
Sub 3h15



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    Off to Cambridge for fancy dinner tonight so 5 easy miles for 192 miles in October. Could have hit 200 if I did 13 yesterday instead of 5 but no point chasing numbers at this time of year.

    May have solved the which marathon? question: Carmel Marathon on Sat April 18th. Probably only ticks some of the boxes but it does tick the biggest one as it is on a Saturday when I am in the US the week before and the week after so it is a clear day in the spring. oddly there are paces for 3:05, 3:10 and 315 (no 3 hour pacer) and last year there were only 29 runners from 3:05 to 3:15 so hardly packed.

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    OO  that is a fabulously fast time. You must be so proud of your daughter.  She looks so lovely with such good form in that shot. (Plus she has the same watch I just bought so I am hoping it means fast runners wear them...)

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    OO - Great time for Junior OO I'm presuming sub 40 will be an imminent target!

    Good luck for Sunday Gerard - smash it!

    Hi (again) FINgers

    Sounds like that could be a bit of a solo run marathon PMJ

    First run since Sunday last night, just an easy 7 mile @ 8 min mile pace. It's a bit weird not having any targets or “A” race plans at the moment. Is everyone else booked up for the Spring?

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    Good luck GM, smash it!

    Welcome back FINgers....

    Not booked up yet KR but might have a casual trot round Manchester as my nod at road racing but the main focus for winter and through til summer will be very hilly off road running in prep for next year's A race at Wasdale X. If I ever get off the bench that is.

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    FINgers- welcome back 

    PMJ- good chance of a podium then or you could be the 3 hr pacer image

    MsE- You could be onto something there with the watches but I prefer to look at the trainers of the fasties to see if there is any favourite !

    KR- enjoy having no target it won't last long !

    October miles : 231 image



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    I'm pretty sure that one of the Adidas shoes (adios?) has logged a remarkably high proportion of the fastest ever marathon times.

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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭

    Some good work going on here again. Good luck with the sub-40 bid GM. I'll never reach that. I'm 47 now and feel I've hit some sort of plateau for the shorter distances. My best 10k is 41.xx.

    Good luck with your race, Lorenzo. I drink glasses of regualr beetroot juice before races. Not sure if it works or not but the pee colouring is splendid!

    I'm training to train right now. Trying to build a base before the Brighton campaign starts in December. October was 100 miles which is a lot for me, rarely hit that figure outside of a campaign. I'm alternating between 3 and 4 runs per week to get ready for 4 runs per week during the plan. I'm mixing the sessions and have a slow 15 miler tomorrow in order to develop endurance. Also doing spinning classes and weights/core at the gym on Mondays.

    Last weekend was only a 10 miler (7.36 pace) as part of a cut-back week but did a 13.1 the week before. Did that in sub-100 just by running comfy. That was a big boost as I remember busting a gut to hit that time years ago.

    Hit a training segment PB on Wednesday when the last of 7 hilly miles was 6.12 pace. It was downhill all the way by then but it shows some strength and stamina is developing.

    Have a good weekend All!


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    600 entry limit which we'll hit fairly soon.  Our entrant from your neighbouring island is Steve Bienvenu - do you know of him?

    Short track session this morning - multiple 30 second efforts at mile pace off 30 second jog recoveries.  Hopefully that will set me up for Sunday's 10 miler.


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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    40mins - Yes I do know of him. I have seen him race here a few times. Most notably when I did my fist ever 10k 4 years ago and he won it! Think he did 33 mins but not sure what shape he is in nowadays.

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    Rita Jeptoo has failed a dope test  - EPO of all things. So that's how you get to run a 2:18! 

    image Very disappointing.

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    SJ - I read the news earlier and thought the same. Makes you wonder how Paula Radcliffe was & still is, so head and shoulders above the rest? She has always been very outspoken about drug cheats during and after her running career and rightly so. Begs the question, how do female marathoners bridge that gap in terms of her achievements? The only female runner that I am aware of who comes close is Keitany but she hasn't produced the sort of times that Paula did in the marathon.

    Would love to hear others thoughts on this.

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    Good luck to the racers this weekend- and anyone interested in the brass monkey (York Knavesmire 1/2 M). Entries open next Saturday 8th at 6am.

    I'll do a cautious parkrun tomorrow (if I can hold back image) then it's the Derwentwater 10 on Sunday. Haven't got over to the Lakes in a fair while- can't wait.  

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    I like the casual trot round Manchester idea Slokey! I've always founf off road running in the summer more dificult as the terrain is quick firm. I like the mud more.

    A big monthly mileage Leslie, have you got a race on the horizon?

    Nice training pace there Sporty. Brighton was a good course fro what I remember with the only hilly part in the early stages. Do you do gym core work on a regular basis? I'm thinking I need to do some kind of weights, but don't want the expense of joining a gym.

    Enjoying (sort of) not having a target at the moment, but the more I come on here again the more I am feeling the need to find something (make mental note to ignore Amsterdam 2015 marathon email that has just arrived...)

    Good luck with any races this weekend peeps (remember to hold back tomorrow 00!).

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    This is a good read on pacing. Looks like negative splits are the way to go to get a marathon world record...image


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    Sad news re Jeptoo but reading this I suspect she might be the top of the iceberg - I think the word is Rampant...

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    Leslie - racking up those doubles very nicely now! And cracking total for the month.
    Birch - nice miles. Narrowly missed reaching 2000 for the year yesterday - might be my highest ever with still almost 2 months to go.
    FINgers - welcome back
    PMJ - sounds like a nice event.
    KR - nothing booked yet. Looking for a really early spring or very late winter marathon. Possibly Shakespeare Raceways spring marathon, but not convinced.
    SB - sounds promising.
    40mins - nice tune-up track session.
    OO - good weekend line-up.
    10 very slow miles this morning. Looking forward to starting base-building on Monday.

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    Gerard- smash it tomorrow 

    00-51-nice easy 18 min parkrun then !

    Kr- no races till end of march for me ( half mara) I'm in base building trying to get the fitness and speed I lost when I was sick back.I've a long way to go it seems but its coming back image Targets do help us focus and training harder though.

    Gul-5:30am starts are getting a bit easier now- 2 doubles before a 12hr shift each week this last few weeks although tiredness is a bit of an issue still ! Nice 10image

    6 easy and early completed giving me 58 miles for the week .


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    Fish52Fish52 ✭✭✭

    00 - Have fun in the Lakes; and good luck with your circuit of Derwent Water.

    Leslie - Great monthly total there - nice consistent running.

    KR - I'm a member of a gym, with just a weekend membership (5pm Fri to 10pm Sun), which is half the full cost. I do strength and core work in the winter - and have started a little earlier this year, as I've hurt my knee.
    Cumbrian Commotion and VLM are my Spring events.

    SJ - Had a look at a video of Wasdale X. It's beyond me! Two AAC club mates did ok in 2013 event. 

    Not too surprised about the drugs case. Thought Tom Williams made a good point on MT a couple of weeks ago, that a sub 2 hour marathon would have to be drug fuelled.

    45 min spin and 45 min machine session last night.

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    Fish52Fish52 ✭✭✭

    Leslie - X Post. That's a great weekly total at this time of the year.

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    Well 18:27 at the parkrun was a bit too quick image but enjoyed it on a beautiful north east morning. 

    Big miles there Leslie, no wonder you are tired....

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    Cheers for the welcome backs. Feels good to be running again.

    A children's party today means running is limited, so went and ran some hills - 6hills at about 50 secs a piece. Ran hard and further on he last one with an impromptu maxHR test, judging by the effort I think I got pretty close to maxHR, at 178.

    Looks like there's even more fall out from the Jeptoo case, Kenya in general I think might have some tough questions to answer. It's not right I know but I find myself questioning a lot of the recent super fast marathon times - have we got another East Germany scenario - I hope not.
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    Great to see you back on here FINgers - any plans for a Spring marathon?

    More speed stuff from you there OO - hope it hasn't taken too much out of you for tomorrow.

    Top notch mileage from Leslie.

    Quick report from this morning’s Thames Meander Marathon.

    The goal for this low key race along the Thames Path was first and foremost a sub-3:20 for a qualifying time for the B pen alongside Poacher at Comrades – I’d done no real specific training for it in the last few months but I felt reasonably confident about maintaining an average pace of 7:30s. I’d also managed to convince Mrs L that she fancied doing the half so we headed off together early doors.

    I’d had various exchanges with MsE who was also doing it as a comeback marathon, one part of which was her assertion that “I shall be lucky to scrape a sub-4 at the rate I’m running”. Well it would be nice to see her anyway before I shot off into the distance if that was the kind of form she was in!

    Bumped into MsE as soon as we arrived and had a chat at which point I discovered that her plan was to set off at 7:20 pace and see how it went – hmmm! 

    So, off we went along the river from Kingston, chatting happily (MsE pointing out where she’d got married, what the kids were up to etc etc) and heading up towards Putney where we tried to avoid getting decapitated by boats being pulled out of the river after a rowing event and I (successfully) managed to hurdle a Jack Russell that was crossing the path.

    Got to halfway in just over 1:36 so well ahead of where I needed to be but still felt OK so as we turned round I was thinking that sub 3:15 should be on the cards.

    We caught up with Rob Young (aka Marathon Man UK – Google him to see his amazing story and attempt to run at least one marathon a day for a year) and had a chat before pushing on.

    At around 21 miles I could feel my legs getting a bit tired but MsE was still going strong so she headed off into the distance. I kept her in my sights for a while but eventually lost her and I just concentrated on putting one foot into the other for the last few miles.

    I eventually got back in 3:13:59 for a 1:36/1:38ish split which was a tad disappointing, but more than offset by the fact that it was mission accomplished for the Comrades qualifier. image

    Even better news on arrival at the finish was the news that Mrs L had not only beaten her PB but smashed it by 6 minutes so I suspect there’ll be a few glasses of celebratory wine this evening.

    Lovely to catch up with MsE again – I should have realised that after her recent performance in Bristol she was in decent shape!!! 

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    Lorenzo - don't believe MsE when she says stuff like that!! She's in fine form at the moment. Very well done to her on a cracking performance and to you on the same and securing the Comrades B time. Also, Mrs L. What a day!
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    Minni - you're dead right. I should have remembered from last time we were in the same race and exactly the same thing happened!

    Not sure what happened to the post race photo I added - it's come through on my computer but not on my phone. 

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    Bravo, Lorenzo!  That was pretty evenly paced.  And by the sounds of it, well done MsE as well.  What a great day for the thread - both under the 3.15 mark image

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭

    Nicely done, Lorenzo - impressive canine hurdling, too!

    Welcome back FINgers. 
    Nov kicked off with a 12 miler today - hilly trail/road combo. 

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    Well done Lorenzo. Particularly impressive with " no real specific training". 

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    And congrats to Mrs L too! image

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    Well done Lorenzo and MsE on the sub 3:15 and nice PB by Mrs L too!

    Birch - Nice start to the month.

    Gul - Welcome back.

    FINgers - Ditto.

    Leslie - Nice mileage there. Think that is on par with my highest ever!

    Minni - Nice to see you popping in. How's tricks?

    OO - Another fast parkrun. You seem to favour the distance?

    No running here as I had 7 hours in the office today. Dreary stuff. Hopefully my legs will repay me tomorrow. Looking forward to NYC marathon in what looks like a very strong field. Conditions look less than ideal so could throw up an outside bet.


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