
Over 60s training.



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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    Hi there

    NZC after my fall I did sort of get back but then had a confidence crisis but back again. Marathon is still on not till Oct, though I know it will still come

    JJ I know  cheers

    Ceal yes

    Weather is foul here left bike at work this morn as me and friend went to have breakfast this morning after a few hours sleep walked back to pick bike up horrible wind and definitely something in the air

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Ceal - what about the "in through the nose only" bit?

    Puzzled as to what exactly John B is bringing you in his car.

    Thanks for Manet advice.

    Another question (I'm sure Ceal will have the answer). After I've been running, especially if it was long or hard, my right knee aches on the inside. It never hurts while I'm running. This has been the case for years, and I've ignored it since it isn't very bad and, as I say, does not occur while running. However, I've been doing some of those exercises which involve standing on the edge of a box or step, so that one foot is aligned with the edge and the other overhangs the edge; then lowering the overhanging foot to the ground by bending the knee, then raising it again. When the knee doing the bending is the left knee, I stay reasonably steady; when it's the right knee, I wobble. I did it in front of a mirror and sure enough the left knee "tracks" forward and back but the right knee wavers from side to side. 

    And my question is: what do I do about it?


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    I would tend to disagree about only breathing in through one's nose. The mouth is much easier and bigger to breath in through. Some swims wear nose clips and they most certainly breath in through their mouth. I always used to teach more emphasis on breathing out, do this when ones head/ face is either on or under the water, throughout both mouth and nose. More air will exit though the mouth. Then when the face is turned to the side and nose and mouth are in the small trough just breath in, I am not sure i ever taught which orifice to breath in from., it will just happen if you have let all your breath out. If you don't breath in then you will stop swimming when an oxygen debt has occurred!!!

    I will have to think about your other question, but I would hazard a guess that any balancing exercises would be good. It would seem that there is a muscle imbalance in your R leg. This could be a weak muscle or it could be a tight muscle or both. Maybe, lunges would help.

    Perhaps TS will be able to shed some light on this problem . I wonder if he has been to Banbury and back as planned. I hope he didn't encounter any snow problems en route.

    My Physio recommended that I do some non impact strengthening work for my achilles on a trampett/rebounder and John B very kindly drove an hour or more to bring me his to borrow. I didn't even know he had one. He had a training run here on my trail and I rewarded him with a pleasant lunch.
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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Well, it's the last cross-country race of the season tomorrow. A challenging course but one I always look forward to. While I'm grateful for small mercies in that we seem to have escaped the snow, it's going to be bitterly cold. Barely above freezing and with a strong easterly wind. The start/finish area is exposed at the top of a hill. Doesn't sound too inviting does it? 

    I sometimes wonder about the pros and cons of weather forecasts. They're generally so accurate these days, often a week or so ahead. That's good for making plans but it also removes all hope that an improvement is just round the corner in the next day or two. At least in the NE it's going to stay like this until Easter weekend at the earliest.

    I suppose all you can do is to promise yourself to appreciate and make the most of the nicer days we do have. And be grateful not to be flooded out like some are in the SW yet again.

    Climate change? You can flipping keep it!

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Graham - it's 3 weeks to my marathon on Sunday.
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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Tracey, it has to be better by then, surely? Could be too hot on the day, knowing our mad climate!

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Anybody watching/listening to the Madness concert on BBC4. I used to be a big fan. It's brilliant to hear them again.
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    wow a totpic at last


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    JJ - I like it ( and agree of course) . My point was that at first glance they sound like opposites ( how's that for mixed metaphors or summat?) as coherent and incoherent.


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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Ceal - yes, I thought nose-only for the inbreath was a bit unnecessary. I have defintely got the message about breathing into the water out through both nose and mouth. It is in my "Swimming without stress" book, as well as being advised by the teacher.

    Thank you also for advice re unbalanced leg!

    Aws - I like the painting. I lke fuschia, and usually have some fancy ones in my hanging baskets each summer. But I also like the more modest ones as in your picture. Any more flower paintings? - glad you got your TOTP in the end!

    Enjoying the pedantry and mixed-metaphor-ism.

    Heavy snow overnight here, several inches thick so far and still coming.

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    Good morning

    JJ - people don't know how to use the apostrophe. Most people don't seems to know the difference between it's and its which then gives rise to such monstrosities as your's and our's.

    The other day we visited the newly re-built restaurant of a local garden centre, which I think was rather overdone architecturally for such a setting, and featured on the fascia were teas, coffees, pizzas, toasted teacakes, crepe's, etc.

    Apparently the apostrophe is correct in the plurals of letters: D's, numbers: 12's, and symbols: &'s (and presumably image's), although I tend not to use it so.

    I looked it up in the diksh just now.

    You must know you're not on your own; it wouldn't be much of a revolt if you were, even if you are revolting


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    JJ - Maybe you're not revolting sufficiently or you're not sufficiently revolting.

    I'd definitely join you if I were revolting too, but not if I were too revolting.


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    good day

    What, Tyler and the pedant's revolt!!

    pity about the crowds but you ar tall enough to see over them, not so sure about Sharkieimage!!

    unusual symptom - it may be a muscle or tendon that, when warmed up is quite happy to perform but when cold stiffens up and naggles. I have quite a few like that!!

    I did ger to BAnbury and back on Friday - just. Parts of the M1 were down to one lane on the way down and I got home just as the snow returned with a vengance. Over 2 feet deep in the drive yesterday where it had drifted.

    Running this morning was frankly brutal - and it started out so well. Roads were clear so I ran on  them all th eay to my normal turn point. Just there a curlew gushed its song across the deep snow - I could see it clearly perched on top of a stone gate post - enticing me on with its promise of the moors and open spaces. Why not thought I, the roads are clear, I haven't run for two days, it's time toi brave the uplands.

    Another two miles in and the wind was drifitng snow off the fields onto the road at times it was hip deep, other areas the snow had been blown into fantastic shapes by the wind as it found gaps in the stone walls or hedges and other spots the road was clear, scoured clean by the wind and then iced over. still not too bad until I hit the turn point and found I was running into a head wind from due north laden with wind blown frozen snow off the fields A real struggle ensued to keep going and silent thanks were given for CCJ's and my last minute decision to put a beany hat on othewise I may have lost my ears to frostbite!!!

    13.2 miles done in 1:59:17 (9:02m/m) and avHr 130 (65%WHR) and a max of only 147

                        Time                           AvHR                       MaxHr


    1                        09:47.1             123                    138

    2                        08:25.7             126                    135

    3                        08:49.9             129                    140

    4                        09:28.6             133                    138


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                        Time            AvHR            MaxHr


    1                        09:47.1             123                    138

    2                        08:25.7             126                    135

    3                        08:49.9             129                    140

    4                        09:28.6             133                    138

    5                        08:49.9             131                    138

    6                        08:32.6             130                    135

    7                        08:29.4             126                    138

    8                        09:37.2             137                    145

    9                        09:39.9             138                    142

    10                      08:57.7   &nbsp

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                        Time            AvHR            MaxHr


    10                      08:57.7             132                    141

    11                      08:27.2             127                    131

    12                      08:48.6             128                    131

    13                      09:00.6             125                    141

    0.21                   02:23.3             144                    147

     Total of 232m altitude climbed/descended - brutal!!!

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    TS, "brutal" was a word I was going to use to sum up my cross-country at Prudhoe yesterday but I defer to your use of it as you ran over twice as far and climbed more than I did, in just as cold and windy conditions I'm sure. Well done for getting out on such a long run.

    I can probably beat TS in the mud stakes though as there was lots of it, often quite deep and over large areas. In contrast, other parts of the course were frozen rutted farm tracks. Neither gave very firm footing, to say the least, and much of the time I was concentrating on staying upright rather than how fast I was going.

    At one point I lost the little XC street-cred I have by holding onto trees for support as I went down a particularly steep and muddy bank. Better that than come a cropper and risk injury though.

    The start and finish area was at the top of a hill and very exposed to the wind. Everyone was struggling to put their club tents up. The course at Prudhoe is known as the toughest in the season's circuit and it was doubly so in yesterday's bitterly strong wind. It has a horribly steep hill, which we had to climb three times this year, not two as before. 

    My average pace for the 6 miles was 9:29 minutes a mile, much slower than usual, but I gave myself a pat on the back for turning up and not staying at home in the warm as I was very tempted to do!


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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Graham and TS - I take off my hat to you. One hat, taken off twice. Such a lot of running, in such brutal conditions!

    Pedants: it's and its are often used incorrectly, even by people who seem to get everything else right.

    Freezing conditions have persisted here all day; pavements for the most part moderately clear, though with lumpy frozen snow/slush here and there. I exercised a good deal of persuasion on myself, ran to the town lake, felt a bit more positive, did some extra bits and ran home again. 4.33 miles. Followed by pork casserole with dumplings. 

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    It sounds as though you are making good progress with the swimming Columba. I never seemed to get the "little hollow" ceal refers to when trying to breathe in!

    Glad you enjoyed the Manet ceal, and have your trampette for some variety in the exercise schedule.

    Congratulations on the 7 miles aws, and thanks for another painting. I too like fuschias.

    I'm very impressed by both TS's long run and Graham's cross-country. We are relatively well off down here, with no snow or floods. Still pretty bitter though.

    Had a very muddy Friday run, a short and quite easy 3 miles yesterday, and today I ran to the next village and met my daughter who was running the other way to come for lunch. We had all the family gathered for a pre-birthday lunch for OH. Meeting daughter (she of the long legs) resulted in a negative split for my run:
    1) - 1m - 10:14(10:14/m) 
    2) - 1m - 9:50(9:50/m) 
    3) - 1m - 10:16(10:16/ 
    4) - 1m - 9:48(9:48/m)  
    5) - 1m - 9:42(9:42/m) 
    6) - 0.82m - 8:06(9:54/m)

    Grandsons were most excited to spot us twice from the car, before and after they went round the one-way system, which we didn't have to.

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    Today's run took me to 102 miles so far this month image

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    It would seem you are all getting some very Canadian weather resulting in some very Canadian running. Well done Graham and TS, I know exactly how your runs felt.

    That casserole sounded good and well earned.

    Good mileage for the month and of course I had to check mine, I am not a competitive personality,  so I will keep it a secret.

    Well I have been very lazy this week as it is my down week but I did manage an interval seesion with middle daughter who has decided to run a 5k.
    Her target time is 27 mins and we did 3 x 1k at race pace and she did very well. she has only just started running and has made great progress.

    Back to normal running tomorrow with a 11k on the books.


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    JJ - That sounds as though you have permission to run tomorrowimage.


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    Good morning

    4.13M; 53:05.4; 12:52/M; -0.5°C

    Overslept so commuted run to 4miles; tried pushing it a bit, but as is plain to see I ain't got much pushimage.


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    I'd better use this up...

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    ...and catch this.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Pretty things. I must throw a few poppy seeds around my garden this year.

    Welsh poppies, which flourish here in mere cracks in the pavement, never seem to germinate where and when intentionally sown.

    Diana, that's a lot of miles in a month.

    I'll be going swimming later; but as the swimming lessons have finished until after Easter, I shall be back in my local pool and probably not able to practice in the way I have been, so it will be back to breaststroke / back crawl. I've forgotten what |Ceal said about the little hollow, I must look back.

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