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    20 mile complete, half 5am start, 2 hrs 46 mins, phew, now i can go enjoy the footie, left hamstring a bitty tight :-/

    Enjoy ur weekends and long runs people!!
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    Andy - the info on the NYC marathon website (I think in the entrants handbook) says there is food available at the start. Although someone (on here??) said that last year there was a problem with buses to the start and they didn't arrive till about 30 mins before the start so don't assume you will be able to get something there.

    Thanks for the website Coronium - that was the sort of thing I was trying to fashion out of elastic last night!!
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    Predicted Times

    Pugheaven 2.49.50
    Lee Cartmell 2:55
    Rowan 3.30
    2old 3.35
    Daisy D 3.38
    Mr and Mrs Coronium - 3:45
    flying high 3.50
    cottonbud 3.55
    Shimlar 3:56
    Watty 3:58
    mud Splttered 3.58
    K.P. 3.59
    SlowButFar 3:59 (maybe . . . if Cardiff goes really well)
    Mid Life Crises 3.59
    BOUNTY 3.59
    Bax 3:59:59
    Dooda 4.07
    catherine s 4:15
    El Capitan s 4.17
    sdtoot 4.25
    Stuart Barrow 4:30
    Lynne Sheppard 4.50
    Queenie 4.50
    Charlotte 5.30 (with luck and a less weird knee)
    Dubai Dave
    Glugg, going for a good time not a fast time
    flying high 5.0 if everything goes well
    bagpuss 6:30

    Up For A Beer/Food Sunday Night

    Mid Life Crisis
    Lynne S
    Charlotte (if she actually finishes on the sunday)
    Queenie - might be, depends on state of mind & legs
    Watty (2 Can Dan:-/)
    El Capitan
    Stuart Barrow
    Catherine S
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    Had a bit of a nightmare run this morning, set out on my 20miler but only managed 14.5 and i'm really gutted. I felt awful after 9 miles, with pain in my right side, though not a stitch, and blinding headache. Got home feeling desperately sick, needing the loo badly only to find I'd lost my door key on route and no one at home to let me in. Still got the pain and my head feels like its stuffed full of cotton wool. Went up to work and had my blood pressure taken and its a bit high so need to keep an eye on that, could be just the after effects of the cold i had last week.

    So looking back over the last 2 weeks can some kind soul change my predicted time to 51/2 hours (I dont know how to do it without typing out the whole list again), and as for food/beer sunday night at this rate it might just be coffee and cornflakes monday morning :-)
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    That sounds awful Lynne - look after yourself - and take it easy, a combination of a cold and doing the GNR last week has probably wiped you out. Hope you feel better tomorrow.
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    Oh god, up in 5 hours and out for a 20 miler... wish me luck :-( Not in the mood for this one...

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    Lynne's new time

    Predicted Times

    Pugheaven 2.49.50
    Lee Cartmell 2:55
    Rowan 3.30
    2old 3.35
    Daisy D 3.38
    Mr and Mrs Coronium - 3:45
    flying high 3.50
    cottonbud 3.55
    Shimlar 3:56
    Watty 3:58
    mud Splttered 3.58
    K.P. 3.59
    SlowButFar 3:59 (maybe . . . if Cardiff goes really well)
    Mid Life Crises 3.59
    BOUNTY 3.59
    Bax 3:59:59
    Dooda 4.07
    catherine s 4:15
    El Capitan s 4.17
    sdtoot 4.25
    Stuart Barrow 4:30
    Lynne Sheppard 5.30
    Queenie 4.50
    Charlotte 5.30 (with luck and a less weird knee)
    Dubai Dave
    Glugg, going for a good time not a fast time
    flying high 5.0 if everything goes well
    bagpuss 6:30

    Up For A Beer/Food Sunday Night

    Mid Life Crisis
    Lynne S
    Charlotte (if she actually finishes on the sunday)
    Queenie - might be, depends on state of mind & legs
    Watty (2 Can Dan:-/)
    El Capitan
    Stuart Barrow
    Catherine S
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    How good a day was it yesterday to be me, 20 miles done, stuffed the French at Hampden Park in the afternoon,SUPERB!! 4 weeks today at this precise moment we will be at the starting line, cannot believe how quickly it has come round!!
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    Gluggs back!. Physio, accupuncture and orthotics seem to be working on achilles at last. Managed 11 miles in 1 hour 31 this morning. Not far and not fast but good to be running pain free again.
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    Hi all.To answer your question CORONIUM.PUG is right,Yes i have underestimated my time for NY,not because the course is harder.Its just my lack of preparation for NY.ALways in the build up to the FLM I always do at least 4 warm up races and train harder than I do for NY.In this instance I havent done any warm up races and I havent trained as hard. In my opinion having done the NY twice before,it isn't any harder than London if you have trained well and the conditions are right.
    I did 3.30 in 2005 and I did sub 3.30 this year in london.
    Went to France yesterday and I knew that it would affect me for my long run today.
    There was a serious lack of preparation,Sleep, carbo loading and hydration all affected. I didn't have a distance in mind today and just wanted to do the best I could. In the end I did 18.6 miles in 2hrs 21m a PB nearly 2 minutes quicker than my previous best.So iam happy.
    My last big run next weekend 21 miles. nearly there.

    GLUGG you will be joining us all in NY in 4 weeks time.Easy easy now.I was in an identical situation this time last year and managed to get to that starting line half fit and managed to do 4hrs 06.So there is hope for all.
    Well done WATTY on your long run.
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    Well did 21 miles this morning...legs still a bit stiff after my run on Thursday so took it very slow at 10 minute miles, but when I finished I felt fantastic, in fact the best I've ever felt after a really long run. Took the last mile at a faster pace too. Dunno what got into me really (maybe the love hearts?). Feel so good post-run that I've just finished putting up a wall cupboard unit in the utility room LOL! Now to get the roast lamb in the oven and open a beer I think.

    Thinking about another 20 or 21 next Sunday then start to wind down...feel like I need another 20 before NYC.

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    MLC, Ditto, I did my longest training run today (22 miles) in a steady 3hrs 37mins. In fact I could have gone much longer but I'll save that one for NY. I can honestly say that the a hard GNR last weekend seems to have done me a lot of good this week and surprisingly my legs feel better than they did this time last week.

    27 days and counting..........bring it on!!! Good luck everybody.
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    My 10 longest runs so far:

    1:20.75 miles
    2:20.75 miles
    3:20.75 miles
    4:18.60 miles
    5:18.60 miles
    6 16.60 miles
    7 16.00 miles
    8 12.60 miles
    9 10.50 miles
    0 10.00 miles

    total:165.15 miles
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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭
    20 miler on Friday toughest yet -I think lack of sleep lack of food , a 55 mile week and strong wind contributed to this- 2hrs 44 mins- slowest yet-excuses excuses-but a good test of resolve.
    3hour drive and 5hrs sleep Sat night then Liverpool 10 k today and pb in unofficial 41.12( sub 40 next year!).This week 18mile long run ( I have done 4 recent 20 milers plus an 18 and a couple of 16s and that will do me)in a 45 mile week, legs permitting.
    Just looked -I have done 11 20or more mile long runs this year -no wonder my friends think I am mad..
    Rowan your recent times suggest sub 3.15 NY time - are you quietly confident.
    There are a few other NY runners lurking around now so will be intersting to see who says hello
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    Hi there 2old,you are mad,but you can never do too many 20 milers,good on yer.
    Who knows about a sub 3.15 it would be great to do it but I will stick to 3.30 for now.If all goes well in the next 2 weeks I might revise my time. Rowan
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    Hello Everyone
    I haven't been on for a while but its nice to be back. This time in 4 weeks it will all be over! I can't believe we are nearly there. I downloaded the marathon handbook from the website and got really nervous and excited (there's a SpongeBob Squarepants Sponge Station and 100 bands!!!). I've never been to NY before and its only just sinking in....

    A big WELL DONE to everyone for some amazing runs lately. I managed 22 miles this morning in 3.59 and I felt OK. I finally think I can do it. FOr everyone who has had some crappy runs - just focus on what you have achieved. Whatever difficulties you experience now will make you stronger for the day.

    TOP TIP - the day before your long run, go to the cinema and eat some (or lots)popcorn. The combination of resting the legs and carbs did me wonders..!
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    Welcome back Queenie,I wondered where you got to.Well done on your 22 mile run,amazing.
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    Well, I'm in no mans land today...

    Ran a 5 mile warm up for a local club Borders race... then within 10 minutes ran the race..

    5.40 miles
    31:24 (5:48/mile)

    and 21st position... how the hell I managed to run so quickly...

    Set off steady... not fast like usual.. however, when I hit the church turning left onto the main road the first time, I could feel the hamstring tighten right up... though NNnoooo... and just altered my posture slightly to not put pressure on my back (which my physio reckons is causing the hamstring to tighten)...

    So, tucked onto a group of about 6 runners including Dave Tiernan from West Cheshire... and thought I'd just hold onto them and not lose places...

    Second lap and legs holding out... started to dig in now, as I was struggling to keep with the group. However, picked two of them off and clung on for dear life lol...

    So, getting slightly worried as it should've been a 20 miler today, but fought for club and country instead lol... so, this is my current run up to NY:

    Since the 26th July: DAY

    10 Jul, 2006 8.00
    11 Jul, 2006 9.50
    13 Jul, 2006 7.00
    14 Jul, 2006 5.10
    15 Jul, 2006 5.00
    16 Jul, 2006 16.10
    18 Jul, 2006 7.80
    19 Jul, 2006 12.00
    22 Jul, 2006 7.00
    23 Jul, 2006 7.00
    24 Jul, 2006 14.23
    25 Jul, 2006 7.00
    26 Jul, 2006 21.05
    26 Jul, 2006 21.05
    27 Jul, 2006 12.00
    28 Jul, 2006 10.50
    7 Aug, 2006 7.94
    8 Aug, 2006 6.85
    9 Aug, 2006 3.97
    10 Aug, 2006 10.19
    11 Aug, 2006 5.30
    12 Aug, 2006 7.08
    13 Aug, 2006 17.97
    14 Aug, 2006 6.85
    15 Aug, 2006 9.00
    16 Aug, 2006 4.80
    17 Aug, 2006 8.00
    18 Aug, 2006 6.30
    20 Aug, 2006 18.64
    21 Aug, 2006 3.97
    23 Aug, 2006 7.00
    24 Aug, 2006 10.00
    25 Aug, 2006 5.78
    27 Aug, 2006 3.97
    28 Aug, 2006 9.67
    30 Aug, 2006 10.00
    1 Sep, 2006 6.00
    2 Sep, 2006 6.59
    3 Sep, 2006 19.34
    4 Sep, 2006 3.97
    6 Sep, 2006 3.11
    7 Sep, 2006 3.97
    10 Sep, 2006 13.11
    12 Sep, 2006 7.80
    13 Sep, 2006 6.22
    14 Sep, 2006 11.80
    15 Sep, 2006 5.13
    17 Sep, 2006 20.00
    18 Sep, 2006 6.22
    19 Sep, 2006 6.22
    21 Sep, 2006 10.00
    22 Sep, 2006 6.00
    24 Sep, 2006 19.00
    25 Sep, 2006 9.50
    26 Sep, 2006 8.00
    28 Sep, 2006 12.10
    3 Oct, 2006 16.00
    5 Oct, 2006 9.70
    6 Oct, 2006 13.60
    8 Oct, 2006 10.30

    Just wondering have I done enough? MMmmmm

    Per week:

    19 Jun, 2006 51.75
    26 Jun, 2006 61.05
    3 Jul, 2006 50.40
    10 Jul, 2006 50.70
    17 Jul, 2006 33.80
    24 Jul, 2006 64.78
    7 Aug, 2006 59.30
    14 Aug, 2006 53.59
    21 Aug, 2006 30.72
    28 Aug, 2006 51.60
    4 Sep, 2006 24.16
    11 Sep, 2006 50.95
    18 Sep, 2006 47.44
    25 Sep, 2006 29.60
    2 Oct, 2006 49.60
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    Slowbutfar, thanks for changing my time. Well done everyone on your long runs, sounds like you all have eveything under control and are fighting fit. Just off the work now but planning a short run tonight.

    Hey Pug and Coronium, WHEN'S THE WEDDINGS, cant be long now, give us some details please were a nosy bunch, (well I am anyway).
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    I'm really worried I'm still going to be running this time in 4 weeks.

    Had an awful weekend. Another run that ended in throwing up in heap.

    Means the long run has to be done today, not great cos I've been up since 3am.

    Oh and I've got a trip to the physio cos I still can't straighten my knee and I'm don't think I can keep on ignoring it even if it doesn't hurt when I run.

    Still I've got to keep smiling, I managed to go running on my birthday yesterday so I think that makes me a real runner!!!
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    Happy birthday for yesterday Charlotte!

    What's making you throw up? Are you eating/drinking something that doesn't agree with running? Are you training at the wrong time of day (I throw up after fast morning runs)or could it just be nerves?

    It's obviously not a good thing, but you should just relax and enjoy the training and build up - now that you've got this far! Good luck for your long one later - take it nice and easy and ease off a bit if you start to feel dodgy, but keep it going! I bet you'll feel much better when you've finished, and knowing youo've got it in the bag!!
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    Charlotte, slow the pace down or watch what you eat... I feel ill after speed sessions or a really hard run... but haven't hurled in years ;-)

    Just totalling up 10 longest runs since say since I started training for this marathon 15 weeks ago (is it that long? lol), and Rowan, just ahead of you, but you've done alot more, recently...

    1:21.05 miles (26th July)
    2:20.00 miles (17th September)
    3:19.34 miles (3rd September)
    4:19.00 miles (24th September)
    5:18.64 miles (20th August)
    6 17.97 miles (13th August)
    7 16.10 miles (16th July)
    8 16.00 miles (3rd October)
    9 14.23 miles (24th July)
    10 13.60 miles (6th October)

    Total Distance = 176 Mile

    Think I defo need 20 this Sunday, as it'll be the last time I can do it... otherwise, it's getting a bit close to NY now... to be doing runs like that...

    As in my wedding, I get married in Chester on 29th October, then fly out on the 2nd November... can't wait for it all to be honest, less than 3 weeks now... just ordered my suit, picked up wedding ring for me (did Sharon's the other week)... basically, just got to drop the table layouts into the Hotel tomorrow night and jobs a good un'... so Coronium, never realised you were getting hitched yourself lol... so you on your honeymoon too in NY?
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    Lynne - We are getting married on Oct 28th in London – very small ‘do’ with some close friends. To tell you the truth, we have spent far more time training for NY than on the wedding preparations. We are having a big party for friends + family when we return from NY.

    Pug - Great time. Your pace (5:48/mile) was better than my 10k (5:55/mile) - time to get yourself a new 10k pb! Could you not get Sharon to run NY as well?

    Rowan - You have certainly put in some good long runs. I will go back over my training spreadsheet and pull out my equivalent numbers at some point, but the 2007 budget at work needs to be done first :(

    Charlotte – Happy birthday. Take it easy. I agree that you shouldn’t be throwing-up (I never have – but then maybe I don’t train hard enough). I would experiment with what you are eating/drinking before and during your runs.
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    Hi all, well I managed my 20 mile run yesterday afternoon in 3hrs 10. Not bad considering i had a stress fracture in March and only started running again 2 1/2 months ago.

    Felt awful at end, which i put down to only having a small 330 cl evian water bottle with me. Well, that and the fact that I had four bottles of beer and half a bottle of red wine the night before. Oops.

    I run on my own and have been getting peed off at the fact that I am not speeding up on the long runs. I guess the fact that there will be a crowd, proper hydration and some food along the way should help in NYC. Any thoughts?

    Good lucjfor teh week ahead

    El C
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    Picking up on Queenie's tip earlier on about resting our legs on saturday afternoon, Broadway shows do Matinee performances which, of course, are cheaper than evening ones. Also for those that don't know NY, you can buy discounted tickets from the TKTS booths. The main one is usually in Times Square but at the moment is temporarily outside the Marriott Marquis Hotel. I don't know if it will be back in Times Square when we are all there, but if it is you can't miss it. The other one is located at South street Seaport close to where you get the ferries for Staten Island and the Statue of Liberty. There is a Web site for the TKTS booths company but I don't know how to do links. A Google search will take you there.
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    I think i might catch a movie someplace on the Saturday evening, somebodies tip of loading up with popcorn and havin a seat the night before sounded good to me, plus there is a massive cinema complex just round the corner from Times Square, bit of an experience in itself goin to the movies in NYC.
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    El Capitan - don't worry too much about your speed on your long runs. Long runs are all about getting enough miles under your belt - I think you'll speed up in the race anyway and you're right in that all the support (and exhilaration/concentration/preparation) on the day will make a huge difference. If you're anything like me, your legs feel like lead right now but I'm confident it will all come good when it matters.

    I've just read some of the entrant info on the website and have spotted that the buses to the start go from 5am - looks like I'll be tucked up in bed on Saturday evening rather than enjoying the delights of NYC!! I also saw a mention of fireworks at 7.30pm to finish everything off, but I'm not sure I'll be able to stay awake for that long (assuming that I'll have finished before 7.30pm!)
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    Bax - I think the fireworks are on the Saturday night
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    Ah! That makes a bit more sense. Maybe it will be a stomach churning mooch around central park and watching the fireworks before a very early Saturday night, then.
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    Bed for 10pm on Sat night is my plan. After not doing hellish much all day during the day, eating and chilling.
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