
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Dachs wrote (see)

    Sorry Dean.  PMJ has predicted no 69s for you image

    I think most of us become resigned to that once we hit vet status image

    (I was going to ask if a sub 69 was the aqua equivalent of the mile high club, but thought better of it image)


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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Scott - difficult to know the value of a workout as a predictor really.  Last night I did 6 x 1 mile, but those 500s were a proper shuffle, so it was between 3 and 4 minutes (following a specific McMillan set of workouts that prescribe that length of recovery).

    A better comparator would be the session I ran in early September - so 6 x 5 minutes with 2 mins recovery - a longer general recovery than you had, but without the 3 mins in the middle, so probably comparable.  I averaged 5:17 pace feeling very controlled, which is within a second or two of what I would have expected to run for a flat 10K at that point.  Not sure if that helps?

    The above session was on the track.  I've always felt that when I run 5 x 1 mile with 400 jog on the roads, that it's pretty close to 10K pace, but that includes occasional ups and downs and crossing of entrances to side streets, all of which very slightly slows you down.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Scott, you keep saying you're not running and haven't been, yet keep saying what training you've been doing as in 50 miles a week and sessions and races.

    Which is it? or are there two Scott's out there?


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    No Ric just me image no running today and from Friday was a problem, only last 4 weeks have been "regular" running full time with sessions, the months / weeks before that were all steady state re building running with a handful of races but nothing targeted as I never "trained" for them as didn't do any session work as I cut out most of the harder intensity stuff. The races were just applying some intensity into routine and seeing how foot was holding up

    Still fighting injury off just as I cleared the Achilles something else is now up opposite side but not sure what exactly, hope to find out with Physio Wednesday ...

    Thankyou Dachs - does give me some idea for sure. My session - race conversion has normally been pretty good and easier to work out but I did the same few sessions before repeatedly
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Gerry North (won the National XC) maintained that it was leg speed above all else that mattered. Sort out the cadence first and then increase the stride length by strength training.

    Have been having a read up about muscle physiology, mainly about why having a low blood calcium level makes me run so crap. 

    Seems that when muscles reach their greatest length, its also when they are at their weakest. So there's one reason to increase range of movement, but also to put that range of movement to the test. 

    It could be that speed training does more than increase fitness. It may be necessary to run at speed simply to get to parts of muscles that slower paces cannot.

    As for my blood calcium levels. Technically its too low. Sometimes low enough to get cramp. I increase it by chomping a couple of thousand grms of supplements each day. On Saturday I tried a weights exercise 75 minutes after 1000grm plus a vitD. Surprising result.

    With the leg extension exercise that I sometimes do, I get to 30 reps and I'm tying up. 60 was about the limit before I get stopped.

    This time I got to 30 reps, nothing! 60 reps, nothing. Went to 100 and stopped out of choice. I do one leg at a time. 100 with the other leg too. 

    On Sunday I went running and it wasn't a strain. Could be on to something, hopefully.



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    Fingers crossed Ric, but sounds promising!

    Got a physio appointment today with the NHS, but it is two weeks away. I asked them to let me know if they had any cancellations. They did, and kindly phoned my home number at 6 and said I could have an appointment tomorrow at 2.30. Unfortunately, I was waiting for the train, not on the phone, and my Mrs didn't know if I could do that time so they went to the next person on the list. Grrr.....


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    Yes Scott, i ran the start very quickly and was definitely faster than 5k pace. Just got excited but I should learn by now not to do that. I did pace myself better this year as I ran the whole thing without stopping. I honestly think I wasn't far off my 5k PB in that race at the 5k mark. I will check. 

    Well done Phil on your races. 01:15 is impressive enough but then to do it again hours later is boss. I wouldn't have done it twice though as it looks like your asking for an injury.

    Quality run Dean, 73 minutes seems like an alien time to me right now so props for that run.

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    Thinking of doing the Bath half marathon. Good time to prepare for it, lots of over taking which I like as it's 2 laps and spoilt for competition. Sounds perfect too me. 

    Phil, I might be better at the 5 mile distance with a time of 26:40, but I simply enjoy the HM a lot more so I will make that my main distance regardless. Running would be my dream job and it looks like the only way that's gonner happen is if I pull out shock performances like that 5 mile race. Those performance will come again (hopefully in a half).

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    Samir he did it back to back.. As in he ran a 2:31:xx marathon - like a boss

    Keep the pavement PBs until the are accurate too. Good that you learnt a little pacing not needing to stop, unsure how you run a 5km PB don't stop yet stopped at relays though? Anyway!

    Bus - that sucks!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    PhilPub wrote (see)
    Race report on sub-3 tomorrow if I can sort out wifi at breakfast. image

    Still waiting. Seems you run faster than you find internet.




    Sam H wrote (see)

    Thinking of doing the Bath half marathon. Good time to prepare for it, lots of over taking which I like as it's 2 laps and spoilt for competition. Sounds perfect too me. 

    Phil, I might be better at the 5 mile distance with a time of 26:40, but I simply enjoy the HM a lot more so I will make that my main distance regardless. Running would be my dream job and it looks like the only way that's gonner happen is if I pull out shock performances like that 5 mile race. Those performance will come again (hopefully in a half).

    The 5 mile race was not a shock. 26:40 for 5 miles is 80.9% WAVA and predicts 16:07 for 5k which isn't that much faster than your best parkrun. It probably is your best run to date but nothing way out of line with your other runs. It does, however, say you have the potential to go sub-75 for the half but it is just the potential. At the moment, yo seem dead set not to deliver to your potential. 75 for half is about 5:45 pace and low 16s for 5k is about 5:15 pace. There is a massive difference between 5:45 and 5:15 pace. If you start a half at 5:15 pace then you are not going to hit 75.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    PMJ, is right Samir.

    My fastest HM was 73:43 and came from a 5:45 first mile. Final mile was a 5:30. All I could manage at the time for a 5k was 16:27 on the track; and that nearly killed me, so you do have the potential for a faster HM.

    As an aside to that HM pb of mine. I'd never broken 76 minutes for the distance officially up to that point. I've only broken it once since, so this was a peak performance. And I was upset when I finished.

    That's the knowing that all hope had gone. The hope that I could go faster. 


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    Did the 2k fun run with my 7 years old daughter on Sunday. She did first 1k in 5:15 and second in 5:04. She ran the first 1.5km before upping the pace when she saw the finish line and left them. 10:19 so looks like her weekly long bike ride and 2 mile run, and generally never sitting still are working! If you want Samir I would be happy to set up a 1-2-1 for you with her so you can try and pick her brains on pacing image

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    And who would have know a fun run is a race to a 7 year old!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    it's all getting too big time and fast on here. PP-i'm grateful you politely kept both half marathon "splits" slightly slower than my pb. My thanks!

    Let's get things back to a more realistic level. Now I'm setting my own sessions, I'm trying not to fall into the trap of just doing whatever i fancy, and trying to vaguely keep it progressive.

    So we had 12x1/2m, 10x2mins off 60secs the last 2 weeks, so following that I went for 8x2:30 today off 90secs.  Thought it'd be a different take on the half mile reps. 

    Was aiming for 5.30ish and came out on average bang on. Unlike last week's that wildly went from 5.11 to 5.40 pace, these were all fairly in line.


    All of course depending on the bit of road I was doing them on. An early one had a little too much light descent, but then I expect that was made up for elsewhere.

    Felt quite fun, which is a little unusual, but best session since getting back into the format.

    Have a trip with Phil footy wise Sunday, so the rest of the week gets squeezed around. That'll probably mean some kind of tempo Thursday. Maybe a time to try that MP-HMP one again, but on the loop.



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    Does sound promising SG with quite a decent chunk of volume (+20mins hard) doesn't seem leg speed is down really.. Legs feel ok?

    Max - I can't wait to try get my daughter involved in similar things! Although at times it seems she has a duracell battery up her bum anyway! Sounds like good fun as well as promoting active lifestyle which lacks in so many young ones these days
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Stevie G wrote (see)


    So we had 12x1/2m, 10x2mins off 60secs the last 2 weeks,



    ahem, clearly that should have been 12x1/4m

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    ps Scott, yes felt ok.

    I'm trying not to compare too much against past sessions, as all are different times and emphases etc.
    I once did 5x1mile at 5.30 pace on the track, but that's a session along the lines of 8x1k, a peaking session.
    And have also done 1/2mile reps at 5k pace, but then that'd only be 5 of those, so i think it's ok!

    What's your next set of races Scott? You sound a little like i was recently, doing good mileage, but not sure it's "raceable" with the niggles. A situation many don't understand, as they see it in black and white, or injured and fully fit, but I for certain know exactly what you're in the middle of.

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    Max, is that Junior parkrun?
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    Iron - it was a fun run as part of Run Preston 5k and 10k. There isn't a junior parkrun near us but her friends have run standard parkrun with their Mum and Dad. Not taken my little one to parkrun and though she has run 3 miles with me it might be a stretch, given when we have run that far we usually stop to look at the ducks or cows (anything else that takes her fancy). At the moment the eldest daughter who is 13 is more in cycling so we usually split Sunday rides in 15 miles with all the family then just the 2 of us splitting away for another hour with the hammer down.

    Scott - both my 2 daughters have always liked swimming, running and cycling, and both nagging me to do junior triathlon. I go with the stand point that if desire comes from then great but don't ever try to push them into things for my entertainment!

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    SG was aiming GSR and gosport HM.. Physio tomorrow will hopefully tell me what is wrong - things went from hip + shin to outside shin + ankle in so weeks and feels very tender and putting weight on it hurts. Yesterday at worked was painful in honesty standing around all day. So really won't make a call until that

    To be fair think both maybe out now anyway as I really don't think I will be appropriate shape to run those distances without getting some bigger sessions in, which given my leg don't want to rush that now

    Glad felt good SG really has been a long drag last 6 months for you

    Max - I'm hoping to get Mia (my one) into swimming first but problem is my ears + water do not work well!!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Scott - started my 2 at swimming lessons when about 3-4. Eldest has her Gold Lifesaving and Gold, little one has her 200 metre badge and a stroke that is much better than mine already! Get your little one in for lessons at the earliest chance image

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    Mental max!

    Mines 2.5 so a pretty good age now I guess to start, when weather is shitty over winter and I can't go out with her (when I have her) swimming is an option so going to look into it!! Eventually I'll want to do some swimming as maybe one day life aim on doing an ironman!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Swimming is the one mandatory activity they both have had to do, luckily they have both always loved it. My advice would be to get lessons booked in and don't try to teach her yourself. In my experience when Dad is in the pool it is time to play and not swim.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    that sounds fairly dodgy Scott, sounds more an impact injury type thing rather than the overtraining super tightness type situation?

    If you want to race those 2 for "fun"/a good workout, they might still be worthwhile, but i'm the first to understand you might not want to race if not feeling top end.

    Time does fly so quickly though. Without having any thing too much more serious than massive tightness I've seen months fly by without any progress, in fact it's obviously been standing still/maintenance. However, am enjoying it quite a lot now, as there seems some point to it again, rather than 55/60mile weeks of one pace!

    I think i'll press on .

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    Both of my kids do junior parkrun and sporadically adult parkrun. They both also have swimming lessons once a week, and this term swim at school too. Eldest goes to tristars too. She's done more tris this year than me. image

    Shame about your continuing woes Scott.



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    Ah ok Max I see, thanks! Will take that on board! She's normally a cheeky scamp when I'm around anyway and always wants to play

    Yes Stevie it really does feel like I've been whacked in the ankle but trouble is, if not suffered any "trauma" to that area!! Ice isn't working either..Will just wait and see what tomorrow brings and how it feels today at work.

    Yeah thanks IC. Hopefully will get through this relatively quickly though. Sounds like you've got catching upto to do regarding the tris!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Scott Edgington wrote (see)
    Yeah thanks IC. Hopefully will get through this relatively quickly though. Sounds like you've got catching upto to do regarding the tris!

    image Duathlon season is almost here; we're both entered for races at HiIllingdon in November. No Datchet XC for me that weekend.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Scott, i forget the exact rule, but ice only works for a day or 2 post a knock doesn't it?After that it has minimal effect.

    Having said that I was still icing glute/hamstrings even when they were tight, which was probably completely pointless. And the NHS physio pointed out my lack of hamstring flexibility had got to extreme levels. However, one simple deep stretch meant i could suddenly touch the floor again.

    It's funny, I know another local runner of a similar level who went from severe locked up "out for ages" to suddenly back smashing races a few weeks later, so what can feel the end of the world can sometimes turn very nicely.

    This is why  i see the value of a physio for every "new" type of niggle, as however long you've been running you won't have seen every injury to every part, and understand what strengths/weaknesses your muscles have and what is compensating. Yes you can apply general principles, but there's always that new area of complaint.

     If your hamstring is tight, it could be the actual hamstring, it could be the lower back, it could be a nerve/sciatica issue, it could be resonating up the calf or it could be a right/left weakness putting too much strain on them.

    Looking back over the years I can remember many times i put it down as a"tight" hamstring, even back to football days. Back then of course, I wasn't doing anywhere near the amount of training, so it always cleared without much worry.

    And that's one area, and 4 or 5 separate causes.
    Not to mention that there are 6 or 7 stretches depending on the exact situation.

    You can try and cover off every stretch for every area, but I get the feeling people on this thread barely stretch unless they have a certain niggle.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Stevie G wrote (see)

    You can try and cover off every stretch for every area, but I get the feeling people on this thread barely stretch unless they have a certain niggle.

    If the TV remote control has fallen on the floor I will usually stretch to reach it.

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