
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    blimey, a 10miler when feeling quite ill! That's dedication son! Might be delaying the recovery time training through it? Hopefully your next proper rest day is up soon, and that'll help out.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Sleep, fresh fruit and veg, echinacea and a couple of days off training (no, really!)  - orders of Dr Bus Stevie image. Not sure what the problem with the leg is - I think its a tendon problem caused by over-working an old low-level injury that I thought had gone- classic! It might heal double quick, but never a good sign when it comes on quick and can't take your weight without pain! hey ho, not gonna stress about it just yet....hoping your right SG! To rub salt into the wounds, my new running shoes arrived today after a long wait!

    Where do you do 600s Johnas? Track or GPS measure? 


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    hopefully you're still on for Tadley, and a good one there. These things can sometimes go as quick as they come.

    I feel like a bit of a dream killer, as there's a chap on training who has just run a 1hr 10 10miler, who says he's aiming for sub 1hr 08 half marathon by October.

    Where do these kids get these big aims from?!  I was always taught to be humble, and you can see that to this day, in never overstating aims and capabilities. To me it's simple, talk big and fail and you look a little silly image

    Had another look at the Wokingham "predictions", and this chap below put down 1:17 image


    But then so did this chap below!



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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    I know which one my money would be on for a fast time, but I think both might have made a mistake with the second digit!

    Mind you, that first guy has an interesting CV including a 175km  outing under his belt  (175km FFS image). Kinda indicates a bit of focus and determination that you wouldn't necessarily bet against!  Mind you, he was only 8k in front of a V75 image But I suppose Geoff Oliver is VERY, VERY, VERY far from your average V75!!!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    I'd heard the of the first chap in the XC series, and presumed he must be strong on the road, but nothing in a couple of years would suggest 1:17 is at all possible. Maybe he's like the girl from my club that Phil wanted to use as a pacer 2 years ago.

    She DID accidentally put the wrong time down!

    Old Maley, is either recovering from a niggle, using it was a steady run, or simply got it wrong!

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    SG, These over confident predictions are just a symptom of a modern idea that if you admit that there's something you can't do then you'll lose out to someone who says they can.

    The fact is, in many areas, talk is everything. So there maybe some base to this bullshit.

    Thankfully, in this; our chosen sport, we establish results that are set in stone, with a type of 'No hiding place, truth is everything' activity.

    Some talk.

    We do.

    And can prove it!

    Maybe I missed something but I would imagine Steve Male would be in the mix for 72 mins. In the Chiltern league he's right in the mix with the 32 minute 10k runners in my club.


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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Track tonight for the first time since November. 5 x 6 mins with 2 mins recovery. Done at 5:28-5:30 pace, which is ok. Won't get me to Rio though...
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    I don't know-Reading to Rio is 5755 miles so at that pace you could be there in under 23 days!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Dachs, did you shift the quality sessions forward a day a piece, in light of Sunday's XC?  Thought you were in my camp of 2 quality sessions a week, unless you're treating Sunday as for giggles? image

    Ric, the atitude I dislike the most is the one that suggests that ANY bloke of a certain age can hit certain times. "With the right training"

    But that's just it, the "right training" is just 2 words, but a massive amount of years and effort!

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    SG, and inherent talent.

    I once read about a guy who made great claims about how he went from being an ordinary runner to international level by giving more thought to his training.

    But wait!

    He didn't spend years doing 35 minutes for 10k and then improve. No! it turns out that the first race he ever did after a bit of running about was 31 minutes.

    FFS, how representative is that!

    I've mentioned this before, Steve Brace once said 'anyone could be a world class runner'. Note he said 'anyone' not 'everyone'.

    By 'anyone' he meant there could be world class runners all over the place but most will never discover the fact because they don't run.

    I tend to view potential like a set of goal posts. I'll try to explain if I can.

    Take a runner who's not overweight but hasn't really trained and get them to do minimal training. Get them to do a race of say, 10k. Get the time.

    From that result I'd say they could improve about 15%.

    The goal posts are 15% apart.

    From that idea, if a guy was destined to be a world class 10k runner then they could do 32 minutes off no training.


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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    SG - No, my normal routine is tempo on Monday, track (with the club) on Wednesday, so it's pretty much standard.  I will take the XC seriously, but then will probably consider that as a replacement for my Monday tempo next week (given it's only the day before).  I'm not averse to doing more than 2 fast quality a week for a short period - for 3 weeks before Christmas I did 1 x tempo, 1 x reps and 1 x parkrun each week (as well as the long run), and it was doing that that seems to have brought my pace back.  But I wouldn't want to do it for much longer than a few weeks for sharpening.

    Bus - true.  My only obstacle now is learning to run those 5755 miles on water.  Do New Balance do any shoes for that?

    Ultimately, the guys who will be running at Rio are almost certainly already internationals, or top quality age-group runners.  If you've already done a little bit of running, haven't shown any unusual amount of quality, and don't have any mitigating factors that can be changed (e.g. a massive amount of weight to shift), it ain't gonna happen.  That doesn't mean you can't still be a really good runner, but there are only a maximum of 3 Olympic spots. 

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Not NB, but Hi tec do:


    Still hobbling today. Pian has eased, but discomfort and when I walk round a corner there is still a sharp pain. Not looking promising for Tadley, without taking any risks for Wokingham.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    It can be nice to watch the Olympics, but when you start comparing yourself to those types of runners, it must be what you lot find when you compare yourselves to someone handsome image

    Dachs, I'm certainly not going to argue with anything you or Dean do, as your progression has been very impressive. Unless we were able to clone you, it's impossible compare how your progression would be in a different way of training.

    Probably makes sense that you sub that race for the Monday.  Does this mean you normally do your long run the day before then?

    Bus, not good, but you still have a couple of days. But any discomfort walking is definitely a no brainer to not risk! My example the other day wasn't clever, but I'll give you a better example. I remember one day suddenly developing a fair old limp on the ankle, but by 2 days later was 100%.image

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    JohnasJohnas ✭✭✭

    Sorry to hear of your injury Bus. Ice all the way although I read recently that those Ibuleve type gels aid recovery quicker. Not sure how true that is but worth a go maybe? And in answer to your question, I do 600s on the track (an old school cinder one with potholes and everything!)

    dachs - nice pace on the threshold run fella. Looks like the pace is back and the endurance. It's great completing a session like that - a real confidence boost. I've got similar session tonight of 6 x 5mins off 1 min recovery.

    SG - making comparisons with elites is just depressing

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    SG - I'll probably do a medium long one, maybe 11, on Monday evening, depending how I feel.  I can't be bothered getting up early on Saturday.

    Johnas - enjoy!  What kind of pace aim would you look at doing for that?  Theoretically last night was supposed to be 10 mile pace, but I inevitably pushed it a bit harder.

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    JohnasJohnas ✭✭✭

    Enjoy? Probably not... there's always a nasty cross wind at that track and no lights so I have to wear a head torch which makes it interesting! I am to run those reps  between 5.50 - 6:06 per mile pace and usually average closer to the top end @ 5.52. Pretty sure I couldn't maintain sub 5.30 pace like you!

    On the subjects of elites and pace, if 5 of us here were to run a 8.5km relay leg based on our 5 mile PB's (thanks Po10) we would still be 25 minutes behind Makau's 2:03 world record. Crazy sh1t


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    [ quickly delurk ]


    i remember trying to do a 400m / 70seconds rep session

    thats world record marathon pace image




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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    go and train in Kenya, do 140miles a week, eat and sleep making up the rest of your day, pump yourself full of supplements, and then test it again Crazy image

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    If only I'd known it was that easy!

    Thanks Johnas. Feels improved today, but not enough to risk a run, so swam instead (what I should have done yesterday!). Not sure about NSAI s to help heal, as I thoughtful these can actually inhibit some processes .
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    get the missus to chain you indoors tomorrow, and you should be right as rain for sunday old son

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Stevie G . wrote (see)

    get the missus to chain you indoors tomorrow, 

    I'm not sure I want to read about such things on a running forumimage


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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    Cheeky 12*200m at the track for me. They all came out at 31secs with the exception of a couple that came out at 30s. Seems like months since I did a sprint session. Would normally do 20 reps but it was only 2 degrees and didn't want to push it too much too early.
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    .Seb.Seb ✭✭✭

    image SG you have a way with words.

    Sorry to read about the foot Bus, Your racing Sunday on it? Must be getting better.

    Good session that Dachs, over 1 mile intervals & you smashed them if you were supposed bu be running at tempo pace!

    Dont think I could run that fast Dean anymore, not done under 600m reps for many months, think I'd break something.

    Just been doing easy paced running since Tuesday, F off now, League XC Saturday, someone said snow possible?! should be fun. My interval session the other day was on the roads, not ran on the track for a while..


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Dean, I'd match you for one or two, or maybe 3 given 10mins in between reps.

    Seb, joining you for some F OFF action tomorrow.

    That's the beauty of a race on a sunday, it guarantees the F OFF!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    RicF wrote (see)
    Stevie G . wrote (see)

    get the missus to chain you indoors tomorrow, 

    I'm not sure I want to read about such things on a running forumimage

    on the training tab at least....clubhouse seems to be littered with this kind of thing.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    More handcuffs than chains - much tidier!

    Seb - not sure, I was going to race prior to the injury popping up yesterday but looking somewhat in doubt now. Trouble is, I could rest until Sunday, and then risk racing but then find it all goes pear shaped and I'm buggered for Wokingham. A fast paced XC is not really a good place to test a weakness! I think I need to try an easy session, most likely Saturday, and see if it looks likely to hold up for a race.

    At this stage, it's more a frustrating irritant than a real problem, but want to make sure that stays the case....

    Now I'm really going to  F Off (to bed!)

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    Bus - sack the Xc off. Keep your eye on Wokingham.
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    Evening all.

    Poor week for running. Saturday night away in Cardiff, then a full Sunday with the in-laws. Monday was swim, Tuesday was supposed to be a power test on the turbo, but things didn't go to plan. Managed the test yesterday and ran today.

    Easy club run, 10km in 47min. Looking forward to Tadley on Sunday.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    200m in 31 secs!

    I don't think I could move that fast over any distance.(pb 200m 29 seconds)

    Bus, get one of the those indoor bikes, I have the feeling I'm getting results from using one.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Bus, unless the saturday run goes perfectly, what Dean says. If an ankle is weakish already, you don't go and try and storm an offroad course that invites ankle trouble!

    It's not like you need to do this one, you don't have the club link like me and Phil do, so it is a no brainer, focus on the big prize. You're in half marathon pb shape, and road is what you quote in years to come.

    (having said that, obviously it'd make it a better trip if you're along, also for Chichester, don't forget that one, that's our magical fast 10k we've been looking for!)

    Phil, are you definitely Tadleying, haven't seen you on here for a bit....I'd presumed i'd be taking you and Bus, but we didn't actually arrange it!  Let me know! Sat nav works now! image

    ps Dean, those 200s still look quick come today image

    Iron, could Tadley finally be the race we meet you at? It's not like we've missed about 10 different opportunities this last couple of years image

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