
Over 60s training.



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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Aws - Bill's family are having a bad time too. His sister in law has breast cancer, she is more lucky as her hadn't spread.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Good morning,


    Sorry to hear about Bill and his family.


    I'm trying to visualise you looking like a Michelin Man and have failed.

    Hi Pete,

    I am 72 yrs and have been running just fine until a recent Achilles injury.


    Your park race training sounds interesting.


    What good news from you re your newest HRM, long may it reign that it works well for you. , I wonder how your hash was, lots of snow to plough through, I would imagine.
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    Good morning

    5.09M; 1:05:39.4; 12:53/M; -1°C

    Curate's egg type run.


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    The pages all seem to have gone out of sync.


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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Happy birthday TS, sorry it's late, I haven't been on for a day or two. And happy birthday Mr. DD.

    Hello and welcome, Pete. I am not one of the 0ver-70s but soon will be. I started running in my late 50s. Ceal is being over-modest. She has set world records.

    Ceal - and TS - now I understand about the "trough". To create the necessary bow wave I not only need to be moving forwards at a reasonable speed, but not lifting my head out of the water in order to breathe, which I know I do cos the teacher commented on it (negatively). Must roll sideways instead. So many things to remember! Your apostrophe was right, BTW, Ceal.

    I went out with the running club last night; a circular run of 6.33 miles which took us up a long steep hill onto an exposed area above the snow-line. frozen lumpy snow underfoot in some places, powdery never-been thawed snow in others. What a relief to get down the other side and into a more sheltered lane. Afterwards there was a meeting (in a nice warm hotel) to discuss a 5k series which the club runs every summer, - up to now it has been organised by someone who is now giving up, so various club members are now picking up the pieces.  Was intrigued to learn that there has to be an official timekeeper, who is trained, but that the actual timekeeping can be done by someone else, - not necessarily trained. The only thing I committed myself to was making a cake. Or two.

    This morning we have sunshine! Though still very cold. I am hopping on the local train to go to Shrewsbury for the day (free travel for over-60s resident in Wales, until end of March), - there is a specialist running shop there so I may buy some shoes...



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    No they haven't - Tracey suddenly got switched to being ignored. Not my doing I might add.

    I've now put that right.


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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    aws, I had the same thing a few months ago, having someone on the thread being ignored when of course I hadn't. Very confusing.

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    good morning

    welcome to the dark sideimage 
    We shall have to change that name shortly to FastPete!!
    I find, rather surprisingly to me at least, that I have turned 67 due to a recent birthday
    I returned to running after many years off due to old injuries, work, family etc about 8 years ago and still struggle with the old injuries - and some new ones!!

    You did very well to lose so much weight - a good starting point for running as less energy is needed!!
    Don't be tempted to do too much too soon but go out and enjoy it. Run/walk every other day at first and listen to your body. If your legs are really fatigued then give yourself an extra rest day. As I said the mind remembers how to run fast it's just that the body doesn't have the tools to do it just now!!
    basic exercies for core stability and improving body strength are good to supplement   the running and will help to injury proof your body. 

    it was me that was talking about the 18:40 5K runner!!! An ex GB international but I will have him one dayimage!!

    Good stuff. Another two venues - it is really taking off around you!!
    Yes good news on teh GArmin front - however operator error can still account for some foul ups - see below!!

    good start - must be the new tyresimage 

    sad news - one of the guys in the Hash also has it though he has been operated on and irridiated with some success though not totally cleared.

    you got under 13m/m so the egg wasn't addled

    Last night's Hash was good - on mainly dry paths though with some ice slicks. 4.9 miles done with some really nice fartlek type sessions including the final 0.8 mile long run in to the pub which I covered at 6:45m/m pace - I must have been thirsty!!

    Woke up early this morning so slipped out for an easy 4 miles. Unfortunately due to operator error I pressed the bezel lock before starting the timer so got no data!!!
    KCT suggests it was about 36 minutes which was fine as fresh snow was falling and it was a bit treacherous underfoot in places

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    very good session for you and I know what you mean about underfoot conditions particularly in the dark!!
    baking cakes sounds a very vital task to me!!

    This website is getting worse and nothing seems to be getting done to improve it - my eyesight is failing typing this small!!!

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    whoops - was that a picture opprotunity for aws just gone???

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    TS and Pete, sorry about the confusion about who had to beat an 18:40 5K time. The cold must have infiltrated my brain.

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    Well I did it! - Hardly a run but my first venture outside with that intention. The hardest part was getting up the gumption to go out the front door.

    A few stretches then (1 min run and 1 min walk) x 10 and few more stretches followed by a cup of tea.

    The first minute run I felt totally uncoordinated and by the 7th I'd slowed to a very gentle jog but it's a start. 

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Pete, well done. I think we're all finding it hard to get out in this weather. What you did today was exactly how I began five years ago. Very sensible to start easily, at any age, and I'm sure you'll gradually increase the amount you run compared to walking. There's no great rush to get there. Staying motivated and free of injury are important.

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Looks like Bernard's, my husband for Pete. He pulled his right hamstring last Thursday, not as bad as I did before Beachy. He went out today and only managed a mileimage His not a happy bunny today image His trained very hard with lots of long runs and a sub 4 hrs was on the cards. It's not worth starting and not finishing the marathon.
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    excellent - good start.
    You are better off doing the stretches after the run rather than befoer when the mucles have had a chance to warm up - less likelihood of injury.
    whereabouts in the country are you?

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    Bad news - poor Bernard. Is it two weeks+ to the race? He might just make it if it's not too bad a pull

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Tracey, really sorry to hear that. As TS says, maybe there's still hope. What an easy thing this running would be without injury problems.

    I had a meeting with Run Geordie Run this afternoon and getting really involved in the nitty-gritty of planning the run. I kept looking at him and thinking, this guy's going to run 41 miles a day across Australia before too long. Incredible.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Hi Pete,
    Well done on getting out there. 
    I am 66 and having been running since High School so I think my body has now got the hang of it.

    He may recover quickly you never know, but it must be very disappointing.

    Very pleasant weather here, sunshine and everything. The snow is disappearing very quickly but there is a lot of it that needs to disappear.
    I could well be getting my Bonnie back on the road this weekend, we just need a bit of rain to wash all the salt off the roads.

    I managed an easy 7 miler today, nothing very interesting.

    Where's MT?

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Bernard's friend son a PE teacher has a detached hamstring and is awaiting a operation image
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    Torque Steer wrote (see)

    You are better off doing the stretches after the run rather than befoer when the mucles have had a chance to warm up - less likelihood of injury.
    whereabouts in the country are you?

    I'm in Reading, Berkshire

    On the subject of stretches - before is about loosening and warming up whereas after is about recovery and pulling the muscles back into shape by restoring the normal length of the muscle. 

    I know that there is a theory that pre-excercise stretching is not that beneficial but I suspect that starting cold definitely isn't wise.


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    My answer all ended up in the quote but never mind.

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    I would tread lightly with puns like that

    another southernerimage
    I am in the far north - Harrogate, N. Yorks
    yes that's fine for a pre run routine - I content myself with a few trips up and down the many stairs in my house!!! 
    Post run stretching actually increases muscle and tendon length and suppleness - however the permanence of this is the subject of even greater debate than pre exercise stretching!
    However I have a prescribed routine of stretches and strenghening exercises from my physio to offset various old injuries and imbalances and which have most probably saved me from permanently sitting on the sidelines and enabled me to come back to running a few months ago.

    A good physio who knows running is an invaluable find!!!!

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    "Active stretching" is supposed to be good for pre-run, isn't it? Walking lunges, high knees and such-like.

    Tracey - poor Bernard, he must be in despair. But as has been suggested, maybe he will be mended enough to race when the time comes.

    Bought new Saucony Phoenix which will be a replacement for the current Saucony Phoenix when they wear out; but they still have some wear in them at present.

    Also got my hair cut, by the hairdresser who had left to have a sex-change op and wasn't going to come back as he felt it would be better to make a new start in a new town. He (or rather, now, she) explained to me that her return was a bit experimental, to see if she "freaked people out", - if not, she will stay. She's a really excellent cutter, so I have no intention of being freaked out. 

    TS - agreed, this tiny print is a real pain. How many of us have got it?

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    Columba - He may have had the equipment altered but it doesn't change the inner workings, the memories, or to hazard a guess, the underlying attitude, and especially not the DNA. 

    I think we all have the fine print problem.


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    TS - I trust you will lose sleep over the totp, but there will another one along directly. Unfortunately, unlike buses, you never get two together.


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    See what I mean?....

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    This is perhaps a little more topical.image

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    COR lots of pages to read back and to promptly forget!!


    The first step you took out of the back door was the biggest one. Well done. I often jog slowly for around 5 mins max and then do dynamic stretches before I run properly. If you google the words you will find plenty of web sites with examples of dynamic stretches.

    One reason for ot doing static stretches before running, is that stretching the muscles that way can actually makes ones run slower.


    I am so very sorry to hear of Bernard's present predicament. He has worked so hard. It's not fair is it. By the way I can't download Jilllan M's ripped only her shredded.


    I know you have been re-tyred for a while now, so I am unable to visualise what you suggest! Today looks to be a lovely day for a run.


    Have a lovely Easter, I think you are visiting your g daughter sometime over this period. Will you be able to enjoy a flat run?


    You thirsty, never!!! I hope you have not had more snow overnight,


    How is your frozen shoulder?


    You sound as if your spring is arriving much earlier than ours is. Enjoy you first trip this year on your Bonnie. Plus running in warmer temps must be very appealing for you.

    Where is NZC I wonder?

    I did some kettle bell training yesterday. (8 x 1 min each exercise) X 3. Today will be abs and rebounding.

    We are going on the Bluebell Railway tomorrow with friends. The new section on the line opened last weekend. It goes to Sheffield Park, which is where we are hoping to go and for sunshine like today, but of course we will be well wrapped up.

    Have a great weekend everybody. Lots of training from those who can.
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