
Over 60s training.



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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Fairly rubbish run done. 4.4 miles down my trail, 39.37 mins, av pace 8.43 mm.

    The trail is horrible to run on, the very heavy rain that we have had has washed all the soil away from the stones. It was windy and I was tired. But run done!

    We had some very violent storms here late afternoon yesterday. Twice a lot of rain fell in a short space of time complete with thunder and lightening.    

    The other day Stewart and  I were in the car when we saw a guy running bare foot along the pavement, we spied him a couple of times because of traffic lights at some road works. He looked very comfotable and relaxed and was running quite fast.

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    I went for a run this morning and had quite a nasty fall. I was running along a very wet and muddy riverside path, narrow too. Not quite sure what happened as I was being really careful but suddenly I was slipping and struggling to stay on my feet. The struggle didn't last very long and I went crashing to the ground, all the time trying to avoid going down the steep and rough riverbank right by the path.

    I lay on the ground for a few seconds afraid to move, fearing I'd broken a bone. I'd just passed a couple out walking and they rushed up to see how I was. Although they weren't able to help it was a real comfort to have someone there on what is quite a quiet path, especially in the horrible wet conditions this morning.

    I eventually got to my feet, feeling very shaky, and tried to assess the damage. Badly grazed elbow and blood, but not flowing. Another graze on my hand and a very stiff and sore shoulder. I couldn't raise that arm above the horizontal so driving home was out of the question so I phoned Margaret to pick me up. Unfortunately that meant walking half-a-mile to the road but at least I could walk.

    Very pleased to get home and have a shower to clean off all the mud and blood. And then a cup of strong sweet tea and a lie down. I feel OK now but it really shook me up as I came a real cropper. The shoulder's still stiff but hopefully in a few days it will feel better. We're off to Barcelona on Monday for four nights but that shouldn't be a problem.

    It could have been so much worse if I'd gone down that bank. No danger from the river there but it would have been head-over-heels stuff.


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    Sounds horrible. You'll probably be a bit stiff tomorrow but Barcelona will be good medicine.

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    Graham Hope youll be ok nasty things falls.

    Went for a run evening time 3.44 miles not too bad but ever so windy 35:58

    9:17? Downhill/headwind
    5:58 (10:04) know that doesn't add up but Garmin measured run at 3.59, fetch 3.44 though i went off-course) But happy with that


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    ((((Graham))))) hope you are not in too much pain and can enjoy your mini break x
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Running my club race tomorrow image
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Oh dear Graham, that sound horrible and as someone who has fallen a number of times, I know how it can shake one up. Take care and enoy Barcelona, maybe you can pop in and tell us how you are tomorrow please. xxx 

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Graham - that sounds bad. Must have really crashed down, if you couldn't move for a few minutes and thought you might have broken a bone. Good thing there were people passing who could help, even if not help much.

    Ah, Barcelona! - Give my regards to Gaudi. Take it easy. Could be just what you need.

    K2 - you mentioned having run with the Rhayader RC, - when was that? - I haven't met the lady you mention, but I've only once run with the group in Rhayader; as they have a more local branch, I've been running with them. 

    Mick6 - I've been wondering how many satellites a Garmin needs, and you have mentioned the need to "synch on 3", so maybe that's my answer.

    Aws - nice pic. Big puddle on the path, - must have been having weather like ours.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    The team I was in won the quiz! 

    Also, there was a raffle in which I won a bottle of wine. Welsh wine, furthermore. 

    Now get this for a series of coincidences. I have only been to two quiz nights in my life (last night's one, and one 2 years ago in Greece). Both times, the quizmaster was called Nick; both times, the quizmaster's wife and I were in the same team; and both times, the team I was in won. 

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    Sounds like a put-up job to me. Enjoy the wine.

    My club had a weekend at the Elan Valley Centre a few years ago.  We had some lovely runs. I think I might have been twice, or it was a very packed weekend!


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good sunny morning,

    I am wondering how you are today. I expect one or two sore bits have manifested themselves this morning.

    Well done, you see I said I would like to be in your team for a quiz, not that I would contribute much in comparison to you , so you most probably wouldn't want me.

    I am also wondering how your race is going/gone. 

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Ceal, yes, a big bruise appeared on my shoulder overnight and it's stiff and sore. Much better in myself though. I think the shoulder could be a long while healing fully but hopefully I'll be able to run anyway once it's a bit better. The muddy path really needed trail shoes but it was only a minor part of the run and I was being cautious. Not enough as it turned out of course.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    I was feeling slightly less tired than yesterday so decided to give the 400's a go. I hae to keep TS quiet somehow. Although I expect he was mostly likely ran 13 miles this morning.

    I warmed up for 1.26 miles av pace 8.27 mm, then 1k of dynamic work. A couple of fast sprints and I was ready for the off.

    The 400's again had to be done on the slightly downhill pavement again. The field wasn't too soggy but the grass was as knee high to a grasshopper, so abandoned any idea of doing them on grass. However, I had Graham on my mind as I flew down the pavement littered with obstacles. I have to drop down and step up a kerb twice in the 400 and avoid several potholes etc. Anyway they have been safely done. I jogged the 400 back and then a passive 40sec recovery for my HR to drop.

    400 x 6

    1.36 mins, HR 137/151
    1.34 mins, HR 143/156
    1.32 mins, HR 143/156
    1.31 mins, HR 147/159 --- not sure why this one had a higher av HR
    1.30 mins, HR 143/158
    1.31 mins, HR 144/158 --- I felt my legs go on this one. So no more done.

    Just to give you an example of my 400 jog which I started as soon as I had finished the rep. They took around 2.30 mins, av HR for these was around 143 (highest was 146) and the MHR was around 153. So tough jog back.

    I threw in a 200 after a little rest, 39 secs, HR 130/148.

    I don't believe any of the times, I could be kidding myself that I am running that fast. Only the track is true.

    A jog around the field and then I walked 1k back up the steep hill home.

    Total mileage for the session 6.18 miles.    

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Sorry to hear about the shoulder. It can be quite scary when one starts to run again. I know the last time I fell I was very apprehensive, but one just had to bite the bullet and go for it. I certainly concentrated very hard for the first few outings. As we should all the time. I do hope that the shoulder doesn't spoil your Barcelona trip. I guess you won't be in charge of luggage! Take care and enjoy, you deserve to.

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Thanks ceal. No, don't think I'll be lugging any cases about and definitely not reaching up to put something in the overhead locker on the plane. Luckily we're only away for four nights and travelling light.

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    good day

    double ouch  - no bounce in that fall at all image
    Hope your trip to Barcelona goes well - just watch out for pickpockets on Los Ramblas as you won't be able to run after them!!!

    I didn't think you had hills around your way!! - Hope the 10K goes well 

    I smell something fishy in these quiz successesimage
    Welsh wine - I saw a programme about its production - I presume it was a white one?

    keeping the streak going wellimage 

    It felt ok at the time and I knew I would not be running on Saturday - just as well as it poured down !!
    you did well to keep your pace up on such as surface which can be very treacherous as I know from bitter experience!!

    Bit of watery sunshine this morning as I set off. Fortunately I had already decided to steer clear of the woodland paths which I knew would have been washed out by all the rain we have had and reading Ceal and Graham's experiences now proved an apt decision.

    10.35 miles doe in 132:22 (8:50m/m) with avhr135 (69%WHR) and a max of 148

    01m10:11 hr127 another long mile by garmin through the broad leaved trees
    02m 9:11 hr136
    03m 8:35 hr132
    04m 8:35 hr137
    05m 8:39 hr136
    06m 8:39 hr136
    07m 8:36 hr138
    08m 9:00 hr138
    09m 8:40 hr136
    10m 9:03 hr143 Hipps Hill

    Felt the strain of keeping the pace steady towards the end so just scrambled over the 10 mile barrier otherwise it was ok


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    Ceal posted her nagged into 400m intervals whilst I was typingimage 
    another very good set indeed - splendid times and if the distance displayed by Garmin is constant over each then there is no reason why the distance is inaccurate. The "jog" back up the slope looks pretty tough, not much rest there. Why not just rest and then do the return 400 back up the slope to see what the time variance is? That way you can factor the down slope benefit out of the times!!

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    The answer to your question is that  I am both mentally and physically weak and would find the return 400 as an interval too hardimage. I tried one 3 or 4 weeks ago and my quads and glutes didn't like it. On top of the RS stuff done at speed at a gradient my body just can't take itimageimage. But what you suggest makes sense. Well done on your 10 miler, you let me down I thought you would be going to 13 miles! But I think maybe it is your easy week. Not that anything you have done this week is easy at all.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Happy Father's Day to those that are dads. I am not sure if it is Father's Day in the UK.

    Another great set of 400s. Your recovery between them is similar to mine, in that you want a sufficient recovery so that you can maintain the quality. This differs from TS where he keeps them short to make sure his HR gets into the V02 max zone for as long as possible. Is this a delibrate strategy or just the way you like to do them?
    Back in my 10k racing days it was the in thing to do your intervals on a slight downhill. The idea was that this allowed your run to be a bit faster than you deserved and would get you use to moving your legs that bit quickly. You don't hear much along those lines anymore.
    If the area where you do your 400s is open and you are running in a straight line the garmin should be reasonably accurate that is within 15m. It also should be consistent to within the same margin which you can easily prove by watching where it interval ends assuming that you start in the same place.  

    Ouch that was a real bad fall. I know you have a very slight build so not too much cushioning. Use your trip to pamper yourself and come back all repaired and ready for PBs.
    One benefit from all the gym work I have done over the last few years is that falls don't seem to take as much out of me as before. I recently went over the handlebars of my bicycle and did face plant. Apart from gravel rash and a few bruises I was up and running immediately and I can only put it down to more padding. I also get more practise at falling than you due to all the ice and snow.

    A good 10 miler in the bag, are you preparing for a half?


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    My objective for my race was sustaining the high level of effort and not let it slip as I fade. The weather was a bit of a challenge 24c and rising with increasing humidity, but this did not bother me at all.
    The course is a little unfriendly in that it has a number of hills and the course ends running over bumpy grass.


     It looks a lot worse that it was but they were noticeable hills.

    The race start was very crowded with 670 runners all crammed into one lane of a small road. It quickly opened up so that proved not to be a problem. We had about 500m of flat and then hit the first hill, I really wanted to hold pace here which I did without a struggle. Next a short down hill with a flat bit for another 500m.
    At this point I am holding pace without too much trouble and come up behind a runner who is clearly over 60. The age group is 60-69 so I know he is competition.

    We are now facing another hill and I am determined to hold on to the effort and him. We hit the turn around together now we are going down hill and I am hanging on. 

    Now we are facing another hill and I am fading and he is opeing a gap, I try to close but I cannot. Over the last downhill he opens it beyond reach. 

    I didn't like the bumpy grass finish but it was short.

    I did not get a good time but I am still pleased with the effort given the course and conditions. I managed a 2nd place in the age group in a field of 25 runners and I was 85 overall in a field of 670. 

    The race results for the age groups were all screwed up so I did not find out I was second until I reached home. There was a nice trophy for 2nd place but I have probably lost it by having to leave before they had sorted it out.


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭


    07:55 AM Sunday, June 17, 2012

    DoItForDad5k, 24c, sun, Race, Humid but good effort through the hills, faded over last k.


    Total Run Duration = 23:26,  Run Length = 5.0 Kms or 3.1 Miles


    Selected Lap Detail

    Lap  Duration   Kms      Miles    Per Km    Per Mile    AWHR     MWHR  Cadence  Slength

     01     04:34     1.0        0.6      04:34      07:21     75.5%     85.0%       88.0        1.24

     02     04:39     1.0        0.6      04:39      07:29     87.1%     89.8%       86.0        1.25

     03     04:44     1.0        0.6      04:44      07:37     90.5%     92.5%       86.0        1.23

     04     04:38     1.0        0.6      04:38      07:27     92.5%     93.2%       84.0        1.28

     05     04:45     1.0        0.6      04:45      07:39     92.5%     93.9%       84.0        1.25

     06     00:04     0.0        0.0      05:00      08:04     93.2%     93.2%       86.0        1.16


    Totals and averages for selected Laps

    Lap  Duration     Kms      Miles     Per Km    Per Mile   AWHR    MWHR  Cadence  Slength

     06     23:26      05.0      03.1      04:40     07:31      87.6%      93.9%       85.6        1.25


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    I have recovered from Father's Day - which has rather turned into Grandfather's Day courtesy of the arrival of the whole family and the 4 g'kids who insisted I give them all my attention - perhaps not what I really wanted after a fairly tough 10 miler image 
    My presents comprised 4 stout beer drinking galsses and a dozen bottles of exotic beers so I will have some fun trying them out!!

    Oh plus some hand made chocolates from Betty's of Harrogate - did I mention that my daughter has gone back to work and she is now working for them as an innovations/implementation project manager on new retail linesimage

    you don't think I really believe that do youimage ???????
    Sorry about the let down - I was just a bit faster for longer over miles 3 to 9 and a strong wind did not helpimage 
    Next week .......................................... I even looked at the road to the moors at one stage today................................. I will really need an easy week before that route, though even this one has turned into >30 miles after all the miles for the Hash on Tuesday

    I am just preparing to run fasterimage!! Few more hills in todays run
    I am not a big fan of downhill running as it puts more pressure on the quads but slight gradients are ok and the legs do turn over quicker. 
    Ceal is working quite hard on her recovery runs between each so she is still starting the next 400 on a high HR number - there is not much difference in our respective av and maxHR on each interval though her legs get rid of a bit more lactate through run recoveries

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Comparing my effort level with my 5k last month showed a very similar profile.


     the black line is today's run


     As you can see as I faded so did my cadence. It seems a key to maintaining pace is maintaining cadence. I did try but it just didn't happen.


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    really good effort - your HR shows just how hard you were working. 24C and humid does not sound too attractive for racing anyway!! 
    Cadence is importnat but it needs to be considered in relation to stride length as well - one could manitain the same cadence but reduce stride length and be much slower - it's the bangs per buck syndrome!!

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    I wonder what sort of impression your g'kids have, beer glasses, beer and chocolates, mmmm sounds good to me.
    Ceal will chime in I am sure but she does wait until her HR drops even after jogging back.
    We do seem to be following a similar training programme apart from me doing a few 5ks.
    I have 8x400 scheduled for next Wednesday.
    I am still not ready to start training for the half, I need to get my 5ks down to 22:30 range first. Despite my time today I don't think I am that far off.

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Did my clubs race.

    5:54 miles off-road


    Average page 9:22






    5:14 (10:00) finish up hill image

    Am knackered now. Not the only one from my club struggling after Tuesdays race. Next week is Horndon on the Hill 10k image
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    I view the  time you did  for your race to be one that shows a lot of endurance and a good pace  that enabled you keep your speed for 3 miles. It would appear that the race finished on an uphill section. I understand what you are saying about not starting your half mara training until you are able to do 22.30 mins for the 5k. However, you need a course similar to one you got that time on. Today's course was not congenial for that sort of time. Unless of course you have achieved that time in the very same  race. 

    I have been told at the RS not to try and lengthen one's stride by any other method than increasing cadence because of the danger of overstriding which doesn't result in a fast pace and can result in injury. Very well done on your 2nd placing. I am impressed with your racing today. I also look forward to hearing about the trophy, when you eventually receive it.

    Yes, I here I am  back to talk about my recoveries today, yes, as TS says my HR was still in the 140's (my threshold 148 or there abouts) when I finished jogging (around 9.30 mm pacing) up the slight slope, and yes, to you, I did then wait  40 secs before HR was 111 or thereabouts (at the start of the session it was less) before starting the intervals. When I am training at the RS, I take often 40 secs recovery between reps, even after a very fast 20 rep it will take 40 secs for my HR to recover down to 111. I think that must mean that one's HR behaves the same whatever the length of time the rep takes.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Those are very well thought out presents by those that love youimage. The new me doesn't like pain anymoreimage. I guess running 400's on the track could produce a slower time because of the bends. Of course I am aware that the downhill'ish 400 would be faster anyway. Excellent mileage for the week. 9 more than mine, I only do about 20, 21 miles a week these days, but often there are 3 speed sessions in the mix as there was this week.

    An exellent training session, it will add to your faster miles in your bank.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Ceal - did the Old You actually like pain or just put up with it?

    You would indeed be very useful on a quiz team. I can't answer any questions about sport, for example. Well, hardly any.

    TS - the Welsh wine is Rose, not white. It describes itself as "a rare pale rose [please imagine the acute accent] made from Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier". It comes from the Penarth Estate in Montgomeryshire. The Penarth Estate must have a south-facing wall, probably glassed-in.  I haven't opened the wine yet; it's another bottle being put by for my brother's visit.

    Mick6 - very impressed by second place in age group out of 25. Julian G. recommends maintaining cadence and varying stride length.

    Hollow laugh at your comment about having "more practice at falling" than the rest of us. I don't think that's the kind of practice I want to have.

    After 3 days rest I felt able to run for 3 1/2 miles earlier today. The best thing about it was that it wasn't raining.  

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Mick, very good placing in your age group and indeed in the race as a whole. I admire your discipline on holding back on your HM training, especially as it's your favourite distance.

    Tracey, well done too. I'm not surprised you're tired after the races you've been doing recently.

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