ✭✭✭
    Yes, the Inverness Harriers (started up back in 1947), but I'm quite happy on my own.
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    Mick6-Good varied and consistent session there,good speed as well

    Tracey-Running up a long hill on a club night two clubmates were behind me,suddenly it went a bit silent but i just pressed on.As i got to the top of the hill they were there smirking and i was a bit puzzled as they hadn't  passed me.What they did was flag down a bus who was more than happy to be on the joke,it certainly fooled me but we still laugh about it..totally different  aspect to your runner i know.

    Diana d-Really hope all goes well for you with redundancy and your marathon

    Not working myself at the moment but i have to accept it will be that way now,2 years before i can retire officially but i think a lot of that time will be spent at home . 

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    good morning

    well done on getting up to 16 miles - time on feet will be important. Now what could I do with two years free time?? I suspect it would be filled by the family deciding that even more g'kid looking after would keep me happy!!!

    good pace on your pick ups - at or sub 7m/m is good going. You also proved that longer stride length and increased cadence leads to faster running image - if we didn't know that already

    LOL at your mates jumping on the bus
    I am sure there are loads of people out there who would like to have a qualified electrician carry out some household wiring works. Do a few and your name will soon get around

    Thank heavens for desktop diaries which reminded me yesterday that it was my wedding anniversary today just in time for me to pop out and get a card and splendid bouquet of flowers- phew!!! In good books now and a restaurant is booked for a meal tonight.

    As a consequence of this arrangement I will not be running tonight so, after preparing tea in bed, I slipped out for a run.
    Same course as yesterday, which is the first time I have run 5 miles on consecutive days, and much the same result in time of 43:40 and avHR 139 (72% WHR) and a max of 159

    1m 9:02 hr 127 off a bit faster
    2m 8:43 hr135
    3m 8:45 hr140
    4m 8:28 hr143
    5m 8:40 hr151 Hipps Hill

    Again focussing on form and body shape and tried to keep the pace going up Hipps Hills, just to show it that there are going to be no more easy victories for it from now on, and which pushed the HR up a bit.
    Quite pleased with that as a back to back run but there was not much left at the end..........

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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    T/ -Yes i have kept busy doing various private jobs so its not to bad.Two days running ina row is good and you got a victory over the hill your hr didnt soar that much.
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    Alsoran2Alsoran2 ✭✭✭
    I didn't think  there were gymnasts of this age  - runners, yes, a few, but surely not gymnasts?- perhaps you've seen it already:
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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    I'm looking out the window at a blizzard image

    busbar, looking on the bright side you must be getting more time for training. Any races or targets in mind?

    The club run last night was a lot better and I could feel a little form coming back. 7.2 miles @ 8:07.

    I'm not too motivated to go out in this weather today! What a contrast to the sun and 22 degrees last week....

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    Impressive stuff, Also_ran. It is amazing what some older people (including on this thread) continue to do.

    Glad that the training was encouraging Graham. We had some rain for about 3 minutes, and could really do with a lot more.

    TS - yes, daughter has me pencilled in for more grand-parent duties already and OH is eager for assistance on all sorts of tasks!

    Glad that the private jobs are coming in busbar.

    Took part in a 5k time-trial with the club last night on undulating gravel trails, and was surprised to be given a time of 27:07, as although I ran with effort, I didn't feel I really pushed it.
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    Graham-Still run 3 times a week mainly even if i am of work sometimes might do 4runs but not often.Keep saying i should make the effort but just to lazy.The only race i have entered is abingdon marathon in october but it remains to be seen if i make the start line.Also i have been penciled in to do some track races not sure what distance i assume i will find out on the night.Also i will be running in a thing called the midweek league which is 5 races between 5or6 miles on trail and road

    Good that you are geting back in the swing of it.

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