
Pooh's Corner



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    Hi all

    am just downloading yesterdays piccies of my very reluctant witch. Trying to print a couple of photos for my mum. Molly made 2 lovely bat biccies at the creche yesterday anda hallowen card using her thumb prints to make the spiders. Lovely.

    Grendel did Nathan get dressed up??

    Caught one lot of trick or treaters on my way out to craft class last night. Luckily got a big bag of maltesers so gave them that to divide between them. They were with their mum and dad and looked lovely.

    Did you get dressed up tweety????

    Off to my friends for an hour as going to be stuck in all day tomorrow.

    Have a good day.
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    Hi - nathan did get dressed up after all, in fact on the way to nursery, just before we got into the car he decided he wanted to put the outfit on, so had to take his coat off - put his pumpkin suit on and get his coat over the top of it - not to bad as it was more like a little jumper than anything - wore the hat and the mask too, and he kept the top on all day at nursery and wore the hat on the way home to! Wasn't keen on being photographed though!

    alos BM - if it gets to much tomorrow get on line and we can always 'talk'

    Have just collected the contracts from solicitors so hopefully will exchange next week.
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    dressed up in the end. had a great time at mum in laws. ended rather horribly though; was playing with jess and making her laugh and she hiccuped a couple of times. She laughed a bit more and I sat up and she threw up all over me, literally. Had to sit there until she'd finished. OH took her upstairs and stood her in the bath and showered her down while i had to take all my clothes off, clear up what went on the floor, rinsed my clothes etc....

    horrible. people throwing up is my one phobia in life and i was almost crying. jess is fine today apparently and she slept well last night. FLM cheque not cashed yet :-(
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    Aw Tweety. I think I'd have been sick too. Hubby got same phobia so I have to deal with poo and sick.

    When do the cheques get cashed???? When do you get to know???? :-{ got my fingers crossed for you.

    Good News Grendel about the house.

    Doesn't look like I am going to get out for a run. Hubby gone to sleep. Molly still full of beans and she's not had a very good sleep last night or today. Was up 6 times last night so if anyone needs sleep around here it's me. Molly going around saying 'stoppit' oh joy.

    Went to my friends her boiler packed up and no good. She got to wait 8 weeeks for warmplan to replace her heating system. My woes about the freezing cold kitchen are nothing compared to freezing house. She has borrowed everyones electric heaters. Bless.

    Well bottle to sort out to see if this little gremlin will go to bed.

    Probably be after 9 if I do get out. It's freezing out there too.
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    Guess what my OH won’t deal with the sick bit a t all, even if it is hers, I have to clear it up, the poo bit not as bad, although only if she has to (i.e. when I am not around – or if we are at my parents, then she does the mummy bit!) I’m not over keen but someone has to do it so if one won’t the other has to.

    I guess it was a sort of reaction she hiccupped and up it all came up, not actually anything wrong?

    Have signed all the paperwork now so will get it all dropped off at the solicitors today (am glad we chose a local one as it does make things easier) aren’t cheques cashed around about now? – I have a guaranteed entry based on the 5 knock back rule, but will put it off until 2008 as I really do want to take year to train properly, although in a conversation I had with a friends wife, it might be nice to just jog round without any pressure - have always gone for a time before.
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    won't know for definite about FLM until beginning of december at earliest. some cheques were cashed the other day but not mind yet :-(

    jess' favourite phrase used to be 'go away.' she had an awful nights sleep last night and spent most of it in our bed, which she also wet because her nappy was so full. eurgh.

    fingers crossed for the exchange grendel. are you going to southend on saturday to watch fireworks? it is a ritual for us at casa tweety; they always put on a brilliant display.

    BM - sympathies to your friend. she must be absolutely FREEZING!

    ah well, must go and clear the work backlog. brrrr.
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    meant beginning of december at the latest. caffeine not kicked in yet.
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    Oh my eyes are down to my knees. Was up 4 times during the night. Then had a real job trying to get hubby out to work. He kept laughing at me yesterday as when I made the sandwiches for his bait yesterday at 6.15 a.m. I hardly had my eyes open. Needless to say he had a triple decker cheese and pickle sandwich and a slice of buttered bread instead of 2 cheese and pickle sandwiches. OOPs. I had been up 6 times though. Got talc in my hair. Mol squeezed the tub as I was getting her ready so I look like I've aged 10 years. Not got time to wash as worried the cooker people will turn up as i am washing it. Mum in law coming up soon to help out. Will wash it then. The joys of babies and toddlers.
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    Mol pressed the submit button. Good luck with house Grendel. Same for the London Marathon. Going to try in October next year. Mol will be coming up 2 her 3rd birthday by then.

    OOOH fireworks. Want to go to the NIssan family display on Saturday. Will try to pin hubby down tonight to decide if we are doing something here or if we should go out. Sorry forany mistakes molly pressing all buttons she can get her fingers on.

    Didn't get for run. Hubby woke at 10.30 had a cuppa checked the SAFC forum then went to bed again. He said I could go out and risk the murderers and rapists if I wanted, but I said murderersand rapists I can deal with its the chavs I am frightened of. (so are the murderers and rapists). If cooker arrives early enough Mum in law will let me go out. Pleeeeaaaaasssseeeeeee hurry.
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    Fingers crossed for cooker then - won't be going to the fireworks Saturday as OH not keen.

    Nathan woke twice last night and I took him into the spare bed - had a massive tantrum on the way out to nursery, so in the end I just ignored him and talked to myself in the car and pretended that he wasn't there - at that point he got really upset as the attention was off him and all I heard was I'm sorry Daddy I'm sorry Daddy I'm sorry Daddy. He hates me ignoring him - OH can and he doesn't care but if I do he gets really upset - and it works wonders - were friends again when we go there.

    Nathan has been telling us to shut up for a while and you're stupid, didn't know where he got it from until I bought him Toy Story 1 & 2 from a Boot Sale - they watch it all the time at nursery - and that is where he got it from - wasn't overly happy with the nursery and when one of the staff told me about what he was saying, I tild her exactly where it came from - she was a bit embarrased.

    His latest is (and we try not to laugh) bl**dy hell - said to him the other night Nathan that really is not very nice and he said sorry daddy went back to his game and said oh for christ sake.

    Trouble is Nathan has been a good talker from the time he started talking at 11 months - first words were ' here it is' and never left off - Health visitor said she couldn't beleive that she was holding a proper conversation with a 2 year old (when he was 2) I think what is happening is that one of the older children is feeding him lines - because he told me that one of the older boys had told him about bl**dy hell - probably finds it funny -

    Oh well back to the joys of work

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    Hello all

    Just a quickie

    Molly got a sore throat. (well she sounds gruff and is giving me hell). Going down to sit in her igloo for a bit. Dunno where this morning has gone. Put the ironing away and put some damp stuff on the airer. Loaded and unloaded the dishwasher. Tidied around. Sorted the bedrooms and bathroom. Have read several books. Its 11.00 nearly.

    Cooker arrived poor guys they had to take it across the lawn, in through the french doors and through the chapel, hall and into the dining room. They had a sweat on by the time they got it through. They tried to get it in the back door but couldn't. Front door the same. Still we got value for our £40.00 delivery charge.

    Haven't been able to unpack it yet. Worried Molly will think as its in the dining room its going to be a new toy. Want to touch it and open doors. I have waited nearly 5 years for my range cooker.

    Got out for a lovely run yesterday. Was very cold and crisp yest evening, but the sky was lovely autumn coulors and the leaves were all shades of brown, red and yellow. Ran through the woodland at the back of the house. Really enjoyed it. Got talking to a man who always says hello when i am out. We were walking in thesame direction as I was cooling down. He used to do a bit of running until his knees went. Now walks his dog everywhere. We were discussing the merit of rescue dogs. Was a good run. Forgot how nice autumn running is. I looked like I had dressed in the dark though. Black Ronhill leggings, Charcoal fleece top and my navy blue and orange Aldi jacket (but I took the sleeves off to make it into a Gillet) black gloves and a light blue addidas coolmax cap. Very attractive. But was quite toasty.

    Well must crack on. I made tea for mum and dad in law who helped out with the dog and Molly yesterday whilst cooker being delivered, so mountain of dishes that don't go into dishwasher to wash up. Oh and Molly trashed this room (again)

    If I don't get on again have a good weekend.
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    We lit a fire in the chapel for in laws yesterday after tea. we were all nearly asleep including Molly. Managed to get her to bed and sleep. She woke up 8 times during the night for drinks. But if she's not well. Sigh - one thing after another. Hubby bound to get it too. Eyes down to ankles now.
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    BM you live in a chapel - it does sound really lovely where you live.

    Sorry Molly poorly, it's so hard they don't understand why they feel rough and can't put it across.

    Nathan had a major tantrum last night after bath - he probably was picking up a bit of tenmsion from me as I had forgotten to buy more milk for him and needed to get him alseep and me showered before I shot up the road to ASDA.

    For the third night running he has come in with me in the spare room so I have not slept brilliantly - but then I'm not sleeping anyway think it is something about the house move - I think because I am doing all the paperwork, dealing with solicitors, arranging removal people etc the strain is begining to show a bit - oh well never mind will be good in the end.

    Glad you got the cooker sorted and more importanly the run in - I had forgotten how brilliant autumn running is - really miss it at the moment - oh well one day well have London 2008 to aim for.
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    Oh Grendel, sorry, here's me rabbiting about my run. Am going to Asda when hubby gets in We need milk for Molly. So your eyes down to your knees or ankles as well???

    Our living room used to be a chapel when the priest and nun's lived in the house. We just got used to calling it the chapel when all the unsorted boxes and junk got dumped when we moved in. We did it out, got an open fire put in and live in it basically. Nice room. Lovely view of trees.

    Its a worrying time moving house. We had several hic-ups but got in eventually.

    Mum not in a good mood. So if you see headlines on news, Sunderland woman tries to bury mother in Father's grave its probably me.

    Have a good weekend!!!
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    Don't worry about rabbiting about the running Coming on here talking about it basically replaces going to a club and talking about it, if it was a problem I wouldn’t come on anyway –

    Will look out for mad Sunderland axe woman decapitates Mum!

    Have a good weekend – know I will get disturbed this evening as OH is going out with friends (can’t remember what that was like) will come in around midnight wake Nathan, then she'll wake me to tell me that Nathan is awake – still gives me a chance to get on the internet and do some surfing/posting – there is still a whole community on the web at night! Don’t people have lives?

    Have a great weekend.
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    No Grendel I don't think some people do have lives or they are like us waiting for the little ones to settle.

    Mum still going but only just. Molly still not well. Mum almost accused me of making her bad deliberately. The usual of how many layers, she should have trousers on not a skirt. even when she is in the buggy with tights ad cosi toes... I don't know. Parents who'd have them. Still she didn't have an audience at church yard so she couldn't say 'George, when are you coming to get me' in a very loud voice. Though she tried to show me up in Pets at home. She was looking at the dog Advent Calenders saying I hope you are going to get her one with Jesus on so I said the dog doesn't understand about christmas, it just sees food, food and more food. Mum said no Molly. So I replied I wasn't going to get Molly a dog one, was getting her a snowman. Mum thought I meant an advent calender with a dog on as opposed to a dog chocolate one. Took ages to explain. So now Mum on a mission to find a baby jesus advent calender. Oh joy!!!!

    Hope its not too bad tonight.
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    They do grow up (the kids that is)

    Aged P's are another thing entirely.
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    Just think, if you live long enough, you can be a source of embarasment to your kids.
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    I hope so BD. I wanna get her back for all the tantrums she has at the moment!!! How you doing. Sorry to hear you not been well. Hope you are well on the road to recovery.

    Am really p****d off they delivered the wrong cooker. Going back to comet in the morning to complain. We never checked yesterday. Stupid me. I don't mind it as it looks like the original one we ordered. But no glass lid. Which is a must with the little one! Oh B*gger. Here was me flicking through cookery books thinking I can start and cook properly again.... (well)

    OOPs had a glass of red wine.... me and alcohol don't mix very well.
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    You out there Grendel or are you asleep? Can't sleep. Typical. Was shattered at 10.00 now can't sleep. Hubby and Molly sound. Am wide awake.
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    Sorry BM wasn't around had an early night, I can't even remember if Nathan woke - then slept for another couple of hours on the sofa when Nathan and I got up at around 6:10 - oh well have checked the lottery - no not me, so better get washing in and start more packing.

    Take care and catch up tomorrow.

    OH can't sleep after red wine.
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    Am loaded with cold. Feel like death. Tried to log on earlier but think there were problems. Going to get two paracetamols and go die in bed quietly. Managed to get this room tidyed, dusted and the floor washed. Sorted out Mollys stuff and put it back in her room. Going to go to Ikea for some storage for my cardmaking and scrapbooking stuff. Its everywhere. Molly can get into the box now.

    Wow Grendel - you get the washing in???? Am green with envy. It could be chucking it down and hubby doesn't think of getting it in. Can count on one hand the times he has got washing in.

    Ah well, head aching of to bed with tissues now. (pleeeaaase Molly sleep)

    BD will check thread tomorrow as head punding and the colours on the site not doing it any favours!!

    Night all.
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    Get the washing in, hang it out - prepare dinner, (not that I am a cook) do house work, look after Nathan, do all the night waking/early morning stuff - work a 37.5 hour week - no wonder I look 90!

    Oh well hope you feel better today BM
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    you deserve a medal grendel. i will buy you one of those chocolate ones if i ever get to meet you :-) my OH is quite into housework. i don't bother doing hoovering or some tidying because he goes around checking after i do it! he doesn't let me do DIY either because he says i make too much mess, ha ha!

    fireworks were good but jess decided 2 minutes into them that she didn't like them and started screaming big time. we have been there every year (even when i was pregnant) and she has always liked them. had to keep her distracted on a bob the builder ride. stood in las vegas arcade on one of those stools putting 2ps into a machine and she won a car, hurrah!

    her excema has flared up big time because of the combination of cold weather and the heating going on so she was up from midnight to 4am on saturday, aargh! then she was late to bed saturday because mother in law decided to buy stepson a wristband to the rides. fish and chips were lovely, as always but not as yummy as after running 10k!

    haven't run for a week because of cold but feeling much better today so am off to the gym. felt like carp yesterday; a combination of not exercising for a week and PMS (sorry to all males on the thread.)

    get well soon BM - glad to hear you are on the mend big david.

    oh well, back to the grindstone.
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    Got my letter confirming the marathon place on Saturday - OH's immediate reaction - you won't have time to train for that!

    Will put it off until 2008 which will give me a chance to get fit - feel I need a year to do it so once we move will start getting out at luncthimes etc and start to build up to a postion where I can train properly.

    I know that seems a bit selfish when others want to run, but I have done it 7 times in the past, organised and run drink stations, gone to meetings etc - have entered and donated the past 5 years and generally supported the race so will only run it when I can do it justice

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    congrats on the place grendel - i assume you got a GFA place or is it a 5 times rejection? i am very jealous! 2 time rejection for me it's looking like :-( fingers crossed for the ballot.
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    5 times rejection as have not run FLM since 1999 when I sort of staggered round to 3:03 a PW - How the times have changed.
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    Wow you don't fancy writing a book do you??? Husbands can do housework too or something along those lines. OH not done much since I had the baby (not that he did much before either) He had a Mum who did everything. How he coped living in Birmingham for 10 years I don't know. He does cook on dayshift/lateshift if he not getting stuck into the kitchen. He would never think of dusting before vacuuming or pulling out furniture. As for washing the laminate. LAst time he did it it looked worse than before. I shouldn't complain, he has worked like a trojan last two weeks to get the ceiling back up and do all the electrics in what was the morning room, but now is part of the kitchen. Its nearly a year since we got the builder to knock through. We can see light at the end of the tunnel, but I still reckon its going to be july/august next year before we get a new kitchen installed. Ah well will have to live with one cupboard a bit longer.

    Congrats on the place Grendel, if you have waited for 5 years to get aplace and its not convenient this year, and you can defer it then do so. I'd have put hubby's lights out if I'd got a place and he said You won't have time to train, he now knows to keep quiet even if he thinks it. I am not very good when people say things like that even if they are talking sense. But I am the wife from hell some days. (hope I haven't offended you, just gets me mad). Hubby did the same thing with last years GNR, I didn't get to do any running but I walked everywhere pushing the buggy. I was quite fit. So when he said you're not doing it you haven't trained. I walked further and harder. (put shopping on the buggy and walked from town on several occasions, Thats nearly 4 miles. I nagged him into training, as he had more free time than me. He wouldn't walk it. Moaned and complained that he'd paid for it etc, then when I pointed out it had been easier for him to train than me he clammed up. If I wear last years tee-shirt, he still says 'I should have one of those, but I let you do it' boiling blood will change subject.

    After a lot of faffing on we decided to keep the cooker. It looks tha same as the one we orderd. We don't have a glass lid on it, which means we will have to get a splashback or tile behind it. Its got 8 burners instread of 7 and its B efficiency rather than A. We have tried everywhere to get the one we wanted and its out of stock with no due date. Got our delivery fee back from Comet so we can't argue. We went back on Saturday and said we didn't want it. Got a refund, it was due to go Thursday. Then Saturday lunch time after going to Currys and on various electrical websites, no joy, decided, to keep it. When I went int Comet with Mum tonight to look at TV's with her, the guy who did the refund, then the re-purchase looked worried, said It was ok we were still keeping it.

    Ah Tweety the joys of children. Molly enjoyed the fireworks from the bedroom window. We watched the Nissan display then last night we watched some of the neighbours. She is more worried about her' pumpkie' we put it out on the wall by the french doors on Saturday night all lit up. She wants it back in. She keeps telling me Pumpkie cold awww. Going to have to send OH out to put it on the compost heap when he gets in from work tonight!!!! Some B'd started letting fireworks off just as I got into bed last night. Luckily they didn't last long. Molly slept all night. She must have known how much I craved sleep. Feeling better today. Managed to dudt and vacuum downstairs. Starting to get the house sorted for Chrimbo.

    Well I best go. How can you tell I have only had my moaning mum to talk to for most of the day as hubby busy.
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