
Sub 3:15 - FLM 2009



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    Fraser Wells wrote (see)
    Have been off the radar for a few days away on hols in Belgium and Holland. Still have the aim of getting 60-70 miles in this week while on hols but it's not easy running in unfamiliar places and negotiating lots of Northern European types on their large comedy sit-up-and-beg bicycles. Taper looming for me soon though - huzzah !!

    Fortunately OH is very understanding and let's me get on with things while she's off shopping.

    Blumin 'eck Fraser your OH is very understanding - 60-70 miles on holiday. That's a lot of running by you & shopping by her! Great dedication though. Hope you are enjoying your break. I like Holland a lot, especially those “special cafe's” with the diverse selection on the menu's!

    Ant - Like the photo of the A82 protest. Won't ask where the photo came from - LOL!

    Joolska - Good intentions of your run around the Loch, would have been blissful. However, a boring stretch of road out and back is good for mental strength.

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Evening all- another old timer reporting back to the fold. Following the VLM last year I lost about 2 months with my groin injury and my new job which combined to take me out of circulation for a while. Now I'm back training and hopefully will get my VLM 2011 place confirmed soon as a 'good for age'. Only managing 30 miles a week at the mo, but you've got to start somewhere.... 
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    7 and a bit for me yesterday at 7:30 average, but that was 4 miles and 8+ then the last 3 hard to see what was there. The answer is I can get down around 6:40, but it's hard work. I'm doing the Wooburn Park 10k on Sunday which is 1k straight up a big hill, 8k gently undulating, then 1k back down the hill. Did just under 42 last year in a fairly unfit state, but I think it's going to be worse this year!
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    BOTF - Shows you still got some in the tank cranking out 3 x 6.40 miles after a steady 4 mile build up. The good thing about your 10k is that you know the course, so use that to your advantage and make that final downhill 1k a real kick for the line. Good luck.

    OlneyOne - I've only been on this thread about 6 months so excuse my ignorance and welcome back. Only managing 30 miles a week is still a good weekly milage and probably a good base builder for VLM 2011 if you get in.

    I'm doing Brighton next April and once I get my next HM out the way in October, I'll be base building for a while before starting “the plan”!

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    Welcome back OO. Your 30 mile weeks are fine for me! Ran home tonight - 13.2m in 1:43 - most miles were about 7:40 which felt pretty comfy. Lazy weekend down south at a family wedding so may get a leg stretcher in Sunday pm, then a restful week of travelling with work before GNR next weekend.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Andy I'm hoping for a recycled entry for the GNR from a pal who hasn't trained. Neither have I but I hope I have enough juice in the tank to still get under 1:30. It's my 9th GNR spread over 22 years so would be nice to get a place. 
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    Hi Andy - good luck for next Sunday at GNR, what time you looking for? It's okay if you don't want to say incase you spook yourself. Sounds like you are good shape though from your posts recently.
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    Welcome back,  OO - I wish I was dooing 30mpw! Aren't you in Gay Paree any more?

     BOTF - Hi, good luck at Woburn, mate.

    Andy - what are you hoping for at the GNR?

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    Anything sub-90'll do, sub-85 would be brilliant. I've got a decent start (pen B) but I'm really not sure what I'll have in the tank to run quickly. What's slightly concerning is how stiff my achilles are this morning, but like you, OO, I ought to be able to get under 90 unless I'm even less fit than I feel. I ran a gnat's over HM distance home yesterday in 1:43 and my HR barely hit 130, so at my normal HM HR of 155 or so I'd expect to go a bit quicker.
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    Nice to welcome back some familiar names. I'm sure whoever owns Gul's field has a sense of deja vu!

    Lorenzo wrote (see)

    AC - it's the same group organising this one as the one I did last year, but a different course. Last year's was the Country to Capital which was about 22 miles through woods and then the rest along the canal heading into London. Not quite sure what the course is like for this one, but I suspect that it might be a bit flatter and I'm hoping to be able to run it in road shoes rather than trail shoes which I did last time (fine for the first half and not so great for the second stretch). 

    The motivation for me is partly about pushing myself to do another Ultra that's a bit further than the last one,....

    1    AC why not join the fun?   The course is pretty straightforward, maps are provided, and the only things to watch for are crossing the river at the right places, a few diversions where the Thames Path leaves the bank for a while - and some slightly counterintuitive stuff towards the end between Reading and Henley. Navigational errors  multiply when one is tired.  Road shoes are fine although it can be muddy and be aware that if its v wet the Thames can expand into its water meadows.  The field is big enough that there will be people to run with if you so desire, (but rule no 1 of ultrarunning is: be mentally & physically equipped to run solo).

    Ordnance Survey publishes a National Trail guide to the Thames Path which has map sections covering the whole of the TT. 

    2 anyone care to predict when Ultralorenzo will graduate to 100-milers? image

    I strolled past Chandos the other day - wondered whose round is it next April now MM has "retired"?

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    Poacher - leave him alone, he doesn't really want to do it image.

    I'll get 'em in at Chandos - for anyone who's already there when I arrive.

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    Rule number one of ultra running - leave all <img /><img />sense of rational thought and self preservation at the door<img /> !! The very thought of going much further than 26.2 makes my legs and brain hurt !!

    22 for me todsy at 7.43 round the canals near a Ghent. Unlike Jools' Northern training camp the climate here is still really warm. Though clearly not Ant style Furnace Espanol. A pretty warm 24 degrees or so made it really hard to keep hydrated so whole run felt soooo much harder than in Edinburgh. System will have a shock when all back to normal next week<img />

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    *makes arrangements to have Ant kidnapped for an hour after finishing VLM 2011 to ensure arrival before him*

    Still no running here. Tonsils seem better, though still got a big ugly spot on one. Just feel like I have the tail end of a cold now - snotty nose etc. Had to go to work in the shop today (they spared me from lugging boxes in the chilly weather in the retail tent) and it was manic. Have probably infected loads of runners. Will be in the retail tent tomorrow so keep your distance if you're running the Robin Hood and don't want a lurgy!
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    This evening I have a really sore throat and I'm starting to sniffle. Looks like tomorrow's 10k might be a DNS image
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    Long time no post.  I lost a long post a few nights ago and couldn't bear to repeat it all, I'm afraid. Hate it when that happens.

    Ant, OO, Gul - welcome back and sorry, Ant, to hear of your sad news.  Good to see you getting back into it.

    Some incredible running going on notably RJ running a 3hr marathon as a training run, OGL running 3:15 while coming down with a virus and a host of other great performances.

    Good luck to all the racers tomorrow.

    I'll be going round and round Richmond Park for 5+ hours with Lorenzo.  Good luck Lorenzo - not doubt see you there.  My plan is run 1 at MHR, cycle as hard as I can and crawl round run 2 with whatever little is left in the tank.  I would love to break 5 hrs but fear it may be just out of reach.  Should be fun though.

    Better get some sleep

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    GE - just off to bed myself. Looks like your plan will leave me trailing in your wake. Was initially hoping for sub 5, but being realistic I'd be pretty pleased with sub 5 and a quarter.

    See you at the start.

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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭
    Good luck with the Duathlon Lorenzo and GE and good luck for anyone else racing today.  Just heading off to Chippenham - never understand why you get nervous before these races!
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    Good luck, SBD, Lorenzo and GE!

    24M training run for me today...

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    Good luck all, off to Chippenham this morning.  Was in two minds whether to run or not but going to give it a go, will report back later.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    ant- they booted me out of Paris last April, so now I'm living in the North-East, at the coast near Tynemouth. Another 35 miles in the plan if I get out today.

    Good luck to the racers today!

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    Balls.  Had to abandon 24M LSR after 3M as neck and shoulder completely seized up.  I suspect that a headstand competition with my nephew yesterday may bear a lot of the blame!  Currently in a great deal of pain, waiting for co drydamol to kick in.  Also waiting for physio clinic to open to beg for an appointment today or tomorrow...
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    Sorry to hear that, Jools. Hope it's nothing and that you can get out later and do the other 21mimage

    Hope you're better this morning, BOTF - did you get to do your 10k? Wishes for good health to Speedy too, despite her being a kidnapper.

    Looking forward to hearing the report from the Sub-3.15-thread Nutter of the Week Competition in Richmond Park, although Lorenzo and GE (hi mate) may find they've been beaten to it by OO if that wasn't a typo and he really does 35m today.

    I have to say I'm feeling quietly pleases with myself in my own pathetic way. I went out this morning in that soft, refreshing rain that hymn we used to sing at school used to go on about, and did 12.1km.

    The best thing about this was my HR stayed down nicely and came out an an average 148bpm, still high but way down on the last week's efforts. I meant to only do 11k as prescribed, but as I approached this distance I realised that having run 54-odd mins I'd probably get abuse on here for not making it up to an hour, so that's what I did. Of course, no pretensions to speed, but I daresay that will come.

    I'm even inspired to enter a race next weekend - it's an 8km hill job, going up to Monte Naranco , with a climb of 350m in the last 5k. Last year I did it 37 mins, but this time I'll be happy to finish. It'll also give me a chance of sporting the Union Jack shorts i got at the VLM Expo this year.

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    Bummer Joolska. I hope it sorts itself out quickly for you. Shouldn't be any more than a passing bit of awkwardness but I'm sure it's naffed you right off.

    Ant - 12k was not what the doctor ordered! However, nice effort and your mojo didn't take long to come back if you're considering a 'race' next weekend.

    Talking of which, I wonder how everyone's getting on?

    BOTF - Bad luck on the sniffles. There are far more important races in the future so don't let it get you down.

    OO - Are you really doing 35 miles today? image

    2.5 mile recovery bimble on Friday and 14 miles for me this morning, bring up my biggest ever week of 45 miles. Pleased with this morning as I got absolutely hammered at a friend's birthday get together in Halifax yesterday! Then spent 3 hours travelling back because we weren't invited to stay on their floor. Some people are odd. Anyway, this morning went as follows:

    3 miles w/u - 8:28mm     125bpm
    8 miles MPish - 7:18, 7:22, 7:19, 7:16, 7:03, 6:49, 6:42, 6:53     153bpm
    3 miles w/d - 8:33mm     142bpm

    Off to town to buy some new trainers now - yippee!

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    Joolsk - Unlucky, hope its nothing too serious, get better soon.

    B&B - Good running after a hard session(drinking). Can't manage any sort of training with a hangover
    , so I give it a miss, getting too old don't recover as quick!! I love new trainers, especially the smell!!

    Glad I ran Chippenham HM, tried to start off steady, after a 6:46 first mile slowed down and was hitting just below 7 for most of the race, found last three miles tough, consists of 2.5 steady uphill with 0.5 steep downhill.  Finsished with 1:32:30, 5 mins off PB time but 1 min faster than Chippenham last year, avg 7:00 so very happy and a bit of a confidence boost for Abo

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    Quite right, Jools.  Who cares about a sub 3, eh? 
    You're still the family headstand champion, that's the main thing.

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    Just back - full report later but successfully completed in about 5 hours 8 minutes (so inside my revised tergat of 5:15). Blo*dy knackering, especially the impact of the transition on various muscles.

    Mrs L has taken my Garmin out running so I'm trying to remember the split: 20K run in 1:32; 80K bike in about 2:45 and the final 10K in, er, about 55 mins. Have to confess to a bit of run-walk in that last leg as my legs were refusing to obey instructions by then.

    Good to catch up with GE.

    Jools - any headstand piccies?!

    Ant - hope you were out ploughing those fields and scattering good seed

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    Lorenzo, - Great work! An excellent result.

    Well I've been fed and watered by God's almighty hand a bit too much lately....as for scattering good seed, I'll leave that to your imagination..

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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭

    Well done BB on the Chippenham run.  Sounds like your pacing was pretty good.

    Chippenham HM for me as well.  Voted the 5th most favourite race by RW readers I was expecting big things.  A reasonable field of c. 1500, and warm sunny conditions with a reasonably stiff wind.

    Short report.  Not good - 1:28:49.  I'd like to pretend this was an MP run but it was pretty close to 100% effort.

    Slightly longer report.  The plan was 18 miles with the last 14 miles at MP.  I thought about running it as such with MP 2:45 m/m but decided I needed something closer to 1:25, ideally at no more than 90% effort, to give me some confidence that sub 3:00 was a possibility at Abingdon.

    Did the 5 miles w/u, with the last mile at 7.00 m/m pace.  This brought me to the start with 6 mins to go and time for a gel and some LS.  My main priority was not to go off too fast so quite happy with the controlled 6:26 first mile.  The next 4 miles felt pretty good as I gradually starting passing people; splits of 6:34, 6:25, 6:31, 6:34.  I had been feeling pretty good at this point but struggled to maintain the pace over the next 5 miles with splits of 6:43, 6:48, 6:47, 6:50. Even had thoughts of stopping as we got towards 10 miles.  No real problems with the legs just finding it hard work to maintain the pace I wanted.  The next 2 miles, being uphill, were testing with splits of 6:58 and 7:15.  Managed to pick up the pace a little bit on the downhill last mile(6:47 m/m) but once I realised I'd missed 1:28 my enthusiasm for a sprint finish waned and I crossed the finish line feeling somewhat deflated.

    I briefly had thoughts of making myself run a 10K w/d as punishment for running so badly but settled for a 4K w/d to bring the mileage up to 20m for the day. 

    So sub 3:00 at Abingdon is definatley a non starter.  Beginning to think I should abandon plans to run it at all and just focus on getting in to faster shape for the London 2011 campaignimage

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    Jools - is there no end to your talents? Running, music, the law, acrobatics...

    ... But I know how annoying it is when a key piece of training is compromised by self inflicted folly - been there myself (lost two weeks training in March pre VLM with a drinking injury on a ski trip).

    Barry - that's a pretty solid half. Well done. What's the course like? Sounds like not a PB course?

    Ant, B&B - good training in adversity. Those runs count double.

    Richmond Park Ultra duathlon this morning (and a good deal of the afternoon too).

    Very different vibe to running events with lots of people with fancy bikes that they love almost as much as they love themselves. Anyway - a slightly disapointing effort from me but I'm not in top for at present. Run 1 was 20k which I did in 1.30 so 7.10 per mile. So far so good. 3 mins in T1 which I suspect was v slow. the run had hurt a bit more than I would have liked but I felt good when I got on the bike and was flying along until I got massive calf cramps halfway round the first lap (of 7!). This was a worry so I eased off a bit but was cycling OK for 4 laps and then slowed over the last 3 and started to stuggle. Bike was, I think, around 2.45 for the 48 or so miles. 3.5mins in T2 - putting off the last 10k run!

    The llast run was rubbish - struggled to keep to 8 min miling and embarrasingly enough was 50.xx - a 10k PW and tbh was just wanting to be finished at that stage.

    5.11 was the end result - 5-10 mins slower than I thought I would manage most of which was lost on the last run.

    Good to see Lorenzo who acquitted himself rather better than me but I will leave him to tell his tale.

    Not raving about this event but it is handy for me and I don't rule out doing it again.
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    SBD - It was a pretty warm day out there and there are still 5 weeks to Abo.  Don't make any quick decisions. We all have good/bad days.

    GE- Course is OK, described as flat, but I'd call it undulating and last 3 miles is tough with 2.5 steady uphill, then a sharp descent for the last 0.5.  Winner came home in 69 mins. Sounds like a hard day for you, have you had much experience at these run/bike/run events?

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