
Newbie, need advice please



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    I have a circuit I am working up to walk/running of about 4 miles. There is a disused railway converted to a footpath/bridleway called the Middlewood way which will compose half of that - my excuse for not running it so far is it is extremely muddy in winter.

    So far I am walking along a busy road for a mile and then coming back. The route goes up to a place called High Lane (I live near Hazel Grove in Stockport) so you can imagine it is uphill all the way there and downhill coming back - it works for me.

    Walking as fast as I can it takes about 24 mins and I find that relatively easy with no aches and pains so this evening I will do the 2 miles breaking into a jog every minute or so. As long as I get no discomfort after finishing I will increase the amount of running or increase the distance.

    Once I am up to 4 miles I will have to revise my route. I hope to do one recreational hill walk with my daughters & partner a week or so.

    The only other excercise I am currently doing is a bit of yoga (Prenatal yoga!!!) which I find excellent as I am generally a very unbendy person. If all else fails I will be able to carry my belly better than most ;)
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    Graham, sounds good. I am lucky my route is very flat round the lake, twice round is about 3 and a half miles and the walk there and back is about half so 4 miles in total. I usually walk for the first 7 or 8 minutes to warm up and walk back and it takes me 45 to 50 minutes. I am going to build up to an hour running which should work out to 3 times round the lake and the walk each way, then I guess I will need to vary my route as there are only so many times I can run round the lake without getting bored, or dizzy, or killed by geese. Am going in the morning so will see how I get on. Have a free weekend this week so can go for a run and also a nice long walk to explore some alternative routes (only just moved so don't know the area too well).
    I really like yoga, there is a class at my gym that I tried last week, I felt really stretched and relaxed afterwards. I also swim occasionally and go in the gym, get bored of the gym very easily though.
    Am off home shortly so I will update tomorrow lunchtime (I have a meeting first thing). Have a nice evening everyone.
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    OK I did 2 miles running 60 secs, walking 60 secs (counting in my head) apart from the first 3 min that I walked as a warm up.

    21 minutes pretty much exactly
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    well done you. How do you feel?

    Run 1 walk 1....it really is the best way to start.....have you stretched? You can never stretch too much.
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    *waves* would it be okay if I stuck around a bit too?

    I've been running for just over 3 months and can do 3.65 miles before falling over, and I'm hoping to get fit enough within the next two years to do a marathon...ten miles seems to be a good goal for the next challenge after my RFL in three weeks! Some friendly company would be nice - I'm currently trying to work up the guts to go see the running club down the road, but life is seeming to get in the way at the moment...

    I'm coming down with a cold just now though, noticed my run yesterday evening was haaard, and I'm all sore-throaty now, very annoyed about this, as I likely won't get to go for my 'long' run on Saturday, humph!

    Yay Graham and wobbly bits :D you sound like you're doing brilliantly!
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    Hi Halfadragon - welcome to the 10 mile challenge!

    Graham - you sound like you are getting on fine, the run/walk programme is how I started and its amazing how quickly you build up the time running, although I remember 1 minute being a hell of a long time to run when I first started. I can now run for between 35 and 45 minutes - now starting to run walk again to get this up to an hour. :D
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    I'm considering taking the plunge and joining a running club but what worries me is will I get sucked along too much and enter more races that I should do.
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    I'm not too worried about that myself, HY4, I'm just worried I'll be too slow (the one nearest to me is apparently quite a 'fast' club), and not 'accepted' properly, since I'm moving away in 4 months...they've said to just come along anyway, but I'm still nervous!
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    I felt great at first - no soreness anywhere so very pleased.
    Stretched after warm down.

    Felt a bit sick for an hour! but fine. No REBS.

    Now feeling I have stiffened up a little but still 95% OK - I will rest tomorrow and repeat on saturday.

    So far so good - on course for a 13 x 21min = 4 hrs 55min marathon ;))
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    ice/cold water bath. If it's good enough for Paula...... The last time I did the cold water bath thing my son came running to the bathroom because he thought I was crying.......I was close to it I can tell you.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Over the longer distances 10k & half marathon I'm really slow. My 5k time isn't too bad it's just that I'm so competitive that I think I know what would happen.

    Even my partner is wary of me joining a club because he thinks the same.
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    Hi all

    Just back from runnning 5k - was a bit of a struggle really (think I will have to admit that I am not really a morning runner) had to take a couple of walking breaks, however managed round in 37m51s so it gives me and idea of how I am going to go in my Race for Life.

    After having not really done any running for so long I had forgotten how addictive it really is - can't wait for my next run :D
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    Hi - can I join you all?? I'm restarting after a long lay off - about 3 years ago I was up to 10K and running 15-20 miles a week - then the injuries started - I insist it was a stress fracture of the shin but the 'experts' insisted it was only shin splints. ONLY!!! pah what do they know. Anyway, I've been stopping and starting ever since - the problem is I get easily demoralised by my lack of fitness, you know - having to go through all that pain and effort again to get to where I was. But I was sooo inspired by my partner's 1st FLM last w/e that I've decided to stop whinging and just do it. I signed up for the Sunderland Women's 10K yesterday - that's 25th June so my goal is 10K in 9wks (...oh Sh*t I only just worked that out !!!)

    Anyway - to get to the point finally - my big problem at the mo is my natural running pace is faster than I can run (iyswim) I feel really uncomfortable trying to slow my pace down - should I go with the uncomfortable and run further, or keep it natural and build distance up??

    Also I'm not v good at doing the run 1 walk 1 method of training prog - I went for my first run last night and ran 1 mile, than ran/walked the same mile home.

    But the best bit is ....... I wanna run tonight again YEAH!!!
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    Iced water baths!!! NFW. I hate getting into swimming baths never mind water at 0oC!! I'm just a big baby when it comes to cold water.

    Any advice on preventing lower back pain - I must have poor posture when I run?

    Hippy - I know what you mean when you complain about not being able to run at your 'natural' pace. That depresses me only slightly less than injuries. I keep telling myself to be patient but I don't think I will ever run at my natural pace for a marathon.

    I just read some information on shoes - I am pretty sure I pronate (outside of foot to in) and I now see there are particulat shoes to buy for that. Hopefully a pair of proper shoes will enable me to run more comfortably overall and allow me to reach 10 miles with minumum discomfort.
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    Re ice baths - the wimps method -
    1 enjoy normal warm post run shower.
    2 detach the shower head (very important)
    3 turn water to coldest setting
    4 concentrate cold jet on legs
    5 if you're an ultra wimp (like me) wrap top half in a nice warm towel.

    It might not be a purist method but I rember it helped my shins lots in the past - looking forward to running far enough to benefit from this again!!
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    Ice baths / cold water really does help. I did if after Reading half and had not trouble walking the next week as had been the problem after my first 10k last October.

    They really are not funny though, like HC suggested using the shower attachment and keeping the top haf covered is a fine idea (shame I never thought of that before doing it)

    Oh and warn people in your house what you are about to do.....
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    Hi everyone, nice to see more people joining in.
    I have never tried the ice bath thing, i really do think i would have a heart attack and die if i did, have often done the shower thing though and find it quite useful.

    I went on my usual route this morning and for some reason i was rubbish, didn't feel good at all, got an upset stomach but don't know why. Anyway I made it round the lake once and then thought I was going to keel over so went home, suppose its better than nothing but was disappointed in myself.
    No REBS though which is always good!!!

    Hippychick, I found the run 1 walk thing quite hard at first because i am impatient and just wanted to keep running but for me it was really effective and built up my stamina really quickly.
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    Ok I think I can stand the shower method as long as I lock the bathroom door to prevent my partner 'playfully' drenching me as I do it.
    I could even stand all of my legs being immersed in cold water - just not the rest of me (unless in a wetsuit).

    I wonder how it works? Is it about restricting blood supply or literally cooling your limbs & muscles down??
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    Great News - I have just been given a large amount of backpay, easily enough to afford that pair of specialist running shoes I need. No excuses to stop me carrying on now!! Is it a sign I am intended to run a marathon?
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    Hi all

    Would love to join the 10 mile run club.

    I have just started running again after a year layoff (actually run/walking now). Did a 1/2m last year and damaged my knees and never started again until 2 weeks ago. So if there is room on the starting line I'll join in with a gradual build up to 10 miles

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    Cool! that makes 5 in the 10 mile club:


    All we need is loads of comittment, patience and the benevolance of the great god of sports injuries. Ice baths optional.
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    Awww you missed me out Graham - it's just like being back at school everyone else got picked first and there was just me and the fat kid left :(

    ps the cold water works because it stimulates the blood flow and all the lactic acid gets shifted out of the muscles quicker (i think) ... but im not going to tell you that cos i'm sulking
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    Excellent, 5 of us, it really gives me an extra buzz having like minded people to share it.
    I am itching to go for a run now, my stomach ache has gone and its nice and sunny but not too hot, its just perfect.

    I think I will have another go later and see if I can do better than this morning, if it feels like too much will just have a nice walk around the lake.

    Graham, thats great news about the backpay, go and get yourself some nice new sneakies ASAP. Just a point to note, I went to a specialist running shop for my trainers and they told me I over pronate (i think) my foot goes inwards anyway. I bought the recommended Asics that had support on the inside and they ripped my feet to pieces, I had blister so big I could barely walk and ended up having to cut out the support bits from the trainers. Not sure how this can be avoided as I walked round the shop in them and they felt OK. Just something to bear in mind.
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    Sorry Hippy you were definitely there when I typed it out first time - third on the list in fact. Then I changed pages and had to retype and a senior moment kicked in!

    Then there were 6!

    Thanks for the advice WB. Snag with the backpay is it is enough to go out for a really nice meal too....
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    OK Hippy as I understand it cold water causes severe vasoconstriction of the surface blood vessels - thus surface blood flow is severely impeded. I guess that might mean there is increased blood flow deeper in the muscles?

    But who cares as long as it works?
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    Yes..No you're right..erm yes.. cold water constricts the blood flow - helps prevent inflamation caused by all the micro tears in your muscles after a run which leak fluid into your muscle tissue. But if you have a warm shower then a blast of cold that dilates then constricts the blood flow - helps to get flush out toxins quicker..mmmm complicated isnt it??

    WB - Im so jealous - wish I had a lovely lake to run round - hope you get on better this time - take it easy though - two runs in one day!!

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    ooooooohhhhh graham a major dilema, new sneakies or nice meal for you and your expectant lady, its a tough one, not sure what I would do in your shoes.

    Hippy- I am really lucky, the lake is just beautiful, lots of ducks, swans and very cheeky geese, it makes it much easier to het myself out of the house thats for sure.
    I don't really feel like I ran this morning because I didn't finish. I am terrible like that, if I don't do 5k on the treadmill at the gym I feel really agitated and annoyed with myself, I think its coz I feel like I am going backwards and not making progress quick enough. I am very good at putting pressure on myself, on occasion I have ran until I have nearly been sick just to make sure I did the same or better than last time I ran, very bizarre behaviour I know.
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    Listen to your body wobbly bits, if it ws saying to stop then there is a reason. I've just got back from a terrible run, I only managed 4 miles in 44 minutes. But you have days like that. I'm not gonna beat myself up about it (much).

    Have any of you guys looked at www.fetcheveryone.com yet? A fab site for motivation, support and loggin your runs. It's what keeps me motivated.
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    Its Ok its not meal OR shoes, its AND shoes. I will be careful what I eat honest.

    Woo Hoo
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    yeah for GA's extra cash....
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