
Sub 3h15



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    DS2DS2 ✭✭✭

    DS2 waits for the wrath of the thread women..................

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    KeirKeir ✭✭✭

    I'm just impressed that Minks know how to turn on the computer.

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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭

    Its OK Keir - her husband has checked its 'OK' first. I wonder how many laps around the kitchen constitutes a mlr?

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    DS2DS2 ✭✭✭

    Oh! I think I might regret starting this image

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    Ah, we will soon get the women and pain and childbirth thing coming along. Me, I have had four kids, didn't stop me running for a day. When my first was born at 6am I was out at Sutton Park running the National 12 Stage Relay Finals by midday.

    I do the sneak LSR, get up early when everyone else is asleep, knock off 20 miles, come home, shower and cook breakfast for everyone. I'd do it for roast as well but even my set are out of bed by 6pm.

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    How is your pelvic floor bearing up after your four, PMJimage  Want to know about mine? image

    SJ - thanks for asking - baby steps and all that.  Spent 15 mins in The Wrong Trousers (Alter G Trainer) yesterday.  Felt divine to be running again.  But just once a week for now with plenty of therapy in the meantime.  Have taken to water running and think it is helping too.  Boring as it is...

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    SlokeyJoeSlokeyJoe ✭✭✭

    Well keep at it MsE. Hope the rehab pays off soon and that the pelvic floor is in good nick!

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    DS2DS2 ✭✭✭

    My pelvic floor was particularly bad after the birth of the twins but a couple of hard runs later and everything was back in shapeimage

    MsE - good to be back at it. Have to start a recovery somewhere. The very best of luck.

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    Minks/PMJ/DS2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZbusN-n8rE Couldn't agree more...

    MsE - Good luck with the rehab!

    Had it confirmed today 'll be over in Southport for the month of Julyimage. Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in a race or two, but maybe catch up with one or more of the threadsters.


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    DS2DS2 ✭✭✭

    Brilliant Antimage

    There seems to be a lack of female response so far this evening. I suspect they are collectively allowing us more and more ropeimage. That or they are busy with the washing up, ironing etc!

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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    Good evening. I'm a woman. I've been down the pub. Don't think I've ever cooked a roast in my life.

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    Pelvic floor? After the last Abingdon marathon I had to do the bathroom floor. And walls, and plumbing.

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    MsE wrote (see)
    .... Brazilian bikini waxing, or a manicure/pedicure, then do not hesitate to get in touch.

    MsE, Not sure Bike It would need a bikini wax, his trip would be better related to the plum job he has.


    Ant van Oviedo wrote (see)

    Had it confirmed today 'll be over in Southport for the month of Julyimage. Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in a race or two, but maybe catch up with one or more of the threadsters. 

    I'm also back in blighty for July although no plans on visiting Southport, the closest I'll get is North Wales.

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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭

    Lorenzo - nice reps. My wife is from just down the road in the equally lovely Mexborough.
    AR - excellent 10k session.
    Mennania - did those mile reps involve the hill?! They are super fast miles, but to string them together in a set of reps is very impressive. No wonder your calf was complaining. Hope it's okay.
    GM - stringing together some very nice lunchtime sessions.
    MsE - sounds like you will need a lot of patience. Hang on in there.
    Ant - nice you can pop over to Blighty.
    Windy - that's a lot closer to Southport than I'll get all year.
    Managed to squeeze in an 8 mile steady run after all last night, although it also involved 2 errands. 3 mile recovery run d&d earlier this morning.

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    MsE - fingers crossed for you. Must be very frustrating. Any target date for a comeback race? 

    8 breezy but relaxing miles this morning along the coast just north of Sunderland - ran on the sand for the first time in a while. image

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Nice run there Lorenzo. I must confess that I live literally right on the beach but hardly ever run on the sand. Must do some morning sessions me thinks!

    First morning run for me in ages, bloody windy though and gave me earache. Four coastal miles at 7:28m pace. Getting some sort of routine back now after a 4 week slack period and feeling good for it. Aim is to do 8k race next Tuesday at average 4m km pace.

    Gul - Nice 8 miler too and 3 miler this a.m. No idea where Southport is, where are you at then Gul?

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    Gerard - Southport is on the Lancashire coast between Liverpool and Blackpool. I take a group of Spanish kids over there for the month of July and they stay with local families while attending English classes and going on excursions, doing activities etc. We visit Chester, Liverpool (inc. Anfield and Ferry 'Cross the Meeeeersey), Manchester (inc. National Football Museum and Hard Rock Café), Lake Windemere (inc. boat trip and steam train ride) amongst other great things. I probably enjoy it more than they do. It's great for running up there, too, on the sands, over the links (by Royal Birkdale) through forests etc.

    8 miles for me this morning incl. hills. Did the last mile in 6:30mm. Recovery tomorrow and then feet up in preparation for Saturday arvo's HM.  


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    DS2DS2 ✭✭✭

    Lorenzo/GM/Ant & of course Gul - nice early miles there. Rest day for me as I continue recovery from Halstead. Weather is horrid so quite happy!

    Gerard - well done on trying to give up smoking. Luckily, I have never touched them but they pretty much destroyed my Dad's life - and as a direct consequence my mum's - 17 years ago when he suffered a ruptured renal artery aneurism caused by smoking clogging everything up. My poor mum has been a full time carer all that time because he has been disabled since. He was a fit man, very sporty in his youth, and that kept him alive but if he'd given up smoking earlier he probably wouldn't be where he is now.

    Keep at it when it gets tough - just like a marathon!

    We're all behind you! And now you've shared it with everyone you can't 'fall off the wagon'!!!image

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Ant - Pardon my ignorance but have not seen that much of England. Sounds like a brilliant trip! Have been to Anfiled once and that was a rather depressing 2-0 win for them over Man U way back in the days of Razor, Keane, Cantona, MacMananam, Fowler etc.

    Cool running there Ant, what's the target for Sat's half?

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    DS- Sorry to hear that about your Dad that's really awful and thanks for the words of encouragement. 4 days now and counting. That's a record for me barring illness induced stop gaps. I've got the bit between my teeth so as to speak not the butt!

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    DS2DS2 ✭✭✭

    Great effort Gerard - keep it up!

    The one good thing that has come out of it is that my kids get to see the effect that it has had on his life. had he died it would have just been words, but he has been living proof of the damage it can do. Still, he has carried on living and seeing all of his grandkids grow up to be teenagers, at least, so we are thankful for that!

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    KeirKeir ✭✭✭

    Southport - the name doesn't really suit the geographic location.

    What job do you do Ant to luxury of an all expenses paid tour of the North with a bunch of delightful Spanish teenagers?

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    Keir - I teach English at a private school which also acts as co-ordinator for study trips abroad, to the U.K., ireland, U.S.A. and Canada. So as teaching's done in June, I go along in July to act as surrogate parent/big bruvver/psychologist/psychiatrist/accountant/banker/wet nurse to these kids.

    Gerard - Forgot to congratulate you on your great sacrifice - keep it going! I smoked for 25 years and it's a bloody curse, I can tell you.

    Saturday's HM is not a PB course by any means, but I should be able to squeeze under 90 mins. My course PB is 1:32, so hopefully I can smash that, at least...

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    Sounds a good job Ant. Good luck in your HM this weekend.

    Like the fact you squeezed in 2 errands into your run Gul. I was going to do a quick 5 miler whilst taking my lad to football practice, but had to take my youngest boy too - so no run. But then back home it was bath time/story for the boys, a quick whizz round with the hoover, sort out some home insurance on the phone, empty/stack the dishwasher before I could get out for a run at 9pm. A busy night!

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Ant - Good luck for Saturday I'm sure you will do really well. Well done you for quitting, from my memory the Spaniards are a nation of smokers. Hopefully from now on the only smoke that will be coming from me will be from my heels!

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    Ah yes, yes, yes I've been reading your comments but I had too many dishes to wash and shirt collars to scrub to be able to reply.

    Nice reminder about the pelvic floor... squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. image

    I used to be a smoker and stopped about 17 years ago.  In my rebellious days I smoked just to annoy my parents and teachers, along with piercing my own ears several times just because I wasn't allow to have them done, staying out all night... I could go on. image 

    Thankfully my 17 year old daughter is nothing like I was.

    Ran 2 miles on Monday, 2 on Tuesday and 4 last night. image


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    DS2DS2 ✭✭✭

    That's good news Minni. How has the calf been feeling? Probably all that standing at the sink etc!!!

    My 17 year old is a bit of an angel as well. I'm not sure I will get so lucky with the younger two though!

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    DS2 - The thing with my daughter is she hides nothing, so I know exactly where I am with her but my son is a bit different.  He really wants to please so I'm not convinced I'll always get the truth from him.  image

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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭

    Ant if you want to come for a run round Salford while in the north west....


     On 2nd thoughts, come to Derbyshire, horizontal rain is character-building and ferret racing is always worth a flutter...

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    Track session at lunchtime (6x800m, lap jog recovery so about 2:30 recovery). Swirling wind made even pace hard but they came out at 2:52, 2:51, 2:49, 2:51, 2:49, 2:51 so not the tightest grouping but quite tidy.

    2:52 is 86 seconds a lap which is 17:55 pace for 5k and that is the next real target for a hard race.

    Still in awe of Mennania who ran faster than this without breaks.

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