
Over 60s training.



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    cealceal ✭✭✭



    I just posted and nothing arrived. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    I am meant to be racing this evening on the track at Winchester. It hasn't stopped raining here since 6.00 last evening. Heavy at that. The race for LV60's is a 400 but I may have to fill in other age-groups and do a100 and a 1500, it is not the weather for any short races at all. I really don't want to go. I am told the track at Winchester is on top of the chalk hills and drains quickly.

    I have made a picnic to eat on the way home. My journey starts here with me catching the train at 3.23 pm to Clapham then onwards to Surbiton where Stewart will meet me and the journey will then continue by car. It is a 2 hour drive. There could be floods, there certainly are local ones.

    I wish Stewart would call me and say it is not safe to drive because of the lying water on the roads. I can't make my mind up. I don't want to let my 'Club down. But------------------

    If I was racing for myself, I would most certainly not turn up. 

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    That took another 2 attempts to get the post on the page. I cut and paste it after the first refusal. What is going on.  

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    I am just having my breakfast with the English newspapers and by the sound of it, a 2 hour drive would not be a great idea. Why don't you call the captain and let him/her know that you are facing a 2 hour drive and see what they say.
     Your back sounds difficult, as it always given you problems or is it more so as you aged. 

    During the month of July we often get what I can only describe as tropical downpours. It is always very hot so I find it quite refreshing and you quickly start to dry and steam.

    It is supposed to go up to 32c today with very high UV so not sure what to do. I have a race this weekend that I intend to give a max effort so a rest day is probably a good idea anyway. Maybe a cruise on my bonnie is in order.

    Yesterday was a bike ride with MrsMick6 along our local trail, very relaxing and enjoyable.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Oh dear. Same thing happened to me.

    Try again, with cut-and-paste.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Ceal - I hope you get tonight's racing sorted. Best thing would be if you found out in advance that travel would be impossible.

    You've accomplished all that racing, not to mention other athletic activities, with 2 fused vertebrae?

    JJ - yes, I found the Judas Tree. What a shame you lost it; it's so pretty. Will you get another, in the fulness of time?

    Official timings now through for last week's 5k. 32:06, which is 32 seconds better than I made it using my stop-watch. WAVA 62.59%

    Now to try and post.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    And a TOTP. Hope Aws wasn't poised with another picture ready.

    BTW, is anyone planning to be at the LFOTM this month? - Looks as though I'm going to be in London, and daughter and grandaughter may be partial to an outing to Hyde Park.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    I will be the race, however, it will be held in a completely different part of the park. Queensgate area. I can fill you in nearer to the time.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Just read back

    32 secs faster than you thoughtimage.

    I think the worst time for my back was after my pregnancies.  I suffered a lot of back pain for a while afterwards. I don't think age has made any difference to it, in fact none. I have always experienced difficulties with certain gardening actions. I think a day off in such temps is the right action to take when you have a pending race. You will get no fitter by running today. Just more tired from the heat.

    Heat what is that I ask myself!

    Having just seen the news on TV, I think the only sensible action is not to go Winchester. Stewart is in a meeting so will await his exit from there for final decision.    

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    cealceal ✭✭✭


    I can't get Stewart at all. But have looked at flood warnings and guess what, the Kingston area where he works seems to be at risk. So I think I shall worry about him getting home rather than making it to the match.

    Just spoken to Stewaret and he is coming home now to avoid any risk of flood. Actually I think he is coming home to watch the footballimage. He would have listened to it on the Radio if we had gone to Winchester.


    I feel better now, having made a decision.

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭


    Ceal a friend is staying in Portsmouth and says its pretty grim down there (dunno where it is in relation to your race) but sensible decision

    Columba well done on the official results better than expected is always good

    I probably won't be at LFOTM this month next chance poss November

    5 mile cycle in the rain followed by a 2 mile run when the rain stopped


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    good day

    wet all round by the sounds of itimage!

    are you sure Stewart was not influenced by the footie on TV image??
    Definitely not a night for short distances - except swimming!!!
    at least I don't have to worry about my back going through a pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    good news about the pre op date

    Big shaving off your time - well done

    I too laughed at the idea of you not fancying a xcountry and then doing a long run with your friends

    how did you manage to keep the nether regions dry in all that rain??

    good streakimage

    pity about the tree - we missed the worst of the wind here but there was still a lot of small branches stripped off trees

    23C!!  I have just put the heating back on - it's 12C here and the g'kids were frozen!! 


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    super time away and we missed the worst of the weather being in a fineish weather pocket in the Eden Valley near Carlisle.
    The food ate as good as it read - really excellent though the Fleurie served with the lamb was a disappointment - and I like my Fleurie!!!

    Drove home along possibly the best driving road in England ....... Brampton - Alston - Middleton in Teasdale - Barnard Castle on a day when the weather varied from sunshine to torrential rain. Hartside Pass - all 1900' of it - started off in sunshine and ended up in clouds!!!

    Unfortunately I have picked up some minor bug which has left me with a persistent headache and slight temperature- just enough to make one feel carp so I have been Mr Sensible and not run for a few days

    The meals are obtained (expensively!!) through a fine dining club based in Cumbria which has an event about once a month where the aim is to obtain the highest possible cuisine at restaurants and hotels using as many local ingredients as possible
    It makes for a nice couple of days away as we inevitably stay on - and it's a lovely  part of the world   

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    TSimage not good. Recover swiftly.


    Nor racing, no training, so I got off my backside and did my kettlebell DVD and my arm weights.  





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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Columba - I will try and come to June's LFOTM.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    You seem to be having awful weather darn sarf. Been cloudy here, unseasonably cold, but not much rain. Went swimming (4.00 - 5.00, pool reserved for over 60s - rather a lot of over 60s in it today).

    Ceal - good decision. Thanks for info about LFOTM, and yes please, details will be gratefully received.

    Tracey - hope you can make it too.

    TS - that explains all these wonderful menus you send periodically! I don't even know what a fleurie is - don't bother explaining, I'll google it. Sounds floral. Maybe it's made with edible flowers. But most likely not. 

    I read about a woman who tried feeding herself and her family for a month solely on food grown/raised and processed within a 20-mile radius of her home. It turned out to be possible, but difficult when it came to ingredients like flour and sugar.

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    TS - Probably adequate overhang or maybe running just fast enoughimage.


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    morning all

    an overhang needs to be in proportionimage!!

    Feel a bit better this morning  - not really helped by the England display last evening - limited but functional. Just as well as I had forgotten that I have to lay a trail for the Hash this evening - so that will be a double session for me and it's still cold out there!

    we have eaten at Holbeck Ghyll, The Samling, Sharrow Bay (every Christmas for about 7 years!!) and L'Enclume which are all Michelin rated. They are all good but, apart from Sharrow Bay, they all try sooooo hard to be different sometimes, to me, to the detraction of the food - all fur coat and no knickersimage !!
    Some of the other restaurants/hotels which are not Michelin rated but which have 2 or 3 rosettes have produced better food and a better dining experience especially when they put on a special menu for the club. Always helped by the normally excellent wine selections by a wine specialist for each courseimage

    However it's always worth a try - enjoy Torquay!!

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good Morning,

    Well it has stopped raining for the first time in around 36 hours or even more. I managed to run half in rain and half in the dry. But, boy, it was cold. I could have done with TS's fur coat.

    Pleased to hear that you are feeling a bit better today. Long may that continue.  

    I hope you have a good Torquay experience. NO rain and lots of warmth given to you both. I guess the Doodle is going along for the ride.

    is it today that your 5 mile race is taking place?

    I won't forget to give you the info on where the LFOM is taking place.



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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Today's run was a 30 min run with 5 mins fast, 5 mins tempo, 5 mins easy x 2. Although strictly the session should have been x 3, I did that in Cornwall and it was hard, I didn't want to visit that effort again today.  

    I warmed up for a couple of K then set off along the flattest pavement around here, but of course there is not even 100 yards flat around here. I had forgotten just how uneven the pavement was, lots of tree roots and tree cover along the way plus of course puddles. The 2nd 5 mins fast that I did I went onto the road where the terrain was more even and hoped for the best.

    5 mins fast---av pace 7.23 mm, av HR 135, MHR 146
    5 mins tempo--av pace 8.10 mm, av HR 143, MHR 151--HR still going up when tempo section started.
    5 mins easy--av pace 9.24 mm, av HR 132, MHR 138
    5 mins fast-- av pace 7.08 mm, av HR 147, MHR 158--I really pushed this one
    5 mins tempo-- av pace 8.40 mm, av HR 146, MHR 154
    5 mins easy--av pace 9.01 mm, av HR 141, MHR 145--this was slightly uphill and most likely I ran it too fast but if I had slowed down then I wouldn't have made it!! 

    Took a breather then ran nearly a mile and walked up the hill home.

    Total mileage for the session 6.14 


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Ceal - yes it's my 5 mile race this evening but I have a cold. It's not a bad one thou.
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    Hi folks

    nrd hence no early start.

    Tracey - I hope your cold doesn't affect your running.



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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭


    Tracey  Good luck tonight. Take care of that cold

    Aws looks very peaceful

    3.41  miles today  but incl having to cross same road twice but a good run incl running down a long hill, turn the corner and up a long hill Good fun though. 36:28

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Tonight was the Midweek 5 race. The start was on a muddy/puddle path which was very slow start. Started watch a couple of seconds late.

    5.03 miles

    Average pace 8:56






    0:13 (7:48 pace)
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