
Edinburgh Marathon May 2007



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    Runner 379 (me) is optimistic: I've got over my cold, the sun is out (in Aberdeen at least), the forecast is pretty good overall, carbo loading is starting (I like that bit as I actually enjoy pasta and rice). Injuries aren't troubling me too much - a very relaxed taper has helped.

    I have my strategy all worked out - go with the flow, refuelling will be strategically positioned at mile 12 and 22 (i.e. Port Seton).

    What can possibly go wrong?
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    Arghhh Hillheader, you are jinxing it!! ;)
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    Cotty & Amber I'm exactly the same with appetite loss. I have felt quite weird the last couple of days, kinda like you're not exactly unwell but you just don't feel 'right'. And I've been knackered!! I am hoping its just nerves!!
    I'll be giving myself all the positive talking that I can think of tomorrow to get my mindset ready.
    Fear of the unknown is an emotional rollercoaster!! I just want to ba able to say... I have RAN a marathon, I know what its all about lol.

    Will look out for any green ribbons this afternoon at expo.
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    Morning, I see the taper madness has set in;))

    Selfish Git, trust me - it will be scorching hot and blazzing sunshine!

    Got to say the only downside with wet marathons is the chaffing - far worse in the wet.
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    Bungee and cotty -glad its not just me! and i also feel wierd!!(more so than usual!)
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    Oh lordy lordy, all these spaced out folk running the marathon. You need red bull, it gives you wings don't you know! :)

    Boffin, nappy rash cream is the bees knees for chaffing in wet weather. ;)
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    Brakes failed on my little car this am as hubby driving it to work!! hes Ok but mustve been scarey!! Car now at garage, will it be fixed..wont it be fiexed...will i get courtesay car or not..when today or monday... Has taken my thoughts off race but no less stressfull!!!
    Cooking lasagne for return meal Sunday night whilst watching taped Monaco GP. Wine cooling in fridge - 3 bottles!!
    Good luck to all those leaving home today. Safe journeys. Molly XX
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    morning all, getting v jittery now, starting to lay everything out to pack and writing endless lists...

    lol Amber, I have been keeping a safe distance from my husband this week, seems to have worked and so far germ free.

    This may well be my last post before the big day, not sure if I'll be online again when we get back this evening, and no doubt headless chickenry will take over tomorrow morning.

    So...best of luck to everyone, has been great dropping in for the moral support (and entertainment!), will see if I can muster up something to pose as green ribbon for expo tomorrow afternoon, and I'll be in a green top on Sunday anyway. May well not be online until next weekend as we're being locked away in a posh hotel in Aviemore next week (4 hours on Areas for Improvement etc, cant wait)

    Fingers crossed for weather, injuries and all that, what can we do now but run?

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    Oh Molly, I've had that before. Had to use the handbrake to stop the car! Interesting... The garage had cut the brake fluid pipe when it went in for work by mistake. Hope hubby is ok and that you get the car sorted quickly.
    Far too organised cooking lasagne in advance. :)
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    Molly, hope your hubby's nerves settle down soon - loosing brakes is very scary!
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    he's keeping his cool so I dont loose mine - too late!!! Fort happened at bottome of big hill not at top and only a few mins from work.
    Gail Thanks for all you good wishes. The same obviously applies to you. As you say its been a good place for support here and we've all had a laugh as well.
    Hope you have a safe journey to Edin and Aviemore week goes OK. Hear theres fresh snow on hills up there today- legs stand up to skiing next week?!!! XX
    Santa really hope you arms going to be OK. Remember if its raining to keep bandage waterproofed (plastic bag or cling film securely taped?)- wet bandaging over a burn prob more sore than wet chaffing feet.XX
    Soph Thanks for your support over the months and for listening to my wild ramblings. Hope your race goes OK. XX
    Boffin Good luck blue man - I'll be watching for you. we should be starting in the same pen as we both hope for 3-45. I'll be wearing green ribbon, blue shorts and whire T shirt.(that narrows it down a bit!! ha ha) Red laces. i have short grey/blond hair. XX
    Hillheader Hope your journey down goes Ok. We're setting off 8am at the latest tomorrow. So if you see a grey VW passat towing a caravan heading south - thatll be us!! Passenger will be eating!! XX
    bungee Really hope to see you at some point - best option will be loo queue!! Thanks for you support as well and for making the last few months more bearable. Good luck XX
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    Cheers Molly, same to you. Really hope you make your GFA, I'm SURE you will. Good luck and safe journey to you too.

    See you all Sunday, not sure if I'll get chance to log on tomorrow, so here's hoping that you all achieve what you set out to achieve. :)

    Really looking forward to meeting a lot of you afterwards, especially you Amber! :))

    Take care all and only 1 day 20 hours and 34mins left to that start gun. WOO HOO... :D
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    eeek Molly, what nightmare that mustve been for hubby :o(

    well good luck to those of you heading down/up/across to Edinburgh today that wont get access to pc again.

    i'll be at expo some point tomoro, will have green ribbon on ...

    i'll have fetch top and a banadage on for raceday
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    Good luck to everyone taking part this year.

    Seen a few familar names from last years run. Wanting to hear how the logistics of the new layout goes on the day - any problems that families have getting out to the finish and back into Edinburgh that sort off thing. If it all goes well I will probably join you all again next year.

    Hope it all goes smoothly and it is a bit cooler that last year.

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    We're heading down to Edinburgh today and staying with inlaws. Just got to get my supplies of pomegranate flapjacks (60p for 500 cal).

    I will no doubt see most of you on the run! Some of you will be heading West when I'm heading East, and then some of you heading East when I'm (hopefully) heading West.

    "May the road rise to meet you
    May the wind be always at your back
    The sunshine warm upon your face
    The rains fall soft upon your fields"
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    Day off downloading music to keep me going. 2 days from now all be over for loads of you but nae for me !!! Musselburgh here I come.
    Hillheader what a lovely 4 lines.
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    Good luck to everyone heading off today, I'll still be lurking around the forum this evening if anyone's still here!
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    So will I YP1! Flying over to Edinburgh tonight but will log on when I get home to my mum's!

    Good luck to everyone, and safe journeys to those travelling tonight. Thank you to all esp Amber, Molly and Soph for words of encouragement way back when I had serious motivational problems!!! Been great chatting to you all over the months, and am really looking forward to meeting you tomorrow/sunday. Will be at Expo tomorrow too so will look out for green ribbons : )

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    I shall still be here until tomorrow morning...

    ...nothing like cutting things fine - my flight is supposed to land at 2pm. No worries, 3hrs to get to the expo...

    ...assuiming the flight is not delayed yet again (been put back four times already) and I get out of the airport promplty:)

    Safe journeys everyone:))
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    Blimey, it all sounds like goodbyes on here!

    I'm off work til tueday now. Slept for 12 hours straight last night....and woke up with a migraine! Bummer.

    Just as soon as I can see again, I'm off to the expo, then dropping off my dog in Musselburgh. Really looking forward to meeting some of you on Sunday. Have a fantastic race everyone.

    I just wanted to add my thanks for all the support too. I'd got myself into a really difficult and draining relationship which I finally managed to get out of at new year. That was after leaving one job after 3 months off with stress when I couldn't cope with the bullying from a colleague any more and reported him...nobody did a thing, they all sat back covered their @rses and waited for me to resign. Went running to another job which I hated and living in a place which I really hated with a neighbor whos dogs kept attacking me and my dog. Then started another job, moved house, split with difficult boyfriend and had interview for teacher training course all in the space of 1 week. Then totally fell apart over xmas and new year.

    So....2006 was really not the best of years. Having Edinburgh to concentrate and especially having all you lot to talk to, and you are so so supportive, has really helped me get my life back on track, and get through a time when I felt very very alone.

    Now, I'm back and LIFE IS GREAT!!! Bring on Sunday!!!
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    hmm not sure if this is a sign but it seems that the marathon website has crashed...
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    Sorry, that was a bit of a ramble! See what happens when I stop running for a few days!

    Hillheader - what a lovely poem. But I'm a bit scared by wishing for the road to rise up and meet me. If this happens to me, it usually means at I am now at mile 22 and have fallen over having hit the wall!
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    its starting to feel a bit too close now with everyon esaying their good byes and going off to the expo.

    any good freebies to pick up? any bargains to be had?

    Am so much calmer than I was this time before FLM. Went for my last run last night which was really slow for my 75% HR. think I am still tierd, am therefore not expecting a brilliant time on sunday but still hoping to beat FLM time
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    boffin, my flight lands at 1pm, am travelling only with handluggage to speed things up!!
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    Steven MacSteven Mac ✭✭✭
    Hirsty - it may not have been wee, the ice maybe melted a bit!! Might bump into you tonight at the expo as I expect to be there about 6.00.

    Good travels to everyone setting off to Auld Reekie, hope they go well.

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    i'm going to cry....lovely poem.
    My car is fixed...brake pipe had broken..No!!! perhaps thats why it didnt want to stop! Looking at isobarchart - early ish funishers may stay dry. Some rain..but prob drizzle only. Wind picking up by 12noon will be from E/SSE so virtually behind us an way back. cool...def not hot!!!
    R. Ranger ramble all you like. Good therapeutic stuff running.
    Right -cat to cattery, dogs to Kennels now - prepared to be glared at!!!
    Then off to pick up fixed car. Whats for tea.....mmm let me think....pasta!!
    I'll still be here until later tonight or tomorrow so might have 1 last ramble then...cant even blame it on the alcohol!!!
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    Steven MacSteven Mac ✭✭✭
    Molly - sounds like the forecast I wanted, so just keep it there! Car sounds like a nightmare - a few years ago my wife and 2 kids were in the car and that happened as she reversed out of a car parking space, no harm done but they did get brought back to the house in the pick-up truck!

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    Molly glad car is all fixed and better. Have a good trip down tomorrow. Thanks also to you for your hilarious posts. You sound like a very nice nutter ha ha :-)

    Running Ranger moan all you like about whatever you like no worries there. Glad to hear you have come out the other side fighting & fit!! :-)

    Santababy great news that your bandaged arm has managed a good run! Think of it this way you will now have a different after race pic to your normal ones to look at and reminisce about in years to come lol.

    Boffin good luck at the airport, another cutting it fine arrival for you lol. Good old british public transport. Reliable as ever!!!!!

    Amber how are we feeling now? More 'normal' lol

    I have just got back from the expo and I must admit I was feeling sick with nerves going there on the train!! Its just not like me! Is this what its like before running your 1st marathon?? Can I do it? What if this happens? What if that happens? I even have a mysterious pain that keeps coming and going at the left side of my back when I walk every now and then. I am trying to stay calm and positive but its REALLY hard......

    Was hoping the T Shirt would be a bit better than it is aswell, the printing on the back looks like it will come off in the first wash!! :-(

    Am away to motivate myself by doing some housework, yes folks its that desperate lol

    Can Jim not fix it for me to go to sleep now and then wake up at the start of the race ready to go and then the next thing I know it 25.8 miles and I only have the glory run to do!!! LOL

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    That's it!!! Been to the Expo, got the number, got the goody bag and got the T-shirt, that'll do for me. Doh! No medal, guess I'll have to run after all.
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    I've just been out for 2 miles, fairly close to marathon pace. It felt easy enough, but I suspect it won't when I'm doing the two miles between 24.2 and 26.2 on Sunday! I wore my in training tshirt because it's the last time it's true!

    the plan for the rest of the night is pasta, bath and then early night. I'm pretty much all packed already. Then in the morning it's out of bed and straight into car (I'm an early riser so will probably be on the road by 7) so that I can get to Edinburgh as early as possible for a stress free afternoon. Until I get that number in my hands I will be having nightmares about breaking down or crashing or getting stuck in traffic etc etc etc.

    I'm staying at the Travelodge - I think other people are but can't remember who. I'll have a green ribbon most of the time so say hello if you see me.

    Thanks to everyone at the support, and if this is your last peek at the forum before the race, see you in the pub!
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