
FLM 09 - 3.45ers!



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    I lookat all your long runs and sigh. I did one lap of Richmond park today, but that was enough, my longest lsr's were three laps a couple of months ago.

    On the other hand, one lap would have been a long lsr for me 6 months ago.

    I was thinking of doing a 10K race this morning, but I was right not to do it. First, my bed was nice and warm, but second it would have been depressing, my body would have struggled to get under 1 hr.

    13 Feb, so 4 weeks since my marathon, no injuries, I am sure I am right to gently get back into proper training.

    I think I am beginning to realise it is difficult to overestimate the damage a marathon does to the muscles. I don't want to push myself and get injured. I tore a calf muscle a year ago and it took a couple of months to repair.

    So it is 'smelling the roses' time, just enjoying the views.

    Off to Norway tomorrow (Stavanger) for 3 days, staying in town so not much chance of a run. So I will do a gentle run tomorrow before the flight. 

    I would like to take advantage of my marathon training to reduce my half and 10K pb's soon.

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    I had to drag myself round 18 miles today, hungover, full of cold.  Mrs Puffy had to get the London Marathon theme tune on.  PJ told me, as I tell him every week, that the fight's won on the road, not in the ring, from Muhammed Ali.  Then Mrs P met me at 10 miles with a bottle of water and a banana.  I'm glad I did it, but I know I will feel awful tomorrow and it is going to be a hell of a week at work.
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    Well done Mr P, you got the miles in....hope work isn't that bad....know how you fell image

    Well I have to tell you, I am soooooooo excited.  We had our last x country race of the league today, over at Bosworth Battlefield...I was really nervous, more so today as I knew the team had to come 2nd overall to win the league.  It was a strange course, really thick mud, not too hilly, with lots of twists and turns through woodland etc.  It was about 5.5 miles.   I was quite pleased, as today the men and women started together, sometimes us ladies start 10 mins after and I got a few men from our club and others I know from other clubs, that I never come anywhere near (sorry, boast over, it just never happens!!)   I came my usual 11th place again today, so the ladies that counted were 5th, 11th, 17th and 20th.

    We (ladies team) came first, men 2nd, so an overall 2nd which meant we won the league and go forward to the National finals next month.

    I then got back and went for a 10 mile bike ride to tell my Mum the good news, bathed and then off to the local for a  great late lunch, followed by pink champers and chocs back at home.

    Bliss - sorry to harp on!!

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    Fab Claire - well done - you deserve the boast!  Amazing!

    Mr P - everyone has bad days - you sound like you had yours today.  We all go through it, and if you're full of cold and hungover (albeit self inflicted!) then it's even better than you thought - you'll bounce back, you're stronger than you think xxx

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    Superb job Claire well done on a league win !  I wish Charlton could do that!

    Watched the Ben boys get a win today 2-1 away to a team from Dartford.  They are in the bottom half but a couple of wins will see them away from relegation.

    I went to a sports therapist for massage and to check out the problem with the knee. Basically I have patellar tendonitis, and have an inbalance going on in my left quad muscles which are not tracking correctly. Lots of stretching exercises to do and going back for another pummelling next Saturday. No running for me for a week at least.

    My mate George ran the Punchbowl Marathon in 5 hrs 46 I think.  In the first London Ultra 50k we had a club mate finish 2nd in 4 hrs exactly and another ORR came home in a local 10 miler in Sidcup in 57 mins!  Some good running from the club even if I cant contribute at the moment!

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    Wow!!! Well done Claire, that is great going!!!  And well done Benboys.  Hope the imbalance gets sorted soon.  Join the club with OS and I. image  Well done ORR, you are going great guns

    Well done Mr P for getting out there.

    LOL SDM, I didn't know little critters liked Mars bars so much.

    owowow my toes still hurt.  The toe blisters are the ones from the Tanners.  They have turned into blood blisters.  The other blisters have healed up now.  

    I think the toe ones are getting worse, I may have to go to the docs about if they dont heal up soon.

    I just need to stick something in them to release the pressure but they hurt and I dont want to infect them so I wont.

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    Oh Shimmy hope they heal soon, Mrs Benyo has the same problem. I bought her a new pair of addidas but the model had slightly changed with a narrower fit and a strip down the side in a different place. From super comfortable to agony - why do manufacturers do that? I shall be taking them back.
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    Ouch, how can Adidas get any narrower??

    Mine is caused by my blobby frog toes, they are skinny and then have a blobby end which rub on the toe next to it.

    ooowwwww image

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    Anyone fancy a run from London Bridge today.

     I did a very slow 13 miles yesterday but didnt stop so that must be a good thing!!

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    Sorry Mark - if only!  But I'm trapped in school with next year's timetabling problems!  But at least it's quiet without any girls!
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    Sorry Mark on holiday this week otherwise I would.

    Shimmy, pop em. I did and mine are fine now!

    Did 16 yesterday due to going wrong way (again). Well done everyone on weekend runs . Claire you are a machine!

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    I think they are too deep to pop.  Dont want to get an infection.  I have the moonlight in 2 weeks time
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    Morning everyone..just back from the dentist...ouch!

    Hope you get those blisters sorted Shimmy, perhaps you should get yourself to the dr's this week, so you give yourself chance to get them healed for your moonlight run.

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    I will have a look at them tonight and that may be a good idea Claire.

    How did the dentist go?

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    Ok thanks Shimmy...the antiobiotic had made the infection less sore last week, and  she's took the filling out today, cleaned it up and re filled it...went straight from the gym though and am now really hungry...just tried to eat some banana and walnut loaf and regretted it!

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    ewwww owww is your mouth still numb?
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    Shimmy, I pop all types of blisters, then cover them with Compeed and it's always worked so far. However it took 6 months for the toenail I lost after Mount Toubkal to grow back!

    The heel was better on/after Saturday's run - probably because I used a new insert - but will still see the podiatrist tomorrow.

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    Yes Shimmy, mouth still numb!

    I just think for your piece of mind I'd get your toes seen too with your race coming up.  I have a really sore toe, my feet are awful actually, and am going to a chirpodist my Mum has just started having at the end of the month, when I get paid!

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    I usually pop too but these ones are different.  Not your normal blister.  They are blood blisters but quite deep and quite sore.  They have developed from the ones I got at the Tanners so they have been hanging about for a bit.  I have one on each toe apart from the little one.  That one healed up really well.

    Xpost with Claire.  Nope, you are right.  I need to get them sorted.  

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    Is anyone else doing the Stinger - or the Sussex Beacon?
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    Nah, too far south for me!
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    afternoon all

    anyone got any experience of heart rate monitors?  I attempted to find my maximum heart rate on Saturday, by jogging for a while then sprinting flat out for as long as I could. The monitor only recorded 160 bpm max, which is a bit on the low side for my age. Should be around 170bpm. My resting rate is 45bpm, so my long run bpm at the recomended 70% should be around 125bpm, using the formula, but even jogging it was around 145bpm and went up to 156bpm up a small hill. So instead of 70%, i'm running at 90 to 95% of max heart rate. Either my maximum heart rate is higher than I achieved when sprinting to find it on Saturday, or i'm nearly flat out at a jog???.  Any ideas??

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    blimey, you have some strange heart rates

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    NfS - I had the same problem when I started to use an HRM.  My resting heart rate was 'too low' for my age and my max heart rate 'too high'.  The guides they give you are very average.  I was a bit worried and  went to the Doctor for an ECG to check!

    My suggestion is use it for a month or so and just log your rates when you are doing various speed activities and after a while you will establish your own figures.

    For instance I know that my Easy pace is about 150 - 155, steady is around 160, race pace c.170 and flat out is 180-185, although i have peaked a bit beyond this. LSR's should be sub-150 but I get bored at that speed.

     I also find that for the first mile or two, my heart rate goes up to 160-165, and then settles back down as I warm up and get into my stride.

    Not sure this is very scientific, but hope it helps a little.

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    That's what I did.  Just kept an eye on my rates for a couple of weeks or so then did the calculations. 
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    Cstar/Shimmy shimmy

    yes, my easy pace is about 140, steady about 150-155. I don't know my race pace as i've only just bought the HRM, but flat out being only about 160 is a bit worrying?. I think i'll try a flat out run during a steady 150-155 after about 5-6 miles and see if it goes up to about 180 where it should be with steady being around 150-155?. Perhaps trying to achieve a flat out maximum pace from cold over about a mile just wasn't far enough to get a true max reading?  If 160 is my max, I think it's time I gave up running, as at 70% of 160 max , I'm hardly moving?, and at a comfortable 150, i'm at 95% max???.

    I think I might explode at a comfortable pace??

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    I think you need to go a bit harder nfs, perhaps a few intervals uphill to find your true max.  Mine is around 186 I think, resting, like asleep, is around 50 and sat at my desk around 60.

    Resting tonight, but i've got a piece of a plate stuck in the ball of my right foot.  Rob and his girlfriend were cooking last week and he broke it, it's a tiny sliver, but I fear I'm going to have to go to hospital to get it out, I can't possibly leave it but it seems so trivial.

    Got a pile of work done today, and got approval for a case we want to use from the supermarket buyer over the head of the designers, 1st March is not possible now but the delay can't be put down to us, so it's ok.

    No repsonse from Job, perhaps my expectations were too high! 

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    Sorry Guys I am no expert on heart rates I just run how I feel.  image   Shame is I cant run at all now coz of the bloody knee!  Mabe if I run to a heart rate I wouldnt have damaged myself so much?  

    SDM I have a place for Steyning Stinger, but watch this space if Im able to run?  If I do Steyning I may jeopardise VLM recovery.  I would rather run Steyning than London actually so I am a great one for contradicting myself tonight! image 

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    I'm with you Benyo - although I do wear an hrm - my max is a bit like Mr P's, with LSRs about 150 - but I sort of go with how I feel at the time.

    Sounds painful Mr P, and Shimms - blimey! 

    I have been so lucky in that I have never had a blister - probably means I haven't worked hard enough but not sure what I'd prefer really - harder running or blisters!

    Didn't get to the gym - too bl**dy busy timetabling - and I've only just finished now - I don't get paid enough to work 14 hour days - and I get no extra for it either - boo hoo!  But I have a job, and for that I am extremely grateful, so I shouldn't really moan (not that that'll stop me!!)

    Will try my hills tomorrow morning early at school (hopefully)

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    I'm not with this HR thing either, although I'm trialing out this new HR watch for the gym..not sure I'm clever enough to understand it all - I just run with how my legs feel!

    I hope you get that foot sorted out Mr P, you and Shimmy are a right pair!

    Benyo, I hope you can get back to running soon, you sound really fed up.

    TMA, I hope you manage to fit your training in tomorrow.

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