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    It's been quite a revelation reading back over some of the posts, the level of work that some of you have put in and the support is really impressive. Like I said with my first post, I wish I had discovered this sooner. Well, due to a bit of dodgy map reading/wrong turning, I ran 18.5 on Saturday, which left a bit of lead in the legs for the 10k race on Sunday. I staggered arounf in about 49mins (official times were not ready and site hasn't updated. This means that I just managed to break 40miles, which in view of previous p--- poor performance is a smal miracle, now I have to join you all in at least a 20 next week - ouch. Need to put some miles on those shiny new shoes...
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    Welcome BEEP BEEP,you seem to be clocking up a resepectable amount of milage yourself.What is your target time for NYCM? and make sure you get that 20 in this week.

    I cant believe it.I woke up this morning with a sore achille.I've been limping all day at work.I had to take anti inflammatories to help the limp.Im not really in great pain just stiff and sore.There was no indication that there was any thing wrong yesterday only when I woke up this morning.
    Looks like I will take a break from training tomorrow.
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    Well my left hamstring remains tight from my long run on Saturday, not sore or anything just really really tight, my flexibilty is shocking at the best of times but this week its embarassing, I have booked a session for some sprts massage on Saturday (first time i can manage), so hopeully he can sort it out. Still get my shorter runs done during this week and have pencilled in a 20 for Sunday.

    Hopefully its nothin serious but like everyone else probarbly just now, every little ache and pain you get worried about. Rowan you'll know better than i do, but watch that achilles better a few days rest now than making things worse.
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    Thanks Rowan, hope that your Achilles heals, read about you wanting to settle a score. As for me I really wanted to get below 4hrs on my sixth go but as this is no easy course and I am not sure I have managed enough in my middle months, my original idea of 3.30 will not happen. Soo I am going to try very hard for 3.45. rest day today, but back on the road tomorrow.
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    OMG, I've just come in (yeah, at 11:30pm) from a 9.55 miler... averaging 8:00 m/m... man... I suffered out there tonight... lovely though, foggy and stuff could have gone on all night at that pace... but after yesterdays exploits, have to watch this hammy...

    Another 10 tomorrow me thinks :-(

    Is everyone just getting ready now? Man, I've still got another 4lbs to lose yet damn it :-(

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    Hi Bax, thanks for the message. Yep, legs still feel like lead 2 days after the run. Will try to run 5/6 miles tonight....slowly! I ran my first marathon in NY in 2003 and know what you mean about the stomach churning the night before. In the end I just sat out near central park and smoked furiously. Not something to be recommended. El C
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    Quote Of The Thread...

    Just before running NY Marathon...

    In the end I just sat out near central park and smoked furiously...


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    Did 10miles this morning and felt great. It was cloudy and cool and for most of the run it stayed that way, and I'm thinking if it's like this on the day this will be great, then about 1.5 miles from home it started to drizzle, not much and quite nice really.........then the heavens opened and now I'm thinking "this is not funny". got soaked to the skin and got some really funny looks from passers by. But, still felt good anyway when I'd finished even if I did look like a drowned rat.

    really hope everyones ijuries heal in time, i know every little twinge i get now i panic about.

    Pug, runnig at that time of night, you must be marrying a saint, thats all i can say, except........... well done.
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    Hello everyone,
    just caught up with the thread after a couple of weeks layoff. Some impressive stuff there, training wise. Hope everyone's niggles clear up over the coming days.

    I seriously thought I would have to drop out a couple of weeks ago but more than 2 weeks off and some physio seems to have (almost) cured my problem. Like Beep Beep my dream of sub 3:30 is out of the window now but after managing 16.5 on Sunday I now know that I can at least finish, hopefully before it gets dark!

    As long as I beat the 4:14 I did 2 years ago (after another injury) I'll be happy.

    Only 1 20 for me so far, 4 Sunday's ago, so definitely need another one this week.

    Best of luck everyone,

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    Pug - you should have seen some of the looks I got when I arrived, smoking, at the back of the queue for the buses to Staten Island. I will definitely not be doing that this year.

    El C
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    Did my longest at the weekend - 21.5 miles (couldn't work out how to make it 22 without running up and down my street a few times!!). Felt quite over-emotional doing it - and feel quite over-emotional when I think about doing the real thing - which suggests I am going to spend 26.2 miles in floods of tears!!

    Hope everyone is feeling ok today - just done some interval training which always induces a near death experience!

    Fingers crossed on all those aches & pains.
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    Guys, my ankle problem is well on the mend - ran the liverpool 10k on sunday without repercussions, my longest run has been 14 miles but that was 4 weeks ago, just ran for 1 hr 20 this evening and feel fine, physio says my recovery is on track and I should try and get some long (6 hr) walks in and try to get at least one 16-18 miler in in the next 10-14 days.

    I will complete NYC even if I have to crawl, I have come too far, a couple of weeks ago I suspected it was all over!

    Do you experienced guys agree that it can be done with so little distance?

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    Hi Johnny,Yes you can do it and yes you will do it providing you stay injury free.Your positive attitude will see you right.But you have to be prepared to experience some serious physical pain after 20 miles and that it will be your mental strength that brings you home to that finish line.When I completed my first marathon I tried my best to stop myself crying I was so emotional and relieved at finishing. Good luck!!
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    Yes Johnny you can do it, its going to hurt over the last 6 miles or so, but teh crowds will pull you along.

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    Jonny - I'm not running this year, but have done in the past. 2 years ago I ran it in 3:30.14 and 7 weeks out damamged my achillies. I missed out on doing a few long runs, but long walks like your physio said really helped endurance in the legs as they still take a battering. Cycling also helped keep the fitness up if you can do that. Coupled with the hard work you'll have done up to now, you'll still have a great base fitness. Like Rowan and Dave said, there'll be some pain (after 19 miles I felt my legs were falling off) but the crowds are awesome so really milk them. Looking back those final 6 or 7 miles are by far my most enjoyable and memorable even compared to marathons where I have felt fine all the way through. Plus the sense of achievement is even greater. Pain is temporary, pride lasts forever. Good luck.
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    When I ran NYC in 2003 I hadn't run for 7 weeks due to injury, it was the hardest marathon I've ever run and I absolutely shattered at the end but I got home in 4-08, slow but I made it. You can also do and you have the advantage that you can get three more weeks of running in before the day.

    2003 is why i'm going back, the course needs to be tamed and I want to enjoy it this time!
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    Hi Jonny, i'd agree with the above comments. I ran NY for the first time in 2003 and I had to stop running 6 weeks before the race due to ITBS. My physio told me to run/walk it, so I ran to each water station, picked up my water/gatorade and walked through that bit and then ran on to the next water station. I had never got past 13 miles in training (which i did 4 times i think) but I got round in 4.40. The first half was ok, I found it tough between 18 and 22 miles and then I suddenly realised it was 4 miles to go and that I could definitely make it so relaxed and enjoyed the arrival into central park. Having the crowd shout your name out when you go through a bad patch was great and certainly it helps you pull through. I would guess that the important thing now is not to try and overdo it by massively increasing mileage to compensate for things. Good luck and see you at the race! El C

    ps. when you hear the strains of New York, New York, as you cross teh start line you will feel a million dollars, and that has to be worth a few extra miles in anyones book.
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    Anyone can get around a marathon, it's not putting too much pressure on yourself and making predictions that you simply can't do...

    i.e. If youv'e nto done much training but can do 10k in 40 minutes, dont' expect to break sub 3 hours is what I'm getting at.

    Just go out very easy and enjoy the event... I've got no intentions of enjoying it as such... I know I'm going to be concentrating that much and in so much pain for the majority of the race that "enjoy" isn't going to come into the equation lol...

    Obviously I'll enjoy and savour the "crossing the line" bit, and bask in glory after the event and cheer you lot on (assuming I get back before some of you)...

    This is a last massive week for me, and my legs are shattered as it is...3 days fo 10 mile runs... did another last night... could barely get below 8 minute miling... quads are actually aching now... however, try and hit 70 this week with the 20 on Sunday and then, just maybe, start to slow down now...???

    Think I'm just coming to the end of the training bodywise... had 14 weeks of big miles now and body is saying "had enough" :-)


    P.S. how's everyone else doing this week?
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    Pug - This might sound mean, but I'm glad you're struggling too! This is my biggest miles week and I'm finding it really difficult to get the miles in, and I've been almost dreading going out for runs. My motivation is taking a dive and I don't think the rotten weather helps... But still, this is the last push and tapering starts in less than a week's time - no doubt then we'll be moaning that we've got twitchy legs and want to go out and run!!!

    Jonny - I think the advice has been very sound. Just take it easy, enjoy it and do what you need to get around. Don't do too much now so that you're knackered before you get to New York, though. Have you done a marathon before? If not, you're on target for a PB regardless of how long it takes!
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    Ya git ;-) hahaha, only joking, yeah, I think this is starting to happening to everyone at the moment... enthusiasm is flagging and performances maybe not quite upto speed... (apart from Rowan who's running really well)...

    I think we all should be pushing this week to the limit... upto Sunday with a 20 (or whatever your longest run is)... I don't think anyone should be doing a 20 after this Sunday as there's only 21 dats from this Sunday upto new York Start... and I personally think it's risky running 20 that close, even if your'e only plodding it...

    I think next week will be a 45 mile week, then the last 2 weeks is when I will seriously be resting.

    Before I did Paris in April, I ran right upto the last week, the Sunday before Paris did a 12 miler in the rain then stood about yapping... picked up a cold and didn't train all week... still had the cold when I was on the start line.

    This year, going to have the full 2 weeks of taper... but will also be having loads of vitamins (just incase anything changes in your body while the training isn't so hard)... and hopefully go into NY in 100% perfect shape.

    Apart form this Hamstring, I suppose I've been lucky and couldn't of realistically done that much more training... so I've no excuses... if I don't perform in NY, then it's purely down to me... nothing else!

    Everyone else starting their taper from Monday?

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    Pug - can you help me out on this?

    I have done a 20 miler, 18 miler and 3x16 milers, but my weekly mileage is probably 30-35 miles. what sort of taper should i be looking at? I am aiming for around 4 hrs 20 in NY (going for sub 4 in london in April) and wasnt sure what my long runs should be in teh last 2 weeks?

    Any thoughts? Cheers, El C

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    El C - I'm going for a similar time, but have been following the sub-4 hour RW training programme. I'm actually a week ahead of myself so have done my longest run last weekend (22 miles). They then suggest 18 miles followed by 12 miles and a total weekly mileage of c 42 miles then c 30.

    That's probably a bit to much for me & my max weekly mileage has been c.40, so I'm going to do 37 miles total this week (17 at the weekend), about 30 next week with 15 at the weekend and about 20 the week after with only about 8 at the weekend. Not a scientific approach, but feels right for me!
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    Hi all,

    am back on the radar again after bein away from my pc..doin a bit of last minute training and tryin to keep away from the biscuit barrel.

    PUG, bad news about yer hamstring mate..hope you wont be hobbling down the aisle. Can you include me for Sunday night?

    WATTY, Glad Hampden was better for you than the Millenium..Good to see Jimmy Mac on form..Altho Walter wants to shut his mouth ( beat any team in the world )..sorry am an Evertonian scarred by his dodgy team selections...
    Monday though..am DEFFO looking forward to THAT already..msn is bountybabe72@hotmail.com if you want to talk tactics :-)
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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭
    Sunday Liverpool 10K ,Tues 10.5 miles today 8miles with long hill repeats, tomorrow 8miles treadmill easyish ,Friday long run.Thats my plan plus nights out Friday and Saturday.Will start taper next week and introduce some cross training -dont want to get injured.
    How does everyone plan to spend their free time during the taper?
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    El Capitan

    Well, I'm no expert mate by any means, however if it was me... I'd try and get one more 18-20 miler in, over the next 5 days max...

    This will then leave 20 days... now for you on that kind of mileage per week... I'd be inclined to go...

    Assuming you do 18-20 this Sunday...

    16th -22nd Oct = 28-30 tops
    23rd - 29th Oct = 18-20
    30th 4th Oct = 9-10 tops (consisting of 3x3 milers)

    Believe me, that last 7 - 10 days is what's going to make you fresh. Obviously this is my opinion, and god knows I've made enough mistakes over my time... however...I think this would let you know... with 3 weeks to go, you can knock out a 18-20 miler... then you have a decent week with 1x10 miler and the rest made up as you wish... then really rest in the last 2 weeks, as this when you're body can really start storing some Glycogen and making itself fresh...

    Just make sure (and it's hard to do) don't worry about losing fitness. Fitness takes 10 days to leave your body, however if you do what I've said above, you'll keep nice and fresh whilst not losing 1 single % of fitness. However, if you feel ANY tiredness, DON'T train.... that's what I'll be doing as dont forget, it's been one hard slog :-)

    Basically, my last 20 miler is this Sunday... then for me it's:

    16th -22nd Oct = 35-40 tops
    23rd - 29th Oct = 20-25
    30th 4th Oct = 9-10 tops (consisting of 3x3 milers)

    Bounty.... you're added to the Sunday list... suppose we better start thinking of a place to meet??? Any suggestions?

    Predicted Times

    Pugheaven 2.49.50
    Lee Cartmell 2:55
    Rowan 3.30
    2old 3.35
    Daisy D 3.38
    Mr and Mrs Coronium - 3:45
    flying high 3.50
    cottonbud 3.55
    Shimlar 3:56
    Watty 3:58
    mud Splttered 3.58
    K.P. 3.59
    SlowButFar 3:59 (maybe . . . if Cardiff goes really well)
    Mid Life Crises 3.59
    BOUNTY 3.59
    Bax 3:59:59
    Dooda 4.07
    catherine s 4:15
    El Capitan s 4.17
    sdtoot 4.25
    Stuart Barrow 4:30
    Lynne Sheppard 5.30
    Queenie 4.50
    Charlotte 5.30 (with luck and a less weird knee)
    Dubai Dave
    Glugg, going for a good time not a fast time
    flying high 5.0 if everything goes well
    bagpuss 6:30

    Up For A Beer/Food Sunday Night

    Mid Life Crisis
    Lynne S
    Charlotte (if she actually finishes on the sunday)
    Queenie - might be, depends on state of mind & legs
    Watty (2 Can Dan:-/)
    El Capitan
    Stuart Barrow
    Catherine S
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    I'm completely scrapping my time now cos it looks like I'll be having physio right up until I fly out to New York.
    This running malarky is an expensive business I tell you.

    My dodgy knee is down to a twisted pelvis /lower back which is in turn knackering my hamstring which is in turn putting extra pressure on my knee. (I hope you are all keeping up here!) It's odd because my lower back/ pelvis have never felt uncomfortable or painful and I spend at least one session a week doing core work at the gym. hey ho.

    I'm still able to run but I think it's going to be a run/walk situation in New York because I don't want my first marathon to be my last.

    10 miles this afternoon, gym for cross training and core work tomorrow. 20 miles Sunday. Physio Monday!

    Can't wait for taper although it is the calm before the storm! x
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    Cheers Pug & Catherine

    I had followed the RW sub 4 schedule (well in terms of long runs) but not the total weekly mileage - have been running 3/4 times a week rather than 5/6.

    Now that I live in the sticks it is very weird having to run for a long time along tracks with a mountaineering head torch as there are no damn street lights anywhere! Boy do I miss running round teh north circular in London (well, it made up for not smoking!) still, i manged to get out last night and do seven miles at 8.15 m/m pace which is fast for me.

    Thanks for the tips - really appreciated - I will aim for 18-20 miles on sunday and then begin the taper.

    Up the Villa! El C
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    Hi everyone
    Well yesterday I set out to do a 20miler, the first 10 miles where great. I did a good steady pace and cut my walking down to every half hour. BUT then the heavens opened up and in chucked it down, the roads where flooded and hence I got drenched by every passing car. I am sure some where going past me more than once for fun!! Anyway this resulted in ALOT of chaffing, and I got very very sore:( so called my husband to pick me up at 18 miles. I did it in 3 hours 36 mins which I was really pleased with, just really disappointed that I didnt do the full 20.
    Anyway when I got home I saw the result of the chaffing. I now have blisters in places I didnt know they could be. And being a woman my chest was rubbing really badly and now I cant even wear a bra its so painful. I have put loads of cream on to ease the pain but am now panicing!
    Now I have asked a few questions on here before about training etc, and no one has given me any advise?? maybe no one could help. but I would really apreciate any kind or response to this chaffing problem, what am I to do?? I know I am a slow runner and dont do half the mileage and training you are all doing but I would be devestated if this ruins the day. Also now I am not sure I can go running because I cant run without a sports bra, but wearing one at the moment is so painful> Also do you think I should try and do another long run this sunday, if so how far?
    Please help the slowest runner, we matter too:)

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    Bagpuss - I suffered from (minor) chaffing problems when I either ran for a long time in the rain or when it was very hot. I have started using the bodyglide product (developed originally for triathletes) and I've had no problems since. It is not cheap (~£10), but if it saves you from pain then it will be money well spent.



    I'm running 20 this Sunday and 16 the Sat afterwards. I would recommend that you should try to get close to 20 miles this weekend (but only if you feel well!), partly as a confidence builder but also to make the last 6 miles of the marathon more enjoyable! Good luck.

    If you use the BodyGlide product then let me know how you get on with it.

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    Oh bagpuss I'm so sorry to hear about your chaffing.

    Touch wood it's something I've never suffered from so far!. I just cover myself in vaseline and wear lycra everything. It's not flatering but it's super shiny and smooth.

    18 miles is good going and you should be really proud you've done it. Personally I wouldn't do another "long" run this weekend. Maybe just go out and see how your legs feel? I know my little legs couldn't manage 2 big'uns in the space of a few days but maybe yours could?

    Good luck
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